ZVUtor . wacl Proprietor. | NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL. 16, 1870. PRXOB ITEUt OEPfTB. TOU'B£ ILL THE ^ORIiD TO HE. raifn roa iu nv tou curm. ' Tb«n nur IM othor fmlln non brifkl, 'Tb«n m»f be Uiom is ftir; . Anoibv Uuih mon 07 ftod ll«ht, ■ ' ■ 'And ftaoler Aiber ulr; Ab4 «/MOf ll|bUr, lorellorbliM *'' TbulblMnrebsacBiurbfr— Bol BOBO wttfi httrU non nnd iiul irae, . .'lad you're tU Ih6 world to oe r TboDib maD«r fflndi ibolr loTB 1U7 ukf, * JturortoaaoQiufrewD, . Well ilrac^o for ttcb oibar^ uke - ft lire tod Ud|h 11 dowo. Aod iheufli brUbiardeji will oone a«rUfi, Andupfrter ooora wlllbe, - Jnjoyorvovnnr, beellherialB,. . -M. . xoa'ntUtbeworidtomel J. H. B. ■ I I ^1 » THE TEMPTED SISTERS. ■r m AVTHOE or "nohAi" "ani wosls bb in wnssa," 40., 4c. CHAPTER ni. ' tai Lin wnHZBii-TBa ioqi/Titai^tiii ihitdio, Tie anence In tbo court wu profound as Uoniy And- l«y described wttb a concleo deaniess U"- eTenu ,iiar- lUti In tbe preceding cbapteis, luid Ue excUemenl' ' wsa Interne as his etor; drew to a close,' and. still ttie . DtyiteijwIBcbslunndcdtlKOaae was not dispelled.. ^TbetrliuophaDtlqo^wasyMuponiilsfiiceai he .de- pleted the gndiul letnm to Ufs of Hugh De Creasey, or which bo was awltness.andbe spoke tapldl; aa one . who bad yet more Important matter to uoflild, and witbal ms ascd to describing what bo saw. - He looked ftom timo to time at the ptuoncr, who listened, without mov- ' lug. to his etoi7, until the quesllon:— - "WIS llr. DuCrcsseysulnclently recovered to speak : wheir you left T" was put by the prosecuting la«Ter. .'.Tes," was the reply, ana now the eager ezcllemoDt In the coQtt reacbed lis cUmaz. AO cyes wero fixed upon tbe witness, and, amid a bosh as profiHind as U (be crowded court were a cbam- . b«r of death, tbe assembled hundreds learned what none bad ever suspected, that the dark myiter; of the night wblcb hod snread such a honor orer the netgh- kothoM, and ttullled so many hearts with fisar, woa not ■ moider but an attempted soldde, prsTentea at the .ilsk of her UAi by the btare girl who stood there fhdng Afliat expectont mnltltudo, ready to sacrUlce bettcir . ntbei than there should be attain open tbe memory of ' bu miher. Tbo eheere wbloh rose In tbe court were pitompUy nuessed br the ofllcetiL that the remainder of the endonce might be bean^ and now all looks were tuned upon the prisoner, whose stony aspect had ' paaaed away, and who was weeping with a mingled ° boat of filings wblcb she could not control. . Ibe Frenchman (I^nay) looked at herwlthaaln- ■ ggjar ezprcesleii on nls llioe, as U ho was not altoge- aer saUsfled with the result of tbe eiamlnatlon, yet be SKked his way towards tbe dock as If bo dcslied to bo b flitt to congntulate her should It end sftHsfhctorlly fbr her. }fr, Smmons was tbo only witness who re- ,BaloiedM!bs caUedkand he oonobotsted la every point ' tkanamnve of Heni; Aadley, and produced wou was ' ■Dia Important Ibao alL' a statement signed by the dok — J"- J^-- tt Is tnfctatt^wrtUng f^MhugllOWW 'IWbaUed thOT^tokeiiBoir £9, pilaonetJi , , Handapn aU sldea were stretched out to clasp those >-orthe pale glrL who was fhi more agUatad now than ' When ne bid ni«dlbe crowd a suspected murderess, ' aiidtbe gentle words of coDgtatobtlon addressed to bar by tbe presiding maglstraia fell upon nnbeedhig ean. PauUue had nlated, OTerwbclmed by tbe lusn r of contending emotions which the avowal of tbe troth hsdaiouaed. "Fetch my mother to her," said Benry Andley, who was by her side In a moment, and gMng an attendant poUeemon the proper address, he ralsea tbe Insensible Ibrm of (he lovely giri In bis aims and bore her to a prtvato room wbloh his worship placed at his dlspoeal. Un. Andley was soon on the spot, and had the aatls- action of seelnir her open her ayes and ask (eebly after btrtuher. , "Sleeping when I left, Hln de Cresaey," said the widow; "bnt yon most be very cautious bow you speak to Urn; the sUgtatest emotion may bo dangerous." Ihe magistrates aQdoffldals took a kind lueweUof tkelr late pi1soner,^taom socb onfoieseen clrcym- stancea bad oonvatted Into a heroine; and a cab drove (UTwlth ttie widow and her bewildered charge, fol- lowed by a shouting crowd of delighted boys, who re- garded the establishment of Pauline's Innocence and Hie consequent noise and bustle at part and parcel of an exblbldon gttt up for theb* speclaigratlBcation. Thoughtless crcannea I Wltnont a thought or care beyond tho animal wants of each successive day, they would have ezulteiL the same bad It been some poor condemned wretoh who was borne away to tbe gal- Iowa. We will not attempt to desoribe the meeUng oe- twecn Paulino and her Ihther, each snatched from a death, how terrible. Tbe one who bad easayed to reach "tho bonme ttom which no traveler retoms" by bis own rash act; . and the other, who would have hdd down her pure yonoglUb rather than let tbe world know there bad been the taint of shame npon her father's memoiy. Mm. miUns was all smiles and congiatulotlons. "She had never thought tho poor dear guilty, not she; the . kDOwed all along It wonid come all right," and tUsied and Idgetted, and whlspei«d about Pauline as she lay .\ on tbo aolk till Mrs. Audloy was obliged to ask her to leave bor In qnlet and lot her rest - uow.ncacelhl seemed the night after all the exclto- ' mentcr.'vi{|.|}ay. Ibje wounded man slept soundly, and progr e B e d slow^ botsUtelv towards us roeovety, aid nil daughter watched beside him, too agitated for aleep, with a thanktOl heart that the trials of tho day . wew so well over. . >^ OHAPTEIIIV. ' Tin.AtnOB— TOI tOVlBS-TBI BanOTTO BUITOB-^1 . . ooviBiD oiMD-^rai rL0T-4Bi naa-ras HOSiMa ' BBIRUS. Five years bod rolled away— five yeara of hope end Joy, of sorrow and deepalr— bringing ruin to some, su> oeas to others— deaolallng many anobie andliriiigloa lovely children to'bleaa many a nonsehold. lime, witn tta nobelees step, had stolen on alowly and surely, leav- ing Btnnge fbotptlnts on the sands oibuman life. Ifany a whitened head andfturowod brow told of tbSt silent proBTcas; many ^ youth grown Into a nan ■book oft IJhe billhesome spirit of boyhood, and entered Into the world to share In Its cares and troubles; many alhir girl expanding Into blooming womaQhood looked back five yeara. and wondered how they bad flown, while lovely chlldien sighed to find the tuno of ,teyi gone by never to return. The lununer sun was gblulng In all Its biUllanoy, and pouring a flood of rays Into a little room In a pretty- villa near the small town of Slanoburet, onthesoutn ooast of Cornwall * The room iMtokehed comArt ratber than great wealth; It was apparently furnished forJheoocopatloDOf a lady, as was evident from the varloos artToloa of feminine- luxury wblcb were scat- tered about. Ths predominant colon wbloh met tbo eye were green and white, but they were relieved bore and thereby bUi of coloring which showed tbat tbe pre- siding genius of thb place had tastes of no mean order. Onlfe walls bnng pictures in what stlcklora for the strict rules of flimlsnlng would have deemed profusion, but any such appearence was prevented by tbglr •xqulslie anangoment There was a copy, and a good one too, in water colon, of Horlllo's "Spanish V^mr Boys," (ho brown Unlrol which barmoiuzed well with tbe pale green oflbe paper. Opposite li^lt was eno bf Blr Josbiu Boynolds' groups of children at play, whose , sunny tuies and bright gefmenls contrasted well with the (awny Ihces and sombro clothing of tbe pair op- ■poslte., PilDtt ol nre exoellonca.' witb some sketches In oolor, tiled up tho remaining space, and altogether made a'ddlghuid whole, Boots wore not wanting; a book owe, fllled with an eiooHent selection of apth gnvo end tight reading, stood la a cenvonlont reccn, and many volomcs lay on tho table, mostly new and ■ome ulcut, A plane ocouplcd one comer of tho laom afid an embroidery frame another: a canary ■aiur Ilia gilded oago suspended In tbe window, tellliig ■by Els Joyous notes ihatibls little bolter, so freeh with ■nea weed, was adorned by a loving hand, and a dny dog lay Kllrd upon tho mot undemeatb bimbiqulot anloyniobL Tbe . only occupant of tho room was a gentleman, who >f oM In a bow window looking out upon the sea, whloh'naiklod and danced binder the glottdhs son- sblno like a living thing, Ho held In his band one of the lawbooks and a paper knife, with wbloh he bad Rdtttthig tho leaves, and' eve-? now and then he rllb a smile, half nnad, h ill sanatUo,' it the 'ilfih boro OB tb* Qtle pago the nsmo of "011- "I btv» Waited Itog for Vbi^ignniiMM), '^tlt the seoofld Ume tbafUgkt her nunlafs day. I boat^ Into the room and aaw what It ta ImpoMhCtbatlf^ bar. 1 tbne °of>memofy can sflhsa. ah<«iiMiilM wildly wonblped nllgUlng hat 1r ' ooabfhave Ullad lilm; botl dkl net; ths J^^ ttt stayed myhand. I swore to have nvenga, Ibar* Ea tt and wIU have U sUU." - ' Pauline tromblod at the look oil hi* Am, ■ ' "What have I to do with tUa r aha «k«^ .*o M oonmiBi ' ^ . X ▼.a.ia.ws*- as snta - BT aanuiL ». II4BlSaaMkB«rwar, ' f Mlb«UDUsn>,lsfru>aSI«4l«; ^ flb«laTeeB3,Ik«ow, r&ritaefll«MMI«k . ■otwkaiX MtaSiwIa&nTlllmjiWflHk Wkea Ike Ur wtlh Ika rarv upn • ifat M, i 414 nM n uu b« to owl kar io*i>4i hi MDtror B« ODOLaiS IbUlMl H tilr, Ai4 wa«n t earn* oM, Mat a loef»( b« kilr, ■ Al lul abt 4kUn4li»kuiHasl«tMi(ik; ' kl Uv£[s«t».na3ora. ^. a Ik* ekona iwS, 4owb tT4kii oMjniUa I m'l m mve oralBMIMvllh boOr uj ft ma biiadoM nra>-"Sa41a>>-' Wlwskr^u rial AB4 Uu Sowon tn ¥M«n4 tMb ur «l^^ UM InikeriDfon mrSnier, Ihil ■iBftlaAofl ' riodk mugn, \h»t I DunaubwiAa Ikl7 And u iba 4ara flr I aoll oanr rornt ■Twu ooea a tUk ouri ikal haof 'oealh k«r aaL ProfUaBcr, i^^fci j ' ' ' *' AMoivG •Tns ° vxiirTrszifir Being Stray Luvm frotn'a Privat* Journal. We went yealerday l« the Moise BortKntoo. The eeDs*- Uon of palDtlnas did not pleaaa 'me aa maeb u I had aa- tlelpalel, bnt the marbres are nperb. I expect to sea nothioi daer in^Rome or Flqnnee. Among a boat eC . VeDOKS la the Venus Oalllpyge~sliewhaiaceeadhUTdli- < pntcs the pretenslona onhe Bedld— and a aweat creatloa she Is I Not tbe modest, startled, Umid, norloe that osdIbb dtUghia to reprewnt bar, bnt the saaoy, warm; lavtuac auaeo of love, whose IllB wu one volopioons seadf aaa- :on, and whoaa oboiacter was neither iliy, IHMiHiI. nor InicUectual. I have aeea teltrably comet oopMs of Iba Hedldandtbo VooDsoftaeOapllol. As tmboaligeBIa of ^ lha porely Ideal Ibejr iaem perfent. Fhuj) OMns Mvar blessed die Ikoor. Iney are (he veir MeaSflsve'i yeoac '' dieam, bnt aUll not toe Venus of Oypna-^o wtsZ ttauig to teed o&-an every day eqjeymeat— a real wonaa I •ntij are mere Kynphplenlea, and oonld Fygmallon gtfw . Un lo tho Venus Ue uedjcl to-morrow 'US paaslon woold calm llselT lo alcep under tbo gaze ot bar oold, miaaitbly. Intellectual ftce. 8be looks the easenoeotporsFlitoilBk whose saronliy of soul sp emotton eoold evat nflle, and yet thaycoll her the repreaeouUvo of a goddess wL ooUrely and complelilr *i woman, wlin all a woi oharms, bcr (knits, haFnIUea and her fetUBit. - that deUcalo head ol tbo V " ' ' ' nnsenioal lip, thalahrtnfc, oooveya a oonoct Idea of bar who < Jrlth Malt and ravished AdOQla As the " (lam,tbet' has oome at last, and my Ihther's memory Is nnstalned even by the shadow of dishonor. I swore to myself when ho died a bankrupt that I never would bear bis name till I could blazen It forth to tbe world aa- that of an honorable man. I have tolled for It through long, wean years, in poverty and obacurlty, but It Is done at last The name of UUbert Bettrtun Is here tm- snlUed," contlnned he, with a look of pride at the book bo held. "Already bais It mode a aensaUon; hundreds flock alter the author^ book, little thlnklog It ts the same struggling hand and weary brain tEat have wiDogbt so manv years for a bare snbslstenoe." . A pair of soft bands were suddenly laid on bis eyes, and a silvery voice oried In bis ean:— "Who am I r' "No one but your own sweet self, my Blanche," wu the reply, and the apeaker pulled down tho IU17 flngen with a loving band, and tbe questioner was>n>Ided to tils breast "7ou bavo been long away, doar one," he con- tinued, carcsshig the golden curia tbat fell ovorhls shoulder. "res," the young gld replied, "a visitor baa airived, and grandmamma sent for me, and who do you think Itlsf' "How should I knowr was the answer, end the speaker bent an Inqulnng glance upon the ftilr young Ihcebe^blm. "Somo one who would like to be In your place," con- tinued tho blushing girl "fou need not oe orrald," said ebo, seeing the brow of the young man was clouded, "all tbat wu gone through long ago; the gentleman rucclvcd his eongte, and wo ore very good lends." "Long ago," said OUbort Bertram with a laugh. "Wby, my uly flower, what an old woman you must ue "Well, six months ago thon— before I saw you," ebo returned. Dlancho de Cresaey was, at this time. Just seventeen, and wu u loToly a specimen of budding womanhood u wu .eversoen. Of middle height and elegantly formedi- eho apbrared ' to a oataal olnervor older than she really was, lor she bod been early accustomed to all heallhy oxerclsos, and so bad obtained a flnnness of caiTlsge and case of deportment which ate seldom' seen hi one so young. Her Ikce, in Its bewltcUng loveliness, wu tbo tbome of universal admiration; she had a clear, vaiylng com- plexion and a bright blue eye, and ber hair, ofa rich S olden brown, feu about bor ahouldets In nmp] ouris. be bod boon brought up in strict seclusion by her uncle and grandmother. In acoordanco with ber mother's dying wish.- Her grandAitber, who had amassed a fine proporty In trade, had lieon dead many years, leaving bis widow an ample Jokiture aad Us son aflnefortnoe. Ibis Mr. Hilton (such was bis ruuae) had tripled by fortunate specDiatlens, Oil at ttaetlme cfournarrallve ho wu by mr tbo richest commoner lo that part of the county, Hla mother, who wu a simple, fhigil woman, had laid by, from year to year, btrge sums out of her liberal allowance, and to all this Blancho wu the ro- puted bolrtisa. Of course some wore qnlte toady to woo and win a young lady of such raro attnctlonsi but Vr. Hilton guarded bis tieasura wisely and well, and, while allow- ing her complete liberty In her oholco, bo took care to shield ber from rortone bnntera. Gilbert Bertram, an author of no small ropute, visited Slonehnrst with bis mother, for the benedt of her beallb, and, having a let- ter of IntrodueUon to the uncle of Blanche, wu soon on terms of friendship with him, He had not long visited tbe house ere he wu atruek with tbo rare obarms of Blanche. Admiration soon deepened Into love, and at the Ume of our story ho wu tho aOlanoed husband of the lovely heiress, with the ftill consent of her prudent relations. Ho possessed no great amount of wealth, bnt ho wu rising rapidly to onunonce In bis profession, and, uHr. Hilton observed, "Blanche hod plenty," though bo wisely resolved that his darling's proneity shomd be strtotly settled on beneir. Bepott sold that bis sister's husband bad been a spcndlbrilt and a roii«, and tbat her flno Ibitane had been wasted at tho gaming-table. Of this, however, he wu novor knbwn to speak, and the name of Blanobe'a mother wu rarely mentioned In her oblldhood's home. Mr. Ullton Intetrupted the telt- (Me of tbe loven by his entrance with the gentloman. of whcao arrival Blanche bad boen tolling Ur. Bertram. He wos toll and slight, with tho bearing and maonon of ono moving in the Ihshlonable world. Ills fhco wu regular and generally consldorod handsome, but Iboro wusomcthlbgln the anake-Uke gllUor of bis blaok eyes and tbo nalsler oiirl of his flnely cut Up that ipoke oTaflercoandcracldlsposltloo, ood a cbaraoter not to bo trusted. Ills hidr vru short, and by close to his head In abort, orlspourlsof sojettyablaek as to apnear unnatntpL Tho new confer was Introduced lo Ollbert u Hons. Laumay, Ho seemed ratber a tolerated than a welcome guest, aad Dlanohe, fotllng honelf sqmowbat deCrtiii, left tbe room lo seek hor'grandmolber. She did notaoe tho mntiial start of recognlUon that attended the bitiodttctlon, or boqr the muttered oath that rose to Lanoay's lips, aq he bowed and stalled with the utmost politeness. Her undetohiod them In con- versation for a Tow minutes, and then, apologlzlDg on tbo soon of business, left tbo two geoUomon logolbor. OUbett Bertram looked at the new comer for a minute, and then quietly sold:— "So we meet at last" "Tes, at last" wu the answer; "and here we are rivals, It seems." "TherivslTTJsnotof mv seeking," said OUbert; "I have no amblitbn to rival Mens. Lannoy." "Nor I to emulate the great OUbett Bertram," wu the sneeiliw response. "1 have no sympathy with your bsggartr caUIng. t marvel much at Mr. Hlllon givUig bis peail of price to any but a rich man." allbett's fkce'lnshed, but be did not speak; secure In Blsnbhe's love be fbrbore to quairel wltli b«r nude's invited guest, so be meraly^d:— 1 "I do not know why you should despise ne, nor ny calllBg ellbor, Uotas. lannay. It hi not generally con addteed a degradation to be an author." "Hu your Illr flower— u I Just now beard ber uncle call taer-rconaluerod wh jt an author's life may be to share: suppose any accident deprives her of her ibr- tnu," said Lannay, with a snoor. "Even If be Is sao- cealul,wbatlshet TbeUonofanevenbigpaity may be tbe pet monster of a dozen silly women, or he may be tbat Idol of tbe public for a single night, the author of a ploy, who comes forth to, bow and scrape, and thank toe cheering audience for their pralso, who goio npon him and go home to bed, and, era tbe momhig breaks, fbrget his name." Bright and clear ahone Gilbert Boitrom's eye u he looked upon the man bofora him. "So you despise on author, do you, sir V said he. "I SCO you do; your high patrician blood rises, and bolls, and fonnents when you touch an author's haodi Yet you would warmly press a gambler's palm, end ball nim friend; vou would alt at tne table with a swindler, and diink nls wbio and call him friend, too, while Us Ill-gotten gains luted. But on author— ono who spends his llfb In striving to ennoble and to cheer bis fuUew- men— obr bo's too low, too humble, too degraded to bo tho friend of Hons. lannay. I tell you, air. If I do hut write ono sentenco that shall bring a tay of comfort to a dcsoUte home, or help one etruffgllog heart to boUlo With' tbe wortd, I shall not bavo used In vain tbe talent beaven has given me. Hubert Lannsy, beWorol I know your ." And he left the room bending a speaking look on hbi companion, who shrank beneath It Thero wu ono remarkable trait In tho manner of Hubert Lannay. He never cordlany held out bis band to any one, and. In shaking hands, hla i|asp was light, ss [f the will wu wonting or the act wu p'ahiflil. When Uds wu ramarked be accotuted fbr It by say- ing that whan a young man ho had boen run through the band bv a lul on soiao splkos, and that tbe wound bad never been thonugbly cured, Oind, u If In conflrm- adon of his statement he wore on tho plam of bis right hand a black patch. Ingeniously secured to tbo fltioare and wrist so u lo bo hardly seen. He looked with mingled fear and hatred after Hr. Bertram, and muttering:— "Can he know?— does be suspect r opened the window and walked Into the gar- den. Tbe early dinner of tho IlUtona was over by doy- Ught for they bod not arrived at tbe fhshlonablo sre- tom of dining at bedtime, and Blancbo and OUbert bo- Ingln tbe gardon, end Ur. Hilton napping, LAunay sauntered out for a stroll, taking caro to let tbe serv- ants see him go. Ho walked slowly down tbe Uttle street of tbe quiet town, raising great admiration andwondetmonlamoDg all the old tnalds, who always swarm In country towns, by the elegance of bbi dress and appearance. When olear of tho main street and at tbe outskirts of tho Bloce, bo turned down a narrow lane, and knocked at 10 door of a squalld-looUng hou^e at tbe end of It "Who's thoroP* wuukedfTOm within. "Plorro," wu tho answer. Tbo door was opened by a young man of sinister ap- pearance, and Idnnay enterod tbo bouse and caroAilly barrod tbo door. ' "WeU F said the man. "It Is net well at all," said Lannay, or Pierre; "I dent get on at oIL" "I dontknow whatyon call getting on," returned the other. "Are you not In tbe house an Invited and honorod guest r" "Invited r To8< Honorod 1 Ko,'* was the roply. "Tboy suspect aomething— tboy don't know what Do- aldce, that ouncd Bertram Is there,'* "Why, what can ho be to you, or know of you r* uked the companion of binnay, who boro Iho name ofGustave. "He Is everything to me Just now,'' responded Lan- nay, "and I am afraid he knowB overytnlng Into tbo baroala," The other started up with an oatlw "By the bones of my Hither I — " "Which yon sold to the snrgeoai, mr boy," Inter- rupted bis oompanton; and they wth laiuncd, but tbolr laughing wu more like thai of (wo floads than hman belngi "What by the bones of your Oither, my boy V pro- coeded lannay. , Tho young man Uld his hand open a pistol, wbloh huiig. by the flteplaoe. "Dead men leO no tales," saU ho, "No, no; It to too Monjbr tbtt,"wuths anvrer; "besides, a mntder makes cdob a noise In thewtrid. Irattslblv*tbogin,aadlbe will loo, and yon mmt holp me." . • ' , "What good will the will do you r wu the next question put by Gustavo, "The old gentleman will makoanolher. "I somehow tbbik he would not be alive , to moke ono after I receive tbe ono already In existence," said Lanny,.wlth a dlaboUcal laugh. "Then all the pro- perty goes'^ Blanehe-ni]/ Blanche, u she will be then— and throngh her to me." "Of course, when she fs your Blaneha," said the other, "Bdf what If she wUl not have year, "She win have but one alieroatlve; oltber to bo thrown upon tbe worid u my cost off mlitresi, or to bear my name litwAiUy," answerod Latmay: ''ond.I tblnltshe will ohoose the latter altornaUvo,, ill keep ber Ibst enough till I gain bar consont, ni irantaiit you. Arejou sun ypu know tbo way Inf ' ' ; "rerftoUy,'*Vnsworod Quatave, "I wi^a tber6my self ono night on a little husliless; but tbat old man; they keep wuupole&nhignlate, so.my busUiess had to be posmoned." . (1. ■ "Well, dent pfstpon'e It' siny longer, than- to-nlgbt Isallreadyr' -■■ . "Oh, yes I Anil the first class oarrioge'taken for my master and the Idiot lady to travel In— ha, ha, ha 1" and tbo two worthlta obuoUed again In Udoous mirth, Tho little houaohold of Ur. Union kept eariy hours,' and about the Ume -When the Ihshlouidile world are wheeling through London, streets to balls and parties they woro rotinog to test The.room assigned to GU- belt Bertram wu at tbe end of a long eonldor, and ad- joining that of lAimay'& At the oppoalle end wu the obambor of Ur. nilton, ond midway between them . wore tho bod-rooms oL Blanche and her' gnndpiolhcr, wblcb had a door of communloollon between Ibetn.- Gilbert wu wgbclbl that night! he wu so happy l^ihlB new-won troasure, and mucd wItb that IboUngB of doubt and apprebOn- slon ID-denned, butsUII oi^Ung, respecting I^nay, AVbat could ho want Iboro anor being reAised tho hand of the hcbms r Ho ^t loiu.by the window look- ing out Into tho night after .ho nad oxtlngulshod hjs lamp. The moon 111 orery object. In view with almost u dear a radiance u tho noonday sun, and twice ho aaw a man look out fTOm -behind a large treo which marked tbe turn of tb°o rood near tbo vUIa, and gazo long and anxiously at tho bouse, though not It seemed to him, at the window whero ho aat "Pshaw I" ho .mutmuiod, "ftnov I Wby should I sit hero Imagining like a allly girl that evetr man I see Is bent on nibiehlef P and closing tho bUnd, he re- tired to rt»L He dropped asleep almost Instantly, aa Is often the coab after doop tbongbt; and though his brain hod been busy to the laist moment, bis sleep wu dreomlcss and profound. Uedld not hear the stealthy footstep* whlcn touohed the oatpetlng outside bis door, nor Iho stincd vxolamatlon In a fsmalo voice wblcb came fTOm ono of thoae centre rooms, V - He heard notbhig, felt nothing, tUI he was roused wlthaahoekas If a. cannon hod bden dUcborgedby Us bedside at the wild on of "Fire I flre I" Starling tTOm his bed bi wild terror, throwing on some clothes, be soarto knew how, be doitted from the room 10 see— what r Smoke poutliig In denao volumes from Ur. Hilton's rooin, the door of which stood open; whilo— oh, horror I red flames were already thrusting their fleiy toaguos under tbe door of tho apattmont or Blanche. Ho rememborod tho scene ledg afterwards; tho te^ riaod,scMamlngserraats and their equally Irighlened master, who wu Ailly dressed, u Ibougb be had never been In bod, OUbett saw at a glance wat Co enter the, room by tho door In tho pasaaga would bo nadnMa, u thollro wu evidently dose on tne other skle. ' Ho sprang throiigb Ur. IlUtoo's. tobm, 'saying'.- ■Look to your mottier, sir;" sod Aontlng "Blaifciis Blancbo I my darling, I am coming I" tushdd Into tho -loin. Fhn. wu evorywhcre In tbe Hitler ohamber. Bed- hangings, window outtalns, all wero Id a bbuo, and the' (olty like toilet table wu npldly becoming a mass of shapeless oinden. Ollbert wu almost suflbcaled. Willi one spring be bounded aeroas tbe room and gained the wlnaow; one vigorous thrust shaUared the whole of the lower patt, and the esespo of thoaUfllng.soHlk* made bieatnlog somewhat easier. . . The last njH of tbesMUog sun were gleaming hi bilgfat radMUco Into a splendid dtwrtng toott la the nelgbbothqod of Hyde Park, 'Evety artlelo tbat Isxnry ooill;l Invent or wealth pnrobsse wu thereto add to Us splendor. 'Vabiablo palntloga idoned the walls;' a costly camt eoverod tho floor, and the gleaming of gilded lundtaro met the eyo at every turn. Baro flowen bloomed In a small consorvatety, and the windows, shrouded byonrtalns of the flnest lace, opened on a garden kdd out with tbe exquUte taste of a oonnoitaeur. Books and articles of eetfu wete scat- tered about on this tobies, and amid all thla nugolfl- cenco sat Paulino de Cressoy.' Not the Pauline of five yoara ago; no longer the pale, qhlet girl whom erery'ooo levedfor ber very humility; not tho Paulino who In ber nobis purity would bavo sUoldcd ber fktbor^ name from dishonor atthosacri- 'floe of bar Ufa; but a selPpouessod woman of the wortd, with a look of wearied enniri on her Ihco whiob many women would bo a lUe^lme In attaining. This Is not the Paulino who osod lo trudge wet and cold to her dUlv work^and^rctutned at tOght, woro and happy, In tho thodmt that her hand* were pro- viding (heir dally bread; but a haughty heiress, proud of hot matoblosf'' beauty and Asxuiung hi hst-Mpeoted wealth. lAWkliig at.bet.u she sits on alow oouoh, near tho open wmdow, she fbrms a loveljLptcture. She Is o( the pe«(« order of beauties, wltli ezqusllely ermed Aiaturos; ber bee, of rather an Eastern diiape, lighted by apiUrof splohdld dark eyes, and bar bab\ of raven blackness, which used to bang hi such pro- IVudoD about her.'ls gathered up Into a luiot at tbabai^ of hbr head, and conOned by a comb of gold and oonl, leaving only a low stray curls lo (bU (oosely on ber neck. . Uer ean, wUch aro romarkably small and well- fonnod, are onuunenlod with drops to match tbe comb. Tbore lira restless expressloa' In bet bandsemo tue, and a mounifUl look obobt bor eyes' wbloh sposk of a mlDd ill U efase, and sbo IwHehos lopatlsnili.at tb» tassel of her* Inn, u'lf mooory woro troubllog her' with tbougUlB sh'o would fltin bo rid of. . • Bbo hi dressod-fbr B diimer-partyVbut Is ready early, and Is whlUng away the time u best die caiL Sho woaii aVblto watered silk drnu with cotnl ornaments, which Contrast wcjU with the dOucoto brilllaooo of the mttetial, and give a warm glow to bet dark, olear 'oont- ploxion, Allgbtfootstopmadibor look Dp, and. she started sUgbtly^uHulierl liannay atpea before bf r. "You aro veiy lovQly thhi ovotung, Pauline," said he, "Thero Is no nood of 'cofflpUmDotSi" wu Iho roply. "We are alonp.'; " • •. , • The outtlng>sonlempt with wlilob.iheAy, I wu sn Innocent and hsp^y girl thon. And now — " ■ ''And what aro you now that needs suoh sighing' over r* said he. - • . . ' "I am— what you bavo made mo,'* wu tho response. ■'Cold, heartless, calculsting, upfuellng, Ukeyonnell,' caring fbr nothing In this world and hoping lor nath- L" lannay 'ropUed, "and do ' , I havomouldod you to my In the next' .^Touaroan apt pui ore'dlt to yonr master. .OL, , , haadi Ton wUl make an oxcelleht wUb-a helpmate. Is not that the Word r * ^ • "Oh, ceossi" said Panllne; "I will not marry you, I win dip first I I cannot think wny you punuo me thus. WhatmOtlvo have you f" likDnay, with a alight muscular movemont ot ths ftae, which bo vainly endeavored to control, fixed his eyo on his victim with tbe gazo o^a serpent about to inUio Its last spring, and In a deep tone ropUed:— "Uotlve r— the same motive which bu 'prompted me lor flvo yean to lead year fUber on fl-om lault to fkult, from cruno to crime; to pUe up proof upon proof ot hla nobitouftnnsactlons, till, wl(b u single Ireath, I could hurt him ITOm bis pUinaclo of boulcd wealth and con- sign him to a felon's cell. ' Ton; Paulino, with enp word I oonld make all your vaunted splendor fade away Uke aoilst andlcavoyou friendless bomolees, pennlloasi Uymotlvo— wDlyouhavo ur llavengol"' ' iiRevengol'' said Paulino. "What baro I done lo y{U thatTonaEouIdseokrovengoonmer' "Ustdnl" said Lannay, drawing close to her ond looking In hor fitce. , ' „ . "Uany yean ago, when I wu lltUo moto tlian a boy, I Idved a woman— with no boy's love, mark yoiL but with a wild, passlonalo ardor which nolUng oonld con- trol or subdue. She was betoUAd. and to me ever lov- ing and afl'oetlonatOi and I tt;ongbt, like a Am, .the wwslncero. I parted fMm her one evening with ber kisa warm npon my cheek, hor last word a pranlse to be mine on a given day, '■ - "I niorned nnoipeetedly an bonr after, and, beai^ g.tStcei, . - ices, Usteiiod-Ustened to bet sUveiy voice bugblng at the young tbotberdups, andllilBg Ibr Ing - V. -_i — —JaenslbUlty,!.. you woo belbra wlu. Tbe right breast and' ahouldert^ bulyoballenge ruimre. Bor Is daarieal eorraetneu^ AaAretbeleutebaTOlngpartorherlkca.^^^^^ , nsrewuayonDgPrencb gulltOkUu ralbsr noendU- pnsu at tho legs, uV she eoold prtMof a better pafrUal- lowedlo meant the pedesUL BntsacbeonpstliODWoald ' be dangetou for any legs that have let ooms onder lar observation, and I have seen not a few Rood^mes In aj tune, ne gem of tbe colIecUoD, In dv poor opinion. Isa mulUsled bead of Psyche. There u UtUe Wlaare the face— bat snob a - ^ - ■ ■ .-. ■■; . The fltst time revsr entered a Usalis wu In Otaet* nail, In tbe spilkg otisaa It wu sltoalad 00 OwnmMi slreel, between Kala and Sycamore street^ and wu bbt der the toamgeiAent or.aunuel Drake, no. Ae eoi-r pany consisted, u near ss I ean leeeUsot, of Ittpsta 1^ aey. Page,. Bendereon, Bdiarton, Anderson, abter,Mt' aad Dam Bntllb. AlexanOerbrake, and Bamoal Ditke, Jr.; Masdimes A. Drakai.Foedlok (lln. A. . Diike's ststatW parter, Hendeaon, B. .Diakd, ana "the little jrodlgy,". Hka carter. The bUl for the evwing.wu "tia aM Jeirr," and the ihrca of tho "Pane, or the Benetolaak Sir." .During that and tbefftUowing sessoir I freqnenl^ '' vlalted the theatre. II wu there Iflistnw the oalebntsa Bsotlsh tragedian, Ttomas A. Cooper. Itwaslhssuomar ot llir, aad I wu lnlbme4.that he wu ihraaJMar aetar abois named company. Seme Uneaner thero came to OUi( oonsMoraMe aagnltade— Use Xeliy, BngUahaottea^whomadaa pronaalonal ted States. During hor atw Infllr^-""-' Drake play Bonedlcl to Mr ncatrloe. Holhlng," and In.lbe afletplece bar Harlan llamaay. Soohwu tbat he could play a — - — I have seenbtm Wi-- — - -i the farce ptaf Dr.o'XoOl* Af (r atfltnde, bok t>m aad c«Si tume'ofMr. Drakeln obaracter, abigmg "Lore'isd Boa-'. " and placed it upon the stag* one evening- when It wSiannonnced tbat Ur. Drake wonM, tMtwasn, tie play ("Loveand Baassm;" when the enitahi OS, there etood-aiihe andlenoemi pu ose a the vsritable "Aleok," bnt nbW, laimedtata^ afteii^ came Hr. Drake, and took hla poelUon along aide the tray flgun and began to «lng, oiery one ^•■*ni<<'f>,^<™£ fled, and, u a taallor of rouse, It broogtt mwn tt» hotlM, •> Hr. Fred. Henderson, hi bis line ttf,"old mat" wu t«r popular, Mr. Keliey, the leadmg %isn,- wsrt ve generslacw, and often plajfed ^of^f^inM^ comedies aidiarces; wfiafbeoaineofb|faIteTethjarttlg wu ayonhg gentleman of ratdealsmarklf he' 'ifu^apendsBt ?tlm.'*J in MM — — — THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. I' . isaullm ana Ttalna** Hs^feoi^^itoir, iiek, lou oal bt/dM tWi, n"'. tiftoM, itliuiiTfiMlitoiraila liMW«*n SU lb«|)ty«nbn«' Iwolari- TO will tfirntui'r hfot^^ UtrdlQlh«ClffTVL 1. 1. r.Mmt— Tb. D. T. B»lon.^«ir. IHtUwu .Wl4«.t«f Cllil«»,I«»» J. a R, «iehn»ikl-l. WBitlU i«i>luh Imbtn ipM^pem* X Br in nrutUbL W' B. H.-tiU Im^lbla to Igel^a "W w»nplarlBglb«dimwurtlMbllKlLpm& ..j.. ika^fmiB. Buf tuVrrwrn, 0.-n«™ la no pot wl «"'"' i»««"™- "S°!fw., rHlidel(bla.-Lnll.'a anprmMl maura em ib« ISib ot Ai^ll an* irrmliiMiM uu Iba WIV,^ ^Vwi Imniitn-Wc don'i baow or ujr lad/ 1> iM »™ alnHbl, « 1'c. B., Jobimm, fk-A pmoa torn ot Jtwiah t^"*. WE;5;^sa.ia?u"»'btiV.w. --i^ii-ri. ''j(."oS'r»mbnt»(..iWa kara »o» ial ;a«f««d wbo biVi bWD RtaiinOLsaa, ftil HL I/»ila.-A lixfalbabel, for H iHdrt* «• buiulim •ova, wUcli loclialra l»mly un. _ ^ KiuiDa, Cairo, IIL-Hoiuioiir a dwlol nwlortlr lo K« '0'» aUlr. at (b« b» l^ical^rnllal nUcllMi, n->i 9.M4. . . , « * . r. C., Paorla.-l. »ooi» oT Hal nil, atH I«al »»'«« *P"' "i came uihand u tax u ha or atrrlM. i Wc ilo DM laaua *}«";^, A. Z., Ukii»«»l, Ia.-Applcuo 1 Ca, ihia clir, oi»7 bt al^e lo ror- DUh roti vllh aiub a worL ^ ,,.».. -i.vmii • Ttmok, HnnklTD.-Tbmanbooliaon ibe aulijrel, bol miiosi • piacllMlblwalcJtolbrrwouUbformclnirrTloiinrotl. P. T., r/iiil«lll''-lil AUrli1ir,lbeail«i»lliuciila.-lte mnu abow Ibe pair be baa on, baa ntt rigbl la iwwliHr aauher lalr. ^ . , _ J. n.— 1. Wf ilo nol kau« ho» iimcb, iraiif, be Id tba mattb. BrwaaiDCIrti-bnilallaal«.l>l««. i ■niallanuloroorlln'. 0. W. R, Tdlcarllk, N. V.-l. lie U eonnreltJ wilb no Ihoii™ be™ al proeoL 1 II na ao aulnl. bul ll neter tame "•0J'»'"«-, Junerowa.-Tbelemciif. Inajtoeial leoae, L"«!?»«Pl>» ' Jm o- - iMtrBtbalSML llr& WbsUrr pUm t«djAnoa,lD '*H(chud,"0D i hT**™ i Voon cpcoed ii o r. H , wd pmonmiKva cam* ■irrimil' X lu bji CDQ(U«nU«D ortdnrd on Dc«. I6tb, IMS, LAD«s, "B^^^rtBr. Kr-— IVr* no Ulk of k „,^Dat«rsB4L«ilr Tbom, for t^OOa kal falL Tba Biul bftTt onitDiWd from ib« fMi UutMr. Bonnrrofffrtdto •uaoa)Airurbf«MthAt«oatdperfofm Deiler'* feitai Fm- Kii. widJ from hU tiwu lo Twenlr-MTfou iltlawt '* * itow ttaow^uadcnuad mutla & Bmmeu Udcddedlj Uin «, MMroriMBrrtibm: iboluloiMwann-erbnnL _ x "•"■Xlfc BrnemA, N. r.— Tbo loncntniAQinf Jumn on mnd li 9 . ^sftM 7 tauMB, nndebr Jobn Howard, of BruTonl, Kdc., frcni nflna ik of WW. two fert la Irojilb, yodg»thayed. ntiMt f oar bKbCi In Umk op Obaihcr mw oourw. Pnm lorr] (rotind he oouhloet r twcair r«el; la Act, DO mu crrr emtd clear iwrotr-cli feet .ntlbaaHliUoctor a polf. board, or block oT wood iliaJUr lo i fn» wbkb HowkrdJoDPM. Momr turn, BrooUra.— **1n miUh beiwm AlhlcUeand AUan* «0 at lb« okpHoltne omindt, Sth of Jul/, IM, H beU lhai lb« flrvt nnlatb«AiU«iJeiBul«boca«ruD«; ti oeU dntfuacotouLand daad IbM ntfd« b«mo nna Plcaw dcdde." BoUi aro -CaUbertBads aboao ranon iliaAlbMkaht* OQ Ibeflnt i,aDdPBuaaDd Bmall IMoff wltb homtruuoD iboAUaae < PlkialMnHfawoDa. Varnisr.— 1. "OilUib Oinot" wu ptayt^ Tor lb« BnL tail and fBtv Ufsa, al tba Hew. Bowetr Tbeaini, on Pwa m b ei 17ib, 186& rMuldj labora" OlUof up ibo pnwnramPu Tbe ihraln woa bumed fcauon tba Belt etrBlof, DowaiKr ISib, beraro peTfonnaooo be- eooMqaRKlr'^rUDiK Oaut"asd tbo "Middy'' wcrt tba lait perfonocd ihm. un^ Obia— **A, B aod 0 ai« ptartBii oem-ap, A hu fln 1 aad B ali; tha canUare tbea dcaiiasd Iba »x\ hand Ii d oBiIl A MTea bla Jatk, wban ba obawt tba oca and elalma tho bQt BboldifMaoddttmiooL Wblcfa winat** B'ahnr gdreaDtmibai^nr, aj Jack doei not count uniU aflar low, noka Mit tamodapaitniap, when tllaaaortdaioDca, ■ Aflu, Kov OritaniL— L Fadwln Pomil appeand en iba oUfS, .^rhon ha wai ntaoulieQ or elerea ymno( afo. X Ho waa pUrfai ' akr coMenoota bffore ba wu H reara of aca 1 Tbe iaiafx ^wwy oepBPd OP tba aertuof ibe pertorufrj a alranfor would not I VIM UIO wi ura |iviiv(UBr(a ■ •iimu^w weuw uw» acbaon noleoa b« auU unnoca B>anaf«n of hlf ^flf)orfl^eror rtndraif , .(Olloion, Mloa— L It la Ml prap«-for a dealer to dad ttneouditoblaadrenafTaod two lo blaualT, or off* 9am: aa ralBuab«roiaatbo(irm«Mhplar«r oo arpir mod. 1 John Beenan feaUcd'lo nawOrkana foraoBeiuDL - - ' ilaMfwToAdir. . w> A Loiu wia ' J.a a.-Eoatoo, lftafl.>1. Aba nkkn b«t CartleH, nawler, W«MoB, reltowea and Pelo If antra (ibe latb^r In tbia cmiatiyj; waa * '^TMNappnr.an'lfouibiditwa wltbUle ibaOmlan. Bob 'elnMaihilJlma«UacC«r. X BriUab VbllaaawlUmtToa onlciod bf Wm. Clark hare sot JM arrltrd. 1. Joe Hack «u, Ib BaShlo the tail we bard of bin. !r«mre; to lor, IcvD jfiaiua^. % TMoU7Rmed7apoorTol«baalatoprmctkeBodmr«e .-aflad OBl IT no can impran it aar, ko to nBa mualc Cacbi - a^di^ got Ua comet aoaad of ooiaa and Ihoa nlilrtu yoi ■^di^gttUaeomctaDaDdof ooiaa and Ihoa nlilrtu your toIco^ ■ad joQ wUloooB ud oQi whether joa wOl orer be a alafv or noL ~, BL in D.— Alto wbo dona t£« qnlcheat ebaofn, Wawart or ' " J. 0. Bwvart, beller kaowaaa faUla Biowiart, baa tbe .-jf the qoicfciaichanici on ruonl, lakbtioir obb oobx- . ^.^ >■ poUJ y OP anoibar. and blacking bU ftco, Intba ahorta ■ JmSi iSi V|M« dnoiipoi , hare owr W anf of tb*« In bo* an^ iMfeJowB. tftjcTan'sofi CliidnMli oilft-V ilTii aofl'Ouf report waa u.' T., llaectbUl, X FirucDrenuprrUoe. ■1. AllfD waa bom al BuinlOBbain, a. You had beller leant a Irade. "tStimmn.— Tbe/ aremuTM lo pnUemn be H»|ln| lo tbe "TrX"J'., Blteilon, OouL-II doca Dot nad omoolb cnon|b for "TKiiirS'blledclpbla, Pn.-lhe fnauet lOO/uda' Unoon ctoort U ALUOnnrr.-Bmile and Mice foojbl cacb elbf r Iwljr, BreUM wlnnloK Ibe liat talUe and Haaeobtalnlnii Ilia elcMT In ibo aeonod. LoranorfunTaairaL— irjoitcnn cumuli lo menofTaniinn In Ibe line autedTou will do very weJL , < . ,1. 1. K. P., CliitlnnaU, a-Dan'L U. Baodnun plared al Ibe Lrttom Tbealm, Ix)ndon, Eng., bul DM nl Ibe lla/marbcl, UUIL— We than be pli«acd ta bear rrom TOU. D. C.-Utia la DotmaiTled. WebaTOBOtiboee* Hfoo, OeortelowD, D. C.-Lotla "CltaooaaV' I%lladelpbla.-We Bio Jib.— Declined. 01 c a. clocJituii.— ToaareferetgnablA "J. li. R"-TMnkm. W. J. n., Eile, ra.-ne Inrapabditended, tORDOn.— Your beller plan waoM belaadrertJaatbe& . Bhbu. BOAL—ObailaiB, ETUoO, QneapolAli U L Hapa,»D tmj laan Aioerloan. "Tn TtgM."— Kaaanapealedirronplhaa, _ J. a avIraiUad, MUk-S'a bnr (oa out befota (Ta bigb, glM "Tn«ra.*i~wo aball be glad 10 ann ooiealTca or TDor ofltf, Epoaa, B*nBawaod.-^>w«a il&gOL Edwubt. a, BalUmore, Mt-Oallle CniUa ^ , Pln'ca, aaraiUl!,llaaa,-Teai baroutbl alllaBballte B, J., Pratldenoara L- 1— ao tba balanee oftbo aUkri^ wj tJne boTora U o^lock, P. H., «3 la ttB& If Toa pat op your toooo; before tbal and Buaaar fHadaToaaraooUUedlotbororfelL BuwaybaanocUlniwbaUTer ' SoLUTJjr.-l. Tankte flatUnn bad aorsnl aWi, bat It ti aaani* ' M~lkithii me ntme wbj Prank Ambme, wbleb ha waa conpelled '- splog fnia penal oenltudo. L lUiOnl opponent In ii ' — S&^lSiStel^ and roiii bra*dM wpUeb nnmban roa detlio lo obuln. ■an Pmr.— L Raaaan and UonlMBy roQibt at LMf Poloi " Id, y, V. Y.— L The Baynukon' nlna tad not bean dallnllely arratwed at Ual adTlooL 1 Bend ui your ' fit 4 oOkan and wa wUlpoUlab tbnn. \ lb E BL, Bdt&a. Ala.— Wo belliro Iba Ilaabni were iba.flral to fttoduoa tba aaaplUaerautioD act hen; they appeared la It at tta Attdtny of H uak. 0. 0. R— L HUaDtTenport Ubladao|bl«r. t 0. L and Robert Vn an not related. & Mr. Daly la tba prtaaot leieaa uf tba Fifth ^T>ataTb«ali& , Soan,EaacaTOIa.— ItballulaoBlor data for eona ot Ibaarmla ■KntWDod: 11 la pnUy |ood, howerar, and yon nlfhl dlab It up with (nabar BkBUrlaL _ t>. L, Baltimore,— Tbe rale oara Ibataculnual not bo leaa tban (nr eardi from tbe top, oor muil Ilba made eo u io leara leae than finr earda at tbe boUom. ,— L Jerry Bryant performd wlU) DumboUon'a mrty "48. X ire wenl^ Chllforvla.ln UN with B.I>. V died (D ibU eliy ob tbe Ah of AprU. ML WW. n, MBuvD CbuDh, Pa.— 1. Tbey oould not aciae upon a refa S X tbe beiahtorTnnliyBteoi))oUSl6fHt,and Ittoua tbora WBltf Inel S0 fee L Urns- or Brocr, Jobiulown, Fi.— V n« waa In Now Orleana _ 1 waUat board fron bla. l.Boo our dmmalloaaUBiaiT. B. feu|htlloiTlaa*f,UaTenand Kloi. 1 It narer cmqui off. "oui AHD Niwaouui, Obcahirv, Ol— In bloliaBloeu .with na. be hu alwara behaved honuily, and youn la the 'tifhlra. TMl iba parilea ID nwrlta him. A. P. T. Darnum baa glrsn tbrre dnmalio ua Huaeum. 2, UnilUh la a laoguace. I -iOBlL a^'lapwhlat'Ma note mularornoomhed an^aatheraanootawa corenlogll, we axo unable to ^a ae. VAiDaBneUyn.— 1. a. L. Fai wuCheOntalanminanroribe ^iMSP'^'ihX: ^ ""■ UUi far, Mo; R 0., Cunberiaod.— Tba thn« abela or 0, being all «nln Um latgel, an ktter than A'a and B'a, bolb or wboaa Uilid AeUDlaadjba board cnllrelr. e' TaniiiL BaatAtL-Tba geaulee Olarbome bleed of fowla cannot Iboogblbara. Tbaial|biniattt1;bepiirebaaedln NewOilana, itwatidakllIar»rrdoabiruL ^ *. J. a a, Pblladelpbla.— Alier DuantHia Inonlrt'aaaeng Ibe trade, ' «aandlbatJobiri;niaon'aBoDal>i.,arrUladelpbU,ate Ibelaiieal AaleniawbuberlalbeOalledBulea. * . W, D., Pblladalpbbt, Fa.— ■■fbraleal BlFfclaea,"a iroik on win. ^&S*;*i^l7"'Vr<'l"'*°> "><■ "Plbln wbal Mlal^fullf.. TeuaueddnealbeaulhArlaeuroata. . >,I. M,^aiurait.— Tbaie are no ralaa ror ibo vme: lllaanlnnon voaon the fnnilar nne er Enebn,andaTa>T pUjar mabaa bb own taMiaanllhlBownliiieRaL ■ . ; '■alat _ eooslaijl we bare bad of bl W. a ll7noibbeepila-I. P, rfomaa^a In one daj al ola l Tea, maar von, Ft' Wmari ■i . y|v ;\".f. ^ _ _ .■ i- ; . .'..^OtilSwToaiP — 'AvWblabdDiTofto"-' - V JtutTir, Bni jTW^ aad Jie wUI glre^u ^haloruroiatlOB. IJtoad- Bvaet'a Uolel, Pulloa Fi .Mmh anired Beorortl^iraa ebamjdon of Bngland wbet In tbat eonnliT,andlieboldal£alpeelllen IMhItS ^""^ U"- Piaa'aAa.— We do not nmeober Ibo date, tot ... end out lo lime ror our naitluua ,jBon}a.llla,Ala.-TwelM for palMujiI, ud alibib; i:7*in)t^ * <««»"» a aa. • J- SKE'B* """■"•'oaeDOIInUndla leara tba ^ a Bee luanatlc aunniatT, /L— LJ, a Ueaala In Bngbad. 1 We anut lootle Ibe ■ ^^5^ll'»'»^ " •la.T'iP-TSfiSSfff'i"'''"™,."^?^ "•"Tot* abool U "j f^'"- } tumi Ibe Hatrapollua llelel about 1 o-cleebTp, £ ■OBDjort ernenpolat.-B iiuildnwaU tbe pled' tf-JteWUTHjinra Wt% bA Asia a ftif!^ 8(0, bot ikUed in tbe attempt, , Jim blm an unaom-pnlona rogue. ' ' « ' An GnxiKa Papib wenta to'knoir "bow long U win be bcfort an American bnllt ocean atcamcr will be eont off thewaya." Before It goea on lla way, of conrae. (Copy- rlgbt lecirad^) DEATgS POINGS. Weekly neoord of tho Dooeaae of X>M>mliient InOlvlduala. • ooanuD nnlULT roa rai mw roai currai. Blown, Uon. Prank P.-ErMiinv^l Otlaw^ Ul^n Oetlh Inil Birnan, Betb-lnTanlor-OllnloD, N. J., Imn Tel, aged 81 Ooluiia, T. a— Well known pilnur-FUUdalpbla, April aib, aged ef. Oimft, Oalen— PbraklaD— Hew Torb, April 3d, agfd TdL - laH. Aa— Actor " * " agaiaa. ctor and ataga maaacei«-New Toit, April Bib. DafiauHuaa, noL P. W..-Pr0olnaBtlaw7ar. flaiTedBonlb Obre* Una both In Ibe leolabtbiiaor btoatale and In tba Unltad Sbiea Congnaa-Oolumbea, 1. C AprH 8d, aged TV. OoUDl Otarire Fotbeade l^ran— Anlbor, Pollll- Ibe leolabtbiiaof btoatale and in tba Unltad Slaiea JotumbeTP " '—"OH ._an> "T— Db KoNraimnr, Oounl , dan, prnuinant member or Loull Kanoleoa'a Leelalalurei do. nouoead bf Loula Blane aean aocom^tea of "the oelr or Boo*, parte"- FaiiB, Martb Xlb, aged O. Oat. WOL p.— TkaPiealduiloribeMnlual Lire iDiuianeeOoi, and fomeriTaiDambereribeSlliabelhllai^t Ellabetb,K. J., Apiiiei)LOf beartdliaue,agad>l - rouT,llon. IL H.— Al Mmcee, Tlanada, anddenly, April 8ih. Ooauna, mdiaid-One of tbe iwonly-rour wbo oiipiDtied the Brick I VrindMb adttkoflandwlcblaltnila. ^ . — A ■tgrebainetl Abram reneBy trtM ^JSSS^vi^ wbiie Man yean old, In Ibe wood ?5'W■* Jf**; pieitlDreyn,aetnngaaillyclOM logelber, and wean a Mackmouucba. -Aain named Hawk wu tntMajteOft IIantii)Qrit^.Pa.,fiA' gtaallng cMckena. Onr Jim wiri It ■errci mm Hgbt, be had no bnalncia to go "hawking" other pcople'apnperty abool, — 3,3Mpn>i■ t<«r!3f*b-aa.^„ej-r_y_l^^ laeen Iho oiioiu ana wBDmga ngai-wreu *t.-- r- a(inD>«ra,ll*aidoeb, on theTliamea, ibe eanije bring tiwn l^HonHtaabaolYoitraod a quarter nllaa l** >•<»'»" llghtfoi73. Benion U. D. l>a>M.bln litnttX A. a Hall (cguwalnl Otrpu ' ClMBBIDOIS UNlvillSlIY. KamiL aihat. K. a K Handolph (bow) Trinllr. J. W. Dale Udy BaiiareL K. A. A. Bpeocer W. II. Lowe Cbttare a Pbrlpa Sldnrr. J. F.RInichin Tllnllr UaH.... J. II. Kldlrr Jcaua J. II. UfiUllr (ilmkc) Udy Margaret. 11. (lerden (niiaaaln) Trinllr Tbe rraultor thence waa In TaToror the Cambridge eiew. wbo won br one Icnglb, alter a abarp eonlot, lo nloalrrn minulea lalnr aeennda, Ibua bmllni tba Oiroida, wbo wrre Ibn rarorllce al odda or elercalii elghl, wbkb bul hnn rieeir ukto br Ibo fricnda or the llfibt Mue. Tlila la the fnl time alnce UdU Ibil Cambridge baa won. Tbe odda amoDg lh,< erortlng mm during Ibe moinlng vcen elcrcn u rigbl on ilie tliruNa, vblcb were eegerijtabrn. Mr. John Pbelpe waa Judge or tbe race. , _ N Losnoa, April S, BTOl 0 o-clneb P. M. . Owing 10 tbe Utebonrfllcdlur Ibe race. It waa ooaaldrrablT peat neon briiire the luul liading to ll,e Krnn of acUun prvaeolcd anjr 178 in im ISS>_ wore UD Ibe alRAQi or Trhlcka of IrniKy. r " ■ " ' llcrally chi ly bridge I -- Mg atmd, wbleb wu nttutr more aelcci ibiin thai un iba bink», uw- uniiaual aninrMnof. ihlnn __ . _ . _ ' lily brldccaHTtecrowde^L^ODtbe Bamrs Railway bridge llirrr waa a ya oIlMirla, iMnntflial.pidiuilly lDrrmic<1 In drnilir. BrSc IbeKulaanand Unottncrtmlih n«da wrre literally chnifO. Ingtoibeblib price charted Tor admUatun UckMa. meniamadeortbo Tbamea Opnaerrancy lopmcrre were idnliiUe. Twottcamar'^>aoooinpanled ibe cod Ttio arrange- aclcarruuiao _ __ contrauntaa »lr., CIlUenT. fortbeunplm aod VnJrenliroaiiman, andCMlico U. for the reprrarnlatlTn of tbe pmo. ^ The Dnlmvltr boat duba were nol allowed lo acQonpofiy Ibe race la a aleaoer. Tber waUcd tbalr rlalnawbcn liwai ivtfrarciinl that if one other airamerwunl- fc>wrd to aurt there wnald bo fratdimcnliy In kenttDfltliecourte clear. Tbabetllngwaal0to7on tbe OironlboaL The cnwa went down to Ibe boat yarda trnm tbrlr beadfiuartert aoon artrr 3 o'clock. At tbe Dnk«*a Uead wen^ two Ugbtcn aod a anwil boat, made fui lo each other, for Ibe crcwa lo itartrrooL Cambridge von iho tou fvrnotlUwa and look tbe MldUletei akdo. Ttala waa not much ad- Tanu(r, bManie tbe baaia rrom which theaiafiwu lobe made wera moored loo dooe In to the lilddlrai bank of tbo rlrei^ far too flMii 10 thai Ibn bad much Iru tide than ibeIr ««ponenia. AtLoe P. hL the aurter laie iba word tofo, and Ino Uolvf rally Boat Baoe of IBTOonaiBeDOtd. Tbe oan of ibe two oewa caught the waier aa nearly u poaalMe al ibe aaae InatanL . Tbeto waa tbe moat energy In Ibe OzforU dghL Aa aoon, howerer, u both beaia were both under way, the CanUbi palled a alia hUr Jiulcker alroka than Ibo Oifonla, and at ome abowud lo froDt, lead- Qg by a qurter of a length at Iba l4iodon Bowing Ckib Boat nouuu .The Oiforda lo their torn pullad well, and at the LeandcrCIub Booma tbe boau were about ereo. AtCraTtDColtagathaOaaibridga crew ateadlly, ihoufb alowly. gained ground, and IheeotbualBaDand eicltcntenion the bankeortherlvfrwere iDtenar. AtibeCrabTfte THE S(;t!'.LINO CWMPIONSHlPa;,. i eoavtm wini ipw »iBM!|i< at pr «banonge fiOT rnv ow, bonor- Ufa o»Iuaeo^ John McbeeJ wbeiiln be aulea Ibal bewUl row Boa fl»emTtrac»7«tPoo|hke«p.lf, for Ibe aum or «"otbou»nddolJua aeUeandgliane dot for oipeniea. W Iboot wleriBl InW •»» Dewaiawr rentmteiiT on Ibia pulot, f win aute Iball will nw blm a Btr mile laea for tl,IU) a aWe, on the Pougbber paleeomaf, ood u»a •ID rurrit.n.e.;thc race » be wwed In ateardaaeo jrt^ Iba aril claa 01 Ibo (Saika BlTcr R/galla, the ,I»T or Iboiaulo beJubeWb, ISA Iho aame d»r on which IJniwo anf I were JJWj,, ba Bribe earn ahora menimncd and ibe undiapnled «l'o 'C"''J^ !*» Sculler or Anertca." Tbta, I Iblnb. In all ralroeji baougiu ac<«plirbem<«iaboalnea«,aalD thafaJor-S I t"*;!" ffP-IS!^ cipinaca to eouie brre and tow mo ror ibi aame amouoL wreiw, >l.'kehol,lcr aod lima ot niaklogdeiwlla InbamuluMT e^ "PJ; H r. DnwTi bavloa aulfd Ual Ibe Uon. Joko Mortaem wewM Ml an ■uhrholdcrluwCldi 1 agired) lo our ileelbiaiUd nM»eo^^ woald xieieat tbe aame giallcman in thU laja laeetla JJe "Jt"- pB!'jJ, McSe: m Iblllog u. do ao. tl then boopmee i«J;'J»fS? •S it»»el«ldertoalpp<«lntorart u lafeieev. Ktbe ob"! abiwld iiacl llie wlibca or MrMabcel, ho will cover Ibe emonnl depoalltd Inyour Guide, iben we wiu proceed 10 builntii. *''""'5Jgf„(j„utt Amimo TicDT CLra-A meeting of tbe memberg of thli Brooklyn clob wu held at ihclr roomi on Ibe cventaa of April 1th, at which II wu decided that tbo annnil re- gnitaihould take place on Jnno M, and amngcmcnia Uicrcror wcro mitlc. A Regsua Cnmnltieo wiii chosen, roniliillng ol W. H. DoobIu, J. J. Bparkmon, 0. J.Llppl t. 11,11. lloElni and CI, II, OmnhlM. It was docldcdto hold tho rcgattu on Tuesday, June W, tho eourec to be from the DelapTalno Home; for icliooncn and nrst-clus uooni— orouml Sly Bpll to and sroiind Ibo llglitehip, bock lontn of OciicoB on Ilomcr's ehoili; for lecond ind third piiia Blooiw-aroiind Uoulhwest Spit to Outer Day buoy, tetiira- Ing south of Iho Beacon on Homer's eboole; forjonrtb diss iloonfV ixbRtf^ii^^ MBLTnrronniCi bli emanated Itm tcrma for i conteat MO ■ rata for 1 coDteat at Ihc three hiii French "SS*^ » l«)lntiop,wltbJ>iln. ball!, for |Mo7ii5o,5?k2S,»J CoMcnact carom labia, lo lake place in tbfi cli? whJff ^ BloD will iccept ornot Is not yet kiiwn hi^wa?"^'* Bbais OP A NOlin Bii.ijAHnsr.-JohD Rem abiniaM |taycr, died of nmlo fover on tin isth Lut^Si^So^ M°l!Sk;d amoF'*^-* ' Jobs Boberta, t' -porttal nilchc LUrtrt Two Ej ItoMrti, Sep., a< TUftthlacobati Cuibtidge^kil br hair a lenptlL At the Am^ Worba wharf Iho Oam^ noDltb brIdgQ aearlj ooe I tbe brad ol Ibe rtrrr, oppoa M her lend. On naaalna Bit. . _ - nod Ibe alrole oaranuD or the two contendlni bridge crew waa ibrve qaartere or a Icngih under Uamneraaltb bridge aearlj ooe length before nrlea. Bound tbe brad ol Ibe rtrrr, oppoalle the Dorea, (Sambridre ceotlooed lo boM her lend. On paealog Ibe oil mlUa Iho Oiroraa aonewbat ^nc.1, and the etruole now coamcnerd In eamrat, hoala pulled Tlgor- Totals... AtUnlle...7.. Field ,.T7 38 H 8« lal 0 0 Cbuieb Beclety, and tbe leal remalolng nembarortheaan Bechealer, N. Y., April Kb, aged TO. nona, A. P.— A wall known lurtmaA— Waablogton, B. 0., April 2d, llnuT, Jobo-BUUardul-Ohagew, Bcelland, Mereb Ulb, eged Id. Jouaaoa, Cbattoa-A London reporter, and connected wltb aoma or our watern iapeie-8L Loula, Ha,- April 71b. jAlnuT, J. a— Menberor the prominent dry goodi fljm of thla cllr— lADdDB, Eng., April lib. aged U, . Laainaa, Obarlee-Acror—eUlad by feUIog 1^1 window while enSerlna tram rerer and aanll poi— rarla, Uoieb Slat, egad SO. Hoacnaui, fgnai-M n al r la ti a n d oompoaei^-Lelpefc PruaalOUicb 10lb,ajied7& McOonau, UoL WoL—BoUler In the Meiltanwarand prominent Oenocimt-Pblladelpblh April 3d, egad U- 0091*1 Jamee De Perater-rrealdent tJ Chamber or Commeira, Mew York, and pramlneol matehanl— new Tork, April 7tb, ■geden. ' FlTDaOH, Joaapk Bald— Idle aiilatui enfloMr V, 8, Dm— Phlladelpbia, April Ttb, aged U. ' Bowns,Augeit-Huilclan-A1 Peoria, BL, Vaieb Sib. Braiia, J. J.-)IInllter of Iba Ooipel-Iancular, F&, April lib, agedTf. Wiirrut,Hia.— WireerBtobopWblpple,now U Buropa^t Blar- rUlown, la. , Xaieh Ual, aged A Wiuaa, Ilea, Jamea A.— premuioal pdltlelu and ex-poalmaelaiw KaUmaioo. Bleb., April etb. *""S&b^'aM'* >rde end Diamberaof rarilaniniL The tela, wbkhaiune time were II ioSod Oiroid, weraao eagrrlr Ukaii by the rricnda or (;embridfe, tbal ahorlly herora Ibe atari tbo odda bad receded tn 3 to 4 oo Oaford, Tho eicdcment of tba walling multllodea became lolenee aa ihe hour farlbeatartappiaacbed. At etaeily S o'clock tbe Oioulanaabolout mm their boai.booae at Pulaar, end recelred an oration rrom tbe epccwhifa almoet equal lo that gireo ibeOi/ord ronrwhen lhayoaae out aalnal tbe iran-arda laat year. Tbe mca iialed on their oara lo mblaueam aeariy eight mlaulce. when the Cantabe nude their en. pearaoce and look up a pealuoa on Iho HlddlceeK aide or tbe rirer. Tbey alao had a moal colbnelajllcrecaplleD from IbSmnl- Uiude, ud aeemed la be B epiandid modllloa. •'An cren alajt wta efleeled, aad Uia beau went oflT wllb a etnog, " tbetr rarer. At tbe Aqueduet tSriy yarda), tbe OaDlaba' pto, and when Ibej reacbrd Craren Coltaie (Ibiaa^nar mhe) Ibey weie half a leogtb ahead ITer^ Ike Oarorda and kept II up for aoma dlalaoeo. Tbelr r/lcnda oa ain — ' tbem 0n.-JlULJl1lhalt cffceL Ue momeolaiT murfil tSaXNiift thoagk^B laiur brre t, illhin Hheir alie^^t and al llAnenmllb Biil „e wee dear or iboOtreiil beaL lAder tho arch l ^ onlanaacilnapurtedacd auceeedcd In reduWog tbe ipln of their rnla U> haU a lenglh. A abarp airun)\ ruUowtd In ~ apt ni . — , . ^rp alrun)\ fuUowtil In Corecy ^eb. bulaa they paaai-d tbe Iile of Alt (SSfwiUea^ tbe Oionlue he^n 10 rade, and tbe Canute, who were iil^ rrrah, rapidly draw. Ttar TBLOCiPBniKO.- There Is lo be a gnud Telodpedo Car- nival at the CaplloUoo Daso Ball grounds next Fridsv. April lllb. at 4 1>. M. A number of Ito old vdodpode "ao It nacefula" will nartldpate In tho enlertalumcnC There will be a aorica of recea given. Among lbs conteatonls will be Frank Bhaw agolnat Yonog Naylor, A.-Cauoo Ball, for tho benellt of Onmbria Library Aeeo- riatlon, Johnstown, I'a.. It to tike place Ihera on Euler Monday evening, April uib. _!!? S.'IfT'P-.r''' ' "C? S"' Bivertislbg oolunni It will be noted that oni- Ned Dnnis, of Baltimore, chal. liaio* aoyhody to oompete with Blm in gifta^folntif. 'poncDln U> nair a lenglh. - ih^ Inlrontand wonlhemce tbeaaumlabmcnluill rnihu'i'iaam'oTtbe apeeUlore round eipreealon In a alorm or ai ffaini and cbeen aa Cambridge reaebed IbeatakeboiL Tba lime or Ibj race baa been Tarlouily rciiorlcd, bul ll la now aulburttnllrely alau^ lo be iwenly minutea and thirty aeeonda The Cambridge crew, un the noralng or Ibo race, weighed elcTcn peunda more than tho drorda. Tbe wlnnera owe lo no email degree tbelr ancocm to the adrloe or Hr. Horrtaon. wbo '^ooadied" Ihe Okfoid four bai year for tbelr malcb wllb the jlerrerda. It Will be seen by the lul dlspsleb tbat the onclil time wu 20 mfnura nnd 80 snnnds, whicb bu been beaten once only. In 1839, when the "dark blue" won the day in 20 mbL 90 see. we give below a complete record of all the contcsis which have taken place between tho rival col- leges up to date ;— UNlTKBanV KATODES PROM TUBIB COHUBNCBHGKT. ~ " Woni* many Igibi Imla ImladSae^: K or e Irin imladisc Uaeo aOafo two lenftba maay Igtbi rout Trace llalrekra bra leogtb a ace Dace Oamb. ook one length (Sate aiaeo Uaeo l3aeo naee IS are bralongtk alx IrngTha Sre lengthe i>b Pulney. Wcnlmat*r lo Pnlney. Weatmat'rio Putney. Wealnial'r ui Patney. Pnuiey lo Mortbke. UonhAo U) Puloey. Putney lo U orileka. Putney lo Horlbke. Putney to HoriUia. Putney to Morilaka.. Uortkkolo Puloey.. Pulney lo Hmtbke. Putney to Uorihbe. Pulney to MorUake- PutneyloHorUake.. Pnlney 10 Mortbke.. Futoey lo Hoitbke. Mortbke u> Puuiey. Putney lo Morilaka. Putney lo Morilaka, l^iuiey to Mortleke. Putney to Monbk... Pulney to Mortbke , Folney lo Mortbke Puloey to Mortbke. Wfnav-. Oironl Cambridge, Qimbrldga. Cambridge. Oambrldge. Oiroid Cambridge, t^ bridge. Cambridge. oiroidTr OlTord.. Olford (!am bridge Oitord Gambridge. Oaronl Carabrklge. Oirord... . 8irord aTonl glford trord Olford Oaford Olford Oaford , Cambridge. , , la addllloD lo Ibe ahore, Ibo Uolreralllea hare conlended kigelher ftTellmearortheOnnd CbtlleogeCupat llulcy Resile, on which otenalona Olford hare been Ihrea llmee Uie rlctoia, rla:— Id 1317, ISl and UU3, and Cambridn twice, Tb:-ln lUSud UlS,udOl. r«r\l bcnLCambrljIge at the Boyal Thamea Regalia In 1341 The nret Unlrrrally race rowed In onlrigim, tTbe flnlrnce In whkb ellher Uolraieriy rowed InlhepitMol alyle ol elgbu wllLoul keel; alao tbe Biat lima either nwMwIUi round oara. Doth uaed Ibe lame kind of onia udbonla. Tbe ridlowlng Ual glvte Ihe name or tbe elalloa frem wbleb Ibo winning boaihaaalailed ror lha but Iblrteea yean;— isiif. MlddleKL • fVeiA llmlo. aoaec, 33 mla 31 mln asmlo. aOaeo, 32mlo.30aec. aomlo. iSaee 25 mln. Sdaeo. II Bin. Oaeo.. a Bin roul 2lmln.33aec. Z3mlB.a3aeB. 25Bln.8Daec. 22uln.eOaec. 21 mta.23ac«. 24 miD- BOaee, 2fi mln amiu. Tfaee. H BID. 40100. XI Bin. Oaeo.. 21 mlu.43ace 21 mln- 23aee. 2tBln.48aeo. 33Bln.2aa«c. 11 mln S mln. naee. O Bin. 30 aae. lone leogtb tbe craw wnlcb npreaentiid tbe dub In conlesle lutyeir. Bolb these clubs wera Incoipontcd during tho put mnler byspedslsctiotthe Leglalalura. A new club hu also been organized and now poesesi a fOur^ared gig. ' A BiOAiTA AssociATiox,— We kavo hentofora alladctl to Ibe fact that efforts wera being made to organize a re- gatta association at Pinsbnrgb, and we have now the pleasure of aononnclog tbat such organization has been effected. ItepresentaUves IMm nearly alltheleadlugboat clubs of Alleaheny Connty assemblea at JUumy UamUI's ■alooo, the "Comtltntloo, "Market alley, on tho evcobig of AmU 2d, at which tbe fdlowlog gentlemen wera elected onicen for Uio enanlng year :— Frasldent, Ilenry Coulter; Vice-President, Iloben Kennedy; Secretary, John Usz- well; Trcognrcr, R N, Flannegan. Messrs. Flsnnegon, Forcra, Swsltzer, Cummlngs Maxwell and Allison, were appointed a oommltice to draft tbo customary constJiaUoD and by-lawa BOATCio IN Niw Ekoland.- A Crowd of nearly ten tbottssnd people wltneiaed a couple of races on Uysuo river, Charlestoim, Uaia, on Tbunday, lib Inst Owhig to Ibe amsU force of policemen detailed for duty upon tbe river, tbe competing boats were Interfered with some- what, but no collisions took place. Ibe McLaoghllo Brotbere end KIngaley Brothera riv^l boatmen on tbo double skull, eeitlcd a match for IIOO, Ibo dlstaoce being a mllo up tho river and nturn. The "Macs" proved Iho vic- tors, pulling past the Judges' boat In 11:80, tbelr opponenis' lime being 18:43. Tbo second nee wu a sweepilakes of tiso, between fonramatenrduba, In four-oared lapstreaka; dlaiance 2 mllea Tbe boats wera named reipecUvely, Bhoo-Fly, Hamlet, Qeorn Fnlkner and Fort HIII Boy. The race wu well oontested, tbe Sun Fly completUig the dis- tance In 17:80, besting tbe Hamlet by three lengths, and Seorge Faulkner by doable tbat dlatance. A Niw Wblnklk— Tbepnprieton of lbs Wuhlngton, D. 0„ Bkatlng Park, wltb a view to ralrlevlng the loaus iDCarred tbrougb tbe "etbercal mildness" of tbe past win- ter, have resolved totnnsform tbo concern hiio a beathia park for the anmmer season, where ladlea and cbUdnn may enjoy asnsilo pleasurea without danger, tho depth ot waterhemgjnitgnmclenlfomwmg, Itls contemplaled to Inangnnte the season about the 1st proximo, and tub the tatler oaiUolpadng It^u yacca„eta., *Tf'" ""flBMHTm W t' y-*!--" — • i-'^p— f^f-r mlghTbe mltafeawtai^(lBa|e (Uunuun. iTWFnnd Ball in their home TBB BT. JOHN'S atew"Bif»8lgBe4 tbo arddeafortbelr ""■* """" " """"" nee wllh the Tvne fOnr, and tko document bu been for- winlcd to Iho latter, whom It will soon reach. Tbe St. Jobnen ehangcd lha date originally llicd to August 2lih, telogmphlug the same lo Ihe lynceldcis and requesting a reply by cable If the dale didn't suli. As no responie has been rr thefntora for which ncgoilallona ara now nendina wZ informed, by Melvln l-'oeter and Edward Banlclt ' fbrthe aro GASE BALL. MATCHES ANNOUNCED. April ll-OfulK prlio came of lha Uoloa Chib, at Ttainl, al aVh) I3^lar Nine ro. Field, ni Ibe CapllollaegrenDdi,al 4 P la April la— pnenlpg maieh un Capltollna frauode, Atbniie 'vl BDluOj, at 3 F, If , AprO Id— Oponing day of tbo Hoboken dnba al the Bljdu ridda CLUB SECRETARY ADDRESSES, Below will bo found the names and stcietarieB of levtnl bue ball clubs for 1810:— Union of Horrlaub-Jaraai A Lyoo, Cor, BbL, TRmeaL We* chealcrcD., N. T. _ _ .- Albleila— Alfred D, Wright, Cor. Bea, Sunday Metcnre o8Ic«l Pbttidebbb. . . Kcyaune-J. U. Maboney, Oor. Sec, oan of Bonday Ifemr* oSce; rblbdetpbU. _ J '^tj Olympla-ILcodore A. Wcaaelli^ Bea, Ko. aiValnul a, PhDa. dalpbhk Inlrepld-Wm. UeKlbbln, ilea., Sol 310 Walnnlil., Pblladalphlk AUanlls Brooklyn— J. a ChapnuD, Poal omeo, Bnoklyii, THE OPENING PLAY OF THE ATLANTICB.. The champion Atlintlcs have taken the dold, and oit- Thunday, April 1th, tliey opened tbe ball for the seuoa ot 1810 by playing tbelr dnt practice game ol tho jeor. The occulon attracted a numerour concoune of Iho friendi of tho dOb to Iho Cspltollno grounds— the Ailnotio head- qnarten for tbo ycar-and u Ihe weather was tderahli pleasant the ipori wu much enjoyed, Although It had nincd lor lOnr gncccsiilve dayi pravlons, tbe grounds were snoideotly dry to play nn, and u a strong deld party wet» piBcetl In oppoHtloa to ilie dab nine a good game was Iba result The nlns Included the regular leam for 1310 with the exception of Bwandd, wito vru niucoonolahly ab. aent, aad ramor safs that the reason wu tbat he had r» Jomed tbo Mutuala If this la to Pearce will be wasted ror bla old poaltlon, that la If ho will uka It after being aet ulde. Y'oong Hall occupied Ihe place of Oreue, al cenlm Held, ond Mann ployed at abort Add. On the Belli aide Feorcocaptamod tho party, and wltb OnlTbi to vlUt and w fair supporting floid, they gave the nine work todo to earn bases by dean bits. In fact, but for some Important or^ ron by Boas and Bevlua and olbora of ibo twelve flelderir tbe Atlintlcs wonid not bave icorcd a dozen nnsim- deed they did not cam more ihsn eight or nine, tbelr oat- Ung being raiber weak. Uf the noteworthy play on bolb aldea tbat of Plka aod Fergnson of lbs nine, and of Pearce, Oalvln, Jackaon, Devyrand Yorke of tbe. deld waa ezcel> lent Pike's hose play wu a featon of the game. Tht- lull score gives aU nirther panlcnlaia -■ ATUana d-i. t. la. t. ft""- suit, 1Mb 1 S 3 4 Peaiea Mann, al., 1 ill Qalrln Chapman,lC....l 8 3 8 Deryr Plke^Idb 3 14 7 Kemwn llcDonald,rr....4 4 4 7 Johnaon.... ZeuldiLp 0 ill Biaa IIall,e?.;. 1 IBS Yuril SmIlb.Ub 3 10 0 Kenny FeiguB0D,0 3 13 3 Berina ...1 .,..1 „..! ::i 3 3 , a ItlUIa 17 B- M 13 _ 41b etb 6U 7lh 3tb Sth _ 1 3 8 I 4 0 0 3 0 1 9 0 0-8 Ply calehea-Perguaon, 4-. Pike, I; 8Bllb, I: MeDonall, l| Mum, I; HalL 1—13 Tork, 4; Johnaon, 2; Berina, I: Eemaen, l| P«raa. 1: Jacknn, 1—11. Fool bouudeatcbee-Blart, 1; Paaioe, L CUebea oa alrikea-Feriaaoni 1, Pearc*. I Baae ptoy-Pul oal br He- Donald,e: eurC4: pike, 1: Umlll.L Aealaled by Pike, 3 llmest ZetllelD,S: Ferguwa, I; Bnilih, 1: Mann, L Pul ont by JacktOB, IS; Oalrio, 1 Aulated by Deryr, S llBca; Oahlo, 9; Betlaa, 1| Eeaay, 1; Ptaiia,!. Doublo pbji by Pearer, Galrin and Benor Onu OB (onl balla—AiUnllr, 1: Field, B, Ubj" " " donaJd. of Ibe Bur Clob. Time of game— Two o . _ On llonilay, April isib, the Atlantlca win play tb opening mitcn, un which occulon the new nme of tba Union Club, of Momaanla, win put in an appearance on tho Capitellne grounds as the friendly opponents of th* Atlantlca In a grand pnctico match. pIxD— Mnl tbeli THE BALL IN MOTION AND THE 8EAS0M OPENED. : A PINB PBIZB OAUI IN BROOILTNwA NOrBWOXnr TIO> TOBT FOB Tni CEAHMOIIB OP THa AJUTBOIB-BTABa Ta FixLn. Tbe bau ball season of 1810 wu fhllj Insngnnted la this Tidnity list week, lint by the opening game of tbe Champion Atlantlca of Ihe proresslonu cjaaa or lbs frater- nity, and mora recently by the'gnnd pnae game wbleli WU played OB iheCipliolbiegraundsonAprfl Mb hetweeia the liaamplon amateur nine of lbs Star Olub and s Field nme of atnng playen of the EroeWor, Alpha, Fowbst- tan, Edcfbrd, and Atlantic (;iabe,aveof the lliit|ilnso( ether i »rB>aro GILLIAROS. BILLIARDS AT THE CAPITOL EXCITINa GAME BETWEEN DATIB AND IBABELL. TnaFORUEn TKmniocs-ScoBE i,3oa to i,133. The queallon of the bUllard supremacy of Wuhlngton, D. C, which has for aome tbiio been agtlated by the re- spective adiolrtra of HeseraJsmes Bavls and W. a Iia- bcll, wu decided on Friday, tbe sth lust Tbe game wuthe resDltofn mulch made on tbo 3th Inat, ana the atakcs 330 a skle. No inalob that hu ever token place In Wuhlngton bu cnaietl a more general Intereit, aod WUlanl's bllUord bsll on the night of the coutcsl wu crowded with epectsten, wbo watched the prococdloiB wllh laxloty, augmentttl by tbe evident oqnoUty of both players. Tbs gomo wu l,alO points up, ou a caron table, puili and crotch barred, and tne umpires were Mr. Wor- rell for fiabcll and Mr. Hazel for Davis, wllh Mr. Ileyer for referee. Al eight o'clock precwely the ceniestante en- teretl the roped arena amid vociferous cheering. Choice oflialla and position falling to Hr, laabell, the latter akot Us ball Into the lower right hand comer, Davis foUowctl by a carom on tho dark, and, by Jndlcloua round the table nluvlng nlletl up 18, flnlshlng tho ran by a narrow mlaa. Isabcll then uiaile a single count and gave way to Davis, who stopped al 24. Isahell, by excellent play, ran np 13, leaving the score m to 18. Tne game pnwrdsed wlibro- markuole ovenueas Ihim this tbroughoul^Bntoue end then lbs other forging abesd, several Isrge nns being credlied to each one. Considerable exdtement and angry dlscns- alon were occniloned by tho decltlou of tlie referee when fouli vera cinlined by either party, bul that gentlcniin evlilcnlly aclcd with honeat luienllons and to The lieei of his Judgment nnd at 11.80 P. M., jmine was oallctl, Mr. DavlH going otii In a run of 81. The score at tho dose alood 1,200 to l.ics. Next day Mr. loibcll, Inued a cliallcngo to Mr. IHivIs to jdoy s gome under tilmllar con- ditions, for any amount from tloo to |l,ooa. Appendtil will bo found ilio score:— Ilavli-71. 11, (, 7ZS, A 8, 80, 3, 13), 31, CB, n, «, 3, 17. 71, 17, IT, Imliall-3, li. 12, 12, 3, 101, 138, 41 B, 13, 38, 13, 3, 30, 1(1 8. S, 19, J^o, i7| 2^ a, 0, a), 3, 3, ^ p, e,l4>, 43, 0, 4, a, 3, 61,'oi il,^!; «: (tewMintr.— Mlaaea, Davla, I; brgeal riina, Darla, 73,73,193,13, IB, 147. AreragOi Darli; 0J<|L>ieiV, llOlImbell, 7S, 103, 131, lA 117.' Areram Darb; l/l 17 4-43. Time or 'punc, ibne honra Iwenly ninulea. 1 l»i I THE INDIANA CHAMPIONSHIP. CAnRETT DEFEATS HcORACKEN, On Ihe evening of Monday, April 41b, Jacob Oairelt, chainnlon, and ATox, McOracKon contended for tho cknm- f lonsnlp of IllliinU and ^3M, 1,100 pnlnis, at Wuhlngton loll, ladlanapollB. about four huudrcil apocteten being prcKiit. Clinrica Tyler wos chosen umpire for Oarrelt while John Origg oniclaled In a smilnr capacity for Mc- cracken; Ohaa O. Comstoek acted u roforoo and Qeonre Paucnon was the marker. Beforo ccmmendng play, John Ilucglo, Treasurer of Iho Indhins Billiard Association, read a cballonno to the winner from P. A. Byon, of Ia- tsyette. Wo give Iho aeon of the game below:— 0«rrTll-«J& a, 11, B, 11,31,11, 13,14, 114, 0, IS, al, U, 801 8,81.0, I zlli.*^ ^ ^ ' "Vrour Tnnlnga. Iimia Tbno of game, three boon and a hair. At tho end of the thlrilelh Innings, after McCreokcn had mode Ibo largest ran made during Ihegame, bo aakcd and waa alloireiillf- teen mUinies rest Tito sympathy of the suoctaton wu manlfeitly In favor of UcCraoken, who wu In bod health, and at Ilie close of the game a snbacrintlon wu mads for blu by bis frienda amounting to lllo, which wu pra- senled lo him al Unegle's bliuard room on the following day. < ^ JOB BiOB'a FoamoN,— The alatemeni wblOk hu ap- SBarod In varioos Journals te tho effect that Joo Dion hod eelarcd bis readiness to accept of the ohaUenge Issued by A. P. Budolnh^ champion, provided the latter would leave It open u nil, hu brouiht tbo anbjolned card from tho Oanatllta, which we dniTln the HonliaalMus:— .» ^ Bia.— mod, thieogh themetllure of Uie prea, tbal mynaae ll breuiliirorwnrd lo cooneellea wllb Ibe nuck laJked or natch be- tween Ruuolpke and Rdicrla. Permit me to aaaure you, Hr. Bdl* lor, Ibnl no uoclbn or mine waa erer given lo wnrnnt tbe report dreubtld. One thing, bowarar, I mar any, Uill ir tbo oonlampiated grand tournament ror the cbnBplonabIn or tbeworid ahouldtaka plneei I ihnll leel ll my duly lo enler fnlothe IbLand oueamore eaairtorroTemyaeiraecoDd to Bonih.-oo mailer rramwhettoon- allteymay came. I canaMcr, lo Ibo occnl or Ihia tournament lug pliCT, II will be nn eieeption to ordinary cootcala, ud I think the henon of lucceu would mora than eounterbabnea tho iroubla for apin Biting myaaif lo ulor Ibe publloaiau of blllbrda. Joiira Dion, EiQiBrnoN OAMia at Balbm, HASdi-R, R. wumirth. late oliamploa of UaasaohoBetls. and Walter DIgnon, of New York dty, played a couple of games at Naumkeag Hall, In Bolcin, Maas., on tho ifigbt of ibe 3tb InaUint The drat lilt was agamo of lOO poUtlB, carona, which waa won by Bignon. This wu fouowod by a French three ball caton game, of (o polals, In wUoh Wlloarth bora off the and Oalvhi to play third baie, , thoao strong flelden, Don Channoey, Rsmaen, and Yorke. and the oldllntual player, a Hani, In the nine. On the other laod, the Stan wen nnoble'e preaeat their fbllnhie. owing lo tbe absence of Uonlz anu Worth, the latter lakUis pait only towards the close of tbe game, Mort Rogen, ^ the Lowell Club, pU)'lng at third base on the Star aide un- til Worth came, when ho wu pliced In Unnf i noallloa oa tho Field aide, ihe utter retiring. The Idea or these pnie oirenngs la simply to glra an Impctns to tbs game In the urly part of the season; and also to repliet Die oireleasly played club practice game*, rrom which no beneOt Is derived in tralnug those games lo wblch eancsi efforte are nude to Held aharply and to play earacaily. In fact, pnfeaUonal duba oould not do ■ better thing than te put up prizes In their piaoUce games, "Nine vs. Add," once a week, until the acaaon la rsonlsr- ly opened by mateb games; and even then a neat UlUa prize ol some kind or other, for the best catch and the best score ot bales on bits, wonid be no imall inosntlve for sx- tn exertion. We are glad te ace that the Atlandca and Dnkina Intend doing tbJb on their praetloe days, fonrnrlies of bats and balls being offered for Ibe best scores otDaaea on bite and beat catches on bolb aldea In tlie forttteomlnc mateb of April 18th, on the Oapllolhie gnnnds. Tbo weather on Saturday, eih, wu ul that ooold bavA been expcclod at this season of tbe yesr, it beuu qnlta warm and pleasant, alike te spectalon and playen; aofl tbe groondi were in excellent condition u for as a drir Held wu concerned; but we were SDiprlscd u and that tho dleld otherwise wu not prepared for play; the bases were not tutened, nor the reporten' stand In Itaidaoa. It Is to be hoped that everything will be la trim for tha grand opening match of next Monday. Theiewuqiltean eager desin manlfeaicd by the playen present to enler tbs llBM on tbs Field Bide, but ubnl nine could be ehoien, of courae those woo were dimippointed thought tbe aelected team oould have been made stronger, u It could bave been In fhot for Ihey bad no flnt bauman or abort ■top, ■nd no regnlar pitcher, Uunt playing pooriy at llret base, Obonn- cey ihnwing too itrougly trtmi short, while (napman's pliohlng did not prove u edtcOve u it wu expcolcd lb would havo done. Tho Field side, however, bad a qlendhl ont-neld, and olio the catcher and second bosd pliuen of the Aitmllo nlno to help them, with a good man at thlril base, but they dkl not prove a inmclenUy atrong oomblna* Uon to lake a ball from Ihe Sure on this occulon, ^Ihongli tho amitent chunpiona wore not out In tholr full atrenglh. Pbiy wu called nt 4.20 T. U., vnih Mr. Jones, of tbe Alphas, as umpire, and though he illscharged tbs duilea of bis puslilon Inpanially, he did not nmplro the game In accordance with Ihe new nles^ It should be borne In mlud tbat Ibore la nothing neap In tho nlea In the way of nmplring except In re- gard to oalling bolls i^nd strikes, snd tbe feature of tha change, In this respect, is, that no inamino is fioio n- oiifred to be given to the pitcher or bdtaman oefore oalllna bulls or strikes; and alio Ibnt the pitcher la now onlr otillged 10 deliver iho b:m within the "legltlmau" or fttw rtaen of tho atriker's list and not within a fow In^M of any parilciilar spot Iho halainan may chance to call for, as lie waa lut year. Kxceptln Ihe case of tho (ist hall de- livered, too— which Is now a dead hall aa Ihr'u cflUoti balls or strikes Is concerned— all unfair balls mist ba colled after "repealed" dellvei7, and all fklr balls— that Is, balls pllObed wllhin ftlr leaob of the bal— most ba strock, or, alter "repoated" refnubt to bit at them, "strike!" ohat ba called. The duty of nmplriof nnder theao rules, therefor*. Is simple enough aa far aslndglnK oftlioplay Is concerned, anil wean ourprlaed that ao few are u ;ci to bo found who acorn te have on Intelligent Idea of IHO changes made. Tho Field side opened play in the gams, FergnsoD lead- ing off by giving a chance te Bevlns lOr a oaten, wblob ha duly accepUMl. Obipnan fallowed vrltb a boil to Here Rogen, but Hon. nnObd It and John made hia baas. Plka then sent a safe bounder te Ion llold and sacnnd bit base, and u two good bale wera to follow him, a good aoore for tbe drat Innings' iday wu looked for; but Oununlnga caught Chnoncoy's nigh fool ou tbo ily, and Oalvln tlppah out: the Innlnira dined lor two runs, nogon opened at the bat on iheBlarshlo, wllliasofogroander, on which ha miilo his base, after whiob Jewell took the bat, and send- ing a blgb ball to len Belli, wiiksh Yorko attended to band- somely, and be retired, Oummlogs snd Uort Rogen theia batuilanfdyforbaaea, and Bevlns did, too, after glvhiB Ferguson a chinoo eu a foul Up, which he misssfli Dollara also secured his base by a good hit, but he fell a PEtl. If: on -Tta ll»«nrUier.progfa«. In tb* lot Uire* Inning - - - ■- -"J4 iTO r 6?^ made a bwi\m t^iimKm^ n» JS&f?2u2 in JuSo n«t tio SUn vrlll t4«k« » tonr o WiSlMSnfor » wntk'e pl»j,»nd irUI enter Ui« Hold K"5Si«Tho eiperti or IntrcpW. of Mulidelphlo, tho tat- JSof MUBon, «nd ib» KnUooaa anJ Oljniplca of WuSfiitoS Below we giro tie mil Bcoro of ihe game, Ttoreoortof tie batUng Indndcs onU, rone, »nt Oai» u4 loUl bua on bli«, buo bjr errors, and loft on basea StarSeao blta. The record or tlio lleldlog abowa iba Bambar ofopponcnta pat oni bjr oacb pUoror on (he baaea, Sr u^tobea— fair and foul-bj foul-bound catcbea, the totafeaabDntoDl, Iba Umea eaata aaaUted and the toul {tiding arrofi ofeaclL Tbla la ibe regulation record for -fooiva of mitoh gtmoa adopted bj the aaaoclatlon:— - - —niiitg. — . r, u. T. 1. M. 1 a a I « - - - - 0 a U)Hi BTid «. IfeiBUUL— ntM elobi plarad k nme, Uia aame Mf.m aa IMIaahaUs groaada, New Otioana, Heaia. Soon, CoiMoii ud Sottwaru canrlng oir tbt bon- on. TIiefoUawiiiggiraaUioranaliaaslilonlDga:— r' lu W U M Mb Mh 7|h lU LoMgiar... .:4 f * a II ^ T ts-s FmriM 0 iiiio>o-e TIM of HIM IhiiK twin. Tui noBoiim auMTiomnr.— Wa hara rccelrcd the fallowing lelter In loganl to tba tbora cbainplon^p UUo:- . ^ Editob N. T. Ourm— Diii Bia.— 1 bet lun to loform jm that ibo Biialo B Jli n. hu DO ^ bsl two pmao, luBaalM wlsnloa ibe antud Miif jlheni br aiming amdca, and InoreaiUnglSie amount of llio guo«niii«i,To^ ;ufS?li'J'dSS'if'S!S£i, £iS"hS&,l?IS,''25!15iSnt'K LeB«wnla.olaid'a, II Grown ihln). of like amount, AprtlUlb, and iliofo..„., _ .. . . tutilr agreeable), at Oougtailn'a, tba Adima Iloueo, ta Dnion Binct, on kar lltb— each dapoalttobeatakod not Utor than ten o'clock P. U., or a forroll onauca. Tua money to bo tbernner forwarded to tbla onice, and aub- aoouentlj Innatarred to the final atakeholdor, wbo mn«t , li. -.■•ii _h.> . m beohoaen at tba last depoalt, when toaa for cbolM of JImj^ JJ^wen. J^'"Jf;i«5?°j "{jL'Jg^^^^ ground wUl lake place, Uialoiar tooalTlDg ton daji noUoa ftJ to S'^.^^.to wlialjhajaa to a? when ho lakea of tbepUeeaelacuid. Joi Coaoui wu up Ibr ■ fhiawell beneSt on Rondar evonins, April id, at Hagolro'a Opera llouao, San Inio- olaco, Oal. TDmuijObandlomdDliUDwTer were to act- to for tha list time alnca they ippcarod logetber In the roped anna. Jamea Doughsnjr and Edward Helarnor were to aot-to togolhtr, and Joa Oobum waa to wind up with Dan luce, a pugilist fonnorlT of New York. There were to be ma^r rolanieera, fadtiding Jig ana clog dsncera, Add ~ ' ~ tlonlgt. Joa takea thia benallt „ . — _._ .- - - - ,. Joe waa to leara ban Francisco on Hondar, April 4ln, alopping at Virginia Citr.Nerada, for (wo daja, Ohicmo ooe orlwo da;a, and eipecta to reach tUa city on or about tha lith Inat. " ■"" ""' looDmpula iiaii^inUn . . . u 8 zr B . lib eih gib Tib 81b tib ■ 0 0 18 1-8 ' 8 »-V Ku.:.::...:. a a a o o 8 a 8 t-ir "apiro-Wr. Joom, of tbt Alpha Oluh. toiM-Ilr. BUri^ OaUbH 00 •Irfkw-Jawall, I. OuU 00 fouU-Flold, 8; 8Ur, B. Rue ^aUbH 00 •trfkea-^owalL . — - - ouj^IIall br Boilu. Tlmooraaoo— One boor uuttblnjlDUiuui. tALL TOSSINQ IN THE MODERN ATHENS. TheaeaaOD opened In Doslonaa Fait Day, Apill tIb, hi • Terr Ural; manner, sevcnl of the prominent daba par- tjalpatlng in their InlUal game of Ihe year. The Trl-Houi. gain dab engaged a picked nine opon Boaton Common, Ahdr opponimts being mombcra or the Bloueham, DptoD, Savsra And Sheridan Clubn, the three letter bclnjg Junior onnlzatlona. Ttio ball ground waa In toit poor con- diuon, the ont deld pudculnrly so, and small hlUocka or oi^giaTellolcifercd grcntlj with floldlog. The picked ■dne pnred a very atrong toim In this, their flist game figcthar, and both nines exhibited strong bsKJng. Ouljr. aaTan inninga were played, ud ihe game rtnltedln faror of tha Ttl'lloantalna by a score of B( to 2L Sotdolncd la a •gQpn ot (ha gamo>— ' Tat-NoojniiM. ill a. a rlibi 10 dUffl tha Whip romiant uoin (h« Srd fiaio u vhjtL Ouuai A. llnia,a«lbiBOIoti BtBi Bau n INDUNI.— The annual neetlag of tha Fianklln Base Ball Olab or Franklin, lnd„ waa hold iUnh Both, when (he following offlocrs for thoenaning year were eleoted:— Frcsidoot, aeoio Lambcrtaon; Vioo-FroaltaDt, 0. Rdwarda: Secretary. Baninei HcOIollan;Treaaurtr, ColUa UUier: Dlractois--). Bamott, Geo. HoOaalin, nanr llenl- ken. Tbla olnb Is ready looomeaeo tha season as soon u ball playing boglna. The nine wlU ha tbont theaaBteaa hist year. TBI Union Olob of UoBaisiMU.— Thla dob wlU open play on Wcdneaday, I8th Inst., on thdr groondi a( Hoiru- anlA, on which occaalon an ezperlmental contest wUI bo played In order (o «s( the nerlia of (be soToml appUoanta for poaluons on (he new nine of (be C\\a>. All playom do- slnnsofentetlngthollsta will ploase nport to Hr. Ford, on (ha grounda al Tramoot, by • P. IL, on wodncaday. OiKoiNNATi Initt-loe DoylMha l»«t<>no left the prorcaaional Duokeye nlno of 1888, and r oaplial lint bast- man. oarUcnlarly on gronndcn, haa Joined tho Poran city Olub^ of tookforS, III. Joe la a good hat aa woU fs fcldor bnl la rather a alow runner The Bed Btocklnga have their opening on Bitarday of (Ms wook, ISth Inat, They bare aomo thoughts of a BouUiem (rip aoon after. OBION OtDB.-The offleera of tlUs Mow York elnb for the ensnlns year are as followa:— President, Uan'l W. retanon; imp- _ 'oler CtplalD first nine, Peter Downey. BtOBOANnATioN— Tha^toaOlub, lanlor, or'WUlchall, N. Y„ rfrorgaulzcd on the lat, by (he election or the follow- Ing i]mura:-Presldent, J. MulhollRnd; Vico-Pretldcnt, ajo.DeUBoi " " ■■ " ■■ Kodd; Captain, Vice-President, Ohaa, U. Fcoble; HeconllngflacrelaiT, Vd' Tld 11. Van Banr; Corresponding Bocrolaiy, Thou. J, to: — kins; Trflasurcr, Chas.A,l!«lor. Board opHrectorirn Downey, Edward Jooning and Bdwanl QoodaU. BnirrABD ABB fKOUBH ttATOHio.-Aeodrdlng to "P- 1 ;i;'ln'ffh''it5iWif?tf,,7*I'i polnlment, Fataoy fiheppard and Uiko KnglUli mot a« oor | ila'Sff ii,)17,'l?lWtS!"'J'jt offlce, acoomnanied by a nanibar offrteads, on tbeaiur not nriM In Toi^la iVlll AnoK noon Of the lllh Inst, to dloch tbearnmoot between E,g,u. ^ _ ititr maflbrob ftiMl will ihcM fti ■ rorinlclii'i nMkc. . Hy ainnji nr wrtllniu rMmfu - .. — ^.j k M*ii«boldrrui4 pnlUDU ui* ■ farfHl'ln any im|aiii4lblAi«nllw>,adb 8 — MB, at i,iub 1 Ai,8- . BOCTHSU. BoUnao, 8db Obaadlcr, of Baddaadorf. !db.., DouTaa, If. JJJ^ BimDdfBbcrg, lit b. 4 8 1 0 8 R B. La. B«ul,al Ddqotbo, p "3lnL" Mb PnliUlcr, Sdb Bood. 0 Pcuoa, Ulb Laiiftr, r r Laudon, of LOTT, ir ::! . .a ,...8 ....1 ....a ....d ....I ....3 u ^ TOIal ... , ,. M r«ali1en(, 0, H. Coraiack; Beoielary, Chas. Uotlie; Treasurer, John U. Biiggclon. BALL llATrsRS IN ViHOisiA.— At 0 nicollDg Of the Old Point Club, held Anrll 8tb, tlie followlog oOlcem wera elected (0 acrra for (no eDBuIng nix montha, y1z.:-4o1. 0, w. Thomas, PxeaUenti Vf. B. Preacoit, Vlce-Pnaident; Bobt. W. Uughoa, Seciottry; W. J. Bodell, Opireapondlng 8ecn(ary; J. A. walkins, treasurer. Board of DInofon, John Baolch, eholiman; 8am Bacon, Geo. B, Bllioit and W. F. Wlune. John Z. lierlner, acorer. John J. Banlch, Oapioin lat nine. Tho 0, P'a hare been considerably atreogtbened this year by (ha addition of sorciol prominent biiUsu, among them, w. 6. Beche, a noted EngUab crtok- eler. Se«be,MsldesbelDg a lightning pitcher, la said (o be a a(roEgba(amaii, and n rciuarkably awUl and accurato thrower. Banlch, (no capinlu, nnka as a pnifcational. Tho Aolires have not bodi liliolnDrfltniiing, and will pre. ■eot a much stronger playing nlno (hla season than utt. They have aecare last ycar'a games abowa each to bo (be ease. A Novel Base Ball Ouib.— It bos been proposed to ln> Induce a iltllo fhn into llio pmctico games of (ho Chicago OInb, and, with this viow a novel gome la belogtalkad of, which, iri( (akea place, la liable to rcanit in (bo dofte( OI the nrofcaslonal dub by a bevy of (ho poorca( players to be picked no anywhere. The plan Is (o match a oino, 4iompoas -^0 oatlonariama" byjolnlnf ibUiucicLiUvn oriniroloreja or baio Ball and non-profootliuial pUrna. Ulflanl dubf,wuo (mnnoluiid Im dolosala^ mav bo adoilllfd upon wrliun apptkaUon and rnnll- (aaoeor on. jroar'a duaa and Inlihllon n», anwunlina lo lbr«odol- Bn .Ooiomunlalloaa ehaerrullir aniworcd IV Iho coimpondlog aatnlaiT, wunam T. Walah, w dnnd aiieol, Xonoy Cliy, Bbnwa B. B. 0. Jns.— Tho BenAcas have eloctod the lollowlng omcen for the ensaing^yt^r:— Prasldeati^Uar- ahall Freeborn; Vice PresideiitrBonJaniin Lyons; Seoro- tWT, John Boolt; Ulrocton, J. Cudllpp. W. Myers aud A. A. Bonner. In regard (o A. A. Bonner belonging to (he '.NtUonals(as stated In last week's Oupm by (liom), (ha Benoeaa say (hat he played with them all iut aeason, la a .ntmber or their dub, aud haa opened play with them (tho Benaoasj thlaoeason. r- r / Taa JoipttOLbBBBASON.— The Joniora of (his city ap PUf !« MMlUog ready for (lie Held. Tho Union Star Boao i"y.A*^9{^i'*n navo iiluccd tho followlui nine in (ha field 'to do battle for the Junior ohanipionalilpThis season:— Sto- Phepsoa, .«atoheT| Byrnes, 1st bosej Connolly, 2d base; falienob. Bd base: tfcUeo, pitclior; Lonnlnn, abort atop; BteUi, left field) HoKonny, centre field; fioDowoll, right '«t lEa bULu"'^^ " Oerrtspondlng Beonuiy .v?f?'(*'!-~^ Seneca Olob, of this dly. laoantly aleotad Jhsfojlowlng offlceni-Prealdent, II. tneCorn; Vlce- nmdent, B, Snica; Traaturer, W. IlamUltni Rseordlng Hndderi (Mnetpondlng'Seiffstan, f. IIABTABD TB. LowiLL.- The LowcIl ofil ItarTert] Olabs played (heir opening march of (bo season upon Jarvle' Field, Cambridge, on the 1(h insU Tlie gome was quite in- toresUog, allhoiigh a good deal of mufllug took place, and $e acoro al the ilnlsb stood In favor of the ooUoge boya by O to 20. Junior Plat in UASSAonDSBrre— Tho Excelsior Club, of Ooslon(lauior),TlBltod LyunouThureday, 1th Inst., and vanquishcO the Osceola Club of that city with groat case, the Bcore being S3 (o 8. WASniMoioii TS. PiuoAH.— neae oiaek dnbs played a Erne on (he grounds of the former, New Orleans, on the Uist, when (he Pelicans proved tho viclots by a aeora of 8«t0S3. TDK FiSR, Jr., Is the tldo (o bo adopted by a club now Incouiaeof orgiuiuatlonat (ho Orand Opom Uousc, (hla cKy. THE RINSa THE AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP. The only fresh piece of Information which we have to communicate to oar leoilera (hu week, aneot (ho DBtoh between Tom Allen and Jem Usee, Is that (be former has commenced real work, having gouo Into training ooartsn bear (he Crcacen( City on Ihe 7lh Inst, to remain there up (0 the day ofba((le,punulng that rlgoroua course of ex- orcise and dltf ge^j^ar/ to tpt^Ielilfa to cope wldi a SU of focn vast enaurlog power as our piosant eham- on. lie will lake bis brea(hlngB under (he watchful urea of that eneilenced tutor, Jim Ousick, who tnincd Ueenan Bhd oohnm, and his conaln Pooley, wbo nn- oenlAAds pteclaely wliat Jem's reqnlrtmeaia are. Al- len Is a willing worker, and under the care of Jack Ooniding, be la doing honl work and plenty of it, and repldlT dlmlntohuig the amount of nnneoeasary Beah now ologglng the machlneiy of his oignnlzailon. lila trainer Informa ua lhn( he wclghed 2M pounds on tho 2d but, having reduced himself ten pouniuslqce ho waa Ui- stalled at waah Home, which proves that he la not ollow- Ing the gross (o grow nnder bis feet We are mqutally osxed ir wo think they will fight s( all by (hose whom pre- Tlous fizzles have rendered skepUcal, especially in (heoase of ma(chea for so largo a sum, (o which iniiulry we have Invariably replied anrmatlvely. We are convhiaed (hat both men mean fighting (our reasons for so beUtvliig were given some woeka ago), and if anything outside of maglaterial Ihlerfeitnca oocun to bring the match to an unsallafaetory JInalt, we shsU feel dispoaed to a(((lbule (be same to tha .Instrumen- (alliy of one or other of those who find'Iha money for them. However, we do not anticipate any sacn result as this, and we cannot perceive any grounds fortheenteitslnmentofeach conjectura by any one. Aa time rolls on, and evoirthlng perdilning (o (he mated is seen to progress ao smoothly, tho nnbeUoveis, who were so plontlAii at first, arc npldly becoming fewer and fewer, and consequently (ho intereat exhibited In (he aOklr Is belghtcned In a corresponding degree. As is slwan the case, opinions upon the Issue ore totally at Totunce, thongb there appean to be a growing belief that tbe ed- vaoiagea poeaeased by Allen will oointorbalanoe these of the accompllahed man from Norwich ; atUl Uaos la the greater fitvonta at alight odda, and ihat atockaof green- Gaoka wUl be wsgored upon tbe result Is an aasondraet. Tbe nazt and final depoalt, one Ihonsasd dollan • aide, u due at this ofllce on Filday, the sad al ApHl. Th* ban bBratAfon ''l^ilaAAflT" being ^l4eD npi by tha IHenda of Allen la St. LonSTror presentation to mm sa a mark of esteem for his manly, stralghUorward conduct and gallant bearing in past conteataoo our soil, wlllt we loan, ahoitly be finished and presented to Tom. HesBis. Jaccaird, lewelen,aro (ho manufacfnrer*, and that It will be a splendid afflalr may be Inferred ftomthoetatementtliatit win coet tl.ooo. Allen Informa os that be will not scale lesstbon iTtlba. on (ho day of the battle, as he haa grown audi larger since bis lost fight. THE FIGHT FOR TUESDAY, 12th INST. KEftRiaAN TB. TOBBET. As we pen (his prepnnilons an being quietly mads by the apons of the metropolis and vicinity to Journey to the Etiund selected for tho milling encounter between Jim errigan, of (he Fourth Ward, and Ed. Touhey, of the Dry Dock, which Is to toko place on the morolog or Tues- day, iith Inst, about three acore miles ftem this city. Thoae deslrlDg to attend will bo cenveyod to tho gnnad by two steamore chartered for the purpoao, the tarlif impoeed being five dollare per head. TOohoy had an o-ihlbltlon at Oontlnentol Hall, V.litbth avenue, on Saturday evenliu, Mb lust., and bis appearance stripped, togsthor with his clever displsy, Unnreeaed all favorably and caused his badcere to bcconio entnualasHc in bis supporr, odda being repeoiedly offered (ha( he carries (he day. We have no( seen EerrT- gon or late, but we learn that he hss been brooglitlnto very dearly as good comllllon as his opponcnl nnder the eye of "Skinny Bill." and hu adborenla speak veiy conO- denUy of hU proapecls, while (hoy are ready to back up (heir opinion with gnen paper. Wo undentnud that Tou- hey will bo waited upon by Owney aeogboghau and Bill Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonaihan WlU eaqnlro Kerrigan. The gentleman chosen final bui1 ulmosi apeed, the rcantt being that irrlvea home out of breath and entirely nnfit f or ftinher r without real. If this wen contlnned by each player •ch Inolnga the result would be that tho atrongest nine Ud be broken down beforo they had got through half game. Now, if thla atyle of batting u correct in one AltUlnall; butltlsnot aklllul batting at all, for It U Ually charasteriaUc of (he lca8( aklirul elass erplayen he whole fniemlty, viz., the "Uufflna;" for this claaa atsmen can hit balla for "home rans" Juat as well as I nine playen can. Again, too, given a party of muacu- nien,,wlili long, h^yy_ bal8 . ^d a lively, etatlfo h al^ LODisiANA vs. kBNTubt?,— ^iie groal main iMlwoeit tho above alatea, whlcli came olT In Now Orieans ou the 4lh, eih and eih Inst., wea iiMldud in Atvor of Louisiana by aacoroof fourteen'fighu to six. Tho victorious auie woe roprosenled by tho well kuown aportliig man, Ur. John Frankbn, romierly of Ibis city, and Kentucky ihe voteron fooelor, Tom O'Neill, of Loulavllle. Tho comllUous wen to nhow Iblrty-ooo birds on each aide and ilitht all that wclKhcd In Ibr wa each liattleaiid S-SOCO on tho main. It proved B ytyow rictery for the Loulilaua divUloo. THE TRflSQER. 8EDD0NS vs. COBURN. RORanllng tbo proposed mill between tUcso Ilght-welaTita wo riBvo received tlio followlog cofflmaDlcatlon in rcpif lo that of Ulko Coboni^B, wlUcb ippoared lo oar Iut:— flr^ Loots, April 8,1170. FnuiK Qtmr.— DiiH BiL—Prom Iba Curnit Jtui ncolrod I tnni ihiii Cobum bai euTFml mv dopotli rorvrftrdcdl BtlHibcrortbfl ' •- » - ho CDTTnOB of _ . rUWer, wb* •rrr mnnl lla» him tloojor oipepari to accl me Id diMr of ilio loalldn nirnlloiud by r. RoKb. ]riSlid«catioliDllCotrttrB,bliri1CD Elghtecnih stitet, Fittshnrgh, A Oathollo priest was sent lor end admhiis- tered tho saoroment to hlia during tbo night, end Alder- nah William VcMallln, William Whilnoy and several other frlenda called lo see him. Uo lingered onlll alx e'dook on the evening of tho 7th, when ho expired, per- alalenUy rotaslng to giro auy Ififoiraallon relodve (0 ihe aOhlr. On (he momlug of tho llh UoUonald's oonoiel, Mr. L. 0. Cossldy, allempted lo secure a honring in Ibe ease, bnt no witnesses of the oocurenoe being present, the Aldeman eommlttod the prlaoner and ordered a beai- Bt two e'dook on the eih. Wa Hati Umsgfoc Aim HUet Hd Falser Sb«- pud. THE CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT. in LBS JOHNSON TQE WINNER. The pigeon ehooiUig contest for the obtmplonahlpof the Dnitcd Slates aud an elegant badge, besides tIMtothe winner, tloo to the second man, and lilo to the thurd, took place on Tbnraday, >th InsL, at Hark Rock, near mvl deuce. It- 1., on the groonds occupied by Ed. W. Tinker, Tho trophy was oObred by tha Rhode Island Sportsmen's Club, uuiler whcee aisplcestheshoollog took plaoe, nod about dx hundred penous paid their passage money oa board the ateaner What Uheer, which had been chartered to convey the contestants and spectaun to the grounds. The entrance fee was fixed at |to. and the entries were six lu number, viz.: Ira A. Paine, New York: E. W, Tin- ker, I>rovidence; Ulles Johnson, New Jersey: JohuTsylor, Jersey City; Percy Aldrioh, Erovldenoe, and J. IL Brown, Dufiluo. On the way to tho ground pools wen add by Ur. Uarahall, an old hand at the hnahieaa, Tinker being the favorite and Belling In all but one pool, as luat oholco, Taylor being landed next and John, ton third. Dinner wu partaken of after the arrival of (ho parly a( Murk Rook, and at one o'doek the sport 00m- monced, etoh man shooting at 88 aingle blrda, 91 yards rise and 80 yards boundary, ftom U and T ground traps. Al the beglnnlug Taylor mlaaod hla bird, and ontbe (hird abet Johnson mlased a bird, (he othen shcothig easily and surely. At (he end of (he fint ten birds, Taylor had lost throe, Paine three, TUker and AJdrleh two, and Johnson and Brown one each. Fool soUlng waa resumed, Johoaon and Brown aelllng about ttvanly, and Tinker atlll ahead, By tho time tho filteeuth bird bad been ahot at Brown had gono to the lead, and money was put very freely upon "the stiunger," as he waa called. Those who had bought him very low before In the field looked cheerful, and those who hadn't soRowfUlly wished they hsd. ErenTlnker'sbscken "hedged" on Brown. His star was In the ascendant, and BiilnUig brightly. At the twenlloth shot everybody thought that "tho BtiBnger" was certainly walking away with tho "cbamplooa." Johnson wss stcond, and tho othen wen bunched together, Tinker htvhig leat three birds, Paine five, Taylor five and Aldrioh five. Berowas a turn— the longest lano must have one— snd Brown miss- ing ihreo birds In suocesslon leat him tho matoh, and mado Jolmson'a chances very favorable. From this point to tho close of tho shooting Johnaon kept bi the load, and easily won the conteat, loshig but three birds oat of the thirty-five. No ono would buy a pool against him, for none were so foolish aa to aend "good money after bad." Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at Sis(, rallied, and (0 auoh good purpose (balho was awarded (he second money. Tinker (aklng (he (hlrd money. The unlucky ahooling of Aldrlch at (ho mlddlo of the match nther dia- ceuraged him, but be alfo made better acorlng toward the dose. Falne waa very nnlorlonate with his birds, and hardly did himself JnsUce; while bad luck seemed to stare Tinker oontinually In the Dace. The dotpest Interest was taken in tho affair by tho apectaten, And wbllo at times then was much exdtemen^ (ho beat of order pro- vailed. Tho beat eonaeeutlve shooting waa done by John- sen and Aldrich. We append Ibo acore:— luimiuieiiuiiiieiiiiii oiKoiiiinioiiiiiioliiiiilliiiuii lllll0III0lllllllOIIIHO|llIllllllll-S) 111111DI10110111101UI1II1101111111-S8 liioiitiiiiiioiiiiiiiHHiiniiiiviii-rr _ iiiiioiuiiiouDiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiio-ir The birds were, in sporting parlance, "heavy," nearly every ono on being nleaacd requiring Ihs nerautslon of a itone to Induce him to take wing. Boms of them abtelately re- fused to start. On his fourth ahot Tinker had two of tbla character, and both being barred, a third, a lively fellow, was trapped and killed. At tho dose of (he matth I'aino oballanged tha winner, Johnaon, to make a match any- where, at any time, for 1100 a shlo and Ihe badge, escn Dsn to Bhoot al one hundred birds, the time aud place to bo at tho option of the challenged party. Under the rales by which the badge Is governed, the winner is not obliged to accept ohsUeiiges oKener than once In four months, though he may accept for a less time if he chooses, New- ton Uexier, Proddent of tho R. I. S- 0,, wss nferee. THE DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP, TAYLOR DEFEATS 1VARD AO A IK. On tho 3IHb nit. Joseph Taylor and James Want, both of Toronto, not for the fourih (baa la b (rial of skill with lha trigger, the match reaaliing from a ehalloiige leaned by Ward, who wu dlssatiaacd with Ihe defcau previously ausialned and dealred 10 tost hla powen once mora against the champion. The contest took place at Lesllo. vnio, 0. W„ and wu for gto a ddo, II and T ground tra|is, M single birds cooh, Zl yards rise snd 80 ysiils boundary, with Dfoz. shot. Itlehsnl Vareoe offldated u luilgo (or Ward and Itobort llodgoon did liktwlM for Taylor, while Alex. Uulr filled the noeltlon of relSiee. The weather wu favorable and eveiythlug gavo promln of an exdting con- teat. However, nelthsr man made u good a display u (hey have previously dene undor leas adranlagccns dr- cumslaucea, u (be score below auesta:— TlvuiB-lW>IOIIlItIIUIIO*llUllll0101llllllO*llllO>lllllUllU)>- ''w"iiDUiiiioioiiiiinitoiiiiooiouior obb haaOlM dollAn.of BDrUB«nBlup loBUOa tidai or I will pol up 'm ••UoBi CuUD IDS ibool al & doBHa blida twb| wli |irtr Is aeiuir Ib«^rd«,wbl9h BralobBmludoo IhBmoraliif oraboel- SSH'U'ASiS!!^ "I'-t-f «><"""•» XOOBRTUoSrriBBL J'i'.PBt.HhWCONB'a MKW BONO ABD OANUBs! «iMu;;8itWAnD"^iJi"nAbKuS"iVW^ " '..ATALmE'S QBEAT OBCUgSIBA. tl Habrib AND Pbrrt.-J. Walker, Incker or the "boy nerzog," narrls, says he will match him agalnol Poke Fer- ry, of Trenton, N. J.. lo his own race, 'l yards, flir (too or tl.OOOondtho championalilp or tbe East. Harris is es- pecially desirous of running Pony. Tlio race lo come off at Fateraon, where Perry will be oeriain or a rolr show. ' Jack OouLoiNif, at iircaont training Tom Allen, will per form lUs feats at tho latlet's qunrien, tho Washington Uousc, near St, Louis, on Suuday next, iTtli lust. An ATiTLina Olits wu organised at Uonireal, 0. R., on tho id lust., the purpose of which Is to eneourego and nro- Diote athletle sports. About foriy names were enrolled on the membereiuji list that evening, and a committee ap- pointed 10 dralta cousiitutlon. TOR OnioM Club, of PlUladelpkhi, give an Invitation ball In (ha( d(y on tha lllh Inst. AMUSEMENTS. uippodhomx] paiitsiisn. (IRAMU AIUSNIO BIPUSITIUN. niE gilE.VT BUBOrKAN CIR0D8 Will luunirolo Umi Mn*iB ot 1870 by pteMHUIlua QOBOBOUS IlirPODRAHATlO TAOEANT IN TIIB MAMKOTn EklriRB SKATIKO BINIT, COBNBU OF Tllino AVKNUR AND Mill 8IBBBT, FOR A HllOnT KEA80M ONLT, COSINBNCINn MONOAT. APBIL IL ARENIO MATINRBB HAOB DAt AT SkLO'OlQOg, BqUESTBLlM FEA11I EVERY HVENINU AT 8 COLOdK. (Doon OPAO QBO bottrpntlMB.) ,ADUISSION 80 ceola. SuiLOREII DNDEB TBN dO) TBABS Tbe muuienirat tDnoaoaoi Ihs preianUUcD or oal oaly THB LARaRST UIROUS, DOT TUB BUST OOMPANT BTEB OROANIZBO IN TDB WORLD, Inflndlng Hla jMooauo WaUoo aiiil MII& Zerllas LofcUs, EQUESTRIENNEa PlntBii|Kai«iu«lDleor«noribe OBBAT fTAUAN BABB BAOK BqUEBTBIAN, 8BN0R BiBASTIANT ud IhBt epllami or Uenl sad beanlr, UIB SON nOUBQ, MB. FRANK rASTOR, OIIAmPIOK BOIf. ERSAULT EQUIUTBIAtr, from Obaua NapilMa, Vw\m, Bnl ap- Eanum la clihlyoan. LA JEUNE UUKT. Iba loln ahl UuiiUa dir. MB. OIIARLKS OONBADandTALEKTRD BOIia TUB DBNZRn FAHILY OF AOROUATS. OKABLBB RIVEHB, FOUB IIORSK RIOP.B, BotBrl JehBjoD, FnahUa, Laulla, Sbfrwood, Uonalis losclhorwllh adoubtacomr ' — Bwaj or Oynouu, AfnlauL TnuaxUli, Aa. ID Wtl.LIAM ATHAR, OLOW BAM LONO AND WK.LIAM ATHAR, OLOWNB. TIIB RENOWNED UON PBHFOnHRII, MB. PIBBOB WILL ENTER THB DEN OF U0N8 BI each perfonBaoea and aaaaola _ _ MARVBLODS fBAT*^ .TRR WATEUNAN, BOUBBTRUN DIREOTOB. TUB riBST OBAND HTRBBT PAOE ANT, WALTRR wllblha OoldeaObarloUBOdlhaUTaUaB laoto In tba alneli^ wU ^ ON HONDAT, APRIL 11, (iralhar ptnollUas; If uoIaTaraUa. Iral dalr davl, laTlai Iba HammoUi RIak al 10 A. H., and pam davD llare. IsNlh iL, utnaa lo 3d ur&, dans 3d BTb. la fiowarr, lo Oiiial, lo Bn«d*aT, up Biaod. war M Sdlb il, la 8d ava, iheaao lo 8Bba,BBd, IfBolaooaplad, IMlilioMB BoaichaalutisyiDta la -^—-^ iatarmB,raraayamauolupla oaauouaaoa Oaoada, uodar 1I doUaraasldei BntpiwbsVlsBoalloae/SuUoluUaaiiLlba'naloh uieeMtM^tySitwndtaeCOtpdklMpiit^^ Uihe 730 BHOAUWAV. Lul week oI CDINd OUOU III, UABT AKD BTOAN IN jvDioiAL ODBiosrrna ud TUB WBONO MANI In bla ireal Sou aad Act, FASmONABLB EATEV)F BBOAOWAT. JDDIOIAL cURioBrriEa TUB WRONO MAN. rABIlIONiBLB KATE. oiiiNo onoo BL liomaa cnwded nlabUr la lao ihl^ TUE dHBATEBT DOHBINAflON IN TDB WORLD. OlflNQ CDOU UI WlU paalilrtir be nmoved afier ihli uttk, u oB Uegday, April IS, ve produoa Uio mat Miuallonal burWiiiio 3-Il» FIIOW-FIIOW. OXiTTITPIO TfTFlATIUa. LeaUMaadHaBapr. JAUBB B. nATCS, Diulaen Hiaaicr DAM BYHONS. OK OEO. L. FOX'S IIAHLBT, LAST UATINIiKR WBDNKBDAT AND 8ATDBDAT, Hr. FOX'B f raal uarronnaace or I1ANLST nuilbewllbdiawn foran nnUirir NEW VKhSION OF NAUBBTU, KblchnlUbepndaoedan H0.1DAY, Urn INei,, WnO ENTIRELY NBW SOlijlKllV, ^ „0O3TUHE8AND APPOINTBENTB, tad wlUi ill Uia orifbal Voal Uuiki HAODETn ........Mr, OBO. L. FOX, 6(ali Kcorol TIVO WEEKR IN ADVANUB at lb Boa oOcx, and ^t ua Thcaua TIckol oflcc. Ill Droadway. t-li* Twenlr.thlnl alrwl, balwa^a Kinb anil Slllh araaoaa. LXET week OP TIIB KNOAOBHEMT OF RDWIN nOOTU, •Who will ap«aron HONDA Y.TUESUAT Bad WBDNBSDAT ETE- NIKOB and SATURDAY HATINRE,aa HAUBETir, laHbakfopeara'aiubllnoTrwdy or ibat name, aad on TBDBS- DAVrrBtDAYliidMATUBOAy UVENIN(IB,ai •""•o- CLAUDE UELNUTTC Id Laid LvlUHl'a bcauUrul nkir or ' TIIB f,Al)Y OF LTONa ON MONDAY. APRIL I8lb, HR. JOHN B. ULAHKB Will make bla Bnl appmi«nen in Naw York In Bto yrara. In Ibe chinclnaoIHAJOIIWBI.LlNnTIIN DE B0OI8 andTOODLES, irrrorncd by blmSD titnra In Ihll dly. 'BnlliKURdlVrO WEEKS IN ADVANCE, al lha boi ancaof lboTbf«ln,oratltabnnoli llckat offloe, at tba HuiloilanorO. II. Dillon A Ca, 711 Bn>adwiy. 3-11 -WAX'XjAOK'S. Fnprlclorind HiBager MR. LEBTBR WALLAOK. DOORS OPBN AT 7k(. TO COMUBNOR AT ) P. H. nvVRY KVENINII will be praaaaifvi Tom Taylor'a laii saw romodr, KEN AND AURKS. vnduool wllb nawandappnifiriala mnrir, nair piaalo and aairap- ulBloipnla. and a mil or chinirion ItKfudlai Mr. J. W. Wallael:, fir J II.eloUanl.Hr. n. T. RIonnM.Mr. f.b. Wllllireion, Mr Cbiiirlriltncbiioll,Ur. union Holland, Mr. Ptct, Hr. guliley. Hr. Oornn, Hl>a HidtllCo llrnrlauaa, Mlu Emily HaalayBr, Hri. Jobo 8irioo, Hll. UiimPbllU|a,.MIia Ro»L ' Inrahnaml, TWO OF TUE FINKHT OLD COHBDIBB, whkb will t)f Biran FOR TUE FIRliT TIUB IN HANY TEARB In pTBnai«lh,n RETEHAL NOVKLTIRa A HATIKBK WILL BIIOIITLT BE OIVBN. 8-l( riOKlalorj.ad^jusnr. DOWEHV TLtRATIlE. REWfeifevr"""-:;;" TIIK OBBAT OLODOCBB TBOUPB. DORST oixinoaiiB, _ WIBLET NORUAND, JOUN J. ENaLSn, WALIIllOir. BBHRLR nxiMrr OP MrNSTiuaiisrs' 310 OBAND HTRBBr NBW YOBB, IHuagen ...JABiaiT A rAUlB. WONDERFUL BUOOEBB. . BitUlanl ao«l uoouaailOBed ulunipb at tba LTDIA TOOHrSOR BURUIBQUB TBOOrB, APD QBNEROng APFRBOfATION np TBBIB TALENT, OBMIUB AND BBAUTT av VBB MEW TOBK rtmuo. MONDAY, 7p~RiL II, m wUl be piwanud Uia buiUaqis PlPPINl TnS KINO OP Tllfc OOLD MDlEa Tha nlKaDTotlucpd vrllb NEW AND OOROKOUB HOKNRRT BY TOBOTLIN. BU iinvAi«rr« MiNBrrniiXia. FnURTPRNTII RTRRKT. OVER laem MIUIIT OF SHOO FLTI flIoriouaSatcaaaor 0. W. II. llrlaln'aBuf1a*ieaor _ HAMLET. IIAHLKT. BAMLBT, DAN URTANTAHIIAHLET, THE SAR.DANB. DNBWORTItaaUiiOIIOm'. VX O. W. II. nRirPfHiallia Lrrri.E uaoi BUOU FLY I THBMVBl'- DAN BR' «»uf.Tl"°'Ln7.«*}J|[J' MDBIO >T WAt THE LEOPObirS. lb..k«B,tal.,8.»..SfS"'« LADY GYMNAST OF THB -WORLD. BlunAltAfh Milk nnnn/iB •«au.V.T '"wr^teWi gnOO FLY I L£SSiES AND MANAGERS IMPBOTB TODB TUEATBES. Theraara Teiy few lenllemcn wbo, at ioa»UffleoroUiar,bare Bol bad Ibelr llATB BOII.RD. OB PBRRAPa RtnHRD, ^ „^ HY IIIIIT OR TORAOnO JDIOB, ON TUB Fl,00na OF CUUIUIIEK, TURATHRA, , or an; olhar cnmlad iiUa, rram Uia vary fbcl Ibat Ibare la bb plaoB lopullloiorrlon - ^l|p_ PKUP — will Hod li gfaslV ioirieir i^lnnuco'in'laok'i^ u II wUl (IRHATI.Y ADD TO TUB COMFORT (IK THEIR PATnONa ^ , By Ibli almplo nmDsauionI raamad undn- lha aaal, lha hat la aatlly puloul or tba way and aaouraly baki In lu plaie oalor daager aiidnolnHiblalsUisownor. • t-ll*cow For cimilara, larva, addieaa B. M. DEDAN, PalBBtaa, . ff BouUi Blilh aliaal, PbllaJalpbta, fa. allAHLBllTUWN,JBrrBBBONOO.,W. TA; OB tha WIncboalerand rouuao BaUicqO, bluu of Balllaof* aod Ohio. HRlnnT OF ROOH, 11 FEBTi DIHKNBinNll ei BY >l FBCTl 8BATBDWITH BETTRRB, AKD WELL UOITITD. WILL BKATTUReTiIUNDRBD PEOrLR.„ POPULATION OF TOWN, lOOl IIAU, NBW, 3lt» JAB. LAW. IIOOFF, Proprlelor. TUBATRlOAI. BOOTB, BIIORft t-m BlIANNUN, MILLER h URANl SLIPPERS. Aa LISHildanUaa, h;t. WAR TO THE KNIFE. DnoBTisTi mpoirrANTi ihfobtant{ The United States Confeotlon Ooitipany, 73 WARREN RTREKT, NEW TORI, ABB NOW MAimn OONTBAOre FOR TDB OOMINO' ^TBNTINO BKABON" _ w nil 0IR0UH8II AND HBNAaBRIM FOR TDEra UEIAiDBATED PftUB PAOtUOKB OP TDRB OANDIED. ... and all BarllM wbo liaraBOl aliaadv ' , MAOETHBin AMANOEHRNm AJB..RBQtrBCTBD TO OAtX AMD BEE TUB flDODS AND RXAHIMB TUB BTOO^ OF JEWELRY UBBb. _ _ . , , Ml' BAM'L BLOOD, OoBtiael A|enl, ON XUH UCDSON XUTXIIIb. *****"'°"'* PRFmiFpOTANDAintlB,, ..* ^ ooBsandducai TIIIRTY.FITB OENTB EACH. Beat IS Bay ad- drcM, pool paid, onrtcelplorprlco. „ _ ^ll• . FKAWgLINWlHNS,WBieaawBy. A I^AXt-S* fine eoMBUoDll Dl*m ■WHO wilitoBtoBcnvIr ror oor, W14-. rIOBMdastal. AddloM ELLA A. EilW, FMIa. fr. 0. 3W HAS HAS A bar, wiabaian Skpe. ■ - Til' PROS'. noDunxs nuMovjiio Is Tea Broadway. Pkluicioua Drpami oT UluilaD, PoaUal and Baileiqaa, SeaiaUoBal DaraoDa, Pbanlona, Bkelalma and etbar Ttiloaa For OBjaawBOnU or ptttikaalni of appaplBa BvBd ilamf for tenaa, pnisiamma or oalaloauA * LaiHPB.niiiiaBa. «< B A OBAlfe,« MiBae SPAJNarjES. TINBEL LACK jJ-Ut BnANN OM. MILLL i^St"^ edstya*!? opiaitA nABT A BAYNK... BANESTBBI.B... QAUBMBNTS ABB ALWATB OPBN FOR OOOD TARIBTV PBBFORHBBflL Addnia f R.U(K BTRBLB, BlanaManaiar, t.3t' ^^o^(8.— EmTOTl NEW 'S'OIiK OLIPPEIL-DKAR HIIL— After liia|«c(tiiiT Ui* noltei from iba BInIm preu, Uwailirr wllb ■ ktlcr rnrm Ibe prnprialor of -iba OpemllouMlo laslollrt ffr" f*|ll •dmil Ibrra bu Imcu mb* ml*- npnaeuUilonponewbera On ibo Oni olabl or our perfonnaDm, apar»o_praMaiod blmialfai (hedomi rorfrtoadniuloot ■laUni oa wai Iho Rimin rrpurif r for U10 New Vork OLirraa, ud whan aded lo glra a pnoT of bli balnR lO, nf uaad, and, aa a natuiBlconaaquonoe, ma decllDad lo pau ihe donrkaapen Tbil aeoouola for hla lauar lo lbs UurraM of Uta 2d of April Voura irulj, WiUJiH Ilouci liuaiui OLWioTouTRai SL Loula, alo., April SiL IIIR FIHHT ArT'BAItANOfc IN EI.HIRA. Only on raro andunaaual oocurona li ao Urfe anaadbmeaal- lraolikllQ.thoOpermlloHMiaatfliiiraMd Iba Qniappmranoioriha LlmardTroiiro lo ihUdij, laii eTealnjL If lionfr Ibaanoonooa* mrDioraleciurobjUougii, KitStf or OkhlnaoD. or a aarnwaby Bccrhar ibai nn oall wii aiicb an auillanca, iind II li onir a lootura Inr Oonah, Niihror DIoklnnni or a aannoo or B«ecber thai oao alDinl to much MiUracilon u an ind(«Dcn, did lha enlcrtalnmani oriut orMiloii. Tba fMt thai Iba peoptoof HlmlmrooofDliaaad ap)>rectalalbeiilflbnucnboiifaeu n rirat udt«cDDdcUuaDlar*alo< mrniUauillclcali7appuTutli7 Iba «|JOtrTncalo ttaoaudlonoa, both In cbanictaraDd DUinurr*,be(wc«a lulof lailoTcnInfaodibaarc- ntni proocdloff ll> If poHUl*. bowarer,lha dlUbiroca waa mora marl*) In IbocDlorUlnmrnl Iban lu Ibaaudlenra. lobtaipeeul. llB« Mr. Un^inl hiinoeniMl«,biiUbaaie«llenc>Qiorthaaoiaruio< tnotii nra b/ iw mcana conilnrj to bloi, bl« ln>upa beuf compotad of OftHtlaiu aolora In ororr dr partoicoi. _ niB LART APPeARANOB IN BDHBA. Anolhrr torn and nnicbuHiiillcooa amtad ibaUniirdlroiipa ■I ibalr Kconi) aod Uai npptaimoM In tbu dir. al Iba Op«n Uouaa, UMlavcnlna, aod iba wbolvooinDiDj opprnmllo ballaradraoUfa Ihaoon lbapr«vloui0T4Alnf, wlicn Ifaalr aDlerUlouanl nre tba SiONlonmplabiKQd prrfrci uU«rKi1oo. Tba Ininductorr tana of ffboHp«akaFlriiit'< fira Mr*. Alka Diioolof LInpnL Hr. Babart, Hr. Ullllna*, Mr. DArmiiaml HIM Wood aiioicallcnlopportuiiUr.lo riUntar Ibalr ■uuorforntlllllM ri nclora, whkb opporlnnllr waa fultf a ' - m<_ A il« lii.n>.lB>a t.lnHt^laa anlMBitlil wnmntiaUl ImraOTld. Mm Alloo Uiionloi Llnpltflaa aplanlU woroaB-U look unon-BoO a caplul acliraa lo aca and Imr. Mr. LiBfaid pail BavaliliioDsaaodcUncu>r.keloboa, wblch omlM a world or dft- lu ' — w.. Iihlaodamaicnienlwllb LliaDdltora— drll|hl bMaaia bla Dilnlcry r..nmnilnsindr.lih(itl, and amuarniriil bcraiinor Iho repldlly .filbwblebboalapptdrroin ono chandrr loanoiher, (oainme ana all. Ilia illlno ImprraonlUmaare aiconlinaly cnloyal'laaBd dlapUy Ibe iklll ol an arlUl IB makaup Tba oietUciicloa of Ua OBlarlaln. nonlwoiauullnurd, an.l Ilio .unrloilly or lha mnMy allll fur- Ihtr BiaoirMlrO, In lha doling plKo, wllb which Iba audlaiMS wu more Iban wril iilm«MB IB UABBT onimiaBAlle 881 Brait. Pat Ilea wialiias to Boof pi Ibis wlBplMaa BOBTBr ibroBSh U«( nii.orlo nNOBTll OATCrrSilT, Vll* BaJUMB^Bt XSDT^lUr BOOitfil • ■ v ThaonlycorraaleopTOf IhUsraalklBBBr lllaildr. In till WOlMlaifti ImpenoBBiloB ' ™^*' A eopy of Ih lanaal kiK or 'flAHLfn-' ^ rfoirrEB, u " - BB, u '<1Iiib].|." 0. 1. F0I(DBn|4FDnnjijj^blitiaaipllMlati«)1r „ . „^ COHIO BINgEaB AND VABIBfr TAUNT, WANTED FOBTHlU. ^■>'>"i hs^^iR^^Jj^ ■noi PADDINI^ 8.111 BUANNON, BTHEnnU, AIX TABIBma. LEH A CBANB, IB Haldea Hal, It T. r _TO SCDXieiio'W MEBf' ' AMto* iSlMrfwHS,"?"'.''* OWpiNAIi OlABB DLOWBB,A>S UTILITY HAN (lau al Bamum'l HuaeaD) la opao to luanaM guomaBl,orwllliiiikBaloakrorlb«5ndaorOlS8bowa DSSr. •■II* WBWTOW N;t«BsrilaBA, WawTotB. ' Addrtia W. T. nOELUR, taiaorCllpparoalai. t-lt* a. M. MORI , OOBK, DAAMATln AND-TAnil eiy r--- NO. Iir WALNUT BTREET, „ ^ PniLADBTj>HIA. HaiuteiSBlBba aoppllnl wllb Iba bealor UlaalOB akortaolllA r«rronBer« wIiblossooAcDsl«tiDaBU win ptaaaa aaad namaa, biaS* Dna and apiary lUI Immedlaldy. TTh. HOBTIMik S-ll* D'BBMII'AseBty.SirWalBulBliMl.KlladaliiiW NEW OOMIO SONO. WTTif onojtna ■■MAOIO OARTBB. Vajlad npoB laoBlpi or pito, Uoi^ L. P. OODLLAND, Tiaanopl aL, BoBlao, Maafc _ AonNT WAKmro. ALITB MAN, wllkarawbUBdraddsllan, lo aat u XIABDIBB ft» a weUorjulud and popular TiileiycoDifuy. AddiBaiZ.^^C| KBSPONSmCiB SEANAOXIBa. * POPULAR * OOHTQUB! (TBOH BUBOraj • Oia ba aanml by (ibI clasa bbbmiuoI^ roifrAll MaAOBHBNTS^ of l»o (0 •roBlia or hnfir, la appear In bla oriital '. cnABAinry.UBTnL — " HUUOAL ADDBBB8 LOUIS SHUBER, FBOTEAN OomedUn. Oan bo rnjafnl Innibar or aaouablT on £^InSS ' A pAirrxY 01R1:., ■ or nnillllalun and quick ofurcaplloB, a profllaMoilloalloBwia boil«B 10 ABBIBI i FIBBtBtASll PABsfioioffATEUBSi w! Ulualona. Hull nol bo under li or oyer M yean or a«i AddiiaLE8TBB,CBnof IMeoOoe, aulloi wbera an Idlnrla* may ba baa. Ml^ DILI, POBIEH, QniBd Bapld., Hlob. P. O. Dahlia OF iMiiaAxnmsa iTm/i lanlry.' - -I Iboo I •l>o»iu^,Blwsyiidy~ladaBl^^ AOI3NT1S MINHTHBL COMPANIES, Aa., alilllBf Bpiioi (be EVEHKTT IIOUBE OBO of Ibe Inl In'i DOWE knowiwhilprort ' ' loolloo. J. 11. dfiiA ffTj ihowmiB(B' — Ibem a call. WBNTZ BROTtlBBB BIB 4ba renkr Oily BID Poilart. ud all wati antiuf M 10 Uhd wlU iw ralllluir^iinSiyi!i ^ 8.IP BualnaaBMaBSfB'rorMoKMj^^uclwBThaUTleUCft lald,''Dl.,'wtll |a«A^' „ J eoanlry.'.OAFT?'^- lOWE knowiwhilprerualonilanoulraindBbowilbaa BfaRab" VlCJUSnTTRO CONOBRT IXAXX* «mK»T''pir» tS'.SWTI?**" Wilhloilon and Hulbern. .. • Now «p«D BB(1 In lbs roU lido or auooeaa wlUiBtaUBIadaS^ pBoy or , - ; TALErnr.WASTBftATA.I.LjgMEa - Mia Addnaa OPEN TIIB VKAjt HQUN.. UEO. g THOifPBUN.aiaiaMaaaiar. PARXMIDn . "WAnTTJO , IN A FIllBT ODABS BIlOW UUSIHESa 'Urlhlot Kady Ui |0 f Isbl oE . Addirai or call In Uia Bear BImL . "I* 87* MynlaaTaBoa, RrooklyB. MISS APTNTEl CORNFO: BOW UHcllna wllb lha LISA WEBER I FOB WTURE BNaAOEHKNtB INFORm, - . _ , ADunSeiiiBB ■ «B Badrord alwat, BMUiB,Haaa ■WANTTED, ,^ .ABID^BnOWDOOBXEBPHRl Boil ho B (ood laltor ami a lempmio nan. Addma JOBIYX ASON, 81. OhaHra Uolal, 188 Bnidway. New VBrtT^ " fur*, aCAIISIX>RX"S VARXEIITEaSl IIEADINO, PA. ^ WAHTBD-Two |ood I^odas Udlea and'B'Blniloa lodr. wanted al all tine.. u. MAB^wUP. Pnailaior. rlilLL. DIBFtNBAOH, BU|a Hl»a|or*^^ ' SPORTINQ ADVERTISEMENTS. irotloo to Oaso Rnll Doolon and Clutis. WabaTBlMoadlwoabeialiriil ralored aoanvlnaB or 1 Belu, Oapi,BhoraaBd DatisoTcr Bny(IO)dlffennl.lyla.,belBf aa ouclfao-aliDllaornodL Dmlaia and OInba akoiild aaoa and pf» eurelhem. PricoLlalagdI!nsia*ln|.wntrroohvaiilL IVa Bia matins Iho Aabk BALL BTOOKUO, wblch wawB. , runllh to dull at Whataalo Pilcai. CUNMIKOIIAM A DILL. ■" ■ ySa Nanuracwrar% n Okunh at, Tbih, PARERBOATS. For aiaialaa, plaaiurak raclof, Inrallu and haB(lB|L.. Bearfil- Dodelaror youns lidlaa, ladi, lourliu aod^apoiuoiaa, D aa ril pl l f olreullrBlBdDrloellaleMloRappllalllon, — ..V|' 8-81 WATEIwrSALOIl A OO.,l08 BiTtr ll, n«y, R, %. . ',1 XtKooIalop Sanajplo Ro(nn« OnOIOE ALFA W^N^^Iutui^uTteaAUU Iks •» i FBltAIB LBBHOilfl IN 'l^^'^<'^^f^S!SELS;^St!B& 0«BllaBiaBall«ld«lB(lbelrBWBt«iMBBoeirmB|'»l. .' MISOELLANEOUS. rro UqUOB DEALERa-ror 8018, Bt • bifgalo, d JL MapirratoBaolpugrawcUbBowBU4o6rllaBnlkatan^wE% (au Ir ■'— nalnt wliiaa," Bwaaa, alrneUona for dialllll&f, rcdirj. Uo.«n, Ultem amipa, wrdl^ j i,«to. For puwuliia iddriai LIQI JVBt EBOU aipBBBO, BBd amni and Blimp. Add w " PAWa-A Bodpe ftt.Kaalo WttDJ nnwoaairornraniaadoldi oalladnrHSgB , ■ iraadT.,BlallOBA.Bome, Ma» Mf THB UAOIO WATClH0HAnlL-ET«O)iedriaMlt| •UTOMDEBI ' Iks bear* Is ■d, .lhl>t awl THE NEW YOBK CLIPPEB. ^I>ril 16, 1870. [(KnciB TO gCBSfmiBEns. " H Mwiriww to to Hw cum*- -J*"* "':?" " I " fotJoimllu.. I ■ taror'am • <<^<<<*IM«I MmuwIllM mife fram woncE. I Mlttn «na«ctad vlih ikto «r ttUcr depaHment pf !>• jwn?^ iwpaUollr ii |n u wkkb m HMr (• «m «kca,aa4MUalnn- an« aoi* iniBinba aar otter i>u;er la II - n la >llk Ibo AltuUa Claty Iml, inallr la bla lanirli 3lMBG4;'»aUuka,«allilok, <. Bun aad filiJ Ik nirantbabtal ualmdaMC*-rrtia«4 BHrta who pUred a ahort ' &• wlih Mafll while BmhohKBtw jna pUylni ai WuungtoD. S. fi«laattftallbwiaatontodt0 Fufrr BkwIcorHT, but coi'adlrom, MdM Mv tba wl/9 of FABk Xem^ 4. A*MI«Ca Dniainaad««> ■Mi^aadDUred.aaU puuai lUnium'a Muacoa, corttcrorAoQ iMiandfiradnv. l. 0'Brt«u . Film TUATU.— 1. Tha trUbUl praaanM at Iha oM Ftrk tbair* pom apeaod^ all r. U , and pcrft amed allK. 1 lU Ian conflijrmllon (Keorrcd on Dtc 101b, IMa, &• dtMoT iM taM apptaruM at iba ICoai^UUU uvopo. Tboi. Battoto wai Ibao Bunaavr. ' ~ lun KtiDwieMlbTTfUf, K7*~Tbm waa no Ulk of ft btiwaBBltoilaraod l«dr thers, for tVXfL laat fall Tba itiat have oriffiutM from tbe faci UuiMr. BonDcrolTrndlo DO Jbr aor bone that mid parfonn J>eiler'areatatFn» under pnda(4r Umiur oooillikma, of iroiilaxamllaioa irtlfti - - — hlWUDOJbraorbocie that mid perform J>eiler'areatatFn» iinrv, under pntiatlT ilmiur oooillikma, or iroiilax a mile lo a tP«'«Bd difrer wfiahb«9l«1bi, In IrSlK wiUioul a breaker A aftar «aU1n||aU ua ny fnm bU BiaMN lo Tiraatx-aeTeolh mi, lajfow Tort, la the ooorae iba suae day. jRfUi HAiM, KawOrteaaa.— LioeBtamfUvaabomlDSL L«ula, ef Irfab pu«tac& UU father waa a dcaeendcni of nobtrt ~MUL'-HUaM to ahoui ivrnir^ertn. newM adnunnerat* dlobMOfllMflL ImU rvctotou durlnji ibe war,an4wtnt i. two feel to Iractb, WedfMbapnl, ralMS^otir birbra In ,„Cbeeierneenun& Vnra terel (round be could not r iwto^reei; to<|kci,no oui arer eouM clear t«nitT<«li feel 'jitlboallhaaadaiattceor a pole, board, or Uxfc of weodinnltortc ' mix fmrn wbkb Bowvd JompM. ■oirnTrMi, BroDkl/n.—'Un natch hetwmi AthltUeasd AIUd< inafnuida,lhb afjulr, lAO, H beuUiaiibeflnl twtotbeAiLuUaawaJtolwineniBa; U beto BnlmaacoloaLand aoliliM made bom rani Fleue dcdda." Bw are Ceibbamuto a haoe run oo ihe AUtleUe aide oa iheflni , and riMfte and Small tod cff wfih bOBM rune OB lbeAUaD< Plbe abe laHtafoaa. L 'tliUHb Oaoat" wta pUjed for the flnl. Ual and JowefT TbeaMT, on Dreember 17ib, ML RW time, at Ibe Ner Jo ^lddrAibor««flliluap ' AawB on the neii eT^alni, theprofrutm^ The Umtre was bumH maini, Xtoecmler Uib, befora naformanee be* **anaihaaaoi"ud ibe'-MUd|r^'wm Um Um eerfemMl ihen. "^^lin, Obia— *,ar oo or^jr nMod. 1 John CBMun RiU^d In newprleaoa for Mmei£a& ^ei LoUa waa tan lo Hew T«k eliF. • . — I J.a«ti;Bo*«. Mm-L Abe flkkev benl Oattloi, nawler. WMffLfUtona and PatoXanlnObeUikr In tbUenuoirrJ; waa jmimv ^ Majwr.aijkl fMBlidimwa wfih MIe tiw Ofvdan, Bob SKS*>&?*"*^^;»i'?J%P4|*'-> ^f*^^ PUlUoawlUooalTOU fUO. neeeordered by Weil CUrk hare not Totarrlred. J^iut.-i. Joe Mack waa lo Bufklo the Uai we bmrd of hin. &TMdUrivmedrapoorT«l4baatotopiv(keaDdpcfMTfn; to <>flld o«l ITron mo Uaprora il aax, co to aone nuale (mcber, kam ' B^O^ l«iLb« oamri aoiiod of notea ^d (b«a nlUrau your Toleei Md jwi wttl aooD dodoQi whether nu will ever be a ilnfrr or neL _.W. B, 10 wbodoea the qolcheai cbanniTBtowart er Mr, J. a Biewan, betier known u faitlesrewart, baa the A^Jt^Sf}}* flBlckratehaDra en rword, Uhtofloff ooe com- dMB^Utorm anfHher, and bUcklOf bU^ £m, In tbb abort . "fffTV^ T.-Tt«>>« aea Ua Borapaau chi^UM 1 nil mf^lM rorfatiaad MlUwIr 'a^*i^u4.>'W• our a« t Motii«MM>°°>i .•tW mi onlrbrlai Ub«f«»«»Tni»"^ •» Uw, jack, loei ool btfoN'Mfh !'•"<• «( n^arleoaaai* lloclpda _ b mo 10 an. ana, N. T.-Wlfn ao -^■» lib mat liunmllf ,'5f3iSS5'.ffi!ir luwand vbn iba,t,lod rpa win . ... v>"' ' H.yu,ti.U^-tiw(nU biraauwand '•uiJSplsSS'lK^Jto-Tao imi aaa Ika mint ai«Dd*a i^.ir J. J. I., -4ll»ir.-Wa hara gotu latood aor of Una ta,«o« V a D. T. Ito«l«ii.-Jrir. IHTl«w«a arxMralof Cllaloo, whmbcrfl«»<»rl«Ilbalaul«ln Iba U. ». liroalj. J. B. B., »khoioiid.-l. WoalU puNUb li«bcD apaaaraimin * w.'i"l!'^'|-mp«iu. lolcdd. -tUaml kao.l.|»beih« fa wcni>kilo|lbadraavrlbaUockomr. .j— ik.rfima BuTDi Vr'sakm, a-Tban to M pM o»l ondar Ikaelinua "a^W., PhlMtlpbla-Lolia'c Mjurmtnl lo Balllwia tm mntn on Ike Ulb of AmII and imalruM wi !»« •njr „, nui IoToati«ci.-Wo doii'i bnoa o( aiij ladj ID ika prefamw "oiS HDaniaia, San Toit-A fuH hand baiU a •»ltl4hl, II 'i'c. B., Jobuiowa, ra.-A panoo bom of Jairlak pamia.l* ■a,landii*Uba«aiilaa''Ei«l»bJ«";'' ''lt.'*^V>makmi*.-Wa ban Ml j«l lanad »bo ba»» b«ao wen ^4 fcr neii araaon. ■ - * Bniaiiouiaa, m I/inU— A l<»»a ib« bai, for n i««lr«a«oa btuKllfdTOMwbklilndiulnltirtnlr.brt. Eiaiaoa, Qlto, IlL-HarbKiur'i oBoUl laalorilr la Ntw Toil ■lalMlllieliiirnuUanlUJrIirlljn, n«>,tM. ,^i«< F. C, I'corla.-l. Toura of Jlii nil., ami jrtl Diarkcd April U, amalobandlooUUIoWarurrlcf. 1 W« do not luno Ikon. ' A. Z., Olniwnod Ii.-An>lcM A Co., ikn cllr, maj be aUa lofur- filth jou wllh ittcb a work. . , ... . TVKOlf, flrurihlrn.-Tbciaanboftkloo Ibt aDtOHI. bsl wllkool a pmllal kaoaMio Ibpr wnuU b« of mil« afrTk^ m m., . , P.Tu I/nl>ilm\-lrm AUrlitr,lh«Ci.loi«dliMcaaMkeriBlr. . , J. B.-I. ITa oo nol know hm ipnch, Ifanr, he baJ lo ibl nalcb. BflwailoOTrbariitbitKiMra. 2. Thai liouiorourllai*. O. W. H., WeUeirlllc, K. V.-l. He la eonnctleo wllh no ihwiia ben at prtariiL 1 II wia lo laKd, hnl ll o'tc r tame (« anylbint JuBrowH.— Tbownamj. roaieocnl Moie, can boapplbMlo aor Urn bma. 0. U" r, Uaftrblll. Boa 1 rirtceo cenia rrr Hoc .—^ , irinnaBor,ClodoLaU,olla-l. lleliooi. lOvnTonwia Tirnmuix.— Tbeoior7M)luiM InlbellDiaiutMTonwnldORrywcIL . J. E. P., ClarinntU, O.-Ikn'L B. Bandoiana ptared al Ua LTceuD Tb«m^ I/>adoa, Enx.bul nol al iba lUyoiarfccT in. a-l. Alira wti bon al Biniloibaa, 1 yon bad bcllar learn a liade. Iftaa.— Va ibal) beplfoacd in brar from Ton. Ilooo, OeorialrtwD, D. C~Lolu la nol mairlod. ■ noala.1'r " _ *D,D. "CluiioaaV'' rhil2delpbU.-Wa bara Boi iboaa saabn BioJia-DKilneri. 0. c a., ciotinnaii.— yonanTarTtmHbl& "J. II. B."-Th9llkT01. «. J. n , Erie, Pa.-no Iraopo ll dlitaadot. LoHPOK-Yeur belur plan wooM be la adrerllao lb<& Haau BoiT.-<:bailaaB. EDIou, Oreeofoiol, L L HiDn— Decrr la ak ^Inerkaa. "To Tin"— Xa«oaapoau4irrmpllaa«, , ■ 3. B. aTlraTlanOlkk^-B'i hnr aoat oul bafora (Ta bl|b, | **ri«Ta"-Wa iball ba jiad to atan ewaalru of roar offar. EooAB, laTaoawood.— Owaa ll&KL EMrin r, D., BalUnore, Ml— OalUa Coilla. Pu't a, UararblU, MtK-Teai barowhl alllw tallUft & r., Protldaacc, a I.Jeo uawar lo^, D." 1a O, Di, QooiialowB.- will ba noUoad nail weak, a P. a, Boaion.— II bu nol beao paMUbcd rtl> J. A. LaloaanoL— Will appanr In our nail. N. 1. a, Boaion—WaZTiwi k< ' ' ' >i keep boofca for aal« WBATig R ViAHf-Tlit /lUUan Mao, la noUclag U« duthof itOOMnTlTUI EsgUaliniu, utn^- ^AfriendeaUodioiea biJB CO ibo foOowiocn^nffandfaQBd blaa anfartpa vetr mack. Mr. IL afterwarti wani onl for a walk aadlhrewbunielfdonabbui Tbe k&anaamak al ibe dawkboo* Ba^^jronpU/tolajainiwniMaenlhlnloKalka. Onlbcwajbo It's in pitia enosgti ir tod imilmttgil ]t, Bit do joii r irnotwCrtMnrnrTOn, but lum't tune to eloddMo tlmiBlltCTjMtBOIf. ' A OVBioiTB OABi wii decided In Ue Oooit of Common FIeu,rUltde1plili,onUielUi Inib 0, F. F. KiTMr ned H. It. Difld tnd BkDDCl WUUuu for wtgea ai editor of IbeFMfaiUtpnta BUmtr. Ttedefenn wu thitbedM notdUebugehirdalT. Tlejait, Itowerer, tbonghtllut bebidniiBclentljlnllaled llie maUer, tnd tliejiccop dlnilr iwudod Um leTenl^-nlna dolUn. .BiXonm. ExTiior.— Ois'ot onreioluniu luu l>een hiring an "Mgnment" wlUi • eontemporair, bnt dlicUInu penoniUtr, end after fttlsg an extract, taji It foitean to ear Uikt the iaotatloa *^Teal8 tbe mtnnen of a buck., inanl, tbe rencltT nt • olitiEplon Uar, and the moiali of BrtoT— A cllTpaperia7<>-"Mla Hande Emeit Ii to de- llTor • iplv Icolore," alo. Ii tbe Iidjr In eamut m tbli iploj line I Meet ladica wall nntll thej ai« married before going beanilT Into tbe lactarlDg biilneai, for tben Ibej bare tome one to ptaetleo en. , tfola- L Tbe^uEan Oaa baa a ltd Ulanitle al Bnd wllb a wblla alar In Ika canlia of Ibolmnala, wllb uriRa of aodwhllaalumalalr Bowlofonl of IL 1 wo do nol know libjUJUptr itjolar onlfoim la, orua oBmbtr of men Ikor bate In Av 010 BowalBn, Obloua— Aa no boor wai ipedfied for pau Haj op Iba balance of Iba alalea,inr lime bafora u o'clock, P. II., wm In llalb If roo pal up roar toooer before Ibal and Buaaar to* . fnaafroaaiacolUlulolurorfelL BuaHrnunoclalanrhaUTar ' ' ^OUtrlll— 1. Taakea BnlUran had aoreial oHatn, bul II ll Mam- - «' «a IMI hu ma OAmowia Prank Ambnees wbleb bo waa compelled ~ Kplsi from penal ier*llud& A niaflnlopponeolln ha ftai.iiia Uammar Lane. A. Xnr Busa^aiaarTiDe, XIL— 1 laron Jonea beat Bob Wade, vubaa^^%7 Harry Onae, Ton Padtak (iwleo),Tom Bajera and S-^a. SSaSaSate, and rog«bl adnw wllh fiayan!' ' I'^erhapa ' vMeh Bombm yoo deain to obtain. ■in Pmr— 1. neeaao and Hi , ,^od,(knada,OcLJ0i,18M. L Ueenan aod Bari X E. W.,ZndUaapQ)U,Iad.-T^ot4eiltoabriorf«eeaarerrealoT ' fbrtbelflapcrailTe demaada of Baton to absurd, and Uta refcne'a nBpl In cmBUsf «Id teeaaa waa quite In order. Biuio.— Yoor oppontbi eaonot etoln anapjudfoenlfolbeway "vea nafiiton. . There nasi flnt ben mniual aincaneoi for tbe imoBBi of Btokaa ^ayed far, ameuot of forfali, ilote and pUea of r-r^ -lieaabecUdpedof ihebe*of|5l . Tbmtra Id Pbliadalpbto waa bnni neeoao and Uenlaaey foajbt al Loaf Point "* '■" ■ " ' Bajrcra roufbialfBni< — wu bon In Kaw ■liylDi, «4fta before any forfeit e •'^wrK.,AlUnto,UL-L Pbi' -«meDJaDe19Ui,im i n vhlekwu aftorwanto cloanl.U: , •^ori Uaa, owtof to ft abooUna acnpn JbMrann.—I[ waa HUeDelen Marble who appearvd aa Lorllna Ip Uto^'Katod Qoaea" al ICafulM'a Opei» Ilooae.^'-^ ' aSdtnaL BcrBaotbarUrealdeoli . _ Jt badftwiHrooni when QnioHn -, ■vhlekwu ftftorwftida cloa(d,UkealBilarpbcealDlhaidt]r,iiyi^9 ATlLLAlHOinOoicroimi) oTvbraU and boflunltfMV -wtIiot an J [ouM % flnHS^I M0| bint iuied In Uio anampt, .Jim Um an tifucru-polooi fogoa. AM EmiKo Papib wants to know "how long It Mil ba befora an American baUt ocean itcamcr wUl be lont off tbewojB." Befora U ffoas on Ita way, of coone. (Gopj* i^taacaia a.) ^ ^ DEATH'S DOINGS. 'Weolcly noooTd of tho Dooeaae of Prominent InOlviauala. - ooinuD axranaLT ton ma nv tobh cuma. Blown, Mod. Piank P.-Ei.Mcror-al Oiuwa, UL, on Ibe 81k toil. Batpo, BeOi-IoTanlor-Cllnton, N. J., Anril ir OOUJI'I, ^ a. " anedS. Batpo, BeOi-IoTaolor-Cllnton, N. J., April 111, aaed O. - - .WeU known pilnurwI-klladalpSia, AprU M, Oinva, Oakn— Pbnklen— yea Tork, April 3d, a|ad 7& Onunur. Am— Aelor and lUco maniiiiwKew Toit, April 81k. aiedBl SlfiAvuuai, ITon. F. W.— PmlpanlUwror. BorredSonlk (kip. ' ' lib In iho Iridilaluiaof bU lUle and lo Iba UoIM ~ lloa bolb In the lf|^luraorhU lUle and In Ibo I Oen i il a a Oolmaooa, B. Oi, April Sd, ajed TP. ^ ' ePoi^ " IB^iaa Di Hdxriuunn.'aii&nbiarica'^ Pollll. dan, promloanl mcrnbor of louU Kapeleon'a Leatilaluro: da nonofad br Louli Bkne ai an aceomiulee of "Ihobeir of Bona* «ru'>-Paria,9areb3HlLa(adea n. P.— Tin PraiUul or ibe Mulotl Life Toinraoco Oa, and foraiertr -v^^-"..-.-.^ i . April Four, llop, Kfr DainMibwchi Hmiletla, a'iSla'W '"JfLSpfel fifieJehTPfclB time, wmi dUsnifl <>'}!» S^S^I^, lltoN. ittaaWtbelicotiude betwean sa Fi»n«»«> BdHtMBaiidwicb lalindi. j.' — A aeirnlitined Abram nooKllT t*d Wl«»n«trirt » While onTflre jean old. In Uie wood^nSLSSE''"*^^ « lew data ilnct. Tlw rope hold, oui ¥«™«'*»»I*^ bMjh* No eardii, "iv . , — St. Loob policemen, going on bolt "^P'^*'*'!,^^ wltbalrrobKned beoriandwrcfceariir jwljow, /""ff-jj newlMPpolntcd policeman mhlook bU W>a^ luncB i»e «lh»rnlgfit. TiiereUavacanorlntbepoUcerorce, Wbea a Moitnon la Mtil abroad on ne^'ilMSffll Brigham appulnn a men lo act ae iiieyei J"t«2'?»\" .ffi^tB.^ Uie wlree are good looking Brig* eppolnia --ffl^Bee»,^°SSJi fnnfial aernion and mimed the widow. "Wbaiaeeier thr band flndelh to do tkat do wlUl aU tbr mIghW r-'PanI da Caaaagnan, tneediuir ot^tl* Farii ud tba'moit ccietiiiMddnelliarof ihe dari1a pal^ kai datk, plerclngefta,aetiinDnul^cloao togetbar, and wean a Mack mooilaoke. .. -ABia naoedHawk waa iiwatediie otter dar in llemahnne, Pa., f* iteallog ehlcksna. Onr f rn ajra It serrce hin right, be lull do baaUeaa to go "biwUng" othcrpcople'i^proportj abont. — 3,340 proaecnilonaoccorrcd lo Maeaacbaaetia the laat Jiiartcr, lltl for llijiior aellloK. Vinea omountcd lo 46,009, and expeuaci 14^000. liooa|a,ocoprol)lpaTt — The (iotemor of Pcnnajlranla Tclocd twelve hllla neck before laal, Inclmllng one for "John and AnuNaiT Corrigin 10 adopt the djlldicn ol rclcr and Marr ytmu." — A MIMoartgcnllciTiBn carrien about wllh him ante, mcnto of 0 loei brother In Iho ahape of a cane cut from iiio tree on which llini relative waa hanged for lionu aicallng. — A Sonmcm negro Inalata that hia race waa moiiiloncil In the Ullilc. lie aald he heard tlie prcoclier read uoir "Nigger Iivmoa wanlol lo be bom again." — The mile (rirl who woa aent to hnnt for bene' cnm thooghl, an Bhe illit nut flndaor, Itwaiatrenge, furabeaaw "lolB of hciM aiandUig about (loUig nothing*" — A Wlaconelnfnmierigeaforadlrorce on the inoniid that hie wiro can't chop the amonnt of wood Ihot eho iMoalcd aiiont prcvlona to marrlace. . — A ureal Roman Amphitheatre haa been diecorercil In ibeeicavAiioiiaatlloiuitBt OcDerlere, raila. Anilqea* rianaaro In exladea. - — Jeiferaott'alSWbblithdajlalo be celebiated on the latli uut, by the Jefltnoo Onard (»tb H^gt) or thin cli;, who are to be raviewad bjr Major Uan. — The nm roiatoi of the jear, • pcachblow, grown In Lexington Co., N* T., la on exhibition In Waahlngtonatrcei, M, Y. — Rmperor Kap. la reported to bare bad a fit on the lib iDau, hatwAk better next dij, and rlalted a pnbuc eX' blblUoo of honca, — Aaegar tblrtT*elgbt Incbea long, fonrteen Inches In clrcninfeience and welgblogatx poonda, la coming from Hacramento, Cel., aa a preient to rreiddcnt Orant -A hotel at HpringHeld, III., lateljhid aa gneala at one time, Oftr iraTeUng agesia reprcscniing aa man j weat* em mercaaille honau. — Bomb of the ttroog-mlnded-women dcnonnce matri' mooj becauae Ihej aar^'thcro la aomeltalng chlldlih In 11," II doaa bare a aonewnit infantile aqi^t, we admit. — The lint aleam engine ever pot ip In Lexington, Va., wureconujerecled, and created conalderable Intertat* The worid morea. — The Empreaa of Fraaee haa actoallj appeared twice In pobllc In tbe aadie dreia, which la oonairned aa the begtimlng of court eoononij In PijrU. — A Plqna, Ohio, chap Mnka over twentj cnpa of coffee ataneaL we are not Inftrmed of the alze of the cnpa, nor bow mncb thej charge him for board. —The BrlUah llooae of LoMa baa fonr bnndred ond aerenlj-lbnr membcte-of whom onlj thinj-one arc Bene, dicta. — The Conolj Conit Blenognpher of the Cllj of Chnrchea baa hnd bin aalaa railed to |2,ooa— |too leaa than It "oaedtowaa." — 11,000 cordi of wood bare been cat andgot out of tbe woodi br one man In Iowa ihla winter, wonder if be'a "Ibrongn the wooda" jet. — Chief FoUce Dowen, of New Ifaren, hna been aoqnittcd of the charge of TjalUng a honae of ui-ame wllh a renulo friend. — The Prince of Hohanlobe bu worn a golden bracelet on hIa left leg for twentj joan, In foUlmeni of a promlte to acme jonng lodlea. — ICanj of Chlcago'a clt^na Indnlge In oplnm, and an exchange aaja the papeis are coniinualljlandlo 'em then for. 1. — At Swaoaea, ITalea, on the Mh of April, tbe binianl champion, Mr. W, Cook, made an exinordlnarj nm of Ml poinla. — There are n Ughta and beacona on tbe American abotta of tba lakea Bnperior, Mlchlgao, Boron and BL CTalr. V ■ — A (en jear old jonlb waa Mgbtened to death at Teat- borD>, Miaa., on tbe trd inaL, bj another boj weiring a — An Iowa dergjman' has been dlimlaaed from hli ebnrch becauae bhi wife tiaed hla name to adrance her aewhig machine eelca. — TheMajorofOahkoah, VhL, It la aald, iatelj veloed an ordinance approprlaUng isoo to hlmselL Wonder II lie tmeL 1 ulaunKlMn ABBt Cltr>>4be wella ifwatSr^tt ifSbaiirwiK-TimM for 40 cenia a banel. \ . ' ' —Anew butltntlon baa latelj aprnsgtip In Waahlsg* ton-a colored lobbj ring. — Among Ihe operaUTea In a BIddeford, Ho., fkotorj la a tlo,ooo holraia wno works for |e a week. — A man was Inatantlj killed od tbe Itb of April In thia citj bj Ihe buaUng of a grindstone. — Iowa emploja her female conr Ids In breaking stone- Jut the aame aa "anj other man." — "Mice pie" waa one of tbe dlibes named not long ego on the hill of fan at one of our faablonablo botols. — A miner In Arizona lolelj fen down a abaft 1211 feet deep and was not much Injured. — Ur. Ueehan, who was ahot br Dr. Keenan, oftblacllj, not long mnce, la aald to be out of danger. — Ten doUan waa the wager wblcb tndnoed a ConnacU' ent woman lo eat a bnabel ol ojaten^ — Women jirlaonen In Iowa hiTO all tbe rigbU of men. Thej are set to breaking alonea. — The Fat Men'a Aaoelatlon bare seTenl bonoran memben In "Onece." . — An exchange paper saja:- "Tmlb" Is la tipe, bnt la otowded oni bj "mora Important matter." Jponlluoie.'Ban PimnclMb,on uTalaro, orin lbalpartorOll■ BornM, weanitren to ondwaund. .' OolorakT aaaoaa, Warreoibar^— L Nr. Roaner'i bota^ Joe El. nil lU rean old. 1 liehunoitoont of one mile aod a half, I la bTKalor Wlnadd; Ika paUpaa of kU dam wa wUl itro joa ■ail week. ' I>in,BL LooU, Mol— 1. Cobnin walabed ID Ibi. In hla ll|bl n Loodoa IniaiA a. Ua weol 10 Oallfornla.ln ISH wllh 1 ttrfilr. IJerrr died lo ihu elu an Ika Sib of April, uai. 010. ajlanoS Ohupk, Pa.-1. Tkercould nu aiiao npona... grniM^oiefSe rJei ' ' . ""''^ UmopBrai^ Jebiiil0wn,Pa.-L-na wu loNowOrlmi iwolwbaantriDm bim. I.Bco oar dramalloiitmmarr. a ■aanan roaabi Monliaar, Sajera and Kina. 4. Il oetar came off .. g ooi liTiai AM Nnwaofiua, Cbuhira, OL-In kli bnilneii '•^SS^iknababaaaUara bikarad bobtallr.androunUUu • imom^lnim harabad erhlm._iwi lEa pirib u lowriio him. W. M. M„ PooihkeepU-I. TJ. Oamum haa {iven ihire diamallo |llforDagepaln^daraltlilfuioiini. 1. Eaillab la a Un(ua|e. -J^iSS.S??^^-'''*'''?'*''''' "'.•'«*^'*'»'™»>l™lied BWI Ihiiifon, 11 Ibenin no Un lonmlni A, weaiouuble lo ™ V!t£SSSn-r'' •■•J' S"-!"* II" hnl ilMe manaier of ih» aTnJsij^KS'ib'LS:- r^'^ •> _21ff'i?''."*' ."• OiOombertani-Tbelkreoikouof 0, btlnaall SEi'(5^Sfi>Sld^» A'landD'vbolkof wboa. . »»»•<••. «II10!!.-Tba aUDlna Claiboma bnod of fowla eaoi. ibl^oulMr (a puRbaaodln Mew Oilcani, ''i''KJ!f5i";*£'*' oooMoni Inqolriraanoas Iho liido, - . iSfr-ilfKs&sja&iSt " Phiudelphto, Pa.-"Pbr>lnl EtenlHi," a work oa liain* iuU "<* »»«««rUackwof dot ,iiittS,|Sa'f^ jJS^S! wtropolol— B mail dnw aU ika plaei. and A. Ii eo. ■^'iW.'* tf**??™ bead aJlifilolo/Sr >*Oi;iiIf^_V?E-.Tf"',*""""»t Conij wioi Udaarbrlka »SPt)Ju'4T,M«y fo. ik. lam, of ■ ^*|ftl«n^lta*-A bUJion u epirad wllk s ua and nine !3^^JWaikln|lon, D. C-lhaik roi, bat wa hid 1 rqnrl In hand ' '■jt'Sfe^'iJ-SS'jiif'^'* ««««*J«-^onU« ^ Spilqrtold, ni-Tbaak jMl am [mu analwiraao* ^3 SlSf'"'**^ rwjAet Jaijiham'ahill bo plaind lo jOonaa Kawut, taa-Ii la tm l« Mob ika n» I triramemharof IboElliabaUi Oar—al EUiabalh, l/. J., eh, of beartilUoue,und&l j>. M. II.— Al HImcoe, Canada, aadlmlr, April 81b. Ooiuna, Rkhaid—One of ihe Iwooir-foitr who onmoiud Ike Brick Churvb Boclety, and tba lul renulolna soenborof Iboaano- Boeberter, N. V., April 61k, a|od 71 nona, A. P.— A well known tirfman— Waablnaton, D. 0., April 3d. llaaar, Jobn-BUUardUl-OUacDW, HcolUad, Maieh Ulh, and 21. JouiaoR, Ofcarlea— A London rtporur, and connectod wllb aomi of ourfaAlomnapira-8L Loali, Ma,- AprU 71k. Janrnir, J. B — HemberofUia ptonUienl dry noda firm of tk[i cllr-Undon, Bo£,Apri:llh,a|edaL * Luunrni, Oharlea— Aclei^Uled by feUlos fnm a window wblle aafl'erlqa fnm ferer and imaU pox— Parli. Maitb aiiL laid SO, MoooHtn, lanai— Httaklanaid compoaei— Lotpale, PniulOfaitk ISlh, BfedTa MoboBuo, CoL Wm.— Soldier lolbo Mealou war and preoilaeol . Dannenl-Pbllulelpbu, April Sd, and <& . r Odnajfi Janea Da PiTilen-PfcaUenl of Obambar of Conneno, Ifew York, and pronloaal noRkaat— New Tork, April 71k, ofcdeOL ■ . Fmnioii, Jeaepb Itald-lAll auliUol enflneor 17. a sarT- FhlUdiipbla, April7lb,anll4. ' flcuiTB, Aogoii-HuilciaQ— Al Peoria, UL, Varcfa 391k. Biiuii, J. J.-HhiUlar oflho " wed 77. ) tkapel-lAaautar, Fa., April 41b, Waimi,M(«.— WlfoorBlahopWllpple,now In Eonpe-al Blar* rlltowa, fa., Maiehllil, and71 WlLna, Uoo. Jamaa A.— nnmuoal pollllelan and ax.poatniailoiw KaUmieo, Mich., April «b. «t,v.u»»»u- ^"^i^ilflSt^" ""^Brnlno, ft„« 0. a «»T- DOOTU'S THEATBE. This dramatio temple, of which we giro an excellent en* graving on our hnl page, U located on the B.B. conior of Twentj*thlrd alreet and fiuth avenue, thUi eltj, lis front and grand entrance being en Twentj*thlnl atreel, and U, without a dooht, an omaraeni to the dtj, and lis alrle of archlieoture auperior lo that of anj other theatre lu Keir York, It being In the lUinalniice aljle .with Monaanl roof, It la TO feel high. Item ground to roralce, and 149 feet 4 to* cbca la the fionlage on xiventj.thlrd alreet. Thcrearetwo veallbulea, 18 feet wide, on me Orel and second doom, ex- tending ai;ioaa the widih of tlio Iheolre, n foot a Incbea. There are ihreo galleriea, fraro whioh can bo had an unoh* atrnclod riew of the alage, convenient to which, mied up wllh nil cosvenlonces for augebusliicsa, ate drcaalng roomi on the Bouih aide, wotk-rooia for aeaoalreaaea, nn-proof wanlnbe,'aceiie palntor'a loom, and a mcchnmcs' work* shop, which exieuda oror Ibo oiiiiro abige and audllorium, The etage appohitmcnis are of the most convenient kind, all modern imnrovemonli having bcennvailcd of, Indudlui Inalanianoona light bj clectridij, and aleam appllnnceefor moving bolkr acenen, as vroll as to force ahuudanco of wa- ter Id coaoof Are. TIio ooatof Ibo edidoe and aiipolnlnionlB baa been callmatcd as not leas than half a million dollars. Ha aeatmgoapacltj la: orchcsiis, 248: orchcalmdrcle, 328: balcony, ill, and drcaa drde, 611. II waa fonnillyonened on Feb. 8d, 1800, wllh '•Koineo and Juliet," and an aildreaa waa dlatribnted on Ilia plaj-bllla, written bj Edmund Fal- coner, formerlj maangcr of lirurj Lane, London, Em. As, however, we gnve a dcacrlptlon of the event at llio time. It la not now necoesarr to indulge in reeeutlon. The structuro, with lis exiemal and Iniomal anpeanncc, Ua atage appolntnionia, the tnlont that has nitajulj appeared there, aod the high diaa of lis rnierloliiiiieiila la a laillni monument to the creditor Ur. Edwm Uoolb. and an ornZ ment to tba ClVj of New Voifc, ' ^ FBorosBD JuHFiKo HATCn.-On Ihe tth Inat. we'Tecelved anidea of agnciucnt for a Jumping match betwccu A, V. Hill, of Illnadnic, V. Y., and Ned Hearloa, of Ming Bini Blgned by the former and noconipanlcd by 180 as forfe The terms of Ibe proposed match are as fellows :— to Jump Igbtl J Is tbe light and Urslj name of one 'ora. pno Blnglo lamp, anfrit level, each pnrty to have twelve •■"'"«> eno haring the boat Jump at the oxplrallon of the twelro trials to toko the money, t2U n aldaiUio maldi U( he dcdde.1 al Dlmliampion on (lie llih of yune. On the 7th Inat., Beatles, having been Informed thatartl. oles had been sent on, called upon na and read them orer. They suited him well enoucb, nivo that a clause batrtni aprfng Bhoes had been omiiied. and nnUI a allpulallon to t&t eOMt la inserted he dec^lnca to algniho prouxol, altbonRb be has covered lllll'a money to ahow lhat ho means linslneaa. We wrote to lllll'a hacker tbe asrao dai. nolUyUghlmofthoalalo nr aimin, but up lo the honr o> going to prtaa no answer bad been received, Tntr TTPE-StrriNO OniLMKop.-acoii(e Arenebera wnlicluponusonlho Utb Inau, In nhiUon lothecH! lonae from Ooon In our lul, which he considers ridlculoua as Tar as jllowanco being niario fordllttrcnce In rapldliv la " ^^'.•"l." Profneslo inaacaa great onduiance SfatWi b"lon« "loalmnieoirilila uioriA coll." TbTSnlj SJ^J.^f.*".'..'""" *■ wlilcbthaBUkesgo to "he S^f'l".?""' nnniberof ems In a reasonable I to?|!iiWS'h«r,"'^ * """^ 1« 18 ready to p,t np j — Qaaawaj Bi of Kanaaa' leglslal — A bell waa reoentlj atolonftom tbe tteepla of a ehtinb at Pltu Point, Kj.» -Two tbonaand tona of beeswax,' valaad at over $9,000,000, are annuallj conanmed In England. -There were elgbtj.nlne Urea In tbla dtj during the past month. —800,000 Ions of Ice were takes Itom tbe Kennebeethla aeason. — Oblo hue aepttiagenailaa who has kept a dlair for tbe paat Uiy jean In vene. — A man In an adjoining state latelj sold the elothlng of bis deceased wife at anetlon a few dajs after her ibneraL — MUlIonaof passengei plgeons have awarmed In the wooda around ritlaburgh for some days past. — A few dajs ago a Kavada Jndge fined blmteUllTe del lara for being lale. — Ban Fnndaco latelj bad an acinlslUon In tbe ahape of Ire Chlntae prtntere. —The government pilnllEg ooce at Waahlngton em' ploys four colored girls, — An Iowa minister aajB bla parlahloners are all under oonvlctlon, He'a chiplam at Ihe BUte prison, — The Kentncky girls are aofSadnallng that Ibo whole blue gnus Rglon haa bnt one baotaelor, -There are thirteen dlaiuieriea In Chicago, hi which aeveu ihonsand bnahels of groin are conanmed dally, —The old Becauoua tnck, at or near Uoboken, hi being out up into buUdlng tola. * — Fnnce haa 48,000 Bcboolmaslen, and Napoleon calls them his "paciao army." — In 1884, 818,333 emigrenis arrlredat this port, wblcb Is tho largcat number In anj one jear. — There ate two hundred and forty French turriTois of TTaterloo. — Huaala has ordered three hnodred and Sftj railroad locomollvcBtrom Great Orilaln, — A barkeeper In a wealem city waa latelj lined for aolUng llqnor to a aliteen year old lass. — New nampahlre uses ten thousand Bibles a year, .— New Rochelle was Ut np vrilh gas on tbe eib of April. for the flret time. — TheChlneae alphabet contains eight bnndred lelten and combmatlous of vowels. — An opiam cater, who riaca at dawn, named Cant, Labrbuah, a Now York realdont, la In hla 104lh year. — A woman In Canton, 111., received abnn newnoae, last week, formed of oesb Itom bcr fonhead. — Whan a bone falla be Is mora frightened than hla rider. -Four jonng Rutland, Vt, glrla cowhlded a jonlbfol awdl tho other night for "talking about them." — The lost steamer Olij of Doalon Is supposed to have mn Into an Iceberg, — Hanjbenea.aremadeTlcloaa from ornel treatmonl. — The popnlallon of Farla la ael down at ],MO,ooo. — 1,880 papen wore publlahed In Oraat Britain In 1848. — oinolnnatl gains I,oeo votes by the Kih amenOmonI, FreEMBii'a C0KTE9iB-At a meeting of the Doaid ef Firemen of New Otiaans, held tecentlj, it was resolved that the leooosered lo Uie Hechanlcs< and Agricnllnnl Pair AaBoclolIon lie divided Into two pritea ofuM each, to be run for by hand anglnaa and trucks ss li)llons:— Hand englnca wllh twentj men, to run half a mile and fbrce water through llflj feet of hose In Ihe qniekesi lime: truck race, with twentj.ihree men, lo mn naif a mile ukI strip the tmck In the qnlckeat time. This Is thrown onen to all the dopaitmcnis if tlie Biatea, but of ccnrao the amount oRbnd Is not anffldenl to wsmnt anj comnanr from a distance making Ihe Joninej, The press of no* einnatlbavo bean agllatlng the auUect of offering Drtzea foraalmllarlrial In lhalollj, but whether anjIUnsirtj bedoueln tbe matter romaJnalo be aeon, VatooifiniNO.— There la to be a grand Teloclptde Car- nival ot the CaplloUuo Daae Dall gnunda uexl Krlilar. April Kill, at 4 P. M. A number of the old velocipede "go It oncefula" will partldpate In tho entenalnment. There IL, S!S'"L'?,J'' f'^"' *•>• oonleaunia will be Frank Bhaw agolkal Yonng Najler, A <;Aiica Pali, ibr Iho henellt ot Cambria LIbntj Aeeo- riailon, Johiutown, Pa., la to take place there on Eailcr Mondaj ereniiig, April lllb, "—►u To otranim-Bj a card in onr advertlalng oolnmna It wiu be noted that one- Ned Dnma, of Baltimore, cbal- langos anybody lo oompele with blm In iwlaglngolnbs. '> THE*«NiVER8|-n BQ^T RACE. OAiBIUllOB'WiHS AWBR A MO* BXCmSO RACK. - > Tntaj » Htiioria ahb bo BaooxDa. TM oreat boat race Wtween (Ighl^arcd crews, MpiJ* BoHlna Oxlbtd and Oambridge Unimnliles, wbich an- nunlir Bcla an Eagbuid agog with <»y.>'«">«;b DidMon the Thamea Obaraplon CouiacJialMM ftjr rouea aniltki«efurlongs,'on Wcdncadoj, April 8th, tennlnatuig In the tncceaa ofthe "Ught bloefi"-ihelr Hnl "cjoty anoe laoo. 8locolbelnteinauonalcolleKUteMnieslolU«n»r Ihe people of the tlniiecl Siatea Uko a Ugi'SiS these Inter-Unlvetaltj racoi than fonnerij, and r-T»o »»|«^5;l•2•»f, '"'J«,t£ Iwoeo Iho OifordaodOimbrMse rlsbt^aied cRwa look pMelhla anmoirn,taSo>dock, onUir tlKOKa, Ueeoanobelnf froni Poiner lo MonlluabOQI foarand a quartor mtle& Tbr wealb^r waa di- MabUol?T7Slrtl w>aURlp brKiepreralkd. MulUludra IbrWBld Ua iSte e'So ri.o»|?TciT aTiilablo polol and boiw "8 "«• awaralos widi pennla. Tbo kridcea wen aleo crowded u> ibrlr !>lm!ile!pac1>r,udereir kind oTcnfl ibal oouldbo abUlpcd,1n■ cwii •/ aeoonfa, (hiia bmiloi thaOiforda, who were the rarorltfe al odiU of rlMTB lo elghi, vhlrb toil been freely uken by the frlcnda of Uie lifhl Mua Tliu U tbr Cnt lloio alnce Isaj ibat (XimbrURO has woo. Tnoodda smouUiQaponlna men during tbr rocmlDg vera Heren -'ii^went^fijtakca Mr.JobDPhelpi elMTB li|rhlM to Hcbibn itie ffirurdk, vlil waa Tudae of tho race. LosDOJt, April MSTO, « o'clock P. K. Owlnxto Ibr Mle bfinrfliedlur Ibe nci*, ti waa ooosUrnblr past Dnnnbcii>rfl (he riad IvOillng lo IbeaccDo of acilun prracaieO any iiniiaunl apixamnw. Aitbrday vnro uii ifar atrtamorTrliklcaw ■11 Mirta, tbin Rl drat, craddatly liKrwfil lit itciullr. By S o'ckwk Iho Fulaan ami llammmmlih nitda were lUrrallr chiiird. Tbe brldjxa wrre cnrwded. Oaihe Bamra Hallway brHge thnr waa a big cmrd, wbkh naniher aera leltti ihAn inai on ibe bankf, uw- log IQ (be Blab prke ehuicdfor adnUikin Uckrii^ Tuo amiBiie- meDUmadebrtbe TbAiDca ODBacrraney loprewrreaclearcvurae wereadmlrBbu Twoskamcn aaeonpinltd the cooicaunta, ClUuD T. fOT the umplrta aod UnlTeralivoamnaii, ftodClilieoU. for Iho reprraeDtotlrtfl of tbo prtsa. Tbe uolTejtUv boat cluba were nol aUovtd to acmnpnay tbo race In a atcamer. ntj watved thnlr cUlnawben It waa n-pmrnird Ibal If one oiber alramrrwual- lowrdlaauilihenwould bo great dilTciiUy In kceplo* ibecoiirse clear. TbebeiUaiwta MtoTuu the Oaf'tnlbnat Theerowawenl down to the boat jmrda fmm tl>elrbead/)iiariei« anonftfierS o'clock. Al Ihe Duhe'a Ucad werr two Hiblcra and a amall but, made faat to each other, for itM crctra to aurtfrom. CanhrldM won the loaa for poalUooaaBd look Ihe MldUlciei eUa. TUs wu not much ad* ranlafe, because tba boau froin which Ibo atari waa to be made wen moond too doaa In to ibi Ukidlesu bank of tbe rirer— far too close ao Uial tbn bad much leas Udo than Uiclr oppODcntft At &(a P. K. Ibe aUrler gare tbe word lo go, and tbe UnlTtnliy Beat Bate of 1870 oomncBOed. Tb« oara of Uie two crews caught lb* water u iieoily u paaslUo at tbe aune iDslaoL Tbere wis tbe most energy In Uie Oaforu eight Aa aoon, bonerer, aaboibboato wen both under way, tbe Caatoba pulled aallablJy gulokpr alnke iban Ibe Ocforda, aed. al oik« abowixl la fronL Itao* fng by a quarter of a leBgili at the London RowlDg CMbBoai Ronar. .The Oiforda In ibeIr inrn pultod well, and al the lender Club Boons lb* boau were about eren. AiCmTenCouageibeOai^rldge crew atcadlly, though alowly. italotd grauod, andtbecoibuiUcm and eidUinent on Uie baoks orthe rlrrr wern loienar. At ihe Crab Tree a length tn front, aod they fuaed lanmersnlih bridn ncaityooo length befora ibrlraaTcr' BonnO Ibe brBd oflbe rirer. orpealto the Oorw, CamMtlge ed to bold hrr Itari. Oo puslog Uie oil nlUa the Oifortfi Cambridge Icil by half a length. At tho Soap Worka vharf ibe Oam< br1d|ocrew wu thrre^iQarbnora * • -* - under llanmersnlih brid, nrlea. BoBnOibebrBdof CMllDnedioboId hrr Itari. Oo pus'Ibg Uie oil nlUa the OiforSs •omewbat niocd, and tbe sirngile now commenced In eanieei, and Ihe alroke oarsman of the two contending boato pulted rigor- oualr. Dar^ahlranudoabrlllUnlefronio rttruro (be fonuoeaof Ibe day. lo whkb he wna pretty well ^kcd up br tU crew, and re- ducnl the lead fif Uie Caubrlitffe. Cambrllte, tboogk bad (b« lead Mr aUiu I • leoaib aa tbey mued Ibe Crab free, and tncrraiMl Uielr kwd. aiid puted Baraea Bridge, puiilnB S alt«kea tAthoralouto, whkb the; kepi up uBUJibeymichrd Rtw Kcadowa,and croMc3 by the Dag boat one ItBgib afiead In 19 mlnuiea and 3D etconda Tlile whkb ibey kepi up untU ibey rruhrd '^^ the Dag boat one Ungib afioadlnIS Iho Qnt line the llfht blue has been rktortoBi alooo IBflS wbeB,ciirtoualynoagb,lbey wonbythemme dU(aac& The win* oera rawed In a new boai by J. If. Ctupcr, of Newca*U^upon•1Vnr, whkb waa unlTer»)lyackjiow)ed|MtobeOBeof the aamraodeU of > ndBg UbI cTcr buDL LARD0iv,'Apr11&— yotallbelandlnji Uiagreai prcaaanbnutht lo brar npoB tbe Contmasry of the Thamea lo nllow printii sieamen to follow the boitA, none hut the two viOrUI ateamen were nennlited (oiloao. Aa on Derby Day. Loodon poured out lie biinilivls of iIiouMndaor peoi40 lo wnnna theninirai. and the number* wera Ib- ereaeed liy CKuratoo pariieafiom iLe country br^uahi by irilnsfr all direc^fona AraoDg tbo aprcuiora were the Prince of Wai PriBce TeJ^.*'>.* ^•o'*" of OarabrWn, that ahorlly before Uio surf Uio odda had, receded to ft lo 4 on Oaford. The Mcftement of Ui* walilof nuluiodea became Intaoee aa tbe hour r>rUiiiaUrtapprmched. A(ei>tUyflo> pcaraooe and took up a poeliton on (ho BlddleaoK aUle of tbe rHrcr. Tbeyalaoba' . ... Uiudcaad aeemrd Hrcr. Tbey also ba«l a mc^ enibuslaaiknierpUoa fnmThtfmol* " bo ■ apUndld randltioD. " - _ 'Ao CTcn alajt waa effected, and Um hgaia went off with a atrDSg^deTo tbelrfaror. At tbe Aqneduet (Afiy yBrda)Ubo CaniabB ™ pin, and wbeo thcf reaebed Craren Coiuio (UtrtMBar mOe} Uiey wen half a leogih ahcvl. ner7 the Oifor^' aod kcrvi It up for sooie dlatanro. Tbclr ftknoa oo si — T^lng within Hhelr sire' jwV and ai llAmenmlib CambrKRo waa clear of (hoOifonl boat Iwer the ai imenmlib BrVTgo (he ootonaaAlnapurUdand aucrccded lo redMof tbe jbIq of Ihelr apooentolobaira kngth. A aharp alrunll fvUowL-d Id Coracr aeb, but aa they paiat'd tbe lale t>{ AU (S^Vllea), ibo OiodUoi heru (0 fade, and tbe t>n(aba, who wera aiiB freih, rapMly draw In Irani aod wub the raca Tbe aat«Ubmeot oAl eaihuilmm of the aneoutorafouBdeiprraalon In a slorm of arAaaa and cbcera aa (^nVrtdge reaobed the auhe bttaL Tbe time ofibe nor bu been nrloualy reported, but li la now aui^utlrely aui/d to be twenty nlnoiea ■(>(( thin; arconda. Tho Cambridge crew, oo Uie mora Ing of tba race, weighed elertn poundi mora than the OifordiL Tbe wlDBon owa tn oo anaU drgr*c their anoona to the advloe of Mr Morriun. who "Deacbed"tbcOKfonlfourUal year for ibelr match wllh the Uarrarda. It Will be accQ tj tbe lout dlspaUh tbat Uie omclol Ume wBaaomfmifasaruS to woontb, whlcb baa been beaton ODc« oDlr, In 1M9, when tho "dark blae" won the day in 30 mln. do sec. AVe glvo bcloir % complete record of all tbe contests which have taken plaoe between the rival col- leges np to date :— UNtVKBam HAlCDBf PROV TUBIR COM HENCE VCNT. Tmi UBB ISU 1S41 IMS 184S» 184t IMS ua isea 18IS 1S57 IU8 ]A3S iseo usi aaol7,ani1e. tfnr... Wcilmirr le Fnlnejr. Wcilaal*rloPuliif7. Weunarr lo Pumey. Wcilmil'r lo Putoiy. WcaitDil'r 10 Piimey. PuUiev 10 NortUka. . Monlde 10 Fauer. . Puloer lo MorUake. . Fuloej 10 MorlUke. . Puloer 10 Honlahe. . PutaevloMonlakl.* HonuieloFuinej. . Putney k, HnrlUke. . Puloer la Honuke. . Pulner 10 HorUake. . Puloey lo MorUaki. . Pnuiey lo Monlake. . Pulner to kloiuake.. MorUaltetoPuuior.* Puior; uHoniaki.. Pniner lo MorUake. . Putney 10 Monieke.* Puloer 10 Monlike. . FumoyloMenlaka - Fuloey 10 MorUake . Fulner 10 Monlake.. Wfaaar. OlfoN..... Cambridfo. OamblldK, Cambrldse. OimbrUio. Olford. .... Cambijdie. Ijanibridsa Jhridje OlfoidTr.. Olford Olford Canbridia. Olford Clnbridie. Oxford Cambiklie. Olford., , , - _ Olford nua MorUake to Fuuior.. Oafori] leti Pulir; UHonlaki.. Oifonl 1840 Pninor 10 MorUake. . Olford laea Putney m Monieke. * Oiloid 18S7 Puloey 10 Monlike.. Oiford lies FumoyloMenlaka . Olford..... isa FuloeyloMorUake . Olford..... 1370 Putney 10 Monlake.. CainbrMae. . loadtlllloumlke Ibon, iho UnlTrnlllea have contended uwelher STetlmraforlbeOrandOballenseCupai llenbiy JVciila, on wblcb ocouloni Olford kava been IhrTollnre the vldon. Tlx:— In 1817. 1881 and 18&3, and Olmbrldn Iwlc*. fli:-In ISISaod UU,and Ox* fonl b«akCatnbriil|0 II Ike Boyal Tbainea Rcgaiu lo 184L^ •Tho flnl Unlrerahy ne« nwcd In oulriliMi. tThe flrelmco In wbkk either UolveriUy lowed iDlhepnaeol Mrle of elsbta wllhotil keel; alaolbe Sni lime elUrerroTM wllb round oara. Both und ibo Mmo kind of oara and boila. Tbo followlna lUI ilvfi Iba naiae of Ibe italloQ from wblcb Iko wlnnina bcAiliu elaned for the Inn iblrleen ycui:— lYau. U mln. Site. SSmlo Jl mln.. 9mln.aOaec. J2mln. SOiee. SDnlo. IS Kc. a mln. aoieo. II mln. a see.. 23 mln foul llmln. ISaee. 28mlo.3Sacc. 2a nilo. 80 aeo. ZSailn. U) ICC. 21 mln. 23 aco. Z4 mio. Be ato. 20 mla amiu. 77 Me. M mln. Mice. amiB. Beoe.. 31 mIo. 48 aco 21 mU). a acc. amio. <8aec. amio. a aeo. 31 mlo Dmln. n ace. KVmty many l|tka 1 mla 1 minis MO kcJ alslk Imlnl ' Uie« 30 HO Iwo leaglba □uny Iftka foal 37 KO llnrokea bfalcailk S8IC0 a MO Qamb. unk one Icoeik ■Sue BOKO ISIM Dmo IS aeo ISieo bf alooatb llalenglha Bvelpogiba 3D nin. 30 aeo. [one Icnsib 1»f. Mlddleati. lua. Mldilkan. UU. MlildlcKi. itoj. Burrey. HS5 IS"- HIildlcMl. 180. MUdltiei. lees. Suiroy. Uej. UMd CKl. leo. Ulddlrui. lesa. Midiiieici. Ign. Ulddleaes. „ Uaa MUdkaei. •ixucica. Another diapatch slates thai the ancient dtj of Cam- bridge was liluuiluntea on the night foUowloi the race, in honor of tbe Bucceaa of Ihe Centaba, anil a general popu- lar Jubilee took place, the siroets being thronged with people overboiling wUnenlhnalosm. BOAT RACES AT CHARLESTON, MASS. The oqnatle stare of the essi an about bellmea In their equotlo exerclKiB, and have commenced the season earij, aa on the Bth InsL two races took place en the Hystlo river, St Cbarlratown, which drew a crowd of ten thouoand per* •ona, Iho bridge, plin and wbarvea having been orowdsil. The water, fortunatelj, waa amooth, and Ihe temperntnra modcmtely warm, wblcb mode the light garb ol (lie oan- menauncleut to keep them from caichUig cold. Tlu Firtt Ran waa between the McLnuglilln and Kings, lej Brothers, in Whitehall boats, dbtance two miles, for a priee of 1100, wblcb the fotTuor won, their ilme being n minutes 48 acconds, ngalnat the KIngaleys' 18 minutes BOseconils. Aa soon as this race was concluded prcpsra' liona were promptly made for nt sttoni Haa, for four-oared lapatrealu, aame dis- tance, for prir.ea of tlM to the llrai, |io to tbo aeoond and |30 to the ihlnl* Tbo entries were:— llanilcl--T. Clorka Om ), T. Leonard, V. UcKuinil, W. Darli lltroke). Unlfona bluo. *•"'!"')"»<'*'"■''• W. Mock, n. Mack, 1. F. Miek (moke). Unirorm wlitlo. ' Bbiio Fir— NoUn (bow), Boberl lAllon, Aba Ilouae, J. Dowd (•Iraki). Unlfomnlnk. ^ FortlllllBor-l/.K feller (how), H.DempMy,lr. J. Hooney. T. Keller (Blrohe). Uniform amy. ' The boats wore all lapalrenlis, and tho diatsnco to be rowed WBB two mile*. The Judies for the nee were An drew ConnoniandT. Bunion atineatark and Charles Hea- Ran and Charlta Duoilng at the aiske, T, 0. Builor acting aa referee. As soon as the diifcrent crews wore In posr Uon tho word was given, and thej went off In good aivie. At Iho ond of (he Iret half mile the Ceorge Fanlknor drew sllghUr shood Of iheBboo Fly. Tlie Faulkner kept this sdvanlage hut a ston time, however, their elroke oar be- comliigBomewhat ilrcd, Tho Shoo Fij'lhea took the lead, followed by tho llamlot, Faulkner third, anil Foil lllll Boy last In Ihla poaltinn Ibe etako was turned, Anerlhelast bent had ronudcd tbli point lliejwere ranged along tho coune alnearlj equal dlsiano«B apart, about aboat'a length ef clear water being between each of tho contestanta. TUa rolaiive lawltlon was maintained nntll the end of the race, Tlie Shoo Flj reaabed the atarilngpolnl In lIM, ibe nam- let being sbentttne Icnrtis Intfielr rear, Uie Faulkner about the same distance behlud them, and the Fort mil Boj aboal as mnoh behind, « — u A NoTiiTT TV DoiTiNo.-Ald, Blephen Roberts, the wldclr known boat-bnllder of ttils cllj, ha* nearly com* ?-".5T '^'i^ ^ bf-lown cslabllahraent. It ]M 31 feet long, 8 feet wide, a feet iftop, wil catry 8 ions, and la worked br two lovera and a 8y-whr el. Two men " propd It Ave inllcs In an hour, and (wo boys, ten yenn iige,Brocanablo of managing It. Blx men can work '■ the same iline, end It OrnwB but ten Inches of wator. Roberts lissbnllt 11 as an oxpcrlmont and eonslden it a perfect success. He tlilnks ho can conalruct oncforrndng piirpoa(!s upon the aniao principle, which can be propd cS iiB rapidly us a six oared boot wllh oars. Those dcSmnS tolnapccllbenow crall cnncloBobvcalllngatMr.noberts" boat-honse, the location of whlchwrilbofoundbyrofcrenM to his advorllaemcnt In anotbor column, •"""■"•^ Ttti RtvEMiDS otUD, of Bprtngfldd, Uaaa., have sold Ihelr loiironredahdl boat, former^ tbo Jamoe M. TbomS BOD, lo William lUUi e, now ef Washington, D.S. can of . at Mr. It A I THE SqUULINC CWMPIOMSHJPjj^ I 6WLTKII WlLIj 'iOy iCEUpt. AT PtWOBKIHPinS' The neglect of WglistMowii to.'jei SI •''li^i£?£!fl fair and manly piapoUl add* WL.""1 J5 JSiS? John Mekeel has folt'lbe obsmplansblp sn eiKp WJJUon, bnt lib) not lung to lemato ao, lawlll be noy*"?. »?S5; pended document, wherein Oonlter rcpllea l«v2»WF«*[,"lS? propcaltton of uAed In onrlwio of last wwl^.^f SfS between thcae old and iquan dealing, »""«»;'•'• jff'f; iraagbt wllb great Intenat to tba boaUngnniSEl, «S 7. donbt not thai Iho New Totkorvrlll snerdan««rtl^^^^ cue Of Ibe (ibarle. Hirer B/vUa, ibe dnr of Iho w bo JoneSOlb, I878L Ibo Hme day on whkb Urown an,f I wei« to row. able race w bilorlheioBitmemenlloncdandihe undltpulod mle of ^>>iii. SiiySllJfff AiSirir..'' Thil. I Iblnk, b. Ill ff"""*.''!;*?',!! empi If ba meani bmUicM, aa In Uie f«i) of 'tf I 8»'o Mm fl" tej cipenm locnne brn and row ms for Iho aame •'»,?>'»ijf '"S lU^rhelilcrand llmiof roahloldrpMllitoboniiilMllyifmdnpl^ Mr. Dmwn hailal lulfd Uial Ika bon. John Mowllioj ^■'S^^Sr . lUkeholdcrnowlildU I aarrod) la oor M Ibu dU nol OTl o^» would iiinMl Uia Bmo uenlkman in Ihla ra«i 10 Win Jbe ■«» »; par lly. If Vo will bo kind cnouib lo do {oTbo J;"*!", *, nfeiw: in falllna ui do m, tl Ihon btcraei '•'elulj ct Ibe Ona ■Ukotaiderloalipilnloraci aa refono. Iflbo 'SSm,?"! Uio wlibm of Mr. Mekeel, bo will cover Ibe inwnnl depoilled IB your liaiida,iben we wUl proceed 10 builneM. 'Jjf^iin Ooouia. Me»-i ATtJirmo Yicnr Cioa— A meeting of tbe merabeis of this Brooklyn dub was held at their rooms on tbe evening of Arnnih.atwhlchliwnsdeddedihat the annnsl re- Bulla ahould take place on Jnno 2d, nnd amiigcmenis therefor were made. A Regatta Committee was clioacn, ronMallng ol W. II, DougloB, J. J. Simrkman, C. J. LlpPltt, 11, II. lIOKlna and Q* II. Oranlilss. It wns docldedto hold tho rcgaiui on Tueadnj, June M, tho conne to he from tho Iielanlalne llooae; lor achoenere and flnit-claafl aloopo— aronml BIj Bpit to and around tbo llglit-shlp, bock aonth 01 Uencon on Komcr'e shonis; for aecoiirt and Ihlrd class sloopa-arotiud southweet Bplt to Ouler Hay buoy, rolnm- lug south of tbe Deacon on noraor'a shooln; ror fourtb doss iloop»-to and oronod the North to West Bplt and back. Tlie race to be subject to tho anme tulca of ollow- ances aa the rcgatia of last year, and to be aallca In eight honn. It was also lesolred to charter two atosmctB for the o«- csslon, one of which will be devoted to the use of tho Jndgee and memben of tho press, following the couno of tho competing yachts outside tho Ilook, while tho other will bo provltlcd for the accommodation of spccuiton, and will Rniuln Inalde Ibe Ilook, ao that tho dear crealnres, on board will bare no canse to dread sea-slcknosa. This Is a moat excellent arrangement, affording, na It does, fodllllcs to thou whose duly It Is to see Ibe contest from start to llolsb, and II la to bo hoped that other dobs will tdlow the example ot Ihe Allantlcs, tbcrebf consulting their own In- teresia. Bare will aleo be excludea fnm botb boats. On the 1st prox., the dub will occupy n snlto of taandsome noma, Indndlngaparlmenta for bllllsrdii, cbcas, reading and business purpooes. Tlio eredlon of s olub-houso is elBO In contemplBllun, and the Idea will he carried ont as Boon as a permanent anchooge b) secured. ITEUS FHOM Pavebson, N. J.— The devotees ef rowing et Pntenon, N. J„ are making active proparatlona for the ap- proadilng ecoMn* The new boat booae ef the IL M. A. As- aodailon, coating In the neighborhood of $3,000, la almost completed, and will compare favorablj with anj In Ihe country, sore, perhaps, the elegant stone houses of the Bchnjlklll Navy. Thej have dbposcd of Ihelr slx-oared gig to a club latelj formed at Faasalo Village, and Intend purehaalmr an elgat^ated harm and aovenl doable and alngle scull paper boats- Tbe Dnndees have added a new four-oared mg to their fleet, and a change will be made In the crew which rcpresenled ibe club Ui conicsis laat year, Botb ihese dnln wera Inconoreted during tho paat winter bj apedal acts of tbe Leglslatnia. A new club has also been orgonlied and now poeaess a four.oared gig. ' A HBaATTi ABSonATioN,— We have heretofore alladed lo the faa that esorts wera being made to organize a re- gatta association at Flttsbirgh, and we bare now Ihe pleasure of annonndng tnal sneb organization has been eoecled. Repivsentauves fnm nearly all the leading boat dubs of Allegheny Comtj aaaembled at Jhnmy Uamlll'a salooo, the "ConsUtuUon, "Market alley, on the evening of April zd, at which tbe following genilcmci wen elected olilcen for tho ensnlng year :— President, Henry coulter; Vlce-rresldeal, Kobert Kennedy; Becreiaiy, John Uax* well; Treasurer, R. V. Flannenn* Hcssn. Flannegan, Fowere, Bwellzer, Cnmmlnga Maxwell and Allison, were sppointed a oommlttce to draft tbe cnstomsir consUtallon and bj.laws. DOATtNQ Nbw Ekolam).— a CTOWd Of nosrlj ten thonsand people witnessed a conple of raees on ujstlo river, Charlestown, Uass., on Tbursdsy, lib Inst Owing lo Ihe small force ef policemen deuilled for doty upon tbe river, the compeUng boaU were Interfered irlih some- what, bnt no collisions took place. Ibe KcLaughUn Brotben and Klngilej BrolbeiB, rival boatmen on the double skull, setllnl a match for (lOO, me distance being a mile up the river sud return. The "liac*" proved the vic- tors, nulling paat the Jndgea' boat In 11:30, their opponenta' tbne being 18:48. Tho second nee was a sweepstakes of $180, between fonramatenr dobs. In fonr-oaiedlapstreaks; distance' 3 miles. Tbe boats were named teepectlvely, Bhoo-Fly, Hamlet, aeorge Folkqst and Fort Hill Boy. The race was well eonleated, tbe Sboo Fly compleilng the dis- tance In 17:80, beating the Hamlet by tbne len^bs, and aeorge Faulkner by double tbat dlitanoe. A Mxw WBI.MILI.— na pnpilelon of tbe Washington, D, 0., Bkatlng Park, with a view to relrierlng the loeses Incurred through the "ethereal mlldnesa" of the past win- ter, have resolved to transform tbe concern Into a boating park for Ihe summer season, where ladles and children may enjoy aonatlo pleasures without danger, tbe depth of waterbemglnatsnOldenlforrowUig. Itla contemplated to Inangnnle the aeason about Ue 1st proximo, and tub {»M]b'»w&^Mft4U^ TBI Sr, JonM's erew'mit*'(lgne4 tbe artldee for tbclr raoe wllb tbe Trne fonr, and the docnment bas been for- warded to Ibo latter, whom It will aoon roach. TboBt Johnen changed the date originally fixed to Aagnstntb, 'teltigTOphlngthe same to iheTyncsldcre and requeatlnga .reply by cable If the date didn't ault. Ae no responae has been received ll may bo taken for granted that tbe time Is agreeeble to them. Tub Atlaktio Boat Olob, of Hohoken, y, l.. have elected a good corps of offlcen for 1870, vli., Joseph Rus- sell, FresldenI; Oeorge Courreiler, Vice Prealdent; Mr. Uviogston, neconllng Beoretary; narry Ulcis, Cotrca- pondmg Secretory, and Ur. Tuttle, of Iho UudaonNary, Treasurer. They aro anlldpatlng lively times tbla sea- son and are making ptepanilona accordingly, TBI CoiOHotA VAonr Club of Ihla dty bos elected tba foltowUig omcen for tbe enanlng season:— Commodon, 0. F. TompUns: Vloe-Comnodore, John B. Fage; Secretary, wilUom w. (lage; Treaaunr, Oeo, W. Oaborae, and Heas- urer, Benjarabi F. Adams. GIUIAROSa BILLIARDS AT THE CAPITOL EZCinNO SAME BETWEEN DATIS AND IBABELL. Tub FoBuen VicroBiocs-Sconi 1,900 to i,ieg. The qncallon of the billiard anpremaoy of Washington. D. 0., which baa for aome tUno been ngitated by the re- spective adinlrere of Uessn. James navbi and w. D. Isa- bell, was decided on Friday, tbe Sth last The game was the resnll of a match made on tho ttb Inat., and tbe aiakea tto a aide* No inaloh that has ever token place In Washington bos cnnted a more genenl Interest and WUlanl's bUUard hall on the nlgha of Ibo content was crowded with speciaton, who watched Ihe proceedlogi with anxiety, augmented by tbe evident oqnauty of botb plavcm. The game was l,2O0 pelnte up, eu a csrom tsble, push and crotch barred, and the umpires were Ur. Wor- rell for laabdl and Mr. Hard for Davis, with Mr. Uejer for referee. At eltht o'clock precuely Ibe contestants en- tered the roped arena amid vodferoua cheering. Oheloe of balls and noBllleu falling 10 Ur. Isabdl, the letter shot Us bdl Into Ihe lower right hand comer. Davis followed by acaroroonlhodark, and, byjndlclousroond the table flujlog rolled up 78, llnlelibig tho run by a narrow mUu. lanbollthen iiiailo a aingle couni and gave way to Dnvls, who stopped at 24. Isabell, bv excclleut phiy, ran np 78 leaving tlie score n 10 78. The game progressed wlih re- markable ovenncBB from this throughout, Ont one and then the other forging ehoad, aeverel Inige runs beloir orcdited to eaoh one* Conalderable excitement and angry dtscua* alen were occnaloned by the decision of the referee when fouls wero clolmeil by either tatij, bat that gentleman evidently acicd wllb honcat Inienilona and lo ihe beat of hla JiiilRmeni, and at 11.80 P. U., jiamo was eallcil, Mr. DavlHgolngoniln a run of St. The score at tho close stood 1,'JOO 10 I.ICC. Next day Mr. laaboll, bsued a challenge to Mr. ilavls tojilay a gamo nmler elmllar con* dlllene, for any amount from 1100 lo $1,000. Appended will bo found tiio ecore:— Davll-7», 31. 8, 718, M, 8, 0, 88, », ISS,«1, O. 81. », S, 37, 73, », tT, a !l.l?TjJhlSl°'^' ^ * b, 6, IS, A, l,^' IhMI-8, 7^ 13, 13, 3, 108, ua, 43, B, IB, 89, 18, 1, .V, lat, 8, 9, 38, a^^ 37| ^4J^^*,(^3^3,3,s.o,u, 8,117, If a, iJ, ? Jsi^oi ii,M; S: Soaa'inr.— Vluea, Davli, 3; laneil rnni, DotIi, 78, Ti, 188, 71. 12«; iBbell, 7^ lus; lu, lb. 117. Arema^ OarC n't!; liiiolT 37 4.43 Time of puae, ihree bnaia Iwooly mlnuiea THE INDIANA CHAMPIONSHIP, OAnnBTT DEFEATS UcORAOEGN. On the evening of Mondnv, April 4ih, Jacob Qamlt, chnmnlon, and ATox. McOrackon contended for tho cbara* plonsmp of lillnali and $300, 1,300 points, nt Waahlngton llall, Indianapolis, oboul fonr liuudrcd apeebitoni being present. Clinrles Tyler was chosen umpire for Qamtt, whIleJolinUrigKomclaled In a smilnr eapadtyfor Uc- Oracken; Chas. 0. Comstock noted as roforco and Qeorge Pattemon was Ihe marker. Leforo commcndng play, John llueglo. Treasurer of tho ludlana Billiard Aasoclatlon, read a challenae to llto winner ITom P. A. Dyers, of La* byeile. We givo the score of the game bolow:— (lamlMlll&e, 31, 8,^13. M,0, 18,24, 134,0, It, 81, M, 88, t.BLO. Jj^B, 4, 84 4 4i ft d, 2«,ljrf. ^VfJur ToDloJiriTenio TImo of game, three boon and a half. At Ihe end of Ibe thiriletli Innlnus, after McCnoken had made tbo largnl run mado during the game, bo aaked and waa alloweiTflf* teen mlontea rcat The aymrathy of the siioclaton waa manifestly In favor of UcCracken, who was In bod health, and at the close of the game a subacripllon was made for him br his friends, amuuntlsg to $1(0, which was pre- sented to blm St Uuegle's blUlord room on lbs foUowlna day. ^ Job DION'S roBinoK.— Ths atatereeni wbiek hu ap- pearod in vartona Journala to Iho eobol that Joe Dion bad dedsred hla readlucas to accept of ths challenge laiued bj A. P. nudoljphs,ebamploo, provided thelalUr would leave It open to an, has brought iho snbJoUied card from tbo Csnaillaa, which we And In tho Uonireal New:— t . Bin.— I end, ihrnugh ibemeillum of Uie prrm Ibal my name ll bnuRliI forward In coanecllon wllh Ibo muck talked of match b*. Iween Rudolpbo and Roberta. Pemll mo lo auure you, Mr. Bdl* lor, Ibal no uocllon of nine waa ever given lo warrmol ibe report cIreuUltd. One Ibloi, however, I mar aay, thai If ibo oonlomplated grand leurnimcnl for Ibe cbamiiionihin of Ibe world iboiild lake plioo,Iiliall feel limy duly lo enter fnlolho Uil,and onoomore oaMyioprnremyMlfiecond lo cono— 00 rniiler mmwhaiooon* a (hoy may come. I cnnildrr. In Iho oecnl of Ihli lonnixmeol Ins riacr, ll will be an eicopllon 10 ordinary conlcela, and I ihink Ihe henora of aocceia would nmro lhan connlerbaUneo iho Imublo for i|ilo OlUnf myaeir 10 eaior Iki pubUo aiani of bHlbrdi Joiira Dies, EioiomoN Oamis at Balbh, UAe«,-R. B. Wllmatib, late ohamplon of Uaasadinietts. and Waller Iilgnon, ot Mew York cllj, plajcd a cooplo of games at Naumkeaa llall. In Salem, Hosa., on Ihonlghtof tliecililnatant The flnl till was ajgnme of 800 pomis, caroms, which waa won by uignon, rlils waa folfowod by a Fnnota tbree ball carom game, of w poUils, In wbjob WUmartb bore off the loaed with a guat ef aaa 'lhmncthlS|ainiMih«iSS ^ Ubltv Fonm CoM'AKtnrttT AmorBB.— a oii.n_-. baa aniAnated from Uelvln Foster to bilS JossnbSSSJC tenns. for a conteet atlhe three ball French rnrai mf S 100 iiolnts np, wllb Ji.-ln. bulla, for leoo aaide. ST&Jf?."! CoMondet oaromMble, to lake plaSin thfi dtJ wS'JffiiS Plon will accept iw not la not y7kiiVn hefiiwar^*"''' : DlATS or ANOno nil.t.iasDisT,— John Rent ihini.M jbiyer, died of pstrie fever on Uio I8th inVu^ SliSS? jsan'fifa'iaisr' ""^.y'^-^- « -"•is.f.fv'si'a: L. JlfOrt Two l« ■ -in.,s4 vj^ritilBcoiriili ,*5,fiSTr>™.0ook,Jr.,aBa iiiiar' K*.'"* •'nngeioenis to That (hey wilTbiwamiiS welcomed Is not to be doubted, u Robana' prevb>u«SS will panlj corroborate. vrwus run TBI Nzw EKOLASn CnAunoRBinr la one of the avmiw fbr the future for which negotiations sra now neodlni n aro Informed, by Molvln I'oeler and Edward DoSlclsT^' GAS£ BAU. MATCHES ANNOUNCED. ^ April IJ.— Opentif priiocanieef lkennloB.OInk,ti TTtmeil, a| A'pili l&-4lar Rloo ra FliM, on Iba Caplloilne grnnnda, al 4 p Ifc April 18.-^penlog naleb un Cepllolino grounda. AUanlla'eia l'alun,aiap. M. ' "* Apru 1&— Opening day of Ibollobokea dubi al IkoBtyelin PICU4 CLUB SECRETARY ADDRESSES, Below will bo found tho names and secretaries of several base boll clubs for IBTO:- Unloa ef MorrlanU-Jamu A Lyas, Cor, Ban, irtmouL We» chriterca, N. V. ^ AUilcJo— Alfnd n. Wrisbl, Cor. Bea, Bondiy Uarcarr oOlte. Pblliddphla. - • t KeyMdno-J. B. Maheney, Oor. Bee, eai« of Bon^y Uanr* 0B<»; FblladelpbU. . J "nvnij Ol^mplo— Theodore A. Wciaella, Bea, No. 333 Valnul iL, Fbll% ''jnlRpld-Wm. IIcRn>bln, Ilea, Xo. BlOWnlnnlet, PhlUdolpbtb AllanUo Bnoklyn-J. C cbapmin. Peal oBloe, Braoklyn. THE OPENING PLAY OF THE ATUNTIC8.. The champion Atlnntlca have taken the Held, and oa Thundoj, AprU lih, they opened Iho hall for the season of 1810 bj playing tbalr flrat practice game of the jesr. Tho occasion atlncted a nuiueruiia concourse ot tho friends ot ths dub to the CsplluUno grounds— the Atluntio head. qnarten for the jenr-and as the weather was tolerable pleasant the sport wa.> much en^ojed, Although It had rained for fonr succesiilve days pnvtons, the grounds were Buoidcntly dry to play nn, and us a alrong deld party were- pUced In opposition to the duh nine a good gamo waa the reaulk The nme Included the regular team for 1810 vrnb- the exception of Bwandcl, who was nuacconntablj ab- sent, and rumor sajs thai the reason was that be hod re. Joined the Unliials. If this is so Pearce will be wanted for hla Old podtloo, that Is If be will take It afltr being sat aside. Toung Uall occupied tbe place nf Onne, at centre Add, end Uunn played at short Add. On the Add dda Pesrco captained tho party, and wllh Qnlvln to pUdb and » fair supporting Add, they gave the nine work to do to earn bases by dcau hits. In fact, bul for some important sr- rore by Bass and Devlns and oihen of tho twelve flelder*,. Ihe Allantlcs would no: have scored a dozen miu:hi< deed they did not earn mora than eight or nine, their oat- Ungbdnffrotherweak, Of the noteworthy plajonboiti aides that of Pike and Ferguson of tbe nUie, and of Pearce, Oalvln,.Jackson, Dsvjr end Yorke of tbe. field waa excel- lent Plke'a base plaj was a festore of tbe gome. Iba- fall scon glvci oU ranhor partlcnlati. > Avunia D.u Bian, lllb 4 Muno, IB 4 CbapBaD,lt....a Plke^tdb 9 HcI>oaald,rr....il ZetUdo, p 0 Uill.or.r. i Bmllk, Sd b 9 Ferguion, 0 9 1. la t. Toula.., iBntOffc AiUnile...Tr. Field .37 18 33 88 FiBLD. Peann.. Oalrin... Deryr 1 Memien 1 Johnaon. 1 Ban *I York 1 Keony -9 Derlne 8 Jickion a CurUi .9 Brown 1 ,^ AilaJa JJ. 8 11 U 111 Sd id 4ib eik eib' Tik eih S 0 19 8 110. o-a ..r„ 0 00801l0»-i Flyeilohes-rertoaon, 4i Plk^ 3; Bmllb, 1; HeDonflM, 8; Uana, 1: llall, 1-13. rork,4: Jelinion.3! Beilnl,t: BamMnTll PMinl, It JaeklOB, 1— 11. Foul beuuaoaubc**-.fltart, f ; Faane, L Oalckci on ilrikea— Fennion, 1, Fcaic*. L Biae pUy-Pol oil br Donaid,a; Sun, 4: Fike, 1. Hmlii.L AialiWby PUe,aiIma| ZelUela.8: Fennion, 1: Bmiib, 1; Hunn, 1. Pol oul by Jaekloo, 10; Oalrlo, X Aaililed br Deryr, 8 llmea; Oalrb^ 3: Bevlna, 1| Keoor, lirinra,!. Douhio pUji by Pearee, Oalvln and Benni. Oauon nnl kalla-AUanllc 1: VUU,t. Umplr»-Mn Ihu. Ili» dooald,oriboBlarClab. rime of aame— Two bour& On uondaj. April isih, tba Allantlcs will play tbelr onenlnamatcn, un which occasion the new nine of tba union Clnb, of Uomianlo, will nut In on appearance oa the CipitoUne grounds as the friendlj opponents of lb* Allantlcs Ui a grand prictlco match. THE BALL IN MOTION AND THE 8EAS0M OPENED. - A nm FBI11 OAHi m bbooxliwwA NonwotiHT Tte> lOET FOR TDI OnAMFIOMB OF THB AlUTBOBS— STABS TB. FIBUI. The base ball season of isio was fbllr luangunted la this vicinity Isst week, Ant by the opening game of the champion AUonllcs of the pranrsstonai daas or Ibe inter- nliy, end mora recently by tbe'gnnd pilxe game whlcti was played on the Caplwllne grounda on AmO Mb betweci* the Ohamplon amateur nlneoftbe StarOIub and a Field nlneef strong playen of the Exoelslor, Alpha, Powtaat- ton, Eckfoid, and Atlantic Onba, Ave of the AittiUne ot tbe latter partlolpatbig liulhegamejogetber wttklbur e' "•^11 — r^f — •"" ^mBBMB— Naa ~ Pllwond nail In their borne poalUoBnmafnunIo i«raw and Oalrin to play third baae, an}l bealdes, there wera tboso strong Adders, Dan Clianne*y, Remaen, and Yorke. and tbe old Hutnal player, 0. Hnm, In the nine. On tbe other band, tbe BUin wero nnoble'A presentthelrfuinlne. owing to the absence ol Unnlr onu Worth, the latter taUns port only towards tho doao oflbe game, Hort Rogen, of the Lowell Club, playing at third base on Ibe Star aide nn- tll Worth come, when ho was placed In Hunt's poBinon 00 the Field side, the laller retiring. Tbe Idea of these priae oirenngs Is simplj to giro aa Impetus to the game In the early part of the eeaaon: and also to nplaee the cnrdesaly played dab practice gamea. from whIoh no benedt la derived in training those games In which earnest efforts an made to Aeld aharplj and to play earnestly. In foci, pnfesdonal dubs could not do • better thing than to put up prizes In tbelr ptacUee games. "Nine vs. pleld," once n week, unui the season Is tegular- ly opened bj match games; and even then a neat Uttla prize of some kind or other, fbr Ihe best catch and tbe best score of bases on bits, would be no small Incentive for ex- tra enrilon. We are ghid to aeo that tbe Allantlcs and Ualoos Intend doing this on tbelr praotloe dajs, four prizes of hols and balls being offered for the best scores of bases on hits and beat oatobes on both sides In the fottboomlnc msteh of April leth, on the Oapltollne grounds; Tbo weather on Baturdaj, Mh, was all tbat conld bXTS been expected at this season of the jesr. It being oulis warm and pleasant, alike to apectaton and playen: and tho grounds were m excellent condition aa Ibr u a drw Aeld was concerned; but we were soiprlaed to And that tbe Oleld otherwise was not prepared for play; the bases were not fastened, nor tho reporten' stsndln Its place. It Is to be hoped that everrihmg will be In trim for tho grand opening match of noxtUonday, There wasqnltean eager desln manifested by the plajere present to enter tbs llats on the Field side, but us bnt nine coold be chosen, of coune those wno were disappointed thought the selected team conld have been made stronger, as It could have been In fact, for thej had no flrstbssemon or short stop, and no regular pitcher, Uunt playing poorly at Ant base, Obann- oerthrowuigtao slreugly from short, wblle Chapman's plMbbig did not prove OS caecQvo aa It was expcoted 10 wonld have done. The Field side, however, hsd a splsndid outAdd, and also the catcher and aocond basd plsjen of the Atlantio nine to help them, wllh a good man ol third baae, bul they dhl not provo a suffldently strong oomblna. lion to take a ball from Ihe Sure on UUs occasion, olthongli the amateur champions were not out bi their niU strengUL. Flay was caUed at 4.91 P. M., with Mr. Jones, oT tbo Alphas, as umpire, and tbongb be discharged the duties of his position Impartlallj, be did not umpire tbe game In accordouce wllb the new mlea. It ahould ba home In ulud that there is notblna new In tho rales In the way ol umpiring except u re- gard to calling bulla i^id strikes, and ths feature of tho change, In tbbirespect, bi, that ns mxmina (a nou oufred to be given to Ihe pitcher or biltsmsn before calling belbi er strikes; and also thnt tho pitcher Is now only ohllged to deliver Ihe bMI wlihin the "legitimate" crjMr rtach of tbe etrlker'a bal, auU nol within a few Inches of any parilciilarspot tlio bslainnn may chamce to call for, sa he was last year. Except In the cose of lbs flnt ball de- Uvoreil, too— which b now a dead ball as fkr as oalUna ballB or alrtkea la concerned— all unfair balla must bo colloil afler "repeuled" delivery, and all fklr balls— tbat la, balls pltobcd withia fair reach of the bat— most bo struck, or, alter "repeated" refbaals to hit at tbem, "strikes" nraal be cslled, The duty of nmplring under these rules, thenfon. Is slnipls enough ss far aslndglnis of the play Is concerned, and wo are surprised thatso feiw an OS yot lo be found who seem to have an Inlslllgent Idea of tho changes made. The Field sldo opened play in the gome, Fergnsen lead- ing off by giving a chance to nevlns for a catch, wbliii bo duly accepted, Obapmnn followed with a ball to Herb Rogcn, but Mori, mooed It and John made bis base. FIko then sent a safe bounder to left Add and socored hla base, and na two good bats were to follow blm, a good aoore for tbe Aret Innlnga' play was looked for; but Oammlnga caught Chauncoj's hitih foul on tho Aj, and Calvin tipped out; tho UiulniB cluacd lor two runs. Rogon oponod at the oal en the Star side, with a aufo grounder, on which bo made his base, after wiiloh Jowdl took tbe bat, and send- ing a high ball to left Adil, wiilob Yorke uuended to hand- somclr, and he ntlied. Oummlngs and Hort Regan tlien balleilsafolj fur hoses, and DevUis did, too, after glvlDS Ferguson a chanco on a foul tip, which he mused; Dollard also secured his base by a good lilt, but be fdl »len4l4 «•»<* of .» hlfix as •Samae t bnoilfDl oitoh after ■ long rvD. TBe nrof DnTeiSoDil talent oppoaed to Mum, tboj naj waU SSSI and woSJdtHi Mppj to moot tuo Uobokoo doba at 2?oarlrd»K loJononixt mo Stan wlU taka » tour to ?f,ffi&S>D for a wKH'a plaj.and wUI oolerUio nold liSlSniie Exptrta or InlreplUa of FhUadtlpMo, ths Pal- BiMaof BtlUmon, and ttao Natlonata and Oljnipica of vruHUutton. Boloir wo KtTttbo nillacoroof Uiesune. nereooidof tb« batting inclodce oata,nina,flnt boao and total baa nh,|b Iih I- a >-27 Undn-Hr. Joora, of Uc Alpba OloK Seorar-lCr. BUrlliit QattiM OQ itrlkw-^mll, 1. OuUoo roDlt-rttU, »; B(u, a Bua ont ■ llill ^ BoTlu Tlou or Oaibo— Ono taeur tod Ihlilr mlniltt. ttAU TOSSING IN THE MODERN ATHENS. neaeaaon opoued In Boetonaa Faat Day, April 7tb, la • Tai7 UraiT manner, aoTcnl of tbe prominent clabapar- tfelpatlng in tbeir InllUlgaoie oflbe year. Tbe Trl-lloiui- tain dob ODiitged a picked nine open Dostoa Common, (balr opponenta belngr membera of (bo Blouebam, Uploo, Qavare^dSbertdan Clubs, tbe tbree Utter being Jonlor onanlzaUoiia. Tbe ball groond waa lo mr poor con- diuon, tbe oot-fleld portleularly ao, and amall blUocka of -oMTOMiravel'lDlcrfercdiirtotljrwItbfleldlag. Tbeplcked BlM fcoredaTerratrongicani In tlila,tbelr flrat gtuo wgtlbar.and both nlnea exblbltod atroog boUlog. Only Mran Inninia were played, ood tbe guno reaoltcd la Ikvor «TlbeTil-lIoantaln8byaacoioofUto22. Bobjolocdls* ■•ooiaoribeRaine; '' Tu-MODBUUr. 'JqIUtu. 0 IMi«r,of ■JoaM, r f . BHnnn,llb ^Vv.v.v.".: nutiuis, II t. BduLlMb ViRmll,Mb t n.1. ... I' ....a :::J ..a ...A ...I ...I . Pican Nm 0. Trua, U b 8oeU,rr Ciimer, •■ Colgu.e Slertti, If. r. WIH, tub Tweert.er ll>biukb,Ub.... MUlUUjP 3 ...V...I IbUl 95 J Tula). binna. lit U u <(b Kb Ctb 7ib fMadNbM S a 0 S 0 ' a l-S n* picked Dine bave aince organized aa a aenlor dob, under Uio name of tbe Rercre Cmb, aod Ita nrgapecta are bTorable. la tbe abOTO nma tbe Tri-Uoooiatna played irllboat tkelr pUcber, O'Drlco, and lat baiemaii, Record: tbe mit brolMia being lobitltated for tbe abtenlees. - BASE BALL IN NEW ORLEANS. Oa AptU 4Ui Boma l.aoo people •asambled at tta sew palk or Ibe Loolalana State Biue DaU Park AaioclaUon, at Biiiatb«Ule,towUo 4 I DODOTU, p 8 5 "SluL" idb s - cll, - Bomnu. HoliniB, 8db... CbuOkr, of BoBdiDdorr, U b. DouTu, I r. Bnndcobcn, til b.., lMa>r.tl.... O'Snfe, 11 ILU < ....J ....J 0 ....J t i t 3 fVaTki ■*6l8Rliffii __, \ Ontbeadlnat,, atUieaaDeiroanda,ainatebtookplaee Frelclltr, Ub .8 fioEu], 0 a rellni^ lllb 3 Lau«r, r r 4 Laudoo, c f S Lny, If a TbW _ 401 aib aik 7ib M ii II I ? , between tbeSootbem, Jr., and Oomei, Jr, olabe, whlcb iby«toli . — , tbe fOimer won t THE ACADEMIES IN THE FIELOr - Tbe mcmbon of tbe Inlllalorr and practical depaitnent «f Bryant, Btimtton t Clarko'a Drooklyo Bualneaa College, played a gtme-ofbaae ballon tbe Star'a groanda, April ltb,lliafOmierwInnlDgbyaacoreof3Stolt. Wc append tbe BOOT*:— liRunir. AmdcIIoo, Ulb. . wobrr, 0 TbOOUh^ of. •^8^, 3a b Alko, p Urlofiloii, II JahlUOD, rf trillb. Id b Tlnliil, I r B.L. ....i 1 4 8 3 4 I .....I I Puofioii. u'Reirr, It. ainlcfe, e.. JODCIL of. Dubob, 3a b Cibo, rf. Rou, ad b Dcnilll, if. HcUuIn, p UlUl, Ulll a.1. 4 a a I Ji 4 , 8 a I.' 1 TbUL 3 Imiiiaa. lit 3d InlUiUrr 4 3 'rncUoT 3 0 . . , _ . . . Scorer— Ur. 0. Wine, of (bo rncltsl Donutmeol. I7lDplre— M] • J. M. Clupmaii, of lfa« IDlUilory DcfKrtiDroL Total td 4lb eib eib Tib Sib 4 0 4 8 10 0 8 0 0 0 3 7-38 e-ii EoTiw Olobl— TbIa Faaaalo clob beld their flnt annnal inaaaoerado ball on ibo evening of Tliureday, 7tb Uut, wblcli proved a very enjoyable and revArrcK aflblr. Tbe coatomea were nomoroua and vairted, and, aa a general tblng, tbe wearere well Bnatalncd Ibo characlere reprc- iaent«il,e4pedally Ur. lloblneon, wbo was aitlrctl oi a HIgbland cbloflaJn, and cnicnalned tbe company wltb .aareml Booltlah iltnccii, Including bla Ibmoni braid- awopi douce, whlcb basao often caloed bim laorclaatlbo . Yearly rcauvals of tbe atalwart Caledonlaoa. A rciy plcaa- Ing feature of tlio occailon iros ttao praaenlailon lo Ibe dab of an elegant allrer ball, tbe gift of Ur. Jacob Forlcn- bacb^n boDoraiy neoibcr, which woa received by the TlooPrcBlilcot with an appropriate speech. Tho ball It of . legobtllon alie, and Is no cxaol model. In Mated Bllrer, of tboao Diaonriclnrcd by I'eck A Soyder. U boars tbe fol- lowing Inscription:— ■'I'rcsontcd to tho Eouw Daie Ball 'Cliib aa a nark of itlcodeblp, by Jacob P. Fortogbach, ApiU 7, ISfO." The workmanship Is exceedingly lino >nd U a credit to tbe artlBilo eklll of tho engnTerTHr. Joaeph A. Lewla, of Ibo American Watch Coupaor, The club may well be proud of auch a gllL The onnnlcailon ts now In"""™"* — — - LONi Srid «. nua^-ntM dob* puyM a game, the same ilay, oo Oie DalaohalM grouide. Mew Orloaos, Heaan. Booti, CondOD and Bohiraria earning otr tbe hon- oia. nefoUowlngilTeajtoTanj^nnobl^ LooaBur..; -.4 • 3 S 8 II T' t lt-o Kilmlb«Wblpraiuiitaiiinib«]id|u»Uiilij>d. Obibui A. llnB% aMUnOlBb, Dm Ball in Indumi The annnal meeting of the Franklin Oaae Ball Olob of Praokllo, lad,, woa keld Uareb Mlb, when the following oMccre for thoeaaolag year were eleeied^-Frealdont, QenloLanbertaaniVlco-Prosldent, 0. Rdwarda; Secretary, Bamnel HcOlollan; Treaaoicr, Collla UUIer: Dtxecton— I. Bamett, Qco, MoOailln, narry nenl- ken. Tblaeloblaready tooomenoetbe leasoa aa aoon oa boll playing begUa. The nine wUl be iboot tbe same as last year. THiUNioHOLiTBOPMouiiaiMU — This dob will open play on Wcdneaday, I8tb Inst, on their groonds at Uorrls- anla, on which occaalonan experimenul contCBt will be played In order to teat tho moriu of tbe aoTonI appUoanta fbr poaltlona on the new nine of tbe Club. All playon do- alrooa of entering the UaU will picaae report to Hr. Foid, OD tbe groonds al TremoDi, by s P. IL, on Wednesday. OiKCiKNin Iriiia.— loo Dorter the Iitt one loft of the prorcaalonal Dnckeye nine of IWI. and n capital flnt baae- mao, partlcDlariy on groondcn, baa Joined the Forest City Olob^ornookfonl, 111. Joelsagocd^taaweUaaflelder, but la rather a slow ninoer Tbe Red StockUiga haTo their opening on Sitorday of this week, itth Inat They have aomo lEoughta of a SoDthero trip aoon after. Obion Oldi.— The omcen of tlils Mew York dob for the ensolng year are asfollowe:— rresldcnt, lian'l W.reterspn; VIcc-I-resldent, Ohas. U. Pcoble; HecoidlngBacreWry, p«- Tld II, Van Baor; Correapondhig Becniarr, Tboo. J. torop- kins; Troaanrer, Chos. A. Eslor. DoaidoIUIrectOik-Fcltr Downey, Edward Jcnnlog and Bdw«i4 QoodtlJ. Captain flntnbie, I'etcr Downey. RBOROiNizinoN— The £tna Olob, lonlor, of Whitehall, N. Y., ro-orgaulzed on tho let, by tbe dcdlon of tbe follow- log oniccn:- Prealdonl, J. UulhollBOdi VIco-Prvalilcnl, aco.De l^o; BMlOlnry, A. M. Dohcrty; Treasurer, J. H. Hodd: Osptalo, Vr. Biuiub|ai Ulrootors— ). G. Scrofford, D.O.MomyaDdn. TromU. - . • IliiiTAiiSTS. Lowell.— The Lowell and Harrard Cloba flared tholr opening match of tho acoaon upvn Jarvls' leld, CombriUgo. on iho 7Ui InaL Tlie game was quite In- torcaiing, allhoiigh a good dcol of malUuir took place, and the ooore at tbe unlah atood In taror of tbe college boya by 3] to 20. JuKion Flit in ILissioaosim.— The Eicolslor Club, ofOoalon (Juolor), vlsKod Lyun on Thursday, 7ih Inat., and Tanqoltlieil the Osceola Club of that dty with groat oi ~ ' tho score being 23 to 8. WisDUioio.x T& PsuciH.-Tbeao creek cinba played a game on the grounda of the former. New Orleans, on the 8d lust, when the Pelicans proved the Tlctora by a score of Mto23. Tna FiSK. Jr., la tho title to bo adopted by a club now In conno of orgaulzallon at the QreniJ Opcre Uouao, this city. THE RIN6. THE AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP. The only fresh pteoo of InfomatloD which wa hara to comnoulcata to oar reatlera tkla week, aneot tho match between Tom Alleu and Jem Uace, hi that the former has commenced reo. work, having gone Into trslnliigoiunen near Iho Crescent city on the tth Uwt., to remain Ihore op lotbedayofbauie, ponolngthst rlgorons coone of ez- ardseanddltdietQnjrr to {ga^lelilBi to cope with a tug of men vast enduring power as oiir pieaant cham- pion. He will take hIa Ircalhlngs under the watchful eyeaof that experienced tolor, Jim Cuakk, who trained UecDsn and Oobon, and hit coatin Fooley, who oo- deHiUflds Ueclaely what Jem'a reqniremeoia are. Al- len It a willing worker, and under tbe care of Jack nooldlng, ho Ui doing honl work and plenty of It, and repldiT dlmlulahlng the amount of uuneceasary aeahnowclomlngthemachlneiTorhltoignnliaUoiL Dla trainer Informa us that be weighed 204 pounds on the 2d Inst., hoThig reduced himself un pounds ilqce bo was In- Btalled at Woah Dome, which provct that he Is uot allow- Ini tbe gtasa to grow under his feet We are frequently asked IT wo think they wUl flght at all by tboee whom pre- Tloue flzzlea have rendered BkeptlcoLopeclallyla the eaae of maloheBforsolaigoaBum,U>whlcta Inquiry we have Invariably replied afflimallvely. We ore convinced that both men neon flgbthig (our reasons for ao believing were given aome wools age), and If anything oulalde of maglaterlal intaifORDce ocean to bring tbe match to an nnaatlafortnry firuia, we ahall feel ditpoasd to attribute tbe tame lo the .Inatromen- tallty of one or other of those who flnd'tha money for them. Uowever, we do not antldpate any auch result as this, and we cannot percclv- —-....•- ■ for the entertainment of aoch conlecture lime rolls on, and evorrthlog pcttalnhig to the match la seen to progrcas ao smoothly, the nobellovcn, who were so plentiful at llret, are rapidly beooming fewer and fewer, and conseuoently tho inleitst exhibucd In tbe oflhlr Is belghlcnea lu a correspondbig degree. As Is always the case, opinlona npoo ttao Issue are totally at variance, though there appean to be a growing belief that the ad- vantagea pcoseased by Allen will ooanteibalanoetboeeof the accomplished man from Korwiob ; atUI Haoa la the greater mvorita at alight odda, aod ibat atocks of given- GaokawUlbewagoieiroponthe result Is oo assured fact na -nazt and final depoalt, one thonaaad doUan '•tfda,,la'dae at tbIa offloa on Friday, tbe 3ld ef Apilt nebttthmtofora """ilBiliif 1" being v>ttcn opt by the frienda of Allen In St LooUTlbr preaentallon to bIm as a mark of esteem for his manly, ttrolghtfCrward condnct and gallant bearing In past contcstaon our aoU, wUL we learn, ahoitly be finished and preiented to Tool Uenia. Jaccard, lewelers,are the mannfactureni, and that It wui be asplendldalllalrmaybolnfeiTed from the ttalcnient that It wlO coat tl.OOO. Alleo Infoma ot that be will not ecole less than I7tlba. on the day of the battle, as he has grown mach larger since bis last fight 1 SmrriRo ami RNOuaR iCAnmiD.— Aoebrdlng to ap- Ipolnunont Falsoy Sheppard and Mike Bngllsli mctatoor lolllce, acoomnanled by • number offrieodii, on the after- inoonof the llth Ion., to diaoh thearanmcot between them by signing srtlclea, aod Inoreaidiig tho amount of the depoalt for IheIr maloh. - Dosnall/, lanatohesof thia kind, jthereisadoaloraselessialk bonn on agreement hi or- ,rlrod at, bat In this case not a pobit prcseoted Itself for 'disciuslon, aod wllhoot any ado artlolcawen scaled, blml- Ing them to fight at calvh-weliht on tbe 27ih day of liny next. Any miles from the BImOlty, fbr tsoo aside, tlio inrii to bo In Ihe ring bclwoen e and 10 o'clock, A. H. Tlio deposit was Inoroaacil lo 878 tnm each, making llto miw op; Ike aecond deposit, tit a side. Is to be made at Shop- pard'a, 81 OrowD atrcet New llavtn, on April Uth, the third, of like amount, at Nr. Dorton^ 1« Onwn street on April 2ttb, and the foorth, t7t • side (or 8278 a aide If niu. tually agreeable), at Oooghlln's, the Aoama IIodbo, 80 DoloDBtncton May 17lh— each depoalt to be staked not later than ten o'clock P. H., or a forfeit enauea. Tho money to bo thereafter forwatdcd to tbla offloe, and Bub- aequeotly trauBferred to the dnal stakeholder, wbo niuat bechoseo at the lost depoalt *l>eo tota for choico or ground will take place, the loaer lacalvlng tea days notice , of tba place aeleofed. Joa OOBDiui wuop tbr • fhnwell benefit on Sunday evening, April Sd, at Hagnlro'a ODtra IIoubo, Baa Fran- cisco, OaL Tommy OhonOlor and Billy Dwyer were to pet- to fi>r the fint Urns amce they appeared logather In tho roped arena. Jamea Dougherty and Bdward Molarncy were to act-to together, aod Joe Oobum waa lo wind up with Dan lUoe, a pugilist formorly ef New York. Thi-ro were to be many velantesn, fodudlng Jig and clog danceia. Add Weaver, and Foirastolla tho female ccnlur- tloulst Joe haa been rather unrorlnnate of late, ouil takea Ihia benefit to start him aod tila wife for Mew York. Joe wu to leave boo Francisco on Uonday, April 4ih, alopplng at Virginia City, Nevada, (Or two days, CMcano oso or two daya, and expects to reach thla dty on or about the llth Inst He InTorma us that bo returns rrom the "Paolfio Blope" expressly lo wllnots tbe comlug flght between Maee and McVovIe, and that be sUaU obtr loBjathjirinatfr r-M -: ■ * iuoNOTOBTROJiMa.- Tbe resldenlswlthlD the walls of Troy were thvored with a more than oidUiary Kno display of sparring and alhlollce on the ovonlngoftbe eihlnst, when ProC OVelll, of the Tioy Oyinmiafum, gsvetne.v hlbltloo ot a prominent boll. The entcrtalamentconslttcd of sparring, club swinging, dumb bell exercise anil sing- ing by tho ProlMBor'B pupils, Mr. Uo putUng up a dunib bell weighing ISO Ilia, with groat apparcnt ease. Tho clo- alng display waa Iho feature or tbo evening, brinnlng Into (wCTarjonli up^ fequIR, eiSolKlly'a Mtlol, niiirMr. O'Neill, which woa one of the llneet llluMratlosa of ttao manly art wbicta tho people of thot section ever witnessed, and drew forlli loud applansc. The attondanco was large. Prof. Clark expreaacs himself well plesBtd with his visit 55? is?'']" to return, throogta ut, his sincere thanks to Col. O'Urion, Ur. O'Ndll.ond Ills soholaro, forthekhid' neascaexicudcd tohiu wldlcthore.^ Bkooii KiLLrs Nionr.-Thls fcathcr-irtlglit boxer gave on oxIillilUoD at Union Hall, Dolon Avcnuerarecapoiul, L. I., on the eth Inat., tbe hnuso being nill and the company oroerly. ThoBcls-towcrebotwecunooieandTnnnlii,Bleve Allen and ahcnuy. Bill Fox aud Y'oungOmcalla, Jack Joyce and Young Otnj (a tremendous glove light, hot and heavy oil Uio time) Teddy Near/ and Uan Kerrigan, Young Ed- worda and Bowera, Teddy Ncary aud Enoch Kelly— ivlnd- up-the latter being a very prelly acHo. Fox ondOmealla likewise made a very adenlUlo display. Torco was master, as usual, and wishes us to oxprcaa his thanks to KoUy for his llberalliv, which, thoogh notbing more than the baid-worklng oM lenUoman deserves, shows well by cootnst Ed. Bussill, tbo champion olab tnloger, called opon oa cue day laat week itapccting the aiallenge lisuul 5f ^"llP *>!'*'■• on* »hloh parUcularly alloded to him. Ho dcalres na to say. In anawer thereto, that ho la not a profeaalonal swinger and will nut en- gage In a match for moaer; but If Ur. Colter wishes to test his ablllUea, he will meet bIm at auy tine that may be agreed upon at tbe New York Atblello Club Reoms, Ualro's Oymnatlnm, St Mark's place, and give him tho desired opportunity. BuTTLi UiTOH.— On Eatter Uoadsy, I8lh Inat, a natch at BkltUee for $<0, 21 ehalka up, aland fklr. wUI be played bolwoeu tboao experts, W.Moore and T. ^rtce, of Cock- ney Lan^ at the qaolt and akltUe gragnda of Robert Cal- vlo, altos "Uaochcster Bob/' Eagle Uotel, Carroll atreet near Third avenoe, South Brooklyo. Uoore la open to play any man In tho country for a stake, aland fklr, with a twelve pound balL Theuegronudt have been put In good order for the season and two new skittle alloys added? OFP FOR Tn« WasT.-DUly Edwards tod Doonoy Harris were to leave this city for a western trip on this (Tuesday) moraing, intending to visit and give exhibitions In all tho prindpal cities tliero and In the vouth went They will make ihslr flrat stood at Troy, and Itom thence proceed to Albany, Byracose, Rochester, BuOaio, Oleveland; Oblcoeo, Detroit Ondnnatl, Indlannpolls, Bt LoulB, and downtbo "Fattaer of Waten," maklog their caloolaUona to wind up the tour at New Orleans In season for tho Uoce and Alleu cbamplonablp battle. Dami OP Biix Lu)D.— Weregielto find leeorded In our Ban Francisco exchanges the decaae of tho well known Bporllngnian and fireman, which took place In that city on unrch 23d, of apoplexy, lie was fonuorly foroman of Eu obill«ii|in li tbetniir!! ismydiy ^iT^S^f !»i «<'hvi M Jmdiit, t wni ihMi r In oimt. ihf/ nkf Ihbik pitiprr ts mrnllon, SAW- imANCISCO TMl wH 'I' H .mTiiL "•K?i?T5SI;J4.K,.".''l.""Tnil,Lr RHIIBn-S IKOKWn _ jonnr nbwcom&'snhw bono and dInuu--- p. UAVALLBB'B OHliAT OaCUBgTRA. iu* ..JABBBIT A fALMBa. .BrfU|ul^^uojiu«llr>m4_' ' tTSu Taol . 1 trliifflph or Ih4 BUHLESqUB TROtfFB, OBNCROOa APPRBOIATIOII or TaiiB TAUNT, OBNIUB AND BBAUTT NBW TOBK rUBUO. MO.HDAT, TFriil II, WOl «hl bi pnuoMI Ibo bvtliiioe ripriNi THE KiKa or rYl^ft ooio MiNBa . ...^ . « Tb« P'rw pruducrd wllb- WBW AND OOROliotH HWNP.Hf BY TOK0n.lN. . mUBIKKKTIf RTRKKT. ^, ovea iMiH muiiT or biioo flti aiwfciuiBoMMiof 0. W. II. flriao'i Buriaqil of nAMLET. IIAHLKT. ^ UAMUT. _,„„'>»» BBTAST ASllAMLtT, TnP. BAR-DANK LrrrtEutci tueutki^- u.«i 81100 rtl I OL* »»:.flr"' BB00Kri'^ K/i?' 'ivew ^onds i Sine as, of'Nowrork,' before the ■pnhi'demlMut'auno re by aiv ooo. As Jnlo existence, hot for jLx yean past bad resided lo UoU' _,.„,,. „ ... . _. - - meollog of the Old Fobit Club, held April tlb, the following ofilcera wen elected to aetvo for the eoauing six mouths, vb.:-^l. O, y.Thomss, Proddeot; W. E. Pretcolt Vlce-Fresldent; Bobt W. Hughes, Secrctoiy; W. J. Bodell, Oprresponding Beontary: J. A. Walklns, 'heosnrer. Board of DKotoi? John Daolch, chairman; Bam nacoo, Ooo. H. Elliott and w. F. Wlune. John Z. Uerhior, aooror. John J. Btnlcb, Oaptala 1st nine. The 0. P's luve been conildorebly strapgUiened thla year by ths addiucn of several prenlnent balUsu, omong them, \f. s. Pocbc, a noted EniUtb crtok- cter. Beebe, besides bolog a llghining pitcher, Is said to be a strong hataman, and a rcDiarkobly awlft and acconto thrower. Utulch, the caplelu, renka aa a profcaaloiaL Tbe AcUvea have not beou Mlo In oroanlilng, and will pre- ■entamnchatrengerplaybignlno tola season than last ?.?*f.J?" "orvlcea of Urlnkwater, formerly of the ^'Ucrry nlue." Albert a Tan Deoaoo, Frtsldoni, and Srinkwnter as Cantalo Ist nloo. The Aoilves claim to be tbo strongest batllngcliib 111 tho atote, and Iheir rocenl of last you'a games ehowa such to bo tbe oaae, A Novel Bibb Ball aiUB.— It boa been proposed to In- voduce a Utile hiil into tho practice gomes of (be Ohlctoo 2°£'i.?Il?*i,?.'f J*"* » '» helogtaltod SM'i'?'''.H'f'*V»,P'.?f*'" llaWoto result In the detiAt SJ.ri'frS'"*'"""' "J"'' 0 '•o'J of tho pooroet playen to SS.SSS'.SJ'-!!!^,"""!"' J*^ P'*" ■» "> matcli a nine, composed of people who havo never played ball, anlaai Jh!l,H°.'??l°'l*^'r.''.'i thelottorshall mKIJ',5''£SST'.' hand, with the exception of £5,. if"'..'.^?' len-handci), must pilch wllh bis nght hand; they nintt strike with tho small end of the bat While tho mnniua are to bo allowed a "barn-door bat" U tharploaao, and are to throw, catch, ran, olo., Id doDaaoe Sd!L'i?f'il>1i'P'.^. .Wl'1'lhcaiBllghla.lviSSi^lt IseSs: 5J?jSJm2'^ '5" profoaelonalswillbo iwrely beaten. The mullln nmo baa not yet been selcotcd. tilVJSSiS! A?*""*™"— Wo have received the fol^wlng comrounlcailon irom tho Prealdontof Iho Junior National Aaaoolallon, W. n. Keljy, Jr.™ .1 tKSSIIIS'H"! "L"" '•i? ""fe&M^n'liTn !5k, ■I Tuireiny Utll, li li borrbgt nrdrmi ibilibo dAcnlnlnlho iMnl UDial aBTlnllon of U» Nallouil AlwUllon or .Rolor Bm n2u ruTin, mM al lln "Eoiilro Himidi,-' Ntnrk •TuueTjim? otr. W. 1; OD Widowliy, ApAl I7lb, u Tk, r, M. ••"T wiy, .,f^i''P'<'"'<'^°f<°o'*l"u •.'■"a loluilloii rbo,uiuunliu lo ibm dol- Slili.- SiVi9'*'Jf",l^''5«'"l'I •»"'«'»|' by ibourRipoadkii aiwiUry, WUIliD f. Wilib, 313 diud Uitcl, /ci».y Oliy. •~™"" J™?"* 2; ^ Jbb-- Tho Sonbooa have ele .ii?i?'!£L1''"»''„P" oniolnB ytor:-Pro8ldcntLlUr- ahall Freobom; Vice Prcsldeut DotUamln " , J. Ci - foRjSlf?* -S-HL":./??-— ITw .Sonboas hove elected lhe Hal _ „ _ „ Jtj; John Beott; blreciorir j"'l'udlipp!"w. Kyi • '"."Bard lo A. A. Donncr belonging to the £.iISS?I<".v*'?!?'"°'«W"'''<' OLirrBBbyiheml, Ibe 2fiiS?Si*Ki*.'* ^ '"•yo'' "th them all lut season, Is a SSSu) this • """"^ lonjamin Lyons; becro- "Tjere aud A. IS?i2ri£?i"'''"8iA80H.-The Jonlon of thlsclly sp M HSA.'*'"? the field. Tho Dulon Star Doao iSn'TfATSSffc'R ,°'T° '!""'<«l follonloR nine In the Odd jSjJiSr'JJ'^ obamplonsliln VlilB season :-aio- BhgBoa, aicheri Drrnes, 1st base: Connolly, 2d bote; iJSj^ftM'i.Mo: iTotiee, pitchori iannlMoTehortttopj oiidL* vV^' Vo""""!' oonlre floldi AoUoweU, right of tie aSi^^ ' ^'""^ " Oonwpwxiln* Betnetarr naiMsht D, Braes; Treasurer, W? HamUWn: Reooidlsg ■JSl'^AJ? Rod'hr; Oorresfonding Blerettiy, t. ;5J^,jJjg^J^^^|raiiytiunCoX^ HarIWD()lal>. THE FIGHT FOR TUESDAY, 12th INST. KERRIGAN T& TOOBET. As we pen this propnratlons are being quietly made by the sports of Ibo melropolls and vidnlly to Journey to the Evund selected for the milling oncountor between Jim errigan, of tho Fourth Ward, and Ed. Toubey, of the Diy Dock, which Is to take place on tbe oorohig of Tues- day, uth Inat, about three eeore miles from this dty. Those deolrtog to attend woi bo conveyed to tho groond by two Bleamore chartered for tbe pnrpoeo, ths tailir Imposed beUig five dollsn per head. Toahey bad an exhibition at Oontlaenlal Hall, EiRhth avenoe, on Saturday ereolng, Mb lost., and his appoaraoce strippeil, together with bis dsver diaplay, Impressed sll favoniblyaodcaaacdhlabackento become enthusiastic In his support, odds being repeatedly ofitrcd Ibnt he carries the day. We haro not soon Korn- gnn of late, but ire learn that be has been brongbt Into very dearly as good condition as bis opponent under the eye of "Skinny BUI," and his oilheronis speak very confl- dentlyof bis prospects, while Ibey on ready to back up their opioloo with greoo paper, we anderatand that llou- hey will bo waited upon by Omey aeoghogban and Bill Clark, while his brother Dan and Johnny Uonoghan wlU eaqoiro Kerrigan. Tbe gcnUeman chosen Bnel etako- holdor, a prominent Brooklyo (port, received the at^iee laat week. / furula. Ills many friends Ui this dty imi bear wlitasor- row of bis unoxpeoted demise. nannv Uioxen la now Installed at No. 88 Bast nonston street this dty, where bo will be prepared to give lestous In sparring to gontlemeo desiring sooa loairactloa, aa alao attend to Ihdr requir^iaenla bowanuy. See bis aSvenlaa- ment In anolheroolomn Bo. WiuoN haa disposed of his saloon. No. lOO Blcecker atreet and la at present easting hia optics abootwlth a Tlewtoflodingon ellglble nt« np town whereat to le- embark In theboilness. jni Tdwob, it^nae whanatMota wen leoantly In-i qaked for by a oodaepondaMtibt U>n9ei|it ib new iM leans, having retijraed ftom a s«Joarnl^a,000on the main. It proved a IitUow victory for tho Louisiana division. L^osiEft AND MANAGERS UmOrB TODB THEATEES, Erinnu AND raRRT.— I. Woikcr, backer of tbo "boy "orris, says be will match him niiulnat l-oke Fer- ry, of I'rentou, N. J., In his own rncc, 76 yuril^ fur $400 or ttooo and tho champloniblp of tbe Kost. ilnrria u es- pecially desirous of running Porry. Tho ruoo to come off at ratcrson, where Terry will bo oertalii of a fair show, Jack OouLDiNtf, at present Inlnlog Tom Allen, will per- form Ills rests at tho latlcr's quartcni, tho Washington House, near St Loult, on Sunday next, Dili Inst An ATBLmo CLUB was organlr.cd ot Montreal, 0. R., on tho 2d Inst, the purpesa of which Is to encourage anil pro- mote athletio sports. About forty names were cnrelled on the memborahiji Ihit that evening, and a committee ap- pointed to draft • couatltntlon. Tni: Orion Oldb, of Philadelphia, give an InvllaUon ball In that dty un tbo lllh Inst AMUSEMENTS. _iiiioriilNituidboiilr, BR3AULT EUUESnilAN, fmni Oniuo Napiino, Parla,ar«ap- Bfi!;°"JS''jlf.7S'J. }^J?!i?' "OHT.'lbo Inlrrpb; Uuidb Bider. MB. indTAllE.NTRD SONa - , JUABLEH BIVEHa fCuB HORIIK RIDER, Bobirt JobOKW, Fnnklln, I^lo, Sbnooodibaiula, Unlbvwldi adoubia eomw— « — ^ OWNa Buoy or O71DOAAIIL AcnbaljL Trauoilau, Aa **'!i.,V2'iS.4i!Riy''"^ AYMAR. owwi THE RBNOWNBD LION PERFohMFtB. MB. riBROU WILL ENTBR TUB DBlfoF lIlOMS at each perfonBauM lodououli ...... „.>*'WELODe rSATSt WALTRR WATEIUIAN, BIlUBSTBr' TUB FIBST ORAllD HTBEBT UN DIREOTOB. PAOl wlib Ibi (Mdra ObarloU aod ibi Un Uoa Imo la Uu'alreMii, win ^ ■ . . ON MONDAT, APRIL II, {.aACT nralUlDS; If uahvoiabto, tru doAr day), Imtloi Ub< UDIoolb ftlok al lb A. U., and paaa dowo Idm. Io^IuTSl, lEm ■rlo9tlbil.,lold aTr.,UionaUe4lb ill, Uio pteu ot aiCuilUoa^ {loanaremiporrormaDawUlbaslTnoiit itdaT ol miadA ni ampgrofmapowUlbatlniionftoiUaroTvilns. |.k '^jaBiiiBBBrowl? exam as ohnts ■ j ■-..■y- ■ MPilOBT WA L THE mm. tb.d«.plo. aoditaiStS"" "OMLD, LADY GYMNAST OF THE WORLD taS"\^!:.°fiS; ""^ oMROBLBorouTsiISS;^ zoi^mcA aoraT CIROABSIAK LADY, ^ , qiiAMJBjvaE. I Tbornnra tery ttw gentlemeo wbo^ at lonitbDeoroUMr, have ihA bad Ibolr HATS BOILED. oil FUnnAPS BDINBD, nv iiiKT OR mnAono jinoB, ON TUB noons or UIIUltUllRH, turatrrd, oranr nlb«rcn}iri1e.l|>bm, fnni Ibe vary fbct Ibal ibort la oe pteci louul llni««nlon Ihe rtmr. , TUB PlinPHIETOIWOPTIIBaB BSTARI.ninilRNTa. WUI flad II gmlly lii itiolr mlranUeo ui bwk w«U lolo IbIA u It WIU (IRKATLY AlBd TO THB COUFOIIT (IK THEIR PATRONa By tbll almpio arraDiniiiout fulaoid uiidor Uio Hal, Uil bat la eunj pul oul or lb« way and iC«iiraly bold In Hi plan onlof dabger aod no txwiblo lo Ibi oirnir. Kor cittulan, lamtL On, addma B. H. OWAN, Falaola^ t-ll>nw 27 joulh Blilh iliiil, FbUadilpbIa, p». T.nn TIAT^^ILi, ouAULBirrowN.JBrFBngOKao., w. ta., oothi Wlacbeiiiriod rouoiacRaUna4,biu«b of Ballinors end Oblo. nRinni or koom,i«pebt: DIMKNHinWl SI BY II fBln': SBATRD WITH BKTTKRH, AND WELL IJOmED. WILL 8KATTURBK IIU.NUBBD rEOrLK. rorULATION OF town, UOU IIALL MEW, Ml' JaIi. LAW, lloorr, FiopHotor. TUBATUIOAr, BOOTB, BRpBS. I nil SHANNON, MILLBR A uhAHB, BLIFPRBB. Aa 4tHaldooUDl.H.-T. WAR TO THE KNIFE. mroBTAiiTi mpoin'AOTt mroitTANT { The United States Confeotlon Oompany, n WARRBN BTRRKT, NBW TORE, ABB KOW MAIINO flONTRAOIS FOR TDB OOHINa ' ^TENTING BKARON" wrrn oihouheb and menaobribs , FOB TDBIB OBLEORATBD PIII2B FAOKAOKB OP POBB OANDIES, _ andillpartloawbolLavfOolal MADBTI1BIR aSr, ; """r - TO OALL AMD SEE TUK noOD.S A t-ll» or JBWBLnr oa: BAlI'Lr lUBSTBD LHIMB TUB BTOOB^ OOP, ooitnetian. ON Tim iii7i>soN nrvxow. Krtoeoialo lou. ^■ PRKirr FOOT AND ANRLB, ■ODSiaddaoeai THIRTY-riTir OBNn BAOa Bait Is toy od. droM. poll paid, ou itrclpl of nric& •■t« . rliAjmLniwiNMB,8e8Bniidwr. A XxAD'T "WHO HAS 8nA SeoaUonal Diana wrillAafeipivaBlr for bar, wlsbuia lipe- rimad astnl. Addr(aa ELLA A. ElILIB, Fbtla. P. O. sTl' pitoc. Bomsnrre xix»iovm> 10 748 Broadway, ricliimou* Dr««Dta of llliialon, Poallal and Burleaqno, BooMllooal Doniooi, Fbanuiiaa, Bkilouna aid olbar vUloaa, For iDsaimMiiuorpuRhMlDiorappaiiUaaDdpleliiraa. BindalainprortoTBa, pffogrammioTaTaliipii. ■ t4P 0. I. rOZ (lIuDply 'Sf.^^} ||!* *"* >pUWn( nil If ' rtoirfBiti IX (IIiiDpty Dunj for rrambf 1 1 >'j^p?lA».ui.j |^TIIlk..CB' , POPULAR^ COlOQUll craoH BUBoraj THE TRt66£Ra SEDOONS VS. COBURN. negnrdlng tho proposed mill between these Ught-welghls wo have receiTCu tho following commnnlcatlon In reply to thai of Ulko Oobum'o, which appeared lo our lost;- ^ _ « „ , Br.Looia, Aprils, isra Fun QoiiiT.~DtiB 81a.— Fran Ibo Curnn lull imlTOd I iMrelbalCobumbaaeoTfrvdniTdopoaU rorwaidM Ian wnk, bul dee.'mei nrcllog no al f liber or Qio nacoa illMilalcd lo Br. Roacb'a oommuDkalloa. Tho oonrlog of (bo $100 u manly a "maho So- IIOTO"onlborarlorUlckoy, wbo, lam aallaflrd, doc« not wlab or •Tvr mciBl 10 Ojbl me, or ho would bare attepled Ihe aquan pruno. •Ilton eoDlaloM In Ibo ommunleallon itTentd loabore.aabo li wvll awan ibal It la almidy iDpoaalUo for mn 10 go «aal wl'Uioul for- felilDs my llbrrly. If Ukioy rtaUy wUhea 10 figbl, I will allow bin tlOQJor ojpenwa (o mrcl mo In dihor of ibo looUltlra montlonrd by r. Boacb. Irtbla doca nol tolt (Mxiro, bla rrlcodi mual iblnk bin bald (0 piroM, and my cballeogo wUI Jbari to '--lldlouallabl-wclqhL ItcapMlhilly you juril called In since tho above was In type, stoles that tbo backere of Ulckey will not agree to fib g Jim Cobm ilo open for aome lOBOC BaSDORt. ■ ■ I, and west lie oOcniSeddona tho choice of groond 2SOTolles frem New York dty, and as diserent men have already gone west from this city to light (notably, Joe Cobnm and Dick Uolllwood) ho thinks acorge has no planslblo excuse for nol accepting thUi, os bo has nodnnier to fcsr. Ulckey lenvos bis tlOO In our hoods, oud If Siiddcns doo't accopt ho'll dgbt any man In tho country, at llSlbs., upon tue same toims he last week ooered Urn. FATAL SEOOTIKO AITBAT IK FfllLlDBLPnil.— Padst WiLLUMBTnE ViiTmf.— Tho oily of Dreiherly Lore wss, dorlog the post week, the acono of another dctpcrate affray, in which oroel lead performed a murderous part dsprlvlog of llfl) 000 well known to tbe sporting tra- teinlly. Tbo clroumstanoea of tho aooir are as follows:- On tbe evening of Wednesday, eih last, Faddy WUUama (formorly of FlUsbuigh, whore, during the war, a match was proposed between him end Johnny Uaekey, bntltnev- orcametoanythbiii) and Frank UoDonald, alius if cOoy, alias "Dig Frank,'' metal an early hour In the bar-room of Ihe Continental Hotel and became Involved In a dispute conceraing a loss sustained by ona of them at Ikro, buck* Ing tbe tiger being the method adopted by them to gain a livelihood. Tho aliorcatloo waxed wann and they were aboot ellochlng, wboo motoal fMendi Inlerforod and aopa- raled them. About nine o'clock Ihe name evening Uay met again at a aaloon located on the S. H. coroor of Eleventh aud Sanson atroots, when (he ouaml was renewed. From words they speedily came to bfovs, and McDonald received a severe cut on the head. The latter now draw a nvolver, flred open WllUama, the ball taking effect In tho groin ami causing tho victim to alnk to his knees. Anotborsbot was flred Willie he was In that position, tho nisalle peneireling tho left breast oloM to tho nipple, passing obliquely throogh the lung and lodging In ths badt, having severed In lis couree one of the prlnclpalBrterlee,oanslngacoplous bemolThage. Two more shols followed In rapid aucces- slon, hot neither touched Wllllama. McDonald then lolt thosRlooD, plalol In hsod, bnt was subsequently aircsKd about a (lozoo blocks oir, having been followed by • police- man, who, not posscsslog aamclent coongn to atlonipt his arrest himself, waited uutll he met a brother oOlcer who was not aireid to perform his duty. Tho wounded man waa oonvoyed to llie Fennsylvaofa noepllal, where Ihe ptoslclan In charge probed Ills wounds, ezpreasing tbe onlnlon that they werefatal. Shortly afterwards Alderman Uorrow waa sent for to take his ents-merteni statement hot upon tellhig WlllUms Ihe object of his visit the Islter soldi—"! hove no charge to mako agalnat any onot If you are here. Alderman, to ask me who did the ahoot- log.IwIUnottellyou. I forgive tho mtnwbo abot me, and I hope that he may prosper and llvo a thoosond yoan; to punlBb him would do me no good, and If I ahooid die It would only be InOlotlng on him a punlahmentof which ho may not be dcsorvlng, Uo may have been right In the mailer and I may havo been wrong; noyway Iforelve bIm, aod will not under any circumstances divulge anything that would Injure him.'' He thou said that no lud but one request to make;, which was that his body bo sent to his fhuier, Jsmes Wllllsnu, No, 88 Elghtecnih street Fltlsbnrgh. AOatholloprtestwas sent for and odmlois- tered tho saoromont to blni during tho night and Alder- mah Wllllom VcUulllo, William Whitney and several other Mends oollcd to see him. Uo lingered nnlU olx o'olook on the evening of tho 7th, when he expired, per- slttenttyreroBlogtoglvo any l.nfomatloa relative to Ihe affhlr. Oo the morning of the lib UoUonald's ooonsel, Mr. L- 0. OoBsldy, attempted to teouro s honring in Iho esse, bat no wlinoases of Ihe oceorence being present, the Aldoiman oommlltod the prtsonor and ordered • beor- tt two o'clock on the 8th. Wa Oatb umaifoi JunM Mllei Hd F»ti«r Bhep- THE CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT. IDLES JODNSON tm WINNER The pigeon Bhootlog contest for the obamplonship of the Unltcif Stales and an elegant badge, besides glM to tho winner, $100 to the second man, and |iM) to the thlid, took Slaco on Tborsday, 7th Inst., at Hark Rook, near mvl- ence, IL I., on the grounds occopied by Kd. W. Tinker, The trophy was oOhied by lbs llbode Island. Bportsmen'a Club, uuiler whose auqilcea tbe ahootlng look place, and about alx hundred penoua paid Ibeir passage money on board the stoomor What Oheor, which bod been chartered to convey tho contcstanis and spectaion lo the Broiinds, Tho entrence foe was llxed at tee, and the entries were six lu number, viz.: InA-Falue, New York: U. W.Tla- ker. Providence; UUes Johnscn, New ioisey: Jobn Taylor, Jcrser City; Percy Aldrlota, Erovldenee, aud J. It Browu, Dullkio. Ou the way to tho grooud pools were sold by Ur. Uarehall, an old baod at the bualneaa, Tinker bebig the favorite and selUug In all but one pool, aa luat oholco, Taylor being lonolod next and John- son third. Dinner was partaken of after tbe arrival of the party at Mark Rook, and at one o'clock the aport oom- moDced, eaeb maoibooUngataislngleblrdt, 21 yanlatlse and 80 yarda bonndarr, IMia U and T ground trapa. At the begjuuibig Taylor mlasod his bird, anti oaths third thot Jobnaon mined a bird, the otheia abooUog oosUy and aurely. At the end of the flrat ten birds, Taylor bad lost three, Fslne three. Tinker and Aldrleh two, and Johnson and Brown ono each. I'ool selUag was resumed, Johnson and Drown selling about evenly, oud Tinker ttlll ahead. Dy tbo time the flitoeuth bird hod been ohotatDrowo had gone to tho lead, and money was put very freely upon "the stranger," as he wss called. Those who bad bought him voir low before In the fleld looked ohcarfh], and thoee who hadn't oorrowfuily wished they boil. BTenTUiker's bacten "hedged" on Drown. His star waa In the ascendant, andslilolog brightly. At the tweatleth shot everybody thought that "the stronger" was certainly waUliig away with tho "champlooa." Johnson wis second, aod the othen were bunched togoUier, Thiker having leal three birds, Palne five, T»lor Ave and AlOrlch Ave. Uere woa 0 turo- tbo longest lono must hove one— and Brown miss- log three birdi In suocestlon lost hhn the match, and made Johnson's chsneos vera fsvoiable. From Ibis point to tho close of the shoolUig Johnson kept lo the load, and eoBlly won tbe contest losbig but tliree birds out of the tbirty-flve. No Ooo would buy o pool sgalnit him, for none ware ao foolish as to seod "good mooey oiler bad." Taylor, who had been shooting very badly at flnt, rellled, and to Buob good purpose that ho was awarded the aecood mooey. Tinker taking tbe third money. The imlucky shooting of Aldrleh at the middle of tho match ntherdls- ocunigcd blm, but ha also made bettor scorliig toward tbo close. Palne waa viry nnlortnnate with bla birds, and hardly did blmtelf Joatlce; while bad luck saomcd to stare Tinker oooUnually In tho ftce. Ttie deepest Interest waa taken lo tho aflhir by Iho speoloton, Snd while at times there was much excitement the heal of order pre- vailed. Tho best ooaseoutlve shoolhigvraa done by John' son and Aldrleh. We append the aeon:- Joboaoo lUlllllllOIHIIIIIOIHIIIItlllHII-Sl Tkrior OlllOllHIItellllllOIIIIIlllllIIIII^ Tlokcr. lIllIOHIOinilllOIIOIO|lllllllllll-aO Paloo illHUIllOIIOIIIIOIIUIlllllOIIIIIIl-28 BiDWD nioiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiooeii(piiiiuiil-3r AMrlcb IIHIOIIUIOItUIIIIIIIIIIlTuHUIIO-ir The birds were. In sporting parlance, "haavy," nsailyevery one on being nieased requiting tbe pennsslon of a atone to induce blm to toke wing. Some or them abtolutely re- lOaed to atart On hiB fonrth abot Tinker had two of tbla oharaoter, and both balng barred, a third, o lively follow, was tnpped and killed. At tho olose or Ihe match Folno ohallsngcd the winner, Johnson, to make o match any- where, at ony time, for |800 a side snd the badge, etch man to aboot at one hundred birds, tbe time aud place to be ot tho option of the challenged party. Under the mica by which the badge Is govoned, the winner Is not obliged to occcnt challenges onener than once In foor menlha, though no may accopt for a leas time If he chooacs. New- ton Uezter, Froildent of tho R. I. B. 0„ waa referee. M#»-« THE DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP. TAYLOR DEFEATS WARD AOAIN. On tbe 30th oltJoaapb Taylor aiul James Ward, both of Toronto, mot for the founh time In a trial of skill wllh Ihe trigger, the match resnlllng from a oliollenge bnned by Word, who wu dlesstlsllnl with the dcfoals provlously sustained ond desired lo test his powcn coco mora against the champion. The conteat look place at Leslie. vDlo, 0. W., and wu for |80 a aldo, 11 aodT groond trope, 80 shigle birds each, 21 yards rise and 80 yoiiu boundary, wllh lj-orillOI01llllllllOIU100IOUIO*lll»UI01UlUIIIIIIU001-3r out of aft •Fall dead outofboanda. Mr. Taylor kavlng held Iba champion enp Itio reiialied Krlod, one year, It now becomes nis pemonal property, hla Ave oonleala brtheohamplonthlp, hehuanotat 318 blrda, sooTlDg 182 1 actually kUllniits, udonly missing 18, making an ovonge ahooiing or • s-io out of every 10 iirdsBhol at We have roctlved tbe foUowlog challenge rrom the loser, which shows that the rasnll ot ths past hu not caoaed him to lose oonfldeoce:- ToBono, a W., April 4lb, UltL raiBK Qmv.— Dbib Sin,*l wiu mahaomalcb loihooUiany - • ^ ' — - * iMr ..v-.— — V i Torrr \ _^-^XKBir. . dSHSATIONAL DBAJIA. BnUUad ■ IK SRBPPARDTLABr DBBAM. £ HUBPPABO'S LAST DIIEAM^ JuonmalwIUiUia OBEATCOMia DANOBBS, LEagBT AND allenT^ LEuaBT AMD ALLBN Runpaaimnor TllBlNlUrrABI.B. NBLUB EBVHODB, „HoJ^^» „.™.8TAB TRODFB. MATINBBB WBDWBBPAT AND SATffBDAT. ■xmLATni] ^ AMUiirHBNT COMpL bli OnoADWAV, »ll PAur, Bim.BB AND nnjfOIlR Haamnand Praarialn^ TBaSATiiS; BCTBBSBMfiCS:*'^ SENSATIONAL, FAMTOHItIB, BALLET, AND BDMOROtfa mis M0N8TBB TllJuPE OpTdB W0wl»°* NO TOLQAniTr, ENTIBE OUANoI'i^F FBOOBAUMB. NO SBOEfNO, NO DBINRINO, 5IN0, BRilrrrBD iiriib. ■ATTNIiES WEDNB8DAT AND BATURDAT AT IW P v ' N. O.-rcrfonamor acboowMipd lalwllaaa brlDcbnoflb* variH; bualoeia can obtala ileidy oi Btger. m BROADWAY. ' Lul waak of OniNQ ODOlf IIL OAST AM) BTHAN ' IN JUDIOIAL OUBIOSITIEa LBOM "-"M WRONG UAKJ In hla cml Sou and AcL TUB WBOKO HAN. rASIUONABLB KATE. JUDICIAL ( TUB OBEATE logla plgCdnieaeb aninti r-»-,^dol a^ntl Mr. Joaoph nylor, or Tprento, for ooe aoyanoiiBtup 10 88000 aldai or 1 will put op ) and abool al IS donblo blida each) «aeb rarty lo wblob antobemliidon Ibamotnlojortboot- laodpnll Ibo trap •galul atb olb, FRBMIERB DAN8BU8B, and lUL JOUNNIB WBATBR, man. irlc cDmtdlaa, cbanckr comiqaa aod gaouii arttal, are open for ea. gagamaolalollnldaiallalla. Addraii i~ v. ... JODN WRAVEO, »■"* l7tC«omlaTeon^Oll»lnnall, 0. raotjjpnotj. „_.,. MANUSOBIPT COPIRS OF THIS ORBAT 8UU0IU18FUL ORAMA FOR BALB. ThIieopyllToiyUbolboono NOW DEINU rBIIPOnHED IN NBW YOBB, ami haaall Iba OOOD POINTS OF THAT BOrnO.V. Jao of Ibl viraloo ortpard for Mllo. Baalrks Iq LomlOB. AdiInH W. IIKI'BUllNlf, . l(BNaaiaiialj«al,N.y. Tiua xixoiszision HAM joisrr. iWO ORIOINAL OLD UNOLB DSN, LEW HARD/, UAB NEW BFEOIALTIEB, NBW DANJO BONOS Addieaa NEW TOBK'oljp'rER. eroxitniaw iron bauh or "I'tn-"""'!"."." manage™, doa'J^yoo want lit Trma low. Ml' Addwaa 8. A. MPNBON, RlrerlM . Conn. MB. FRANCIS VIOLA, YNNOa TRIUd TUB OBP.AT BOPRANO AN2DDnLP.SI>UBrniUA OONKA, cao bo Mgiged bj remooal. Ui naugtra; baal (inula . T^llIA . H» laaoagwa; baal li&ai|uo maonar Ir wbkb Ibey aro dooe fonlbly remlni uiof Iba lUuioUli.— Bopobll ..■iV'!51"^1.fV."™'"'rei«ll«l fill tniU9i|D«linL March 9lii. ' /"a""""""" Tho Olowna laddor irtek la a vronderfiil real, aid ncelrtd as real, aid ncelrtd aa OuTFia Omoi. MR. JOHN DENIER, OYHNAST, TIOIIT BOFB ARnST AND OOHIO PANTOMIMIST, MISS MAQQIE WILLEH, Sarlo Oomla Tooallal, lad Dorlaanul and Proloan AcIiwl can boon g. g<»lanar April 107 AddwiaJ(.ll WAXX.ACK'S. FnprKlor and Manager MB. LESTER WALLAOK, DOORS OPEN AT^,^_^^ MS"""" wlU be prnnDlnl TMa Tulor'a tail new conody, UENANDAURKH, produced wllb new and appreitrlAla acenitiy. new pinilo and now ap. polnlDixnIi, and a call of ckaradcri iDcTudlni Mr. J. W. WalUcL Jh-.J. Il.iloditard. Mr. n. T. Rlncsild.Mr. jfo. Wllllamlon, Charin lliKkwoll. V'. Mlllon Holland, Mr. I'crk, Hr. Quigler Oiinan, MIn MadrliCe IlrnriouM, M(a Emily Meilayir, irii. li Saf (01, Un. Uurm Pbllllpa, H laa Rowa. . CARD.— XmiTOIl Tixrw YORK OLII'1'ER.-DIiAR HIIL-Aflcr liu|«(lo( Ib* aoUm Itom Iba Elnlra pma. loanher wllk a Itilar rnm Ibo pnprlelor of Ibe Opera llouM In Ibal oily, joii wlu admit Ibne boa belD aome ml*. reprearnuilon aoroewbern. On Ibe Bral olghl or our perfomancau kperwonwaladblmmirallhedaorarorlKigadmlailoo,auUni^ wia Iho Blmlm rvporter for Ibe New York Ourm, aod when uied loil'oapmirorbli bolna ao,n>f aaad, and, aa a oalunl nuKiuenoa. waadoollned lo paia Ihedoorteoner, Tblaa«coonu rorblalollarin 2d or April Youn (roir. Ibo Uurraa or tbe i Toura (ruly, ^ _ „ . . .. WiLUAN IIOBIOB T.,»^.«|^ Oiviirio TatiTu, 81. LouliL Mo., April aih. mm U< Dnlly UdrirHBr. Kant OU. ItlR FMIHT AI'I'BAIIANljk IN BLMIBA. Only on mm andiinoiual ocraalona le ao larse an audience at- Iraeud Is Ihe Opeii llouie, aa wlineued Ibo Biilappaannnorihe LliifinjTniiinilndilacllr, bal ertaUijL II laonrylbeannouots. rarnl of a Iccliiro by Uoii|b, NAaby or Dlckloaon, or a a«rinoD br Borhor lhal mn nil oul aiitb an audlano^ and II la nnir a Icelure I, by Oongh, Nail,y or Lletlnwin, or n asmon bjr Bmber lhal nn '. alroni ao much aalhrocilon 10 anaudlenr^.aadfd uaenterlalnmenl of la>l oionlng. Tbo fail Ibat Ibe peopleiir KlDlnrengolMand --'iredal*llieiliacraucabo(weeD a Oral andwcnadclaaaenlarlalii. to rehr»ml, JNKBT OLD COUEDIBS, wbkhwinboftreQ FOR TUB FIRST TIME IN HANYVBARa In nnjMf«(lon SETERAL N0VKLTIR8L A KATINBB WIU. BIIUHTLY MB OITBN. Ml ROWJDRY TimATRlD. WM. D. KRELTnll NEW NOVELTIPJI _ SEW FAOI THE OREAT OLODOOUE TBOUFB. DOR r OLODOOUE, IMA; imil WALDHOl BI.ET NOHMAND. JOUN J. EN/H.^B, BBMELR rLAOROLBT, BASBOMRTI, rBSO. flORDOH, OOLUN& -iSz. KOI i^iii^inT, BOBDT I NBW DRAMA, JEW or Botn'ntrARK. IS SOBLga and Dan oca. MBW PANTOmAiB, LA JOORfBSK. OLODOOUi TBOUFR MATINBB, 8AT0BPAT| f O'OLOOK. »ll AOAJ>sMY ucNerrnxix^s' 910 OBAND 8TBEBT,NBW YORK. Lnlo,Oleg; Jlg,BM*ooe.SoBgaadD*oea Ungbtbyoaronaqulid -olbM, andpuplla 811*1 for tba lllga. Bonn Oeimi^ Fnlau Ada, Blemp Bpeacbii, Oan A&, Aa, vrluaii forlbi'proraaalon. Olopt WlatanaCealginaa acat I»bU pwaia. Bad aump (br ibta UIP I aump (br ibva DMni an by no Bictni oonAncl lo blm, faU iraupt beloa fftmmaij of Si^a_Ald*H BflalAM Baa mMMmm m%mm*MW* wwt^^t * ■ ni8 LART APPffAHAMUB IN ELfilRA. rnaDaflrtlclAURudknee ■mlad " It) tnd \ux RpiKMrino) Inibli dir, % anil lbs wboIecoinpiDj »ppeuTd _ jreTtouiwonlng, wbfn Uioir eol^r mMl annip)«w iDd Krrm MilirMikiD. ne InlroOuctorr nm ''vrhoBpmki nrall'' d** Mr*. AIko Ouonlog LInvinl, Mr. Bibei Mr. DIUIpii, Mr. Diirrciiantl mIu Wond anaintlfDlopmriunlir rttopUj Ihilr aupaiiorabtlliiriii* aelora, whkli oppnrliinllf^^ — AitothrrbrnaDdflrtlclAaaaudknee aroelad Iba Uncart THidm itlbelra(«on* BoitolaltaBagirforMoKlan Buobaoag TbmWmH^ vic«eiinnDM3 concert nAxXb inEELKB SrtniTSWj?'*" Wublnglon and Mnlbtn^. . ? w 0I._. _ ... Now open piny or TALEfffwil .^^OFENTII _ AMnM ^ (lEO. 0. THOlf Fj«iM.llUmU.»j.. tw Ibl ioli lidi'ir inocaa;Vriiiia'^^ r.RRIIFORMBRft , BD AT ALL TIMER YKAR HOUND - — -iifrii 3P.ARTBa3R ^AKmUO w..»il,i..i'!/.*'""!TP''*''*8IIOW BUBIMESR ' BTomlllogmdylugorlgblor Addiworeall IMbiscgirSloni - JLii. 378 MtrtleMuoa. Bnohlra. MISS now (laTolh APTNTia BynieavMoa. BmeBlra. ooRNPOirri _ 'HI''* 'J!!)L°l»?i'i'»'i*JU'* WBBKR YuRLRsquBreobrx, ' FOB^^IIB BNaAOBMBNTtl ADDliSjtl UEB^ i!!! «B Bedtord alreil, Boi(ob.1Iii«, ■WAJimSD, , A BIOB snow DOOO KBBPBBl a'^ixt ..1^ '.'"fr * Iraprnll man. AddlMJOIIR' Jt A80N, B(. Oharira HoOl, «a Rniadwar. Now Yort i^ -jLTf*; MAnsix>Rara varixitteesv WANTBD— Two good TlimS^'^^* winladalall umea. - — -rEi FUILL PIBrENBAOIf, Blago Mawger? maad'o'AlnjIoglAdr. lUeai. . U. MAESDiJlff, ProprtflorV. SPORTING ADVERTISEMENTS. Notloo to Ilaso IlnU I>oaloi« and. ClutM. Webavilmgedlwoenbeanliral cetornd loanrlnp of BaaaMI Della,Capa, Bhora and Balis orrr SnrmdirrranlalfloAbaluia , liaci puMlollaoraoodii Dellaia and Oluba iliouU iiulaiifm ' ourelheni. rrlcollilaod KoBnilniaienllmh.mall ^ Wo arp inablns (ho flAUR BALL STOOKINO, wbllb wa w*;., fluntab 1* cluU al IVholawila Pilraai ^; OUNNIUnilAM A DILL, ' ' »UI HuuIacUiankMObanbsLiFbllb PAPER-BOATS, For eilKlaei plauun^ radng, Inrallrii and buBtln^ - feMllI modela for young ladim, lada, tourlad ancrapoimaDTMcaUni ""ivttlanandorkallilaeiiloDapplknllon. v,\ < g|l WATBKS, OALOa A CO., SM Blm ll, ItaT. M. T. . ■;• /' Xlzoolalor Bamnlo Room* 18 BART UIJUfrrON ST. ■ ^ f. ,ES, ViNBir Uvl'URS ud SBOAla ai Iba Ba» l»01IBlNgl'A»inNUIjOjnllr MjBtt ^lw[ny:..' ,J}^0IOB.AL! ATBLBBUOl Sparrloar OToualie 1>y Fvor. Oortoltl Tir maibbV oyhnasiuh AND MO ORANO OtBtbneoallandidattbllrewniiiidaiioBifiHnliwL ' "t-V v.i>. MISOELLANEOUSb rro LIQUOR DBALERa-Tor Biilo, U » 1 JL Ibl mftal* Biolpci of a wrU knowo Uenor M ann fl MDil tnl Isuhielloiia Tor dtadllinf, ndirilog; mltlng ua ta . wIncB, Ufloora, btllafi^ lyrupi^ cordlala. eolorlois imibm Ban aniiiaa,eHi rorp«iilculare»iariiaU blB s nuM c(> nbolo ocan MIU». UtitobttblBkief tih* |glb*Vnb a Ij ii« BonlBf b*'4 b« inu MV. »rBE OLOWITB STORY. ■Tod wAoldnt tUDk It, u look tt btr now, tlr," uM ite m vSn. H U Ibook tiM uha oot of Ui bhcktoed cImt; «igtStdim wu onee u htoilnm* a womtn u Toa'd §a fttnUj^tloigdaj. Itwuan.aMiaenC tbat tpout Inr ^rSnatkn wu iUteheil to » Ilia* eiinumiii codiimdj irtth irUat I fbneo in dulsg ■ rammer lUj'sneda- _ , . hi wuwkkabln. Tlie treap« tad bblted it » ' nidMdbTUioUiiieIliad imoked mj dnr In hia rauuianihlp ttig olown ud I wen npoo i TooUng of notbtem a UtUo •tnck bj tbt womin of wbom be nok). BbtwuUUtodtUm.uidbidioinclhUifOf afor- ^ralook, u I tbombt Hcrniiewu cbleOj renukable ArilMpunnil Impraalon wblcb II g«n to » atnnjitr. It wutbelboeof ftwomiDwbotad nndeivone some grett Una. TbeideklTialorof (HettlnwumidgooBnlcaoDi . bitlulieeUobil^tnoaoniie luge buck area, ud on one cMaklkenwuaicai— tbemitkortamtdeadlj bait In- "MamrVSdandltaidtlnllada UUlo war IMm tbe tmrvbenllM itat or ib« coopanj wan lUll oocapled 'wttnUielrfriuildlnBW. Aatnicborianu ooaunonlar Monaa-andaeemadtotBTltoanmbK. TbedowaDUad HtttpaTaad walked on, medluU*elT- I took oot anotber "^altafUlMmlionebaokUiatgaTabtt Uiit Karl" lUM. "Akllftombonebaekl Hadame DelaTantI I Mo, all, ttutnamoBbereMekwumade b; tbeelawtoi a Unr. 'U>i nUiei a cmlou aoft of tUaj, and I don't BUnd teUlu ILIf m^d like to beat 11; bnilOribeLoTd'a aakedontlet ■ iirlDawl'rabeeiiialklatabaat hcr.ir joo ilioald bap- BaWwnnaonalalancawttkberwbenToa go backto )i«itilwiiia a dinike to being talked aboatr> , InUerUilnkibebia. Ton aeeibe'a not 41111a nght In ' the appaitoiT, poor wnl; bnt ibe ildea beaiitliu;^, and dovn't know what feu meana. You'd acanelr believe how baadaome ake looka at nigbt wben abe'a dmacd for .« »»-«in g Her Lue tlgbia op alnoat aa well aa It need - 't0wiainana(o,b^onahebadtbe acddenL Ab,ahe wtaluiidaoinalnlnoaeOmandoaedtoba mn afur bj alltlNaenUenenllkeinai Bntabenererwaa abad lot, DtreN-wUd and aeir willed, boi nerer a wicked woman, aa 111 Blake my lift. I'to been ber fnend tbrongb Iblck and tiiiii wben abe needed a Mend, and ITe nndentood tier beacrtbanotlieii. _^ . "SbawaaoniT twelve jeaia old wben ant alie oame to na with ber (fcUier,g noted Uon tamer. Ue waa a nan tbat diask baid now and tben,andwaa Ten acren wllb koMBnckUnua; bottbealwaja bad a bnveaplillfaDd lUTtrkiiawbeTtoQnallbeforablmorbefonthe beasla. Bbeoaedtolakeberabanln all tbe oM man'a peifonn- lamM, ud «beo be died and tbe Uona wen aold off oir ptnnetcr kept a ileec for ber to perform wIUl Be waa (MeleTarealofailuie tnlmala,bDt a «iieer temper, and tt seeded a spirit Ilka Oarolliie DelaTantl'a to face Urn. Bbe nda In Ike drcoa aa well aa perftmnlng wltb tbe tiger, andabe wuallogeiber tbe memTalaable member or tbe eoapanr, and wu Ten well paid for ber work. Bbe waa algnaen wben ber Iblner died, and wltblo a fear of bla daaib Um mauled Joaeph WaiUe, oar acene palnitr. •Iwunlkeranrpnaed at (bla marriage, for I Dueled atraUaeraltbt bare done better, ioewas iblitj-llTe If hewaaadaj— a pale, aandj-halred fellow, not moeb to look ak andbynomeaaaa aeolna. Bnt bawea awfbllj toid of Carolina. He bad followed her abont Uke a dog OTd Aice Bbe came among oa, and I tbongbt aba married bio nun out of pit} tban loT^ . I told bei ao one daj, bnt abeonlrlaofludand aald:— "•He'atoo good for me, Hr. Watan; tbafa tbe tntb. I dOD't deaerTe to be loted aa be loTea me.' "Tbe newlr oaiiled ooople did Indeed aeem to be reir klfpj together. It waaa treat to aeeJoa stand atttae wlig and watcb bla wUs tbroocb her perfonnanoea, nadj tomaahawioTerber pretij wblto aboolden when Bbe had done, or throw bimaelf between ber anil tbe tiger In etae of nlaoUef. Bbe treated bin In a prett;, patronLdng aeita(waj,aBlfbebadt)eeneTerBo much yoanger iban ^k«r, tamed efilxteen lean bar aenlor. Bbe uaedlo aland _)iBe a Matt tbe tope of ImproTlog bla poalUon aa be ImprOTOd IB bu art, and be tbongbt noulng too good for bla beaoU- iumngwllfc. narnidTeTTComftiruble lodgings about ball kule Horn tbe manolkctailog town wboiv we wen ■uuoied for tbe winter montba, and lived oa well aa MmueroUiBeed Uto. ..... •'oar manager waa sroprlotor of a second tbealnata aaapoittown, ffitr miles awaj mm tbe place Wben we watemailoned; and, wben pantomime time waa coming OD, poor Joseph WajUe waa ordered off to point tbe scene rr lor this otber theatn, macb to bla grief; u bla work waa Utelv to keep blm a month or six weeks awav from Mswlft. It was their dnt parting, ond tbe hosbaidfNt It deepUr. ne left OsroUna to the care of an old woman who toot uo moneTLUd wbo ntoCeaaed a ver; warm attaoh- mait for Hn. wjUe, or Madame DelavonU, aa ibo waa calMIn thebllla. "Joaepb bad not been gone mncb more tban a week whin I Began to notice a jromig offlcer wbo was In front areiT aTenlng, and wbo watched Caroline's perfbrmance wllh evident admlnuen. I saw blm one night In vcrr close Mnvenatlon wllh Un. Hoggleton, the monej taker, andwii not over pleated to hear Uadano DelaTaoU's name menUoicd In the conrae of tbelr conveiaatlon. On the next night I found him lollaring about the siaie door. He was a voir handsome man, and 1 could not avoid taking nolloe of hiD. On Uiulr; 1 found that bla name was Jocdji, and that be waa a captain In the regiment then tlMoned In the town. Ue was the onlv aon or a weallhf manabctaier, I waa told, and bad plentx of monej to throw ahont "I had inlahtd mj performanee earlier than nsnal one night loon alter this, and waa waiting for aftlendatihe stage door, when Captain Joceirn camo up tte dark bj- stnat. Booking bla cigar and evldenllr waiting for lorao one. I fall baa Into the ahadow of uio door and waited, feeling prellr son tbat he waa on tbe watch for Caroline. I wu finb Bbe came out pnsonuv and jolnod him, pnu ting her sand under his arm u if It wen 40IU a usual thing ftir blm to be ber eaeort I followed tbem at a little dlatanoe u tbej walked off, and walled till 1 saw Joe's wtik Bale wllhln ber own door. Tbe captain detained her on thadoorstep, talking for ofew mmutas, and would fhin have kept her then longer, bnt aho dlamlased him wllh that pnllr, Impertoua way she had with au of ua at tlmeo. "NOW, u a veiT old friend of Carollno'a, I waao't going to itandtbia sort of thing; aol toxed ber wllh It plainly neit day, and told her no good could come of any ao- f nalnlaooe between her and oaptaln JocalyiL 41 lADd no barm need come of It ellhor, you allly old fel' low.'sheaaU. Tva been oaed to that aort of attention all mvUto. Ihtre'a nothing but tbe moat Innocent girtatlon liehrMbu.' " 'What woalAlMlliliik of noli aq Umoocnt (UitaUoo, Oanllaal'lMkod. •"loo mult learn to put up wllh such UilngB,'ahe an- ■wered, ■aalonguldomydaly whim. I oan't Mvo wllh- ontezottement and admuatlon, and that sort of thing. Joe ought to know that aa well u I do.' " 'Ilbonld have thought tbe tiger and tho horaea would kaTeglnn yon enough excliemoni,aanllne,' Itald, ■with- nt numlnghila wono dangen than the rlak of your life.' ' 'Bat they dont give monalf enough excitement,' ahe iniweied ; aodthenshetookoutaUttle watch, In a Jeweled eaat, «admk«l-al Uaail ttaenatme,ln a half boastful, - half anzloiu way* "•Whj,wbalapratty watch. Carry l> said I. la that a praesl from Joe V ^ ... .. ■"^ if yon didn't know bettor than that!' ahe said, *ooonli7 scene palmare cant afford to buy diamond walobea for their wlvca, Mr, Waleia.' "I tned to lecture her, but she laughed off my n- preachea: and I saw her that night with a bncelet on her aim wbleh 1 knew moat be another gift from the captain. He wu In aatags box, and threw her a bouquet of oholco towen after htr aceno with tbe tiger, itwaa the pretileat sight la tho world to wo her pick up the nowen and offer them to the imn-looklog animal to smell, and then snitoh them away with a laugh and ntira, oourteejtlug to the au- dleneeaon glandngooiiuettlihly toward the uoz wben bor admUtr ut applauding her. .'Three weeks went by like this, tho captain In (nut nttj nlgbt. I kept a oloee watcb upon uie pair, for I thought uat, however she might carry on ber Olrtatlon, Jofa wUb waa tree at heart, and would not do blm onv deBbemto wrong. Bbe wu very young and very wilful, hstllfeiKlcdinT Inlncnoo would go a long way with her In any deaptnle emenrcncy. 80 1 kept an eye upon her .' and her adsilnr, and Uicn wu rarely a nlgbt that 1 did not see tbeoaplaln's back turned upon tbo door otMn. WoyUCa lodglnga bcfon 1 went homo to my own supper. ■ voe'wu not expected borne for another week, and tbe legUBOitwu to leave town In a couple of days. Caroline told me Ihia one raornlig with evident picasun, and I waa ^.■,.^«.uiathaiuweB«Med,htatto man took do "Sgyaataoftoiwaid I wuIwaglBg la»«!;!2«iIiS rtngwhSSioUnewebtttomgh l»r«5ia^,P«£™»S«; £^fcrw"iSa,i5!arur^^ tbTDltUwuJuepliWayUo'a face, uhy pale and Oxed udeMb-«fMe that meant mUchlet . .... '"ShulSTtd sSnetblngagalnat hU wife,' I thooghu TU na round toblmditoctly Icangel oot ot the flng Ud make mauen Bfluate. Some coafoanded icondal nong™hiagotholdorhlm and bu been polMOing bla SutfahoSeSiSuieandlheeaplalD.' I »»•»«{[«" J2« been a good deal of talk In the theatre about the tw»- talk which I bad done ray beet to PUt down. "Captain Jocelyn threw hla bouquet, which waa receivM wliha ccqnetuah aralle and a biliiht upward glanoo that seemed to eipros pcofound doUghl I knew that thia wu SeSwge pftyVbutbowmuatll hare looked Wtbc jcal- "uam^oTSlarlng with mod ey«a P back of tte pit I I tamed w look at blm u the curtain l3l\ilH)B tho stage, but he wu gone. lie waa go^ug SioiS^toapeakto hU wife. no doubt. ' •««■, mediately and went to prepare ber for tbo interview, and. If needful, to stand between ber and her hnaband'a anger. "I found hor at the wing, tiUlng with Iho Imiquet In an BbecntwaT. , ^ . '"MavojonaesnJoer iMked. ,_ ^ w.. i •'Ho,' ihe anaweied. 'lie bun't come hack, hu bet I didn't eiMclhlo for a week.' , , . "^1 know; my dear; but be wu In front Jual now, look- ing u pale ua ghost. I'm afraid somo one hu been talk- Inff to urn about yoQ*' ••She looked reier frtghtonod when I "M iwa, " Tbev cant uy any harm of me If they apeak the trntii,' ahe aald. 'I wonder Joo didnt cone atnlahl tome, though, bateadotaolngtotbefrootortbobousc.' ^^were both wanted In the ring. I helped Carolina tbionih ber eqoealrian performance, and uw Ital ahe wuallUlenerrouaand anilooa about Joe'a retoni. Bbe did net favor tho captain with any more amliea that eve- ning, and Bbe told me to be ready Ibr ber at tbe alago door icninlnulas before tbe performance wu over. -••I want to «1ve Oapiain Jocelyn Ue allp,' ahe Bald 'but I dare uy Joe will come to me before I'm twdy.' "Joe did not appear, however, and ahe went home with me. I met Iho captun on my way bock, and be asked me U I had been seeing Mn.Waylle home. I told hlmree, and that her burhaod bad come home. Joo had not ar- rived at tbo lodglnga, however, when Caroline went In, audi returned to Ub theatre to look forhhn. rioatago door wu abut when I went back, so I inppoKd UiatJoe bad gone home by another way or was cut drinking, i went to bed ttat lught very uneuy In my mind about Caro- line and ber buaband. "nerewuaneailynbeanalora new inlerlude next memlmr, and OaroUoe came Into the theatre live minotea afterTgot there. She looted pale and UI. Uor buaband bad noi been' home. . "'I think It must bare been a mloUke of yours about Joe,' ahe aald to me. 'i don't Ihlnk It could have been blm yon aaw In the pit laat ulgbL* "'I aaw him u surely u I see you at Ihli isomcnt, my dear.' I anawered. Tbon'sno poesibllliT of a mistake. Joe came back laat night and Joe wu In the pit while yon were on wllh tbe tiger.' "Tbla lime she looked really Mghlened. She put her band to her beail auddenly and began to tremble. ■"Why dldnt be come home to mef she cried; 'end where did he hide himself laat nlgbt f •I ii>ai afraid he mul have gone oal upon tho drink, my dear.' •< 'Joe acTer drinks,' ahe aafwered. "While ahe stood looking at me wllh that pale, soared Itoe, one of our youoff men came running toward us. " 'You're wanCedTwaten,' he said, aborUj. '"Wheref " 'Opetaln In (he palntlog nam.' " 'Joe'a room P cned CaioUne. "nun he bu come bock, in n with yon.' . .... "She wu following me u I croaKd tbo stofo, bm the jonng man tried to atop her* "^ou'd heller not oome Just yet, MniWaytle,' be said In a hurried way that w^ straop to blm. 'It's only Walen that's wanted 00 a mailer of bnslnesa.' And then, u CaioUne followed dote upon ua, he took hold of my arm and whispered, 'Dont let ber come.' ' ^I Wed to keep ber bsck, but It was no use. ' 'I knew It's my buaband who wania yon,' she aald They're been making mischief about me. Von aban't keepine away from blm.' "We were on the narrow Btalm leading to tbe painting room by ihla Hme. I cooldnt keep Caroline off. Bhe puhed paat both of oa and ran Into the room before we could stop her. "Berve her right,' mutleied my tompoolon. 'It's all • domg.' _ I hean ber scream u I came to the door. Then was a Ullla crowd In tbe paluthig room around a quiet figure lying on a bench, and then vru a gbaatlv poolofbTood npoo tbe loor. Joaeph WayUe had cut his ibroat. "