;').T.T.'>> lo.j^thoq a no/fg oJ lliff Jxoii il'o 'i» Bflini . ;j iHdJK>thii>CihflM»Mn went in- ,-.a ;.- f:. >|;tdtnMiinfc fjili ) ■.•.••tattle i, at Famham BoysT, ^^f^^'^' to StWeog-ditb;f6iediatdTi^a4M Cabbage faiJ,\lp lS,w«Uptobabaity,'had-ilie«iiknlM*:tira5WA Ig^i^f^t betting was 2 to^^p9' f . inrih».Th>a and;wl«k~the:advant4^ £g,* ; CoopeKwimld haveimide »-Ao« r^jlnmijig'bf it | ■ ^On entejjiig A« M£^tte taUar lo<^o^ Uie iper Ilahdol^ Cooper »^Be3.j;oiii«; Th* BIabUfca»»«D; with hi*l(te!ff -win." ^.^^J « ■ tirf^aifewi8tlK>MfcitWt)dliliavSl«toa*e|aar cb»tiaB,m Jackgot, »Ued th«n> J Sath,ji» -Tftiloi^iJSiaii being rathta fcnflW <^«'ofI^^ iSna he 'had-ool- " *- with It: and than the estaBluhment became so di- MA^'"rsmiimtiS,it^ tiS^'j^juL ;«AUivr~'U;>-n'> j«;ii;of 1110 ■'"■'■i ot •moi \ uo6o' icil .ntlil-'M jsq iioJ^oJI Oil) ,no-!t-<' ^ j o'snm at oil Ji: JJ \irii^noi ,ci30iioiui^ I loVsloqinoo Ili /f .iWiaori 1i .bno . LttirCiUirj no oabhJmiiO J« lol ni| 1 , L-pf?^-.^^?^?t:nBi^?^r)^^ \vid^"t^^m^^ ftS&Ai, •mt'^'^ 'cbfei&'Hai^ M oilj no li':."::'ji>:ii:o • ; ' < ; ! :' .tr^ether it Vlas a theat re, a wine vault' iiibilUiMil : j; Hit! si sBiwolU c ilT 8 RV"^ » cqJa^opTTguimafi^^rot a Royal Acad- ) /Iktii14wnngbt f^Jboity, CAo[ were pronoim^c«d.4)e^dii^!:JXhe:;iBfi^*^^^^ S*i?fSji>J m'i:piiu)^«iVM head. ':lThis 'blow, ;j^it;^waBj;'Mtry made >)pi the- Bbltttiodq^iUsplayeid By Coope^tke Qp^Mamahoke hia head'tfkwa^^'#he^widi(jd '^e Vunbat, tbat'-tfae- minda^ the ama- t6 throw sdzoething 6Q''il; m' -Teoew^. t^e "* "'i*'f-Ty-|lfji fliM iita'^tr'^^tf^"'''"'". Bat attach, Si^kman slipped' down fromi'.a.elijifat'liit. ■ ■,^*»t^:.: cif''i(fnr iiI >j-:i.i;)Ji:v(;'io-jr;ii.-;;Jii;'i elie. 'Th« diclrSf Klliard-bajU j . ,t«..,i|BpJ«r of i-.jV.'' bne m:\'jd^l vi /jU'.ci '. po»<» ptattigve$; the -4hwaobii% of Bm|U eticln r-M.^oijov":; !..i.^ crackug4£tifl^!md^tbafitaii)>i4|[(c^^i^^ ioi!^ v.; ,....l :< jV | ri t ! ^lsij i [ || I .tf[ mhigte yith :eadtL;j|Ey*;' am-jt ia ■t .:.u':it.; 'i^y ■ CTirtL,. _ .. ^ ... ^, • l;.K\ii-iiii'lK^>ii» * v?h'»t ioii' find TepotieJ^ :'.la!r.' j»I)f!3 nfi!->H'l;i«t}j! 5! W.tPWthens waiB'(i-^iR>^ git1^<{^^ "' hHa fc^tbouit'ti flP ^ailroubler he at lasVl^imd^rhia: wajktoJ|^'i>' rq 9::); ! ill;.:.-': o-/-.^; ■ '-^^i^^ Jjl^ h-Asf'i 43 ;HE A^PEABC^:!^ " v.: II.-. eihanstied'to leave JijB;eaco]id'§_- man was Sacfei^iisUnUy jum; ddWiPJtft. one ipeariAi; to 1 ^Bbfib; .!qp|opv.=4^P>PjnrTiM. of .both the men, a^.gTiB^ ispei^ticlri and mosV elpil waa iexMbitcpd. ' ill, ,lnit nevertb'eieEB m)inn«', th«?^intrtte^oBB^to „pid thpTconwng either to protect Ttimafllf .0^' .e B3saxil]^.ajid- hia foiinjdahle ^itting^ at •^ cLiimed the admintip|^;caul'pnuae :CtF ery one present; and .nmch.aiitomdivnent.nwaai jreesed how. a novice .(^e'Sluic) apald-.hav|e> [gled him abont so maM;.ii>r:a;.'re(wnt;t>?r^^ tbout he had been>hgw,«^e.ypa|gp;iqill^i This «et-to waa a fineiOpporbmit^^^_.thj$: pnme tlbllo' I doopar eetihimsiBlf down, oh TBng.) 2 . jj-imidst the' BLdiiii-'3r& fiiedaca of-FQOilTBENr lllNDl^: ANDi'j HAIiF I, ■ ;r - ■ ■ ■ — — —^,jui'fi'.'.'Vr'. '."'li.ii' ii Mii ijniiiil ■ „ , . to witnessed ;, hut; he waA'solil'l Wore -i.j tH6 liffi;, that some ;{^rB''i^ere' ent^Ujn^ Motw itfm t AT idmgJthe i>bo»g:itbt^y^nne»pectad ^neutral !4efaa^ Coojer M/irijert-ftia^ungteBBL^ J was .aa -good aa ■ hig^appeiibt. icir— ' - ■— ^ {•i"l"iiuii Tl'Oui) tuB J 4 hne science olCooper^U^^;^van- ^ rpnnd. He planted aofii^Re^irate ^re with grBat sn&esa ; and the nob ofch ie f tr gp- ;ex7 qent how'.blciil prbfiisely. In atrug^lii^-^fcr^e or. Jna t^row, boTli down, bnt Gaa undermost. Byi^aybf ie, thq p^Qulia^ a cordial? io Cooper, some of his fi^nda shojatiid, :HCooper;&r i^lOO." it <•. 'r : Sixthi-^Thia wa» a truly terrific' Taimd;-.iDid .Cooper ah^ef that he conld hit tr^mei^^oujj^' as ^ell as -Ilia opponent. Facer for':&ceT~jvas;ex- ..he. pm«l <|ig<<>ndy.~*Bd4i»^e»4r»oov«t«d^Ith~4ianUJ[n. himself a Nonpaiiel indeed. :In.>ju]dHion/ to Jh^ qtrugBlinf for 1tothswsSKMBeB|rat;hia^veisarr superior nfcUl of Cooper, JtandaB . hj^ alap thatof^ .down. - Wffll SoiiS^Qw!^' » •^^ - length against him. j Bandall, altj^og^ no^., »» A Eighth. Tte oilaght Man now seemed to showy aad al^t as his oppq9uit>;^^,piQyei{ :commence tha'-jUM began cqoally effecfive; ha:rtoppe)l! .with miK^t Bdnnt- tojspar, asif forVind. :'"If^a spar" says Ran- sess, hit with his antagonuMndpnt. in* little one dall;'''y6uil ttfliciW;' Yoti'lnhitfe-S^^ now and then widi 4 nicely of ejflriUifl^iibcfffeA.lie Th'eiKtBi^on both sides was^dreadfiil?;-.afal> the.' lufferednot the slightest opening tp;e8pape,fci5i. OaaMan got Cooper on the ropes, an^.jpjmiah^d At the oloae of the last TTriind, Kanjall nahiKtmli him so terribly, that '~ ' ~ ' the ■«verily of hia pecalitt^oita^Sn^hMiig, when vocifeiated, till Coo] the combat cloud: iRituidOTs'on'-"*^— " .M!_iv mL_?«-. > compen- sated the combataats.fiBE^j^for ezertiona. S'nch an ezhibitioa of, the' art<«^'wf-defenoa ia npt often '«Tthe88ed ;' aD4.' bniy 'p1sciiig'''t[&li''of eimilwilttBat;agunjt each o'fienr,°thal ctb irendar itintereatiiifr:' . ' ■ . • ■ ';:.. i;.-.- _ : la; July,' 1818, Cwpet; !Hi«;,,lojid|y ^.went darwA ^'iiits weak. yfrom..Iij|gjjo;petpoiiS L 'as af dfltetmined ;t9..flnish he^latteT'liad -scarocly lief tj his ; and- siiniw iBtt^^'pii.i'gB to him; « pKhted a WisiiS: .umti';' ^cTappearmce of.C^ OB, HOW STBAOCIJ^K OOT |u\to.twne,,e5jMa^t^OT to total destmciion, in^nlt, or trdatmentof t^«j'^0|B| |de%nriplipn. ..;,A9 examplea, we may. mention g'^ ' •he, nretf.ifte Jmpw^ will bp brpkein ^h at ;ita-"»fi^i ih« reckless attempts' of the'<^owii,to.obUi^^^^^^ j'^.*^ .W. right ;,.the second WiuWa,;:^ a i bot£om:lmookpd.ontin6nmrig.aspwM *?^"o-'?^' . v necklace fcr , the . maltreatad . pantaloon'; thajwnfF*.o ,bjrds and .the non piieona; .'he.wafl quit«'ifeeVU:^ay, ^«U-li|i^ai1i!t^o»fe ' J-';'; ■■ r. -s--; " -.a^i^ ,^e^.-— in_ this rpopd Qotipisr' 'was'Iiit' ddiniv for a short fii^ previous toh-'s retiim 'tir'Edin: ba'rgh. ■ pikcesi tfainking- it' imposaible for-G)Mcer agvn to _ . ....... n^eet his antagonist. ) Any oddsf'botno^takm;' A match now j.»oipb»D(l fet i:ioe''a' uder'b«- ; -El«mnth\— U the anxiety of the moment^'several twees Bbe^ior. and Oi.3p*r, l«.-»,'-»™g .-ti 'll>DM>it£, . i>r>.'aitf spectaioi* t&en^ht th» iuie Tathaz lonft bw- fling ohstaclea; it wcci e>»" 'Of that'.jiarfjj^i^ ' " - ■• Cooper, in <:oiiipacT v'ilU 1. ^rjMlly, setvOot.oitVic sporting, tour u>. JJancLesJ^r, 2^veifiooli::In]aBd^ Ediobni;gE,'°^ — — -' .-Jiiio-.-.i .^tiib, ' Ilaiiy in tlie aptfng oriagO/ Ou brg a 'retbipeJTto Load'e'ii^ awl'h'»7di' .tp: their: great aatonish- 9«nt,0ooper, somd^pyf or other/ waS'imn-tiiMgUt t^';tli|s jaoniCcb: ''^^'Vel«as ahbwif«il4&ihad :'4h»^brow:he ^^--w ^ ^ " ■ ^ -^^^ £M>>a.shi« ifl' thre«'%iBekb SbUibd-imiMd^ wjlh ithe.hlood. in hia throat. "ItVall, pp,-?jirM acMpted the'diaUei^-' ; '. i V- ;: -vi3:it <>,;: Jr-hrfl the cry, bnt Cooper fbmfhtin-the mo^ nto inth the:aiA*l*i*i.i«a^««iliiiM«ilfA^ ' - tnttn«iiJ^-«lt.'.'iJ./»-'t :^-Zj.'..Iiar--jJ.. > ■■ . .- . ~T~»^' — "?» .T TT, . . tha miite&^r _ ion at the digKeBt Kiii't,— a wantK>f fiiiidB bemg hia only stpmHingJJMt-.. ! It was a vary alow^ tim»>in f - U fejlan, ^.Jf^v^0^M su jfaaris ettaimrted to dnot ue nioonj'-at-whioh^ 'eommd9& '-leteivad 'BaB%:.'be)mi^thsvB UtivSo sat iha]e<.Tiiii'-liis:imind.te joto'a oting-^allery, thinking that after a dozen .-ahoti,' three lialf-pence eMo; 'he: ahonld be ready for town. The leaves 4y*^" l^Mday, Witf-W.'in BtWaHy-«orfeettin^r^fc:.d»- ,tft.|AM19n/lSN^«JB4d>»VHy W^li^^^^,'^\:^xToL^^&'I^^\'^ lanwood'a nee^^odsrr* popular exhibi- ^ feeS^^gh^^ppgs ^^z^^^:^:^^;^ flg&.fS,nj£sa.tfsideiia:thi«>rf8aka,^»rmaWi.liaB il«r?H*M6wfditb!j>w?tiU«>«»«iaaS^S^ \ ^^-^ ^A&«bi.*»* < year. aa a.eomE^t«*Hi meeting at ^iJ^giS^J!iAamB<*B^^ Cy. Davis's *p„vnn,,.jjAj », ■ - -^-t— i > ' i ' .l£J/S9IliJole of hai^ Was^iftit.ha^^ kpowing this, lie tumedf it off, s»yWftftM4if .t-^,^_ thing." . . J - . ^ ploughc^l ^8ms^'ild& h9l.ly«.i"'.d>ti.ngmft,DeWe5,;v AnftifriJgtMgjilfis/ paderatand the -* ' — 1 - . - - • .» • ECe^had formed tio.jjplntnri _^ ^^^^ ^ ktid not 'sOwDg'iliem Mpy'^'th^exMtiy, fieccqM^r*^^^ ally a^ve ilmaiAJkick o^V*flP ^if»m)^. '% that ittV certain '■«piirla,~tf at ^^j?^ daarea(. friend -Mrlii iBsnlt yon, Imif^o'ifliave iia''&i£r V:: pdaL W«y arid '^it^j^'.J&i^^\m^ whu>«-r-nDgofl^on*oCwhwJoe^en«raUy.lH^^^ dowii ; butrif hoi^ii!Sw^' ha feltamaU. .rButjQ^'.'Has. ilHlI- tev-;odBMBstM>Bi^. wardly, and always said, " Ahi itbay^^nbetter n«t cioine ij loy Trnj^'iljjlthl'*' T ^^^tiqdiQf^#e^ms, rec^y< 'j3^.a8^e.«iitei^.'' • ' . ;° W-^aiit'to sh<»t,"'olKwVid Mr. Si 'aBBoined-indJfeSnice.^'-';^^^"' '^■■' ■ ' |'t:Xia{:Bi^mn;'Ui:!T>viud the assisteisi^^ --••f ^ ;p-te:T9^lllr.Wpli«* Mr..SlraggK ^w^m Mljr^.,Ue sitpp^^ >^g'llBcijPn»o/,el!(mt;hooW»)t«f wtQ apliaters. Indaed, it seens' rfii:Smmatat>klifaetite«IV-«peiffing^tti*iUU' - ti9ns,V that fiopto-t'4ia^ forth' ahi, 8aa8&.ra|jiit'* Forlf a mail' urb'yiiil iia'iin'^ipdi|:^wt:ihat!^^ bPdy,c(n>gbt.ti?eiji^.d{«sa Kadge«QisiirAviwni«dQMl'^ ' pitch the'day'.before^rbeisura-joat.wiH Afnir' «!»'>«!<.'.'•' bite; i;nbbitd''v:^iti^'^iAa'e^g|^bu^d,nlk^^^ warms b«fnre a lantern, at tlte.aiiDf(w&of4Lvi^tor:' ' . nd one^had exprottWaVfed-'i^^feSM fo'^^ fojind'-'a-'hsL re' f- riar- ahoifld^lstnat ihat day's . Bubasfenos which - depended ' UMir "afT th'e'fblnlif'^- u^l^otti<^%itaU| ^"^^iStW^^^^MtV „. ;Afier gcnag-M-for Romadme 'Without v-dnnps^-'-^ jlurinc which He. StiBggtesiloji^ito'ahPPt atthe : famall l>irds, bat was not allowed, Joe came tp .thisTc cqnduaion that,41wy,Jhed:beon ^jghtlflpiq^^ iedv#iV^— ' "There's a aha lak halted to._tike,,4^&ia know swarms wi£ them? \ tt 4 i_ in ji .»r_ ciL-' , as they at longs' — ; Aat'/ff: ' " Well,'' Qave [lem geliUl end eo Japp tlsen he added,—" Our lan^ eve a imId.dgar:and^opera.at :The:7£»- ieiiCiS suggesteijL it :'wer^l>ett^r. to.stay. . «t 1 'werlL But everything l^ked' so chew- 9 cold twilight)' HuitTie .>fiia about to rash I 'svPijF dhihiiitceoY imtdmiia^^ eard th'tftttttWof a^'cfiff stot' ffi fr6iit ofliiB . aad! t^o' inibutes ^sifter tle^rtef brought iip..thiee jpattAi^Ba, ! willi:<.ai aDte'liedMuiidi necks... ..H^Tipe.yapent the nBH^,tiin(^ji)i;wa9r' ig. who Pre' the imp'res^OA of a percusaon-oiip' thnfe'appllW,' sad read-Ha'felldiia iS-ii; ' ;'^9<^smtlr:yp9''willvr6ceiVe:.a:leaahii>tbtrdsrT^ it three pajbridgea,' aa,^.know.yop will already., ivp caDed t^em. .' And nop ^hnmii^. ^ ' i^%re •-^'eame ieom ' there's' 'thani '^oa''am "h'ave k' p, s)r,'"SStdi the 'man- endUng, loadod-with-baU."- .' , . . : " dt'tci bo We' it is 1 .What a fipl 1 turteffBtfagglea. '^ -•" '" ' ■''"'-'-■_ •flfesisir^Bdl'tliieiWani^)'"; .'■ Ur. Straggle%ifiredi-awaiy':enny- worth withf^af3jm.,sufM;ei)Sj and.v.as .then.racom- tnended to try i ^i- nit' the awioiripjz'.bird, ^hiph ... try [ahd-liit . the ai ^ A^flM^'yrire thS'iarget;:, „ cbiild' by -Db mbiUill' stiebmpliah; iai&d Hhe hTlUetB' jwenl into the floor; iind oailing;&nd.wair;'' and ev4(y-- vrlrfria„in, fact, but war iha^ wPod«a;pih:eoh, ,. ; ! : . I. ' -ilA'S "?4:vvI «JW^"if must be Mtoause T shut my eyes, to beep threap frpm ■ ■ ^ into them, whenj ouUthe trigger?' ery likely, slr^^^j^^^mj^ ** Gentlemen ition of — the'poulteiy-sh6p,a^thjpL.b6ltom of Hbl- >m Hill, if it wafWr&o atia-l^away wouldn't you an idetTtif Mr.ioeVeyA'^Sb.i^Iie^^vernor you'll come down'' and have-aiBhykVthem^lii LfoTjyonEJ^dhea.in jeeiilg"abo6t int^ oom-i asionsiniidiid^j/ We«anfindiyim'^'jrooy.'^' a most .^ring every thing else. .Thb .Brighton Iway'a the:;neare8t line,' and get down alSey- 4rd'i( Heath. So. mipd TOO'coine, and " QoKa-ilBAiSijn; rT5iu»:n6; fti.d; 'fJ^/jji^ ; Dopa .put. Mr. Stngglaa'^to 4re often taken so,'4£jaii'Si^y^e°%dt use^ ta.it.'^r quite' iBdl^ut):*^lnit-I^^iieiVou&'''''I'n^^ will- biB cnihed afld comminuledto stPms >nthns ' Mti dy in , <»r,?Wvinjf,a'Btffla'ip'rtl«;8K6fl"^^ the sedauTchair >hatiioiJy,lBdZtl>.the;:iiijliiyi^^o^ IWPn.'.he ^tiij^. tp; ai^eoor i.hp'jvjDtb^ fiying-pan tjM-7f«8,nifp,,..s ' .waa|. in. a row, .'the ?^J||ft.baiidW.that alwaye oame.off worst • .ani r.i?^ !fl(ihe .clown ' e.ver| felt' so wiiilciioly towuiT. tVpaa laii^ea, ,a^aid'flE(e, impudept boys in.. it|>* f /jvbii^;he pvot';7»?^^ first day he hangs them up to look at, ^nd ythUMme)body'mll caU tosep't^ 'P iii hii 'cpniieiaoii^; . On tb'e'second iie biegins; :^i^ink' ''Whom .hiaahall present them tOjflBd the iry* pnzzlea him antil' ue tfairdi when he waveiii 'oen six .Mends 'pf equal claiiiiu^'iipcrn'hiB _ Arguing tfi[e''ctiM'OC(him more, 1 jtil "St Iaiil~tli6y gkt vsiii^. high":' not liKviug '"' MrVt^t-io'i^i^^'oh'tUe ins^t; vfidi theiu; find '^•^■j ■othir medibda,'' he' (nves 'Usim to His w^o -sell^ thim;to, uie 'poiilleier, and ey':go io Jsfter jthat,. ihp.dealer'Paljr Impwa; g3fE^;in.i5yV« ?K'«?.l»»^Jf«Jmty;;a^^ li|lit4e^e^c{ nppn'^iin j.m'deea Tbia '^rid 'one .cauise of distiea^ to Mr. tfg other -wais that his'.expekienoe.ih'"Bhpoting' was liiiited. Hei3Dew thal!tc> leV'bfira'i^''jr'ou jii^^ ' cussion-cap on jdemeath; and- ~ some:pawdec dbwiithel)arrel'w^'^ iii^jnade *«f.haiig! nd'^kichedl *g«^"A»AliA lder,!but .this -^aa^ ihiaK knowledgsnobtifijied:' bear.'ahytan^ cwttgidg before:my;eyab • That'hit ^ ft»wifc»r:-v>. ■■■■ v> ^^hU.-.-«.- ^iPhance i^ did. . By the^common-lawa.of mo: ihe:!)!!!!!^^ Was obmpelleii'to' .go E^mi^'wherd,'. .'and' tb atHimls It " w6nt tl^-tiii 'the binl.~''|n«)'inan tjo^pUmenteci Mr, Stra^gles'vaod be urns so pUased' withthidakill,:that he.vToteifo.Joo^rollit the next .mpnuDg.,acc^)tiDg .t^s 'invitatiotK;;aBjl,givipg.'ap 'dgarft lor the .jUme, .spent all his monejcfn. shpta 'imtn the'Say aiinved. '"\ , " • v : -In bneof dre'stmtsliel^rreen'ihe ^[nar^ 'taidl4noester;i-^Mr. StragJ^leS'tbund pot K^aluablfr '^iqi^i^lttQh 9»tsH* tor wtf-paasediitithe -.other ;dm,.^.]ff...,iras partica|aiiy,;(^ciilatai .tOj'pttapt in: ^^it qM>rtS|nen, 'for. the 'windpvi waa^Ul^^ Ptfetylmplidiiiiiitl'dr.&i field, set fiirth ip the 'most aUaring'lnttiinf .gimpowderi;ana,:in a'..«orner, such pUes of catherine,.wbeel4 and .pra^ei«^4jtui^.had4h^ house iakeii fii^e^ there.is, no linon^ wheia fl^ neighbors would haye'beeu' blowib.' to.' And to"ex- dte timid' sp>ittlbeii. there-ware labUa sudiis thesd Look ftmsted.UmtUy.patmtbrteekjMilmchige- tiqiirrand qU /or,,4LlO*.f fr f)X, " Tht nal.^k^- ant'otUmiaher — only Vdrly tJulUagtP and, to .Ml air-min was affixed, — !^Sane3/jtunniiu/do>m dlird vnA Mt, and no Jufmr^ke^iBtMr ,^.t^re» gtiiiuasP'^ while a biwra.ofi^pis&la vr^'.lfa^ kw/f'iftu/'Oiae/driw^ Ur-fitx^lesiwaa PY(|n»me iiviiiis^&i^ i^tiire of.thqtecoramnp^ nphpn y la the , _ to-humr tatif-- be' sure ; 'so' ' abthing: '"Ooi^ie'- ^, aey 8ta;tUia <*aj^djiLl»u'iw c^^^ "StuFtif^.lept Ceanbl^dts ;aroaif(l^them, :vf liu4hjj>(ove« iajljaiM'ng propertjV.. W]W _ -> — to follow hiin,:aa.weli'ashe«onld, thiS^ ■] ""I »y; J<>e^!".a«;d'M».^tnigya^^^^ the ccntreofantatbush. " ' ■"■™ -' ^ ■'■'•OipL-i, ; « \YeU-=-*h4t^itr asked hi8""frieny: SfSS'^'.i; ((own in a (]uuij. . ' ■ ' •■ -iwii,;^.^ ' 'ls*»'P.I»*M^fi:^»ttj.s^ ■'.'■• • ".0£9piifla;''l»nt,p'nt;himppifli»tn', ! .'f Sq «an iiit :,him' better^: M-.-he-sta. . Hera. j fjoea." i.i'i' v;tiu..: -.,'. .: ■ ;■:■.! ,, a, „„j , I Mr. Straggles took his aim, ahU-'^puDlEft'ihV tt?^'^^ ^ ' .Badg^^Dgil-went both''I>at^'la'Titpt}-iSL <]aence ; and. We'lch'p*^. 6wriM Out ,the 'sdiltfl' vMl" - Airblbnged'fuiiiGIe' l:ke'^l£imdw rbond-ihe' comw" %e^*iSf-'' 1' ''.•■'.•-■=''^'.^=' '■"' v:'^ • ,W'P.break.'oS':.'taereia nukoaoaaioBicstaia.whatu. r. Slinsgglea:said;be;-'waa: -->u <,» izi:.- '..^. p-n::: j .':■ >'i'V(r':»- " '• ' —• -' '■■=1 ri' •:> ■< • \ ■Joe^eUmbed-itp^ai'^Mtf dfthiS^old'Ptia^;^^^ '^"'^^ „ .'■-•;'.., jl v'>-'J:---'''*W'!»'i*''-'Vyfl^^ ; «,-Why, 8trag8,''..he M3E*J**VR:.a,gwaw haypj^jftpii .yojitip.W4jii<.an4 ^tflpQivit^ii .v. ' : iBTftKer .jpw^rwpliedJtfr. Str^ ;oes again,' aa.they say," and he waa-getting ahead-- ith the^^ecta k>£ ther^ale^ 'FU p wiie& ^.^m-ypt,"' ; v>! Hush wf/SBid'/oe, "I'thonght ;M(eatd'n>lo«t'»^ Ko," said Hr. StraggleB : " asHbeA.'^.lpe, ibdihiiigf^ • ~ 'And'heTenpon'jArimitdte^scb? tibi'ai'ir 'iBSi SiiJ iiliire I !U^t».itahi%^to.'aiml■tknythi6ff,'J^em^g^ cojH for any;tEm'|^'ui U^e. way :i>Taii I Aal.'toi! I £|faaT<9 I iitsi ea catibili^' uid'ha bb'ughV several . .acobuiiemcm^',^^^^ cln^'ff k pkckei'bfcartridgesL.one bf wbicE im I.:..-' :..5l."-i_t>:! i;j.-'.-.i»:_._ -u'A'—'— Ji'. Xisten.'' ijefr'a-flrtpn;' witi- ffi^^ 61'.''! 'au'd'Jwuteij^irljhp ° '{Bnjt.' tjiiprp .waa' ii6ne|L., I ~^7.t]^V,'n9U>nSi".)>e Baid. -f.Some -echoear ' 'only repeat voices, not notesb There f - ^hp'- PontiBr' - ''«ed)..aa1begTmthe finishing tamdowiLfs hia ohari V I should thtntthat would do it.'*-'-- •■■i-^ I " Fd rather keep awi^ &om you," said Mr. 'Til-''- Bt,"if you've ntf objection," ^ ■ •.•r t " i i^'Noi W'Wl/*«»8ewed Stiyiggles; ' "•'■'^j'". ' ^riirfitliyr.'^llie^'if IMTa bird, we diBfl*" " sure about who's doneit,".... . ' ! ■;the'.|iMr,'acPp^ - ^eir.way. tl^.ngh the.-4Vps% nid'jrei&:naw nponcr ridgO: o£,iun»fieU' ihal sloped 'down iovatds aa^-> other shaw-iimilar-lo the one th^ had'-j^is^ be window* erj»5^i^, him n1gh'('iij'°dr88ectin'g,.^''t£Sni.|ilasB bfa .dow train, iad-gpti. out.' at thls.fdtawn'ne^^ to' Brsm°bl^y, uatieveiiin'g. The ev^aiiib^ pa^sM in,chat with'his Sneiids, anid 4ibpiji(^ bat^fttt ten^fin.'whplMom cbnntr^. lto.nr--he Tef. tiy^tb.'.bedl all. 'ready' for Jbis. first ^peorancbi as ja' B& tf o f; Ybfa'pg itaeamB'.bf . the nung siiiir'Jpe Xollit! |iw &f;^hu'_l^9d]^^^ tui(^assbohaa']U^Stfag-. jj^^yjAs ,'dieaud,. pe'Mt.him to p'und^''^an',bld'h%^ Uu8 lnijsl|';<]is^^ for ^wa^4ing,,?rI^^-.bcG(^ •lw'!5>rwi"t- 'Jop "was con.- ~?S$we,: of'.tliai he -waii^^are : ^77^*^' t^^-'sf^'i^ 1-^'^ dirpctioii , iCTil— -ail? U*-^. I«>l^ji)&^;..]bra|)^-thej • V.IIT... - W. Stragglot waVfiisQ'and ^aa'puAihgVfgbri^y'' '( When a pheasant rose;%Pmue 46r MhMr Uiiiii, and the same instant a 'vbiSs 'etduiiiPd;'*'lI2rlflr^ i "Go oh Pitied 'JoPlret^Awflyi,;..^ H^iirt ^toVerrcPiDDle'liere;' i6aii^'d6''yp'a^Vwrf^ - igo on 1" ; Tm'^a goiDg^£,it^4o^fjStmgles, miaunder- Btanding hin^.v.an^i.afpip^.&nri^^Tmi^/rweBt.both ; aiiB,bMfela,«»d.J4tflb)i4 iM .:-'<:.; ' JBlated.i^th.^ipciCfM he:i3^^ ^e conceived it nqlld be found..' He ^ttmiAtA m^.. the fern like a fitw u puuh e dUiiuu gh the fniza as if jhis legs had been 'adanMO(i;< Ad rushed throo gh tlg -jLi^i laaplinga Uke' a thanderbaltti-nntit h e i.JtM|fl iiJMBP^^ lolump^'ruf aiitttees. Jttttt whwhw^S^J tlmliLm. I *" Ve dfovjkftwe*****^ ■ ■ • . ~'"i>'v'J '\bf.x/'L ••;>'^jV;:.-..' V^at's It, IS It 1". said the gentlefflan: '•lid pray,' wr,''*fe'ar^ yon r?;'^-^^ f - "••^''' '"= ;Mf. StragaW' wdi 'to '£tf'ghf«Ded-^thkt^lla'cDtild i^iaip^spl^. .^E«•h*l raid afli&ayB.»drp^ ejm, in ^p.j^wpf,afe^^r^d,niatig^^ '••T^eA is yoM hWia, sir }*cod^^ .0381 r. ni iTioUii ai-Irrud 9<1 »J 1 M ealled'to mind « 'Shoir SM;^ote' 1 Tlie gantleinaB' htm his poe^ a apoa withfreen iak^. ha had haud, that no- 1^ of PH!''i. . fiMH-ponn&rabd tsmiaiicA finno* tlia'O'vfiacZ' ' . - u lad noii^, rayU me le^ yisnn F*'Iia«eadjiited. PoorUr. Straggles I He mgbt as well have \' |>Mn.4tked.for^Jthonsand.poiijid luuik-nota._^Aj>7z. ' tliii^ nke a licence could not be found ; and, al- tbiagk lie called Joe as lood as h^ coidd,',and «xt -' pbltned that he ipias a friend of a neigUBoi'l'the g«n- - tljlgaa would not believe him. .Bot he toIdrUa - tomoi to take him' into onBtody ; and ^between :-^im'lo^ Ui>) 6tiagdtck;-^ 9S jfirom the CQpaOi trndj- for lackw a roiiiid7hona^^^<^^id^ : (lezn^^B lioiiBe. .^id 'ao 'pasacid the' fint da;f of 'Mr. JiciBtipg«i^)edi&ni.- ' ' .' . ' '•' ;'• Stnggia roitnitof Ts onr next 'irill be given a poitiut of John CUPPZR.' in the' mdae otSaekt we«tfa, tejAT. thu Mcflnnt of the great battle between ItwUtweU repay peioaal. Thobb who procnred the Clippkb of last weeh^ ti£i3:tb,iaMire'U&7>iBiZ8BedbnBn^etaeet. ' ' ' AL'Tni 1: -. : NoTwiraprijipnia .the" H.niitflTing:and>l)*«fflpido7. cia of thoae; prafeomg to be tcmperBlica lnel^^w» tiitoorely l«]kTO elIie'mdtto on this 4i]i,; and woe betide^ fhbee 'who' ahbold at- tempt 'tis ^iotjgjta^w eig^mani..J:TIi'Q.^ulI' taiy. \nSl^9^~ta'^lB^ti^r»iiii^9 day,; not to .shiopt down those wlio may see fit-to take'^^itan (^ iiagsr. Peace most prerrsiL -J m-^ •■< 1" : ; Kay of Vood'a FloolaBitloa - - ; In r^arditd the enforcemeatof thelifaoi^ Idiw In duB otj^, on the 4th bf Jnlj; "is bntl^ iufd is ai- tiicting .enbsdaatie ' attain ' '"Ditf iSAjoilxm- tioDB.po^ii'officeia as to their daties in addng U- qnora, W^ms them Aot to attempt to seiae imported Eif&bjpr'.': If impoited liqiMiB are seized,' those tnakinjf m'Mizm -willlM'hetd' ameiiable to the IawB, aiia>jU bare to . "foot the bill" them- sdres.. .KqtA-Veiy.^easantpiMpeotforpolioMDeii. In fact the ■jiJVodjiinaitibi^ intimates- that in at- tempting t^eiifo^b' the^'Smliiihifo lie only fibmhay- forille^ handle or'Hall will tread tippn T(U7" deUcata? way for the policemen' to saTe thi in^ fines ailA^penalties inflicted npo: gal 8eiziiii:-, ''7b» l —ri i STi Wonder. ' ' ■ ■ ■ V-.' _ > M Wl -attended as had' 'b^'l 'ChWBOB-aKwamitfcai" American .Woaila^v"^- ^tai^^^P^m^'ihe folloiriiig challiii^? Seirard (the Amarioan Wonder) having nn tha atialf fKr mmwia tjmg i. otn^ftii. fc» ^ ahy, and ^ dz of ^ie.beBj^menin''^ales ip 40gii' y Air» ^00" i^Jds 'eaoh, and'ivn| esej|L fpt^ ~ 'rslely eVay{an'ininnta^fbr''£2S',thVmen'to' jBS a pieoe^ and SewanLto-da&at the ax or foifc the £25 ^ to mn at.Cardifi^ Qlunorguahinvin toj,^ weeb fiK>m the fM.depomt; !bi^&wardwil!^^| any man in W^es one mUe^ Jfor the.same snmlT^^ t Bmisdnajia^ Y .. ^ IThebe has been some interesting games plityed :at the room of Mr. Bird, In Exbhange street^ Fhifik delphia. Hie sport commenced on the evening of ^aie20th. lliefoll^vistheiesDlt: ' ' iFsnt Oame— ByJ^wiu^ and White ; around the wle ; won by WhitC^SsMiid Qame — ( ball caroi Fhelan and Wh!ta{7 -wo.n by Fhelan. Mme — ^French 3 ball otmm game ; won by Fforth Game— By White aiSSird: ^ ball- j^e ; won by White. ^fSi^ O^Bttl^Br-Pfii >4dBird; aioond the table~; ^wtt'ijbgr.^Siid. 'Game — ^By Phelan and Biid;'|^«E]iio]i-,giQne by Fhelan. Seventh Game — By Fhelan and whole game; won by Fhelan. JESgfath Gami Phelan and 'White 4 b$Jl^cQm.;r^nl^ ~ The gama'-irai>'contla£ed~the Slst, -with Joking resnll: Pint game of two hnndredand fifty pointa the table, by Fhelan and White ; won by ] Sboond game c^two hnndred and'fifly pointa aroi the table, by Fhdan.and White: won-by Fh< ' TSuid game^ by Krdan-'aii'd .Btr^.-pne horn paints anrand the taiUe ; won by Bird. Fo: game, a fonr-hand match ; Mean; ;VniSte and Bl against Phelan and a gentleman of . Ruladdphia;' of P£Di:STIUL4]NIS]II. StetMn the Boaton Federtriu. W< VB extremely sorry to hear that our young Stetson, the Boston pedestrian, has been >naly' iU for the past two weeks. We are glad be abla^-to annonnce, however, that he is mnch at piaaoit, and, if possible, will compete for le pnrses to be ran for at Cambridge on the ^Oth. '"""'"J OS tbS I fniwii- [vxBAin^^inatcheB have been made once onr last, tha eT:jemng of the 21st, seveial inends of Qor- ond Williams, in Brooklyn, made a match for twoTunneiB to mn a mile the following day '#200, bat when the parties appeared on the >mid, owing to some difflonlties, the money 'was Inwn, and a fir^ match made as follows : *tJbrdon and WilB«rii« t^'. mn'^ajaatoh of four 'erent races, via: lOO^y^ds, 1-4 mile^ 1-2 mfle, id'l mile^ at fonr diffinent starts, for 950 each t^^md^STanllflfly Mfator^on b^^ *^ amoimt, «20(».: jlliis* match U to c=me Bird. Fifth game, by Phelpn and Whiter 4 bait P on the Union ; Jtac© poma, p,J^ on Monday, caromgameof one hundred pointB; won by Whifi) loth of Joly. iThe following is the resnlt of the 'play^on tha I' Let these matches' be. t^axtiei-: ■'H- ? - - • . - — ™ Xhe SlTd'Hlea FootBMe. rPhela ^''T??".'"'***T*t niiti4fr? T^' tlnlt Jim in ttr ^ '~~T ■ Ibr a B^tck wllb MA JtamcU/. yMJUfjMM OaniD^ZD ^iwv to a qma^l«o.li ' ' ^ " ' - ^^--.Jj ii'ifii,, ^ - ■^ ■ t " '*"^^^— ' W«iii«««^ statement, ofiered to meet any of bjs eh^niiea,; ai^. ^* thns settle' who"'wa8 tha'^cnr.". We'nbw iWttn ' firom.a pbrrespondent in Bjieton,;tI^kt Blackwooll: .W{ant tojgyans' hpnae pn the isth, and ofiiued .to' d^t EyanB,.whb dech'ned,.bnt aaked Blackwood' if it Tom Davis. Blackwctbd' lepEed fight Davis' or any other, man.'. It that. Bl»^o<^^ companm -*--t dftTi '"''^ each shonld be so- aewee,V ifg^S^ same, by Phelan and . Bird, aronndithe table, ft^; Conr8e,'Loiig Islands - .'Sport' 'for S^day. SOt^ ■ m.ths.nubiUge Xntang jesik^'iiaari^oitaa. Xhd afiair, noticed in one lasti promisaa to be fiu II iiii] Mj^tojio^T tome eood time. - Hie yent.of the day tTITi ^ . ^ ^ be mile, for which, it Win ba'seeii;f»dow, I mile riuineiB, Barlow, of this dlj, .aad Stat'^ (n, of.BoBton, have entered. The foUowingis the "'' j'file ti "Wi ' 'a«^Mii' ■ — « ■«»■■ .-i;'.i J . ;i.;.-.wilBW,l i:.'. ,'• '.Ji J j-;.; ..wutaitbiBiate'liiBlzaoivee^' i- '•.''i^'.'. Dar'-fast... l'-QB-P8 ' ,. KB&a*' K.BE4< ' i.it.v-'Csstles'.i . * .QBkff4 KBJI^B:::.: KBxB.. . QH'QKIi(d) q£B7z BKKtS' ' -ESKBS I -■'-a.-.ii-r-intiitett I ..:3..K-Plil i:;.:r , .4.>K:B.F3 I 7..QKtB3 lju«<^Kt.'B5.->( 9.,K,9iPxP. ■ laaKRK '< ■■ ■ , ' 13..F.Q6iJ'..v. 11: ■ U..Q^i<^B 10..KKtxP Zl.-.KXB " . ' .' 'm..KtK* ■■>'■■ : lS..f :QT, wIas(e) M'^If TOa take FHwa with Kty hs ohaiuMsK'SUiK KB. and. thea checks wIihX;B B 6> in aiSt* to (bllow with QE 2c .. ■ ■.,..',,,, ' " (bVBcet'fllj' coaoaWed:'. (6) If beinove E P R 1,'yim iaheekwlth Qaeen In ple- paiaUon fOT E'Et B 7; - ■ .-1 . :■ ,:-..,..,, ) •._ :. (d) Ul)e.t«k« KPwIth Qnaen, you o^tnre Boqk-with Qneen, having In view Kt K B 7 z. V .. . j - ■ (a) Haii«l«ln is one of tha moat biQUant playukbf the ■ '■ ' ■ . m , m m " ■■ ■ ■ tfABIB OF CHEQUEBB OR Da&UailTS. .; OBiinoaib FMiTiof ' ' . aBamber i.'. . White to Mfivt: and -Win. Oleifo (5 not oaia tap agauntUliu^opd after " ' "" frmghtJ ^.>itat:jjty Si^tta-. ^trtt a WtebTaaBrSiibbamT ttan^ pQ^H-dr 1,.T» -%^.."f^ mnXImtA to ■^'E^-ju'lu In , iiMwiilMtir'*'-: —l""',"""''" *-^*^ LCUdUlL— '^ntfsaa" vin aaawtr.TOar '•a* KCntn AWiiidav— "''"^'' '''*''**^*^™ i^mmttti^i^^ tWiia Wlttat « ««» *• to foar mtoola^ • i— n n,at«i<^ "™ ""^ pme,*sa; w» • MmanJl.^»— «■««»' .1^ , „^4'dtaalts,Uunih atfoardiO'titBt itnta. Tgar iCl^-2 .«Bon«.— "1. Iftwoi«ta«i«eo»tnui«ti1<^h»w ^^^gij'^itMrilibat taBlt oontr" l. ,Tn'polala 2^ ta^, ' - iwOTia-— r'"'"!* J»« »<• •*>^ am^tibmt^VM ainni '/M^n. Toarent littww .«»srt'»*to«B«.«ara,',tBt •i;w»dj|d' BOt faaT* tt* nqnlnA bifMmatleD at onr'SBgtf ndi at tB«'11a«,a* m M^m m , r illMI M i l iIt.' ToBT Mftad ,Trrh lafff .g- J.* not g« to BgHa^ll^ mIImi'^iIWIi-. gJiBoitaa^-Ilattelncacopraf tha Kpeit'or HBt^ ■gtat,i« cmot jDmfjjy t»" ■ 1 1 ' . ' ■ I -,.-.'.': ^ ' -. - - a. g. T» o« »od ,— " I h»T»'h»« It »W Vu» Bt»tt»B,'-»b» 1^,1,4^ OitodaU Id lb> lata tas , an* be* . . a^^n^ to M tbit Iw 'wm KU W ^Sto «n 4h« teek, TiiaiB a ' «Btt,«ad-iaatSriD^dr>«ia^' bit'aer" 'W< h«i4 Dvita^ las «t an ttav;— It floanet, ^0a«v^. . lji,»rTci»a,Hiirfi>Qis. %iii"r«liili took hl« Uk l«^--o'»»r Ui» nu ' ■ > »an^at trl ii l iirf« r ;'B»tHI^«i»f»n«|MliM-Uaa-iBpp<^<^ K tt^tTiTi Fo»i»..«J, harisf tht daatr, nl. tat ssa'to' tp, U' aat, '^A^ >adi, \am- .::-. . . : ■ ". . .- • WiaxB..n9ad'a.— 1. Mu tao vQm laa tr iMrttiiaM^ toiS-mtoatMr. Z. Wfeatiatkafaltkfrttlaaamnlalaraialn 'kaif.amllar' Liila. X U& . - a'-'i K.F. j<-^Taa.(Ufe d^l^tOIiv oaaaf tta''wi ■< ■Viiiii aliiaa tatwM tmn arf Wiii»i.n >i-. ifa ' ttdakO^ iMtkaB thafcet ar Oate«i«t,BoithBtw Ton ■ -.aa'abnr laacb O^ Majbjndtraad tb.ran^tifhl^'tUiMa fa^' ■■ lOf, aAsr kir aitt Mih }M)er, WsttMaaaftrtrt HintoBhTlun .'aa eMt ■^wfcn* imjk W. 7 — Wa teUaia tha net to teni taaa a Ur oaa^ aatallMiri. • t> tka vBtray. ^ 'Wa.kafv aaUM«I< .«*»'!»- >ia'<4;nti|lnaacpfr«r Vta.mMOm^ . la^naa]asahaUmn«to^Ssao4|iBi^"fta'aBa vtta k'UUia' Ba4 Soaaa ttacfc hair a bIW maalt 9 t'titia igpltM tiBabf half aaOa lattli aoutn.aad br It" 1. BIT a, nb a> iiiiiuii l,tataai«Dj i .tl>atj|lrAaa*w ja aalwW a tlant.MI^ fa yt^ ^ tta ' J-X-lh ^*^ .'i'r''^'fy^r ■. a— ay^ •rTria^vmbmrdUtsjoBbra^ " . .^SnpWanrfa.-lif Balam tefs aa«ak tha~ilL,'ae- [ to U a afnanath Bofirth, It loBlai tha distaaaa ahma. it'- T» OsRoi^tiadaBtii ■ BkvnobMB akasnt fhintheelty fcraf^dsyswe have been unable to give the nsolalteatlat to thWde- ptrtBsat. Those aotansWwed this w8^wni >«!,i„ atteatioD la onr Msf, ' ' . i Tawnk. at fair. • . , jtS'Sfi^^'^e AnjuTsiaaty of ^''t!''''^Siii^JStSP^ain^^ tern- perancefcnaac. maka.no byStiK^^ iOowidl thoee-engagid ^'qjioaci^ opportunity o^jonung m the fiastiTities o(th»i^, ^ dufl ste onr.p^ CO Tueaday aftAnobn,.^ ^ Iibiir a wexim poBaibly insto it wmrmieit.; . jaDgements 'will also be made,sb'ih8£'an'a«n>U' in'6t^QtidiclniJ>dewi the7B>(>>«, end' ' ji^U^-acqimpiiithfii, to the nttar aMtmiafameiitL.y < .9(the,entiwicjowrti;-j;-. i.r.j.-ii:.... .- i,-; ji,.,' ' ; : {i;«u 4 ,9'ql<)«ki:the horsee Iweie. scored sevenLn .tiineain ayeiy^.qnietrjnanneri and .while piepannff to iec«iv«i :tMl word, some tE,QOO or 96,000 waa>'.> .ftakBd on..the.z^enIt,.with Pooahontis.tha&mrii«^';ii - at 9lOQ.t0 KeOi .whidb; it .will be observed, ehangedri' > hand* W'-dooWeqnicktim'eL**; The driven flnSlyii/i ;fnD9pn^„A«pD«elvea ready, and' taking.^ a long^j i(tait:&Dm;^.<4caw gate at the oaniage^entitanocL.r^r ' .and, bi^,i^bP9t neck and neok," the jndge hold^^' )iiig,.thr«i not crowaed^in. the-.Ieast^ and not satiaGed^jrith'^Rr^ having ^e. nee in his own handsg he seemed d»<->' r < tarmjned to show ^he pnblio.what kindiof blooded^:!*':; stoc^hewas nowpulliii^ the Tanaover. ii The nam -was. iMpt .dpwnjio. her, 'work vrith great skill, and • ' die almost .semn^dt' to fly aroiud the trabk .ThU^. extnioidinaiy speed of Pocahontas made tha hone^ mop., open; .thai eyei^ and the contest was broagfat- to a bloee bj; her, distancing Heio on the fist auItLv,- which .aha performed in y a pacer In 'any part of the world. mile heah^' best' three.in flreL in' harness; ' '' ' ' 7^:'"'.' H..WoadiaffBsiiie£ taaMC and Bladt wood wonthe^battle in thirteeii nnnntei; tfe have also'rtcidved a letter 'fitom-'BlaisinvbMl, ^Tipg 'an' aoponnt of ' this afiair,' in' |^Iuet^ ltif| ^siaifp that.he wbid4 Iike"to'^tiy,a.fi^W: n^^^ whft called bim. Cnr,". hot above : all-, other - men; Ji»l WDnld praf^Tom^DaTia orBlU ETani.r'"'I1ieie-i^' 'doubtless be's'^tarn-iip'' or'twb'bdbi^ tUJi i^t i^iiettied: : 2;ri;;^c^^ ■■■;.•.■;;"•■,' '■' tfidl^ijmnt); : Wa'always.s^d' Honce ' <$ieeby w^ iii^dugdiMTT:npw,.w,9. .luiive,^;pipof^ J)iiik ^TSntp, the.'dever concspondent'of the. New Yatt-Dafly limes, in speaking of a ball and snppw-'givtiit bk' J^aru^ aaya, "In ^le cai9-too)iii were tWo whI|H''U- ldei,'aiidT]6Eaaly-^mneh, too good' iiafali^ to be' "ahybbdy's 'advenaJy^and a'geatlmian 'whoae joam.e I,did not Icanij A^. the partictilar. moment of .the game which fell nnder my.obserTation,.Ur. <]lteeley and his ftir mm-ms 'wtve in- the mnti'lisM '-iithelr' opppnekits'' eolmlirig - bnt' 'sfV. 'Piamoads'. were 'tiomps, and'the'Im^ Wfu'M^^'Pi^ "j^.: aradey ipinetunea.fband.it d^calt to^proceed aor tmMng to -Hbyle^ such was the "constant aaeoeasion -of 'oM aopiaintance^ who wished to aak himliow he Jld. ,' Biavnce played thiid hand'low in'tkmse- ienoe,' and, of course, Iciit the tri«^ Oreeley.lias since been, put in priaoi^ in Paiii^ at:thi sm't'of-^ exlulntor at the New York Ciys- tal Plslaoe. "Oild MoraUty^Wanis tobea'gi^ decwTOr."' ',' '.'.. '.'.' '" ' ■•.. ..'.". '."!,'■ Dw Bostan J'iiliilM. ' A TAki oonoonne of pttB<»iis' will doubtlees viait 3aafbn;ltio' and Iwliite M^^.alijtr^ anr<>haBk^^^^ Thi^ "boat lias ftr;the fiifst rao4 whiii is W a poiae ^^rat'ltfsjSy-;^*^"— -bvor'ihe'Oeiitnl Boad, on Saturday. mbtiT'es 'weie employed' in Uie drawing 3pn nn Howard,. oqiaaSIiiglatOD,, ',. Jbmi Wfhchestar;- ■■' -' -'— - .-w WuUa^'i>i»a.aii.Bj I TrnmiViB 'now Iii Tol^o, a .mant,pi^aaBBrilfg.4A height. 7.ftheiv'20^ Idttt . : . Hiu' lou ajLat r ' ■ . inillamSpenoer..: . ...v".. ..-.JatteaSmltb, . Jqlpi E.:Taylor, Phllsd'a, , „,ia.r./U]taj, «. Y. , KoaiAox. ■ ,l^S. . .' < JsaesEbrgaity.,, ' ' Frennli^v' . ; WllUxiirTnSstb&e, tllaa Bniy Baillow; of New Yoik. ' : JbUa'Stttaoa; Jr.; '' ' ■ ■■■■■ ■QtOTiji'Btoink '■ The ffaOjputibailaiB'of thi^ be'giveii'&i 'biir next, which -tnlt be issuM on Tuea- lay afibniocrnv ' '; ■■'■.. ■■• i ■;.•■■.: -. .•/ .,.! • ■■. sisief, -S'e^ 6 - ft '8' inu;' ubbnd' mster,' IB,^ fi' 6'i-2 fwork bnband," and miiBt bave a^ .f^ '1 inl I ;Tbib match. «ame off on the 22d, on theigipnnd .of the Bed Hb(ksai.-Hariem. Oodiam: «>t-A.gMat .TigtV-and the" will also ta^i^ .-rfnch .a' He#'.TlK.-l I. .Hyattw .... 3..8tlith..:.':' 8..0Ibbes..... 4.;CoanQVii4-; li.^Plso«, .. .^LSabrJ .^HsirlBoii.- .0 Tottil....'.>,l...-.'...'.3 PUoh'er, Glhtw;' J' huiiBea "diiring'theiacb. '■ '•■■• -'■■ '•"' ' ' By the following ' annonnoementi whioir We' take: from" a SyribdAe-paper/it woUd appiiiT'SuitUibkby' : tiotHAM OLOii. i^- • f'is''£oming the' '^Samom dodge^ 'oviar 'the 'good piSyerfSyrabtise't ■ ■•-.'";• ', : ~,'':' ' ...'.iA ! UxarrFHSE.— This oeleiialed ^e3eiafilah'Wl]l cieate' .'. i4 -aniM axcUament this afteraoiD'ana evailliig, by-hls p'er- 'fiinunoea. Abont alz o'oloolc this- afteinmHi, hs - wUl- paiade .the streets. socoiDpsnla^ hi7 a.haod of ^j^^uio. aad a company of Indian wftnlbre .In fliU owtome, paint, V.^'V^lIilf^than and all.' 'In'tha' aveillig, Hlbh^y. WO] glTe-iji 'an<«Msliuibat atHeohaalb's Han, wVea ha MU'paiAib a vsdMr of wottdeilU &ats, and the IvUans -wlU glvsTa l.,,T*.,Tan.Cptt 2;'.Baiiia.';;..., 3..ShetIdan.'... 4..17.'V'anCott 9..Taed.^..'.., 6. .Case. , 7. '.VcFarlana'.. S.'.Oiidllp^.';':'.. 9;.Tsls;..'..i'.;.^ ....... •'.Total BOJIB — lit Iwwlpgg' 2d ♦:.Sd;-4; and 4th, iT ''^ ^ ' Pitohat, T; Van Cdtt; Be Jilnd man. Vale: Jitdae.G .VsnCott. , .. , • of tiie EnlokeriiMkex. ' falked!pfri^''j^eturn matelii,,Gbthaiii agidni^ gpinVjiflyyt.^^^ 'i^^' ' T>iif J iam'a,.^,Eairt BrooUyii, againAlA^oiu;.' tune.n<4 fixiai. ' J^ iiew'.Cliib IuU;;ba»Aa ;fihfUt(f ^«.« » • • • • a. • • • « k «a,«}3a,t. iCokoy Tno, tb» Iildi Fedatilaiir Odr Old';&i4nd- Ifibl^y a^ma'ttfybav^pienty of gnnd War Bapce, together with JmltatifHis.of the ctnet ties and tnlts.pf Saysgcs, by .Joke F^er, and eight 'nthfir Twat»n«' ' ' ' jfi^'i-^^' perfonxianca will inalndo tba foUowtng iikta ifWjiOltj-, which wUl be ajecobspUihed irlihln one hoar : 1st, Toit 200 yaids ; 2d, piok np 4e stones one vaid apart ; 3d, walk ZOOyatds lackwaids; 4tli, ran a uoop SO yards ; .£th, jainp SO hmdles ; 6th, nin 200 yards baiktrardej 7tb, walk 200 vaids ; Sth.hop IflO'yans' cn one leg ; Su,- jansp six oonble hnidles ; loth, pick inp 20 eggs, -one- 7«id opart, -wtthont .toaoh- IngignondKUhililsknaea.' This la a combination . of foreign and uaiioe attnctlons that ought tp .satial^ all putlaa, and Ulchaj winiila 'op his bUla, annonnolng Ua' Crrarmahoe;- with '-the folMwInir trae Milesian' invlta^ Uea-: .''Cwneone, conle'all, and'trin; tie ladiet ! i Hie foUbwing is the 'sequeL ; It' will be Bben that ahhongfa KBcki^ Was allowed onb'honr'to jierfoim the feats,' he " got through theb" in 25'minntes: The feata advertiBed to be p^oniibd'bT''Mibfcex Free oa' Batnird^ '^yenin^ at Mechanics ;H^ ui' oniB hbnr, wera auaccbmpliahbd in in imiititbB.'an'di' iEcixf diead the ^^rKnbuise'by Jbteping'ik'hu^ dle'fi^e feet high.' We "are infbittra'tiCi^.^^^ tends to repeat IhejMifermonce' ai'Avety 'Bdl,'-iii' thellKt^aid, on Thtindsy eveidng^ueiC '; Ve will be aadBted by a buid'bf Onbndla^ 'Indi^'wiiD irin give some Ulastiralabiui o^ the pbcdliar iraib o •avagelile.' ' '■'"'^'i^'. ''"C-'l'.. ■ ■ •Ha^' -- ';;■••' -;. ' ''^ B'^^ipiM aj^n^ ot 26 Iba.g>'(«'ot'^ I Iblf'fqmoo andbf^f^ fiirht to oome'bffwidiinten milesofBb^t^ Ihjt i£l n^bnaftaady ^ »t ll^'^F'bWfli'' strict, 8botit'Bi«t<^k;';=^^^ A.-&iL» itiat^h' tbc^'^^b'^ Mai^rj Mr^ .- 1-.,.**;^-!* . .19 irsolky.: . of 9800. '(o)i1iI^«es]aWUte's^' Xd)iA°holpielaM effort:. . CltrCKBTe St. SmKe aadH^-l^k. : .. . ■ ...Jaaaai. Thb Recond elbyen bf St George .and New .York played thur first matoh of the season, en the S:lalj BtHobokbn."; '- '■^' inie fbnbvmjg is tha scoter ' ! *' ' KBw 'Toa* oiAa.- ' -'^ •'-'-" ' 'Mnt^laiiinjia. - ' "- ""iBeeend lniibt^ ToiaL Castles 0. Vinton kTUtai KBall«7.f......'.i.lO SI Shoonard b. TIU.. ...... U \JBtavT.....,....t ^ V Soo^ h, BaUaj. — ... f 0 , .{l Bailey.. IV'll. Cflvariy]i.:Ban«y.::..:ia cBagaXaidley... .0 '2L' Jatack'b.'BaUay.;.'^..l,'i' 8 'Ik T1&.'*.. :;'.'.'.. ..'.=0 ' -S :Harriiond.BsIMyka?Utj4 bi Ball«y......;..;w ft »> Preston 0. Ylntonb. TUt 8 blt-wleketh.Tmir.^S .iM Porter o. Johnstn Ii. Bai- ley. iSseo** jHiot— At the second attempt ithw 'gbt' the wordy both I^ttpng mde'^ side to. the &1£ > mile-ftole^ Ui 1:46, -when ■ the Lady made'-a'*'ia3s" ' VP,** &d McOiisthf came 'liome a winiier bv 'si^ leMUiAin'2aff r-2;'i'; • ■ ■• - ; .Tt"! . "■Tkird JYeaCHThe' Lady; sptead hendf md tiok" ^e'I«>d to;thi6^Kiafmfl» pole, wherbMcQlBlh' took it'-fiom her, -wiimh]^ tlie heat^'ond' laee'by two*< lengfts'ii 2:81.' "-y.-u'. • ■ '; ':>: -;•;;! .. ■- r :r).ii:< SpWey h. Bailey.'^ ..- • • Juucw«n not ont • . Rldbuds b. TUt.' Bysfle ••••«•»•'•«■■ wide bslI,,l;. no lun'outx'. K BaUay..< ■an oat..', not .-ont... .. .Byes.. .■.'.'J.-,'.-..'0 ball,!.;. ...;:,-.". 2 TotaL. •.r•...i...^^.9S' ' . - sr. oaQxoxfa cvn,, j'Q)niaaa:0..iSplvey.br ...... ' SuUlV^.. .r> ....... .. .2 UVonlaIjpi»"^^6obtL;. 9 Itoitt tt.< dssUealilaatt: 9 Siitlbw.. B.vllazw*U b. : ; Slohsrds ............ 6 Ballsy Ik. .Soott .... ^ .... 16" Bage e. Sidvey h.,Blblt.''.~ AtdBi'e • a • • • • a '• • • • • • ' '.0 'Vmion it.aaatlsalkBlo'd 0 Tilt bu Blobaids. a E&loj o. Splvay b. Blob- ,' . BrdSaa ••••aaaaeaaaeae 4 "Ltgbres..;". .^ota)....,.... . 2;;;4 i.n.;W _ c..:-.'-i« - ' 6 Bt. 0dVl>.BlahaB3f:a'i ' .0 0. ^vay h, SMtt. ,;^S.,.SS e. ^Mslbn UBBdtt.'i -'6 I iBn.aBlik.Li...;i3 : 0:, ;b. Blohsria.r....7-*.'.A j rtlndhmtfi not eat.;. .<.: Daitoa .bi Blohafds. . . : > . . \'iWlde']ijL[]^,'. ■^Tbtativ, .U.-«T>i !iiitoiL^.'''V ^o.:'Piesl*ii^'b.i. '-' aida..*L«r..u.-^w)OI i'l .fc; JUdisfi<^(aiiK '-''-'''',€tfakot-ia S«irtt«^(ttins<'' '2Jt^<:^itm'f^:-m^- !brgBnn<('& Ifitntiiwitw, N^S^^'A^laai^'w^^ n(emjiepk'r.,!^. <3!^^Mi^^ ^i^v^, -fW'f^^i'! twice. I each j amek^(Said<'Blr^a4y. : hitve - madlBi g^o s t j^^^iiJcPjgid' ibir tb^ make mtdjili^eH^', ' 'We' bib' 'g]ai,io' M,tI^'g^''piifl^'''io^ h<^ the "MawlheB^lr!(^:*<^l >CIn^^^ aganin thcmiena into Oribket Olnbi. btM Wbr^ -word, the Lady cuti Irf twa lengths, Joe uid* with a sharp stlok for a lead. to the stand. The and jSS"Sfc^y ^Pfl5L?S'? ■ik^ >nl!7^>^d'up they toddibd f( ^ -B»-S-iwik\-. qnader pole Joe made one of -those intetiM^- "flar»^nT«,'' whidh gave him no ahow.' ' At'the ™.^ mile pilB the Lady was leading byra lengths, but before she loMlhed the; tfaTee-q[uatter poUMoGtatb wag bjr" her sid^ 'and*pnAhing her'So fiahl" that abb' "jnmped'the giuoe," which threw her bhancb 'out fin the: heat,.'Khlbh was woDi- by McQiitfa easr ln 2*4. Joe difcfcrf, ' . . cs. ,4' ,.4L.r6w4oat raiae'tbpk plaba on'theHndaoi^&pnL" the, . .Jpotnof ■ 8nMg;.»tr!8et, Wednesday. afUnnoon, ^Oth inst. The prize was a silver phche^ Valncd - at.fOOf.and duee, boats, -were enteied for the con*"' tebtf^inajp^yj\ 'O.XF. A., SsiQud Lbekwoo^ and. - !d;^e "Yani^ee. At 4 b'doci; the bosta started, cnMs- ing.'^t"e river neai 'Sybii'a Caveyst Hobbken, thence - down\thB..Jei8e^,"aEwi^1w . Hoboken'-anii . Jineji .fi^^ .ttBd ^en reproaeong "to "Spriiig streeL' ifie'bbata were rowed by four men in each^- and the distanob'. was peiformed as follows : ntlng.Tbhn Snillb, B.- Anthony; D. Williams, oozntab ••-^ nSnntbfc .. Live. Yankee, manned. bv-H. Byen, O, ' Smith, Soothe, - — ; , cob«b1b— 3S InIIl!l^a.. : ' Thbipriie^waa awarded .to. the Q. U. A^ ii'Suiog street .b«at( by Jfasat*. :Mil]er..dc Walnut^ oflWeatl street. Theioihw.boata bel<»ged at th& foot o£i .Ohrist^ph«:StrBet:..i .• i . 1.: .;i' j Viii : Vfliijiiiw'iiitA A.aA91fcbetw!9Ut:th{f akiff WiU:Mor]^-iind.^ iwwibciat 1^|lioMhe Tkej started, fitom ■ a.dmy.-boAt* r.at,) Z<»^:.-^y.: opp^te. Fhjla^ , M^tna, at 9, o'clooic, A. it, aBd,'Bai]i|i in fixe.mnm b!i<)y.,4^ .Cheater: Uand;. which . th^ TDnndedla-. ^>4bnm^ff^HktftftHoiTi9j^)pat8^n^^ ' iwhibh she increased by leaving the.^.kCat" one m3eilH(mw.pn43:>9«diing,: Point, ^when ^9,?Mi«tf; b^gan tb| wke play, aDd fiqaOv. ronnd- : e 'W^M the xaca.by'liidti.:9Q.aeeopda. . . ThalMonis ,imm«diatB\y phalUgiyd the,? Miat?i for.anothf«K match, ^hot .th^. latter. R&aed. ... . -^.y . . 1 i ■■- \ .... .. i'-i. i.>;;-.oif " GArt.-jroHii.BBABi^u'lUeIyiIiad.a fine boat: bnilt,.'whiah .is,^cboi«d:neaT.thj» Oamdoa-Poo^k't. ... She iaaaid:.to.'ll«K.fine>vaH^' ;:.'T w/ !-j nv.-zif*' ( ill -tm -: -. ir ■ .' OpaitaBC-AlI. Tbb akiffftmiiiy Known BB:tSJbhii])iciaB9mi>( has been ta^sOMaed,' and> iii)fW.«|iIled |]w «^EM|9i boat on the DbUwaie, for llOOuV^ Mom 26.— Pi and. ipna .■•J..T " >Wt« [when London. . ' . .r ;:;'.:' '. V. , A jwl"* wiKwnt pwdnorf the •ta>ih\^Sj^Jx^J^^.«?^J?^f''^ and Uiwiuni _,»^nnjflnd- pf Hei . ■• ■T < rJf^'''?r^^^'^^ to I London. '. ' . , 'T^lflfS^t iA J?<>"« wrgwnt pwdnoad the -UUb . - ■ . . . ' ■•"if*»'?..™'.o'' tSe deceasetf'dMtwed limiMi£!!lt' Sidoidooffduiiiy' ffiiMae. Iwm a iMgeiamn^ hnifengad in rfft MtiiWj .^.ni^TitJ This obw calebrUadipia&Babr of self- 1 "»'"'"» "nmW.iii -i.-'ikrf tto WAKn Tayarn,- BMad-wnrt, ' DiijWrLUie. P cuttmg hia throat The partionlan of the^ta^' W- 'T'W'i.J^lw fi>™d datailed Mbw in the a«!i!>nnf m of Aa- mq™!^ Xhe imfortiinate feUow iraa iboni m on 0,9 1421 of March, 1818, and wak &9iaoi» in ^^the.SSth Tesr.ofhisage: •■ - . „ ^ £nin if we were so incUiiei], oar oimtnotecl' ^oe' ^onld prarant na firom'going at anjleiigth into the Wf ™'*f >"?™fi'V ' ^-.'ithalaofa.- I Htwtai aid *«aayaiy;«r,tt'tuat;';" j 5^ ^ "I^P^.two h^b made the flnal <}ep6«it'6n , . ., dkrlast. They«o lo ecaleon Miiday next at Mr: S??*;^^^^ dial ttlie'tj#(j H.iPa" t6 finl*h:i_ oni*ith.'ai«ligh't"lfead: to'lKb'^i leref^, }f not eamly; \>j halCsIeigth",: -Mhiag fsdip leotftha beUlnd the-aeo^ ilfi who paa^rQaiuoe.iB'the last Ienig;th8 from the-BaionV'hOne. '„'- ■ Jj. ';, r left leg; whewin Mariow>mplained of-eieatlil rrmbll CfattDI i \yroKK ♦as driven so l«Ai£>6teaiightih« „ djoveiU^;into:h2:;;fd,V&^^^^ "WorPoQMBcSSgi je,;0&i.h^^..hen™^^ tpeing w"~»»»jMih.flTn — n I II II I I uiij 7 Inl PadlMk and' Aaraa jaBl» Thk ninth deposit: of flO, for^e altui~rlant|i^"»'i^^ *• oalii' mjawhletwflmihtoha^ lii^^X^SIt^^^^*^'''^^^'^^^^' 1hi*« o WB,"on Tnesday hM; The fr1*/?5?f»5?d:.«a«»nW hairfij ceiyo ■WS-Z? ^"jiT*""* " member. th«eoi^.hejs(Hisfb Eng^elwet Ifaw^ Tnesday h5l^lhr^1*/l^?»?^:.*BMmbIed i^^ MartM^lana. tad k?!^iH2t t^ ialwa^a came wen to the portii-was neTar defeated I fa» . v.' ■^'T^ -- - TSoTir,MA G6m,i^::t\^!^^ - — p«it^-was neyer defeated ^ j^Tf? ■ devarast tad gunest boxen V-I.rfhia day.^ He was a jiiative of Birminghiiiii, md J^aoinmeiioed hu jmgilMo career at a *aiy eariy age, .matanb »t Norttpod. Gemeteiyj .where ■«• mre -had Imb^ I "''S' pm«ha&l.by^aQirtj;^e -. ^ t 3=— : — . - ..=.7 »«.jj.ojj»^| Tns'third depoait,' of iBlO a side^ between Ed^'i~« ""'ouvkmiuiuisi r TImtLis first peifor^ within the ropes JaiMlj.^aida of Cheltenham andflbpperBrDTm was made ~ Iriakaa were with Charles Spilsbniy, for £10 a side, r'',^*t^Sl>^'> on Taad«7 • -hTcni Sjmi». waa Iowa i»tte J^thofJimna^, ^^1^^^ ^ ^- • - •■^^^Hr^^ = ^^^^^ Vi^-«CoVW^^hMh toot place at Sutton'^ • yl hone that thA^StL^*^!^^^!."^* I^NqvajtybeatOalJettm 6 ronhds, 36 minn^ ^ "ot siut WiTto^^SfcrS M """^J"? 1888; Charley J^cri«vf^ itoor^ &''*.7"^ for Boaman a stake'aB £lo?ndfc S^m^^ sent abroad to np«> the Tnr^.&OL, are so fiitile m not to b^ . ..Iprrbiimfgse^^^ be allowed weight in the " f L-t"Pt (Wt^P* .not ■ .the •BTiijne^ pf "S*-^**^^ «f W» a^SSr^fSS ^A^' ^ ;^aP!>.nivi.d. of Uia^ -.Spnn^.waa lowejedrnto^eg^ve,^ lasi WiiCio/b^e, winner.; diseordrifdihattwbUaaiboaea^^wew bnkeii I Mi xenta j|4.Ae,llmb5niit!«:^^ y9Wmc9)raar^iiPW^*nd»l«lginp atMit MMdonaId'»(thcLwife o^T - tLT?*'^»^*'""**»^*<'™nn*«^^OToimda,P , M'tliert^& one mmor, which. I ? . A ^ ' "nventedi. in order • malicionsly to l«t „.Ji!^**^1*^T>^*nst be thus pnbKcly Soo^^CTSr^en-indoeed^ . lMHI^-^.™. ^^r?If*^^e prizes eiyen for oomiMtitinT. JVi-iTlTiJii!!? I Sf'* between John Broomo^nd hishrotUer" Birds, Aaiiul^ «cv T L, BODB.-'TAXibSBM^. Jftf' aer,vweiha.:hi.^-^4:;;:;^7;^^^^ Wnej and attention ; taffe nowimS-Seaw .ife^aa^^ «-.ta'5riM »;J^'Jf«tori:ihe*iigeon,of S^^^'feSH!^"*'^^^ s —-^—i.- to State, he was progreBe.1^-: ■ -"'^ ^ atthe^timeap-l Flfllibr TuiUiei Stfire. air^partig " ' " ' ^ ^attenail |mloo^t-S^^^S^-i^^^^ >llRJf«d by Sanpeboi, The ClScken. state..thattheiek:aot. the slirft^^Sd^f?2lS^^ ui4. aol|avSliika!^.9vk ud HoUnrVES. j-J:^.,% Chicken, state, that theieia. not- the Slight^' shad derrandlfo.^'tIie'«iBer named fotmdation for. Bn- 1 four honm Wn.a Tnl..>. ^rr, enlerthe Prize Biii bnthaVinir reoaiFSh^^*'' Se'^ oompetitoiBoidVa^ilf^l^^^ fomBnngara^An^^^j^^^ iSiad. *aidvbethooffht ittoo goid ithhw.toh^ JmeePadn**^J>*«mhei riinng thal nof YnAMlv* lit « ^ ^ „ y?rds ;,Chari« CpPk | told Mh EUuTto bt hi,""bwti.o;' W i.ot merely ,1^-^ couM proonre; but to. Wl J ^t!o^ . larabtar of arinafltet; -TrS iS ^9^ y««to "When the menSl t^ F^T^J^^' iT" - ' ^""'astic ahodt Tl, ^toTf .Sl^th^'^^^ least ^J?^""^--" 'by 1842. ^ 9f.^^e .character of** pngflSt; "TRth te: he wi^i^^S a°^c^MiiiS'-| "id on the i^t^l^u^r^^JM^!!^ 1 5*^"^^ 'v"^- *^y^^ fiw mniites before his mon^ywbirrii:^^^^^^^^^^^ r proeee^ connected withjhe f>9f»'» C!«>* of ManEbone Liven; street Jmi'e a isKB *^™™<»; P™^- whuh onr readen mnstbe so fiuniEar: andr^>*J» ■"P*"*'^™'^^ ir w«B settled there is too much ' **" ^-—3^ , . I - ^5^ffte«m here%'^SM^K !^ *^ ther neVS'S dJSrv^^r^^ JW?oodBacaB, boMme.Ben ftatifiar affiSrf ™ «dmiiation of their ineaSt. CtiA^T, .>^(\tla\t}»^^ place; and wmamed -there .nnlll en- fowhand would not in the= aUehtatideirreo - .imtitv lmiIepoet;whenhebroke.dbwn,«nd soohanaasnmpeon^, .fu ^ : J""^ *-'aiBaoamelastof.eMBihing..",Upon|..; i -. .-. i "-■ ■ neoti-CWaton took^ia, place .next I 'I ■. .. ..ii -..ill •• flMbe*!:.::.. '- > '\ .jV frhom. he foUowedintoihe.sttaii^it, i*cowsPOT,x»»cJtBfcaT«im)T«a b»jteiiiqiM»tronth.t liSm.:..Drawing;npbni Bal^Jan in Dr. Gomand's oelsIn^iUalianKedlcatea Bonilnibt ot^t; hun .at:the.qtand,had|B»Tanflohandoure.of t|a!^o^ aitlole everolTend totlie inia(ew.Btrin:ih and -reaB^ Siminntaa 60 200 BOVB., ioo. — by twoTUnrfuvfii^ceb^ who-.iln- pnhlie. ,« <«n^tki^Bbol,Poilota>l>fBc)B(PiaB B mei!esrtillyla6oaii«.diotbe.noH^ ' •v'P»»wp«A*ertioi*ofH«Ir:l)ye,TAIoli'ohfflgBsthehaU r<«p^on'of^rso°^S'^^^ ■ aU. ftwo.year oldslffl^tMvl iclnitlesp,^ rand snmves him, and -we are glad Cook, soon ^ '^''t l''^!!!!*?^ »«nvH6WtimanailMdyBay,*r«a 8M*|lirrmJSnl ice. . ffia wife,-, by whom he was ^?,'^5°[^a*J «t * twinging pace led the «n,-4yiB, s^t'eib.;..': l'yip,l9«t Tib. nparative comfort. • , nor was it long Wore the Mi tf iha^ i rHaronla j"4B Vttfll, whitih I and f retsdej r him, J 1 waa — - ...^*-*'f«toii».Toad, KmUco, 'fbe f^^^o depcaed .thai he hac( " jJPftr the last eight orninejT^ d) gave iip-.A«-jSuio:|x^ bnm- I ago, and for the week or tan A at thtf^Wreki*^ Bis (the de- ddence was at Birmmgham. On Satnr- , . ilness .meTthedeoeaaed in Covent^nrden ; :^ Hfl appeared then' in good heslthjlint in r nerrbos state. There were many caaacB to ,Jit for his nerronsneiB, a. his &uw ootwitk 1 IWily, .and oOier drotunstancaB, . 09 . wa^noi I of anber habits, md latte^ he gave w^. f more freely. ' On' Saterday, 'vuen witni J, he (witness^ eomplmned nt £6pT £e a wee^nt he (witMa) believed t he had been annoyed by a judgment summons he county conri^bMideB an execntibn.to a large bnnt.' Mr. John Mitchell £Uu,'I>>>^ord of the pekin, deposed that he had known. the.decMsed jnany yaaia ; he had bean residLog with -witness land off ainoB. Monday week.. Xha'deeeiaMd be on Monday week^' and aaked if he could have Md. Witnem aud . ■* Yea,'^ expeolii^: that- he b;soiDg to Epeom with him'; but upon Ipqun' 'OiB morning; t^'e deceased' 'waa -fboiid -at )fgii on the floo^ in a. very bad'st^^ ^He said, 'I am dying," and aaked for biaody; bntwitntas '''i^ted to give him ahy,.aiid sent for.somem^ B'imd (arbonato of soda,' which iiemed 'him^ I soon asthedeoeaaed was gotup, witnas walked "i.him towards Long^cre^ when he cpnthjinally ■Ku,^'' I>id you see - those five mot fiiUowiiig me \ ney ar^ continually wiitahing me over the bai^wuT ?^^;WitnoB» endeavored to eahn him, but the ^^Biabnon his mind continuedi .'Witness said' ' ]i<|ed that the decesed '.waa Minwrfhg under aena from the Thiiindaj aajaSiinday, 7 a. gentleman. having obma'.to'^.tha ■ that he was gomg- to Binningliain,' a^neueA. a- dnae to go- 'with' him to and believing Uiat he wonld'do so^ aiid -ions he should go, witness placed brandy in bis room. 'Witneaa..' want 'with' flie; Ito theliondon and' North Weaterai Rafl- I . to see him, oS^ when ha 'began .to qnar- ' I hia flsta at aereral penona^ aBd at a. the evening the deoeaied letnined to 'When he aaid he desired to.ev 1>j:fhe Item Bailwsj^ so' fliat ha might oA'at- . I Bristol and othar plaoea. , 'Wltneaa had a lieation 'with some fiioids'of tha deeeaaiBd, ' r requeit.'wiote a note to lIiB.'Br!eome ' — ipf stating the unh^py Btato in -which wag^ and bagging - that , die 'woi^ I and see him: to that letter he never re. any reply: Mr; David' Samuel Isaacs, of a stxeet, .Boho, 'depo«iiia,to ll^anng.aa alaon, ' manhadcnt- his throat; he laa -iiito the 1; tad saw the . deoaased 'Heading' from the \ he placed a tab)e.«Io&.r(Riud.the ttiroat to aBOB'<^Uoad^:aiidj)dBed-£l)Bnk;i^^ tmderhai h««L Medk* ^^^-^^ },yjiitff«a. ^'^ffrortt;'Pii'iWT^-'''*'"*"lrf the match lay JfifflT kept running, yeti*->^^^ , , . Both &wtt anf;3K^,_^ ly: having capabil«<*«i had, prior to the rice, treated iSx. 'Wu-'|Q(,o^ „..%a!ta an ummporiant competitor, but he iv^-given them, a leaSon. that they: will not.- easily lorget, : : ."While running the seventh mile, Pndney and Levett, by making toemeadous efforts, ran right' up. to. .their, man. All imagined ' tbajty - baviiig achieved this much, they 'wonlS, for the renudndei' of the il'°*i'"«», have the race entirely in thur own hands. This, however, 'was not the csm ; for, after running for some few momenta together. Cook, to the inmvto' astonishment of those who had l^d 4 tp 1 against him, spurted from his compelitoTB with 'undiminished power, and' took a decided leadl... iSo. severe waa the pace, that I^gett) while mnning the Sdgilth mile, was 'o(»npeUehia, abai I ^< ?P.*«»,f /.??y. ^9 Vss limgto^ rtreet, Mrtan- ■ ■ ir FlfUiig. Abo^ t lano uonacu of Puw4ar Flukh £> Poubo, Ptnuilon Ciia^eu WtiM, *a. aUBra«ul«a'>n'' >atb.QltT.iuKti«iM«tthah>wtiai«W . 7^?/^/; Sportamen's ' bepotl ' •- ■ - (r:j.DNS. PISTOLS, and; FISHINQ TACKLKI dmrwcMofWwlmi^du Sk PioKi Cli«rek,1M«Ta%' s!£?lS'^-*°' Inponwiiid daalsr iSenNB.^ulOLS ns aiPLEB. IimuiuiirrmMas fwaillii »^U«». 1-r a»klM«ofKiio] i,wl iloM»«li cffertnt «i tmt tow pitoM, , MBMTfwBAPVnrFuaBaBd poaTBa'flp»mft-?<#M.' T^^iiXh AmimB MnMBp UllsM*' Cga hla'preiabctf K...^ I wUhlii(. u> BT Ui^. d«n v^U ••w.rm - ■ ... ..,«plt. . ■at ons^ ; r anxious] b their 1 Joseph I^sAb and 2eha Sntoa. Teus match, to walk 20 inilei( for :£16..8 eide, came IIIahap,.4 vn, 6ct.'..'.:.-.V.'SUetf' Beion BothasUld's Hanaafotd, aged, Sit 71b.CharIton Loid .CUllbid'a cb. t Homl^, 9 7ra,,4st,eib, . . . ^ (cttried 4flt 101^). . . y..... ^ ■ ..rndlikm Betting:. 6 to 2 a^Inst IforCUOT, 6'to Tagai^ Ho^iodai^ 7. to 1 against ''Oibiiii^ 'iaaoh: ag^nnt;..MiaI)ap .:taC'.'H^ni^^^^ 12 - u>; 1 each intat belandV %e imily,'.tad SO to. 1 against Sailiqr>. .'Uushap'.went to. ihe;^nt tiie instant'; the 'flag-fell, and-cot'ont this .work' at 'a'atrong pace, followed piasilfhe' Stand il>j jl^ry.Caio'k'And htortlmer, Hospodar (p.ullingtte^ mesdoo^) lyinr fourth' and BIudwBM^fiftb, Van- dal .andr'yaiideiihofi^ sQcceedin^ them,' and. Homiljr. and Ireland's ^e, -who had- laid off .by themselves a lonj; way hetuhd the .rijck^ brin^ng up the rear. Pntting'on Ihe steam after rounding the top-tdtnj ' p'increased her. lead .to a dozens lengtna,la)id the effee^'of.the. j^KOl-tiius ^Ijr made itself .a;^ rentj.the^iSeld .bcong "ajpread.>eagled.'^..in Buchi ah' extrap^dmi^ry'iu^ 'been lesa than a hundred 'yavls between the filnt horse'aioditholast.' . '.Dr^ Cooke . and ')Giitin{itt'. laid. Idaaa. togetb^ 'at least sir lengths before Horoodar, hetween whom' and . ihe.^^ruck the' inUiral -waa aqiijUly.'wide^ 'In., .descending the Swmler .Bill,. Bluebeard and Vandenhoff were passed by Hui^iier- f(Hd,..Q(VnQ(it\yahd^'.ta4..S^b^^ thiq .rot' nm- nj«g in iTiiiBaii ffla,! alan gave HontodaT'the pbBt' hy 'a short .head/ Olron swerving - a littii' . to the .'right in -the.Iadt uree-or fpor strQes; IUsnd's''E]^ 'tad ''^iiago; who-Iud off with T^peej aiid Wilsford- in tihe eariji jpari Of ^e raoe,' cames'the- Stand; andfiiiished' third^and fbni^, 'itelandh Eye^ who -was beftten bdf a'lffllgi|i by- OnOn^ harfivan'advantage' of 'a 'head only ^over 'VuagOi'abont^itnngth from' whom was Fodlnnter fifttl} Odarla-Mlng: sixth, Btcther to Little-Huiy toUowed we could not made ofnt; ■Cardigan^' %h(> tntned -rbmid 'Mi staiKing'and' Bod»-meIi'WeKe:-tfae.1ast two. ^Faolk- ner we^hed for'loebuok, and hiB'numbei'>wsa put np^' but' the hon^d not go to the poet. Rmp in Imin. -43soc: '- QBckley^s lliBStntt; ' ihdlREBB'liALLi^'eas BROADWAY; BUClC '--'-MdoBflSttta. Doon^tpenatr.— commenoettSo'dock. -BBr- itOpoml.- ud JUiieA.'U> doeUra Ihat we.Ttally Aohnom BDmotMaffs ud that "UtSSvB Bor>8: CLOTHUfd STOBK," It ibfleteneTot JohBudNtiuilrc«lf,laoii0drttobaii wiai)li«luq«Qt»iDN«^ Yorfc to gel ■ ooapleto» good, apd jBuh tonabU 6ijiitfop ou Jbv«- UPPLY AND 'DEMANb ARS I?!!! (^BEAT prlnelplw iha|:eoiitrol.Ipiloas.la-tkfl tfoanml*! «ari^«Bd S- loi w«j« MTTT mora fallT duVBlosedttin In UiB aitanilTS OAB-, BTBTOKBorW.'aiJLBWlBiorpucliiini, tthmyfeub jOMB^r* ud obolee ■ r"T «f lorviTiblDc nacdf oltu raiiDU B btOH wtU u modeiiie pilM, lke^aTe esuled to ercMo ■ d« m>«>l fn tb«Ir mi rial ta Um eunol bs nipuMf bj uty bon 1b the jqitT. .!We«T ,1:-: - .: '. . ■ ■ ' ■■■ ' i..:.: ..lOiojlKjna T..— Xhs OvpSir./ >:. Thb Oou» Odi value 300 sovb, by subeoription of 20 aova, -with' 00 added;-- three yean olds est. lOlb, four Set Slq^Ta^^Sftjcix Aud^aged Oat Sib and geldun'allp'wed'^'slb^^ start at.Ui^c Onp.>>st .ajhSL^ Ince' tetiiid (about' two' miles' and LoW'7etIul&>tfKiKinip', by'Bariit 4 Mr. W. Falmet'e ThS.7Ta,- 6et 101b-;. Baron BothsoUld'sT^Hiuigerford, aged, 9st"ir9U>' f" ."•iW'WvJ? r.-f t V v ir.if\fit ti'S.'n^ I oBett>4gi:Ait9t4.;ag«t Bataplaii«:63toJ2;.e8ch ogBt Virago tad Ftadaqgo, and 7 to 1 agstHnngeifofi Bataplan cut out the work at -a-'wietched pace, fol- loTOfli bXc:yS«MWsiiW»d?pgft Hsffgariiqd. f»?|Be'5l^kan,,iiL;tl|e. orite nam^. tip: the„ficnd^iii)9>|tie,|oj tutnj,whei^;WM j&rataman.pMM^ F6f^dui9D,:9ii< I'TwW.iTiJ^^HWW «»LblWd-.tnat..yeefe:wM:Obli» to^indulget wept^up ,tp KftapVan.and t^o:, at^ ade.down tSp ^^tfiif* *^«:Si'™^Wii«ttSP^"^>^ws Bajtaplan^iresimf^^ If^d^.l^l^jwithont imprpying !tbepi^ ;T^h.xiontopw4.,;Tratch^ thft.twn 4pta .tbfl,.oW. Wft-jmm:nWffa .-.yiWff" Hn|itBfflan,;flBd.befipe iW*WfltlM(jtMi»,cllaHowMdinB »8bm a..Mf. 0/ C. Howud -nipuei ' ' THE ] HTBB. '1B6II ONB-htTfri I rBou '0BSD <^r^«llf^oirmrdJJEmU]H3.raltt HowtIO TBABS'HBNCE. ■Bit, a. I.. Fox I OtinBlD« IdM 1 Nf'THESB'kNOWilOTBING DAYS 'TiS DAN: OAI/r WATKB BA«a8« : . - . ' THE WARM WEATHBR HAS ARRIVED, AND .■w pradiM u-imaaiMnih to Onrrf BbII Waur Bwlmatai - ^th^^t^ FbI|0b P«rt, Braokl/n ' -fir. Qnv Ib BBioitjwottB) deSlar ' '^ -^ ' Ida- Wot. _ rat both- BipobliB-. ai.ovas,-E|oaiB&v, AC. . J b. COTTRElil; 'HAS NOW KEep>VBD_HI§ ImpotlBilfilui of SabuDcT HobIctt, GIoto, LadlesVasd OaUt«a*a*vaa. ■aBTfog7a-yBlloa.ll.,'oppoaiia'n'Uiy,'Bcooklfn. " '9 j SB'WillO MACBIHBa. /SNiBtHQUqAlrti'DblXARS DAMAGES WERE. V/ cWaittt to %• -In Iba JVoIud Sulca CfiBalt CoBcl U Naw "Talk, UaT u, isw, •aalaacika.fxcclilar Bo«ii( ManMtw C«»< naar, far ufttBfinB inree of osr BBUUi-. All pamaa ara aaatlaii- Sdataiaat bBlinx or ulof anr of tke lafailor Sewing Ha^Boa ol dUur rtSBBftoCaijcBk aiMBat wbwk qamafvaa. anita flta oow eott* Seuad. aiNfiefiB SCWINO HACHIIIES, Btwan aoknowl' itWailti) Wi tka bMLh>t«'jBfl«acB*nBflrlapnTarao B>1b-r- T flbnit v*** ny* V"i 1**'* "'^ "iT j"'"" ''••'/ VACSBEB AED FOE^ABDEBB X\t AU,' ;;. DA1LY AND ; WEEKLY -PAPBRS, • ,W9N7Hi.7HA0BZiNBa,as.a«. . WaACTlS . OHNBRAIi AfiBNTC FOK -EVSniTHINS 'Aim XVBBT-' aaferio iba pab'fiVff o/''lSipaper^ I.- ' . ■ ••- BOBS. . . _ a : . ; -.1 I .... . .. ,^»o.^08Npa.a■aBaa^Naw.V««k.: No'BBBald.'isiunncttv , JONXS* TODSBr,. : ■ "'CHppe'r 'Jig«H«y,»- '- . -.' i' - -'CTTBSCRIPTION %\:S/i PER ANNDU. '^SPORTS.' O BBBl Hall, ABBS A TATBa, PrepWitMB, VltM Batkwea- ■ NewB Aaania, alu Parkm BBd FanrardoB for lb* Ooaa* - of lU ibo DaUy and- - • " - . ^.CbaBBl>BbUeBtiaa>,.bTi . ^ , eaUfoad»,aiininnalaand Malla. .To tbaaawboareln lb«lf)ld^,.. -it- man, M««i SxpiM COB| vboareln lb« ny.nadaor all Books and. CbBi aaUraBda,Bl^ . ■ad aranppUaa by olkar Hobmb, ud do not nbilTo tbdr paetiuaa ' - rffOlarlyBBd opnplata, and Uoaa In ditfan para of. tha tluaa: Oam Nav-Yoifc who oonlampble enabliiUiia af « eiaa, wo waeld iaviu ibair anantioD to ottr* crada lid. wbidi aBbnaea MittA aao IMaof Navuapen, MagBilna,. Ao, wbiah wawlU Mhaae.i itevafdtodaalenal IboisBrUeA haojof pnhlif ilnn, bbhI bi lha McBt WkalcMla piteoB. baobtainei Oar Ud can' ba obtainod 7a.rai, New* Agena, S> 1 : Convenieoee and PonctDslttr. vonal H«WB Agener. UAIUNCDEI ap pH ea t k»te)Aasa».; Now Tqik. . Abbs h> f Ataat Cbk PARTHENT.— We hare °ne w,|k.eiir eMdfBloMratloD.ln eonna^D wltboor wb«iaaia I^Ubllilii .... -PnUngl . (aavtkaJannatlB4kairBta>a«- It for all Ibo Aaarlsan aad FoidfB Nowf— , ModleabiL Btandaie! Btoka of aracy "•' OkBBaPablleaidoasor.aU.kisdatlB.faa. - ih^ed In thT Book, Migafftla, or *' Ihrwiid kr wall, poap. paid *- vdMBpoa cecsl^ ' UntloniM^ I TtHE- GREATEST 8POidl}l»"" Li votlAr. ' Alia, . IkO Plaid) Sabda- iRs^tCTasffifass*^ frtiOnlwa' hecame a.matehbetween i ;6ii' 'nat^¥v'.'ia ' ■chlit?,"«Ken'l igjiaaiuIiVinol^e&in iflii^inlkbW'lof' lendthl'byHmif t(.t^,u>u Wa?,-criiV.i«a''ttSac''^ .^:-i.-..J; t-tl 'j^aadii, ba|piMn>editonibi44» OalB,-Stas-t>M:ofi /X. I I. r--, ,'-Tif j ==g= ."■•^TOn » Bann»y eve, -• ^'^ -Tntih • fcperpng«r; • * ; Sp^ikiiis Snnuy ni^ht 1 . ■ — - — -- i.- .ii,- : ■■. .VaimmBrt^t»i • t ' ■ ■ . — :..<.Batmaieliitoie:tbaaqdta; ' ' OhI ibnaderl — ain't it pleiMai,' -' TBoV hul^'l, the dnwk la^faaUn-^. v ffiiiMi'itente" Aggngata ni»>s:^«li^.batvra(U«iadi a.idbUp :ii*^'»4:§l*<*:-v21, jU landSBvia sot downuii^&ehaA,!!jtkyir])Ia^li^aotikeiiF "TolA;'. iiiB)lc^:axeept'!av«]ig1it:cilt'!aiid''8«^ Linaimwufirf,- ijad' thelntMi ; cW««d-:^iD>vi« iaA Uili{X-^;^^j^i' 'BMi>{£BB»-lliaciaak,' b&( ]teaIiiiled,-«voidad i^ndJigT^g^^?^ gi^t ijn'ynjMlgliiiig. fv' Mtr.;.. . ;/' .yilT .t,< 'j;!:.:;;;.;- ' -. -TttS. . [lanDmyir ag>iB'.Iiiin«ne: o\tb4i^ and I^»&U,fa>iaVokL' • • ;■• ;;..■.>;;:■. „ i 14: Dk^aioiicaTnoie poppedm liiaUft on I^o'i kJJ^'^^^^'^Ti^^ "jipi^ ' ^lo Ued a^iondy.vdbaiia- want-to waAi^£K. Jjihtaaf dtimB 3 .--rBiittliinhing'.thatT'jdmbheT -f^^'jChSlSiS^deeyoatedk; ' r.:I)0n3t jra'iwlah isaeli daj 'i Only Sonday. pighttv ' 17': ^. SPQRHNQ.EVENTS OF THE PAST: '■. -[Ui^flEtiilahaalwe deaigD:pabUaUngBiieIiiIKirtiDg •ranta of Intetaat as tnnflplRd*]^Tloiia to' the oom- mehc&ta'wt of the OiJrFBB.] Th»;j^^s»: between , HatnnMi' !^v.'. jaia^-'iitti'.-iV'^.L:;. 1)OT'mirfliL'',iiM for £S a md<%'k^"toak place at Noman's^Hwtlit'.-'fiT^ ' " sod twentr-e^^t fi'bm Birmuighain. 1- Finr-m teii'^^fSailMtt Bad': rfegffii imori liiB;iiiimiy«ivi pIlnae^tIM^'own^^ of - ia Ecemuid victaaUjic in clmed' keeping the, IipuBe>s Uiis lionse wonld -not keep'liim.....naie'pTeMht matclV'' was booked' <.aa . a~ certainty by ' his orei-aangidne ft^ends, was ^■J^m^as ft^ntaiins '^tiyigiVo'- a-gaiiie^ and trne- ' ;,Tift npon'B8' 'ft«t -^Ffoirf J^UiiBlIy 2 to ,1, on. Lane andT*oeet«nifio 'fight wfit Bew*TSpWfc?*°-*°'' ..^ba noMbibered ij ibe Biomngliam ""^JfOj^MMl .trained.at Broomagroye;:in_W"oi.._^ .^sfiir^Jbu ".tiieaUiii(g^,be^:aaeompmied by ..SU9&>itVpedi^G[}tuiw.ib£li4'ceitaih]^ ' MHn-l-aiJrirtiB'i ?cH-'wiiiif tboiur 68f-'^ Tb6 iBiS£''wia-iia .(tfiiBi^fty igls^we^'-Maiikft^ted towef*-*^ Lae'4old licytli6- b^airer," 'maa «6 ini 1 \-' ^ * ^- . 1^ / I wita tilw ■uwbteet* dagpw t nyh, both: bainta^- weaving, bot'be-iagain -fell to aa I ;j2tli' giile^anb sjipeaied a litti4 dll tWiili'the'i DOU' Hainli^- weaving, Dot ne-iagam leu to aa h^meffi:'.-. • ■: -v. -. r-. --• ; ' . -•^16V'Pan»^Tu«tiMbea. Iiaii(i;-wlio Iiit';bim<'ediirtth MB^.te^ I*»irfa,ohe8tandAoiay_;ato:>inada bisngbt cnk,,^ for.aahort time on Mr; Ga lelt: ayabrow^nnguigi- 80iiui;;blood;VBaTO thai' iaif an honrprtaented : [C9ieen' for Lane,] , 'DaTis . ^aeemiBd rather ^angiy,- - he" foned''H]>a . and.'got jliane : on the: ' lopes.' jayis'eotto.the.gcennd.v ^ |l8. .J)avia jobbed 'Lane m ibe mdntb'twieia wiih- ^)n-:Eetiii^; Vni»^ienowned!'' appeared' to hare t the. gift of bia itarriflc' tight' band. ' In , _ to° th'd app]andiiig mnltitndW. 't"^*^^ litaidiig'tKetanihTOiiable state ■ I wvild 'Srt be- fewer thaw 2,01)0 ^ grotmd* '.4x1 03^r,tfa1icib.'; [changes, he Tinted Davia: bead, bnt the. eSboter br. HawsanaaTopv'Xia.vvOiu^ Trim invisible, i 'Dana tnrnad noiid ftom the bit-^^p the paaaage 'downUieiiiver I fel m.witha ting, which appeared to give new. life - to 'Lane*a|pi^sant|^.oui^yWanger, ud'' in' fire- nates-we fnenda. Aa he again-froed-his' man. Lane garelweie tbe'ba(t!6ienda':dii-the:>w»ld.''.] ' did iiot blm a bodierthatsoandM'alloTCrthering. IteTialpntand to qiiiteWextende&:a'Jtnowltt t of. mat-, propped Laoe.on^the eye, leogtbitdtig^A^ Z-.dtd mt knew 'Bamffla:ata(^to him li£^!l(^en>, and at'it'they|inu>Tarion»plBa8antgiBnieB]m iramitte^ ^nt; **hammer and .toogti,^!^ pavia fell from alnijenthy ceitanflaaUyilieaaedgeiitlen^ >o.°boatd^: :ht^ander : of : Lane'a ;''{Rift:;fcnbek-down fifr whohadi'tafcen'aTioleniiAiiiy'toJ me pon -fiiat anud.Todferoaa cheffliiig.9'- ■•■ ''■■ ■' |iught;:.'Ohen]ght"my->^Mna''AhhitfiB? id^I.ware , 18.fl«e{»iwg,andl>a'dxiwter8lewer; BothlaonTaning ewcte.tb oat;o£ diatance-ia the fiist attempt. ^Lane hitDavis I enjoy 'it Mobile, and in hia (Mfiaga8fii xertBiniy. bearify on the I . month and'- ii)liht.ayabtoW| catting |«f obtaining a foU iiyiphrof oyvtan si >d in the "■',e:latt«r, and.:feUto,cJo8e.!flie ronnd. ;:,';; . Ent rant -li-V'^-'r^-'' ^ ^ 20, Forty-^ye iiuntttet'.had Qiapaed. ■-:.Once more I - :»'X'=«att'eat in6ie''iyi>tiM.th|>th Tianda. bnt fonght millS)^ Ufce' -"-^^twaayiainmleB to one, the Tejenm akied.liu r aillllll lii^il i/iiTiiiil thier-^evnrSf hisl' A a.de8perate.attempt.| away at Davis with 'obbed with tfce'i B»abrtWg'»'waa' iideUy tier Sia r.'-ud s'flle 'DgbilMtviin yonngeFi ' "* r'wti*-. ^31. Lane aihjWtBdiliaifarfWto.iitaiBimenl'^ 'Li ^^'J^i^^^^'V.Ta^-'pOwsrfU^' i fifAtnf ^^--'^-1 W^-^^ P*»(«d-my,dotea,"'»»>fJ»r .Jf - Srpnld baveieatan ;th«m eT»rT,-cne. . ^uTOim . - ImathevrlM fn. ♦l,.'^-»i_ -.T—lT?. ^^£-ttin^7om.I)a.yiL K^or eomerai 'tha men aat down LaaeMtofrmair; htori t^uj^^'^'^"?^''" •» *«7.h« --. ^ „ . —down « 'dhia Back had 8tiffe»edfroiS~theMn&°^S^ Ota nmbraUa^eceaaary. to shield them. » epjed cheerftil and —- ' - - - - • proved a most A dozen or two of tediona Ifsiieiell. dev^bsantsiBce'^lo^g, loftgagOi' _ cottadenily, 'iiia, to our thin^g, Wsmad torlibld h«r- *5potmigMi^,;. nob. etoae «lVP9vay'llj^,T », «f„*J^*^^ rapid aiiff'iieavy; LaiefeUin the t ttlng. .- ]• ■'• •» - ■ "T^"™ ■"'''••■<"<>•' • ■'Was* came ttelohan'pagn*! 8^^W,,3f DavBfonflhr^i:hepoppedLsB6 'J'?"* P***^ eff^^aUCM allE^ r ipaatodly^and gotto tE^3^-.'^j^ ;*«l»»:6m^yetth«,^^ snf-'nimoying' afisir. a oozen or two of peteon* were proposed, and other. ari>itiatian objected to with as mnch qmbbUng -perfinAaty. aa . by ' apda. onetfacouueli OD an Irish State trial Two mortal hours WM* .thus eat. jo wastis ; tiat 'length,- ai£ve minntea 1o thrde, a gentleman 'who had previonaly ref^iae^, 4he. thankless office, Was pm^leJ.oirtoi ?^i^.Pi^„**'^^^'*?'* ,*^«.Wddle of theM ^^'£im.e camlnp ♦lirl»d: D^^i'obb*Jhirt^^ .f- -i^.uiu^ yei ui«,tnU partici ftphti wWA waldwtaed j^^^^^ friends!- « to:flataleft Lane he^pS awarTi " " ' " . lie cdon, bine bird'»e/elbpHaiun»ri and a white * >ed his best, tilj he faT v^Bw^SSs^S- Jl^'ifT^ ^ = - • ' " ^ »8- ■4g«i»i»«7ia.feited,bothW.Lan.', eye. in. Sm**^S!8'^?^Wa*^ < own- grinning at the?th " ^ ^ r^™^ .™*Aed with the ^a*- "Ihe.hgbt of btbr don &d^".Tl„. (DavB jobWhimi'on whiti'he filL- ^ i«I!,^°M*?»'^ I«'«;o'n<»' more shoWed:'at . tfie' fn'a will. . Davja.hit him heavily bn fA. throat, and he fell. On hein/ or ITiiltcd Suw; ntf qliuUdM tl tputiiidaraikitttcobraiiiiirboln dou V UoBi^'.ti ' ; ip :: Paimt j jwa uv JMi iia .lava Jbu Bem wmglttta. aaa. aaaen, 'AiUnif EbnS Hihhiaa ran wtihon atitoci kni with power tfwa my other, i * / ' ' , i i A fieu >^ ^fC^Uu-adnnl^gi; of Blafw'i 8awUi( SUeUli^ I« . . ^_,p*iifle^0aikafac«,' lTh»; i a»i i (iii L flM «' K»'»>iwaiiapwpi«toi»n*yw*v. M:n*|andi*hltoB- Uai>te«;BUibe'eDatd7%*u« ■iMrrnedTmTmu'ai^' oaa u «uolM m earo.bflueu, M^feclly abo al the Icon poofihlo atei'aialdliwIIMiMr^aeMMHiM'Konnak'^rtUU^ r.-;: gpjg iS^Biid ■..Ne^'firlu V : ' "' i;---'.«7 /'• ft'f "T'TT -T**"'*' amT MiMD«* wou.*nncii,v ^ chU(b>g neodla iad ihiead. ThoM M i rhinrt an llin- pie IB IWlr opontlonj •UODr,'9Brable,alid>o> table «> aat ouoC Onterr'-ABT-pefm or erdi^MT lnuJUa«iiO0,by follow LuuepttDU ed latfrneiAui^ ou) liiead Jr lam to'oiieiato iheu >uohliieg with iAncadiiFliea oTilho laian.launvealluUuo, wuh eU 'lUoie oooflele foz ue, ftom OttA to SISO. eeeofdlnc lo lizo. Jht Bvei' •■eemrprottrnin^tiaatTuh UaehlDs UlliOODa yor,' 'i (Or Thsre U BO inlrau: Of tnv ItgBl claim •telaar ooj.lla-, chtues; botall. olher nneblnea baffre Ui^ppbiie.inr^irae aeren^ laieMof wbieb^e weearBen^ua Wo Ittivia aaliai ead^f afUl tbp;pitHlpBl oata fo|-' idan BBd Safgaoo. — — . The oaiDie and fraplWiBaf tr«nnrf>,i'vai«MdrdIaaie lie 'lepaimulT a«4 oleaity^edblbMr lJUltf J/&llaeledet4aaN^'rMad' l)iaU-MhiMUt'':«U'Ml4;Mia TO- oipea fofprajiyiMitke nii)adl(i; tkalr i^h»:»aiji»uoB »od.».n-' fmb^'^t |i¥rd^ftnfflraiBld m aniTfTTT-f*"T tnax ihoir Awn.eaad;:^u,; pboiUT^ or.iiuiaBtaBoou qv^9b.ibc ~ Sew; Works hy, Cbarlea CanT^orBy^ rpHE UYSTEBIES OF.T£NUS.'<».: LESSQNS The ACvt^tarfcaofifSIilile*! SlodeBU.'".-.-.'.-..-.-.;;-.;:. «S The anoDi ef,lAd7 A&nuOiBTuiL.. .i>^[U-^,..J.ti» i:-' .- IM'P'«^?f».^i:-,-v-vtM:r-"-v-fv=;,v!vTr"S; S, Sua..;,..., [ni Hojuo. ,»(S-->- The Scent Atoofara of -Na'poleoA: noaPQdrcrLDBe«IOh.o^a The Bar. Utid of the Old Tae Idtriadeo'of Thiao DBya'!'. TbUooT *wll'«l)t.K.. i. ia> .- : The Child of Haiprd'Inipioved WCBanoo:..'. SB'-*< ' JallB,Or WbonlaUfaWoiwB tbatWesidBPi M : ". 'The-AdnBincBolaPieoeh Badaleid.. '.. K, '■ ' Btdihei Jas^w.'ot the L'b«nlgt,... 'iS' ' ABioais of SaDfkoU wd Jaatatu. .' 1 .> . . SS . " ' rT"^"tl'n -f Ptrenn v.'. fl5' etttKtte,oriheABOBKoraBAalna... V "' Tbe.-SoentHHbiiBortbe Fe^alo-fifx, '^Ja^ .ptatea^fiS - ' " flenu ; oelorad ptai ea.'. L.^.'.-..i..';.i.'......;.,'..l.'n" *'. TheMjraicriaiorWoBua 'PWn p:-: Addran, poal-pald, SSNRX B.O. BUrra A 00-. t7.- ^ • ■ BoxdllSPDaOadi.trtrw'rMk.' Dr.. diamung's : >, ^ nNRlVALLED . F£UALB REllEblES, . WARI ruud 10 oora m all ovoBot feniale WM^am, inftnlsrl* U««, obtitnoUou' Ao., or moneT refiudcd. Oflee; ntf7e8whUa ■ttMC. :Ho«nof eooiotntitra Crom 9 a. to 1ft Mii Imd f i«a i to 9 r* U% Hovdtn oxccpteil. UL*-* " price •! per pa^ufo lAg ooDocpUon, prioo mr— , wsore ncm prvlni 7 V Da, A. B. C] LTIUA THULB AND OOLDEN P^TODIC^ ' ' il«o hUInraUDiie B4B|c~ OMemt ' M InraUlbie tUDvedr lor pr •(e| will ba-Hiabb/ anil gobumUoB. Addnaa :HANNIN9, C8 WhlU aL, Maw York, ■The Indies* Silent WVm fnattf >oT la Um tliai nofftala flad. Than aooibe tha woea of lovely woman kind? i i ~ '.Pry'BpToaT tcafirToadiagfataimAlrof Bra, - ; y ,-lYDbDre.|%O*'0n«atFriaim''— DoUmgor need ToagrlCT*: /tt|t,UVEU«l£'S FRENCH QTERINC CaTUOE^ \l/KOON," uprDTed by tii«<*Ec9lo fioymJe nliMl ff «|eina; wllb a fmi dcMTiptloD of the eaBaea,iraiptoaa a~ ' mbat eartaln noda of cnrtf, of all the InAnnltie^ and oUetWa wallah thay are liable from the aecrak hablia of yontlu and exee aK of matorer agOi aa lavoluiary lou of Bunen and. Impoiaiu., , d inooecDt ornnfoneeo affaotiona. and tho«eTeralfijigm>m eoh' ti^ailoD, (Primary and Coutirational,) with namerooi oenifleaiea tham<«t uparvUaUed cnrea avor parfomed. Every peiaoa, tb' m mTTled'aBd alpgla, abduld raid thU work. Kxtncia from the Edlunlhl NoUce* of a namber of n«w«- papMi WooMoaKwiihihe otherpsoenla r»^tnwm»nAiwig Dr Larin'ont arid hU ^ru i Coarltr flea El&ii Unh. Genhui Die Re- f 'fdl.thankato tlw pabU?! whoae'appreelailim ha* ao Tar ad^oeed- U .bcfora ercrr other remedv. Th« mo«t Bionpt aradloaitir. yat lb tfild U may bo givan to laraote. It do ^ aaothtrj bat^ODlitog harmlaaaly^wlibl aa whole >rlthoni, any .bad •ymptom* It ia qtute original In'tbia ipeet. All other remedJra,'ezeepi rbla are Boowato be daDger< ' aobllmeift, whtch (a nereeTr Ln it* meat del- Bot no ooo «v«r tried thia great remedy, bni«x- '»H'>*odbla admiration of iia effacia— ^qaally pleiiiant oiaialary; irtost are Deiter the nbeeqnent day. ttany are onrvd by ooedooe. Ooo boule la anoQsh for aeTcral. Tl ou be laken wlthoDl dlabov- ' erybytba moat iniioiate aei)nBbtaDee,and byabjr peiHUi asd r a|ty circoautanceaexpotekornot. FerftetlymUdyaao energeUa 1^ cara wlibont the paileat rotriciing hia habib , or trembling ua- aalf to eadrt it in any way. Wholly vcgeUbla* ii b theonly rema- jA^ that coiee wlthoui iDtrodadng. polion wotia tliaa .the ^Iteaaa. Itiaaa plcannc aa manna to take, and we are acrpHaed thai people newapapejs sayr^rand I.learped OOP .'.nnoanal' .eiei1i"Whnight Mj^end (Canada shorev BeMog,the' loencea. it and it Offi Qtpnrthitioiini mafat. m paismir the r«aidefiS'i>f iiw^ '',YL^''^^*!^**^'Ato tha 1 a%. Jnto»ted.in:thi:iirefiaii ■ •'. t :l!.-.-.;.lir:,'({ asked::' i'lndniingpaUB, irfuDiiliesI saw t^i^: ' Natarj; ".'and.aeeinaa )o tha fiimS^,! rUahonaand: '-TTMiIoetwdid TonhJl»to*tt«* lisif^" ^.'%WiUdn?t<1iWv^- inai^««l to^e >withdDt>^radrta«ndr-ihia par' .tlaa4p«l«M'of «la(i(aa8j:iha,i^carV««al^af.'Whiah.a*<4B br 4heJ|1^ia. Bi)r.alo do Medic la^'fW a|gii^h^ the Kora^wtn, werkaf aodtbAthealillilavoiaahiuaeU' rroaiQta.lA If., asd from 6 to 9 P. M., x^^oBdaf ezeeptedo to the oare of ihoaa dlaeaaea, at hIaoSee. No.r4a Boaatoa auaot. ooar Wooater, .NavYoik. .eii-.TT-^s.-^ — ' xtivTrnailakpcltaet.la anid at'lZlJCIaMB BL|'l VatayalrcfV (SitorBoue)) lUad^tsaNutaBif'i ahl al the Anlhdi'a oUTce; crMULBB,p>o-ptldi'bj>'addrafa(iie'Box>8UPea'OflaK: .' '.>1S' Snikee'B Co^bntted -Chemioal Teast, ' BAKING -^ VOWDKRi '- TUB '.tillEAPEST, 'uofu^ , •aa,' ubaoBlaBl.' aitlel«ii*l|a» wbaa lla vtnnia bee«ae pi«pt7ly noWtf, n'oMuelMpet ihai'a»- dleaq^on^aad.wMkpv.'WlUwiulpelTVIqi^jil^tl^^ 'No«B«'liaad''beati4(e''ta-«'l.iap««ant anldle^ta' hoaaekeapcra,— lacpVbUoaB BanadT-aad , hjathviUa, W.hif > ^<^J^ ' " vva hna triad ildaattiel»BBd en:raaoBaiea)ltiAtk.jpatfea c —ifi d enr e.— IQaabee aaaette, J^ly, IfiSa r.'^ , [ . Barkee^ Bd|ilfi( Powdef we nave tried'ar oar' Maaeb'nl-'ei b<«an lBir.>< 'waa aaaoalibed at. ike ■«Balt_.[NciW:X'9^.I(aUr Tlmci, OoL 33, 18^ ^. . ' AllgobdhOBaawir^ keaariarlhcphaveaiaaBkiafiMlBg Powder a Wtfrial,— (New .VoikSan.SapL30,im3. . " " ' 77 Parkee'a Baklhg rowdar, inid6«bWill7 ike Mi- hnlate'Ter'tkiB ~"pnM that bu7eibeadlw7aied/-RIVATE! iliiplCAL ANb'80RGICXL(XPFlbe,' X^-'N.iaD'Wklualiee|ltl» tni>ttnct ab<>Ta'teVloT>a :8Uv»"aHirop« 1 dOm CO wMtkrcnalee are liable, and Mag "aid™ naproptw . chaapal, >rk»wbTJi,Mu> i>Teatcrol,asUlB wIM prare a valadb1b'ara«lill>«Ublprcnedv all'the*vVN:;l4w.ai'.<^ leSsrincaolona In tho'c'ardor LieaeorTbaa, commocly. « ■tTVUaa:"' ncaB:rillaeb<>al«aeraab«Ukaa'd oa* ao « Blacaniage, **"^^''r.;," viaaiabi^'. and Yre* from anythinn Injuiioas to nfe 01 heahk. mU'eiBlaaflinttraaaoeompaayeaeabok. ' oidlnT' - - - . — . — llnll^i BIcecler TBii4aueaf Theu Pilla are -pnl'iip in iqnare flit box* — wier* utia B>a'n« amaey eiiBbltthed,'by Tneloalog OaoJ a Ibtlar.iiiipatif,' Ui.Pa. p. L. CUBRaBMSN. Wo. IMTi— — — -^v •uetU'NewTork'Cliy.euhavtihtBiieai to their ieafaaii»ea«^ drawaatynt^mnaiU. ■ Bt&HEb' lN 1833, BY GEOBtOB- 1 D, in Orchard ureal, Ni do all I "aay I cas; I wlU atkt \ of •K'Mao whgivtlieJOiUai they.can.dobaiver.': - ' ■ • the antefo, bai uae Bcdleipca. lA' av«'lDcBMji auand health in thai one a^ifge"_nuHle in all ca.'ca, p. I iwi ffi*i«v noting that ia Injarlfaa to tj alnrriatnwi m'pejMi^ uid lea pok lbta dne: .aaAhlil one M*r*M, Mtirj. .YEflVTABIX'BTRENeTHENniG BlTTBBS iaAlj aijipeigt*ttaoteiite-for ali weekDoaof the vra^of.gca .tiBfl r^thaithnlble aSletioii,-No;eta|na1 flemlDal Eiautlu-^^^ WBOWtntieiDgle imtapefc fhlled to effect a radical meiftmmT laithnlble aSletioii,-No;eta|na1 flemtbal 1 n tl iMtaaefc fUled le effect a radica . It ftaa i6 ctfoMl m Aofbllo^ltig eompitlhiA : thtpepala; ! Mn^Coa^vanatBi Head^c. ^Miipf Appetfte, .Jaeadkei lottof Uia^Bart,aiid far ali dbeaiea incident lo Pamaler A^ilidrnfliiiea^uid attha tamof^If^ thiay'grve new dfeanit^ to the whole syatem, • , ., . : piBoe arranged .a6 that p«noniDcveV 'meet going Inoro ivopdvair ^ ^w-^-i- n-n- . ijeeiiuuv^ I'kavopdvete rooniaforcaek penon. 'nedSalBea. earelBllr 'i 'eaUreaito all parte of the UaUcd StairaL wPh advtcoand < mSSli^- ■■■■ «Bt>ReE R.-BONb, M ' • LL: i'';.;i;r.'''i' .:! ^.Sonand.SBccaiaorioOeoroT pfloeoorner of Orebaraaaa Oraiad atrMla, over lae ahue.i ' ' flRtfJai-Omiard' aireer. OBc* opea'i 1° or ua ■ Va< Y< rk ;. anil 1 perbonle. ' NawVork: ''livnlife«>] and ' drttalPf 'Friaplpnl . J>ep9t ; for, .iba - tale' « Btrenaihenloc'Bltieia, 77 Snnolk aireet, K^wV eipuBigB^kuiraUmeiihaBliheeliy. .Pilaetlp , 1 ' Ti^'raiil^/J'rcparstionsa.. TO-^THB iljEDiqAt'PROFBSaidN AND. '; 'PbEIIa'' Tha'attehtimior t^e Madieat Pfoiaipiea an^E l»lirVllbd»thorollowtaa'»r*p*ratloni ' = ' ' „■ __' prepared on a'n eaUrdlrncw 'brfnelple, from a lata aod tnimli ef'the eelemaiad beuizeb'SPrins, m oa totnareaaall ■■ 111 ,», Inable pTiyararto^ylgj iy,iiau4Ba.Brm anduy of ^kp_a^«! - (tqnl, rbeamallim, loaa of appeljltt, graVeLgetUii Unn*>'edilm-Baioa«»ud B«rvi_., diafrb'M.io.a^.'patioa.'^aleney.Jndiaeauon, anonera oto'idniMeabifa, AoV' a iha^auiMl ralianue can ba'ptt Mih aa io l\M InjuuBtnatnieaiid hifbly nraiive ! TARRANT'S iNDEllBbE IP^ >A aaaertor artlele, warranlcd by the prop* la' all who have icatarf to W taa'aala ?»w«dj. ■konlil paivfaaae the dangeroaaaaddiagoailDg potfon IpcoippaduoB with iij wlien, beiidaa it« agreeable nainre,li la many dmea more certain, uoan be proved by thoniando of ccmb (hat wonU never have beM^ea^e^ bM^r«x It. Prlee, ona dollar per bottle, with a bbok. >2fiaegraiia. CbnaaltatlOBa pilvaie. Depot,Dr. Waid'a RrlvaieVlu^BHry^Ctnai ftreet, one dooraaitof vroadway. I Doeior ward mak^ a medl«l eatei, and aia amaU.eiwnaa. and trnteby offen' 93,900, to any genlremaa; iftar a p(0par ifamoniira- liob, whA^oaa «on povaie di«eatca:wiih .neh aUform eelariiy, «ue)f*fe'y»andobeapnMubecaD. iDnamenUeeamprogrece iadoBanee orall that the t>cat dootoreappearabletd^do)' bnl bVkla ■.woDderf oiprcparadona and amidaonBpplfntloa'orthmOf'heel thtf nltevca or eararia one day. Tboae who find it dilEcnlt to believe' thAt dbcatieieaii bb eTtod Into uona Ume^sbonM calij'aod t.* wlii «ku«'tben\ withoat aeharge.' At laaat a third ol hia pai|eau axe p^maanfi'ntiy enrc^ in iwey^y-fdnr hoar«,and tha woret eaaav'tettr gb any' farther. 'fiemcmb«]t,yoiiwhohavobeaiUngerintv/eeka uidnootbiiwUle'ailihaxtlme the poiaon baa, been g^iiug Inio fpniitynan.' . He b| and aiwhya baa Wen, opposed to aatentatioBb-: ifsa. Ha merely adreniaea that |h« anfottonaie may be liiided to Wbexa they ean be oorad aciaoUfloally by a meibod which oubi to eapaiaede all othera, panicoJarly the barbatooa applbatfon'dfWB** ^J*<^MOA^^B^l^^u4etih'euieilmethemoat«^cedy ' The to\ are thb'dlft In which Dr. Ward may UoOq: wltad, and la which he naranteea a care after every other phyd- daa bai felled .* all ibe forme of Pccoodary Bymtomi aiiilacer- mla daeerlpdoB of Nervoiu Debtttty. - -ftttnia eDmmaulaailnir ikomadUtanea may beaertafaf of reeelrlng •adviea and mediaiae dalyby eapreaa. Letteiaaboold be|Mat-pud,aBdaontaln ive dol- lan^ la order to rcoeiva daecHealioii.' - Prompt advice, all thtir r»- rfolalia Bi*dIolaea.ae well aa^ oare gaarwUeed, to thoee tourmit ^i^thatamaant. Office. Canal atreeuoiie'ddtvcact'orB^oadway {llio.AiitQrIocuL's FMeodl-^olloway'B Fflls, nrO THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES : X, ;1 mffa^i^mhiy aad aiaeefelp thaak yoo for tha immenie n- fttraage which yoa have bcatowad apoa my Plllc I take thb op- ' ' Ih^thatmyaaacatoawaraaUAmerlaaneltlkaBa itn for all that euuLciaa America and the Amoi- dana, the moat livaty ayopathlea, ao rnnh' io ' thax l oriaiaallr 4*mpouided theaa Ftlla.espcemly toaaii^rooreiiaMtt«,-hablu,eD»- eikarioaabaan Aan«w w (avuiB. au< dBKngJrod^WUak I hkVk- Bow dona, of living, imendiiig to eatabllah mvaelf ^'»!j^ff tti«!n> fi^te 'theif rtaJKng placei m: T;^«Hrater, .'"Ji short time-*yi^*kM5« i^ d'nen'ihe^btiultf a miQ-pMi'd,'aev«it' wi;uiiA=.-u!-- ,,vT^ ''V«<'i>«J?»***f th-e.same, ^^^S^i'^l^ tA- » mn^'rlatger, iii &(^,taedkU'b«efl'Wng<^^ ^7«air,- for -^'latt I tliifi^^edten ' *--%eiiiWriii^I,]aiite!pIae^''iTbe*'tiii^ loway. so Maldm laa« New -^otfc ■Iiidii%]>Iae^ ' rteen '.rbofitt^a^roas.- '. '-'tr'b^n inadait(> dtptoNi this patariirch *4^''WW^'4ithontsnoae^-- ' He _i^,j v^-^-jkjj^ii^^^ )| jtlw i^lpgale, ;,jtfi;duUeea;arid. . I ^pntfii^.'diit iti ij^^'af^sad fly^f!(if|deaof;ita: -vne 'iMroirisni ia,pT*?tbed' «mjng.-.binir,,Vf ^ melodioiis, th'oi^|h ileathin^t : >l»!p*|hrtift»9W-' PTIBIglCATl W .OP 'TBB BLOOD, AND UVER AND ' -0(1101)8 COMPLAINTS. .T|)e.eiijs«tia4r'i>^.l(Ul°a aaCer moeh fcon dlsordenef the Jyar ited Btomaeh, aeareely'altyara ITee'fitim the'laSnenesof bJw:da.i>aeciVeSUBaSa;;aArbenea Ufewcara fait "IWUr an, pwhapauthe naat : h ai y lt r g ii a In fha.w<>t'''« ■» '<> a ecnaio po- ind, wlid^iUBrMli^-tb^i^Sii^ teeth and ' ncd dnks whUeiyer U Iha aeydar of .Ufa. . .Saah' aad enla star bo ef- 'aataaltr leiaadled by.eo^tinaallj'keepuw the blood pare, aad the JVei'dnaBbiBkleh InalealthraeUtiawEinlirewillflawmaDlk' jaadMe«bia: plula la'a aobgeaial eUrte, Where ait eternal vriBBLeppea^torelitn.' Aaareaaridalhe preeervatlonofthehar BaBflaaiSi'andlhVdniMlonor UTa.'idnhh nay be effedtad, «nd I BiftarlaiilVvlksi-'keslih tad 'lire can. |io fotmnTbi mMar. yeara bey on d n j i r 'or«iiarT,l£B]lB,irBolloia«yHTil& «re taken to aiirWp'iha'Udoda-tkimllrigla ua ralaa laU down for kaaU. anD. liiaaalnthsllieetlonswhioliteoDapanyeaahbcB. -r . - ' ' A CASS DP -WBagWriB AND OEDILITY OP 'U YKARS* sTANDiNO. oimiuxECr aoLU>WA'r>8 nujs. ' GopT.Df B'tiener rnm Oapiala John Jobnaon. Aftor Uoaae. New ' ■ Cork, dated Ja,nejer.apeatliigtogpto aea uvauKialhad ,Dria4 eveiv leadythatwarnemiBended loma, bateuSraopai^ poaat aadkadvtnBBinalf ^pp- to' d«ipatr,.whcn I 'waaot huTro- ODWmwmfdto lake yapr PUla. -Afterunilhemfaiihreej the laaalt la that' 1 aa inw In better b<fi ' UanT laard' Olid, Indeed ha well aa everl ItfmrAe' |hla .kntmn- for.lha'-bencBI'or. Yar.are^le'at' — • -' I reaalntdr, yoaiaMpdatfUiy^-.M i-i': . Jl4l!^ 8^1^' Bmt and «,aveli n i B a l i l y gy ta j igL-^ etail|&S!to,'^«ato<«'froii,wkiiai J)rVPeixT*d 6Id EfrUbBahed Uedloal Offl£^ QT ' l1lAl«LIN -STREErr.' i NEW: iVORK;^ y '^..DBl'T^ N; UBRV.'a- lBpnve4:ul pnpe of oa'e ahiiUrg,- to pav exDeo»' or P<>«5«> Ovar (HOOO eopWbdve bteh I^Vwuitd 1? ih. iS^ orpoatago. Overs:. . ....^c ofladlvlilaablnihaeonniiv, Tkaaffloanof valuable laAnuiihn conulned in thia .ueatuo fa IncredlblCj^d. all whO' are ahoDI lo mmy, male or r«niale,ahoald obtain it aronce.'' : IC^ Tofemala who are bboring ander obairagtlDnr.'Or'liTnn. larmeai by oblahilng >he cdebraicd Mediealcd iosnunenl, THB MOXAl prepared by Itavai ft Co, PaTlt,'rar •Mcfi>I 'aai 'the o'nlv Agmt, roitmjdcd^to.aoy addreaa. on rcc4lpaor.S2. . ' : ', CaVTioa^.8onie noprlnoTpledand 'afada'cloBa oaacka have been pplalag apontha pablle, madlal'oompoanda,' pSrpbitbig lo have nn a naifd tnnx ihta eambllahmenVand laalardeaamberof With aacCeaa:' I haraby'give notice lhacr have no Agento or Am- aba, and thoae at a diatanee can only ohiain a nnalv or mv M^L elnai by ramiiilng M, and addtfiij ' ' "'•^ •r N rKRRy7».-n.;ef^p„,0jl„,t_„ y aeaoanaeloBe. ■ ' 'An AddresT'ta tfew 'Prtendlt'ss. ' eAVBTOU^bOMTftACTED THAT TERSJBLE ^, db«aw,Whloh,.when'aoBled ,in the eya^m, -wiU anrely go dtFWn rnnt one genaranon to another, andeimining the'eeoatitatlon .ad4a^i°(ibkVecyviBl«aljkhraoBi.laeoi No, 3 01vb(pn itraau and ran aamrad that ya'n WlU receive the Btmoet-carv-and'altailioB aniil'a perftot; aaBild,aiid 'ibcroBgh 0Br«b.'cCa^ied^^)iiah'jao9apiea,^vlnn caaa,firDn» three to.etghl dayaonly, Thb great remedy bone dollar a Vial, -arlth a taedleat bdok, faU of 'WBtha^^^iol McJ Can* WilbbBiiealitetidica^lUeliBg.: ,. . . -, ,"j'.,,rjU|a| , 'H'iipt I .oaalaa Prepa»t)OB.- ' . , ... aaceeacoe tnr jam^a Taruu-nre Om atreei, New fork ; and MUbv £.571 B. O; r: B. uAlraW, NaidbciiHoora'ft BeitbileiT Bavl aafa^f d lKaiei. *WI»«-.lli_ ■ ■ capaoialti^wbolly u ^.isjts^isfi'rr'N".-^cfrS57is?ssii, Idn,' D. avic Dyott k tcmf nilideVbla i WaiHi BouoB i Xoabpatjlai^nat Andenon, Oooi^wti,- dTc, -' TabftN* GoiieouND: cxfiAcr op copdU aAH aarretr-ddvantegMnoreiHayad branyhthiri — of •eual.dmiiun ; aad nMill mnii: wlihxn ,1,4 reader it--amBradly hlgl^y popnlirwiih a c J .,'aoi%tacrc«'iB tbe medical' arorld.' Iiiiridd no cooSdejHv ?*■;••'•.' "I'll-j iBltajapprorad (erm, l^toT apkalcatb anH iMl4^eaa,,anda(D»anooBplea»anlSui«uonioiKpaiieiru JlKhaa aaqalrad tbe aimoet raae/lnainuat every pSrt'ifBal V J!itf3'*"9*^^ WV'fl »"a LiniDcnt.n hla.ln Vb>M^ •B * care ror all (pralna,^u, braiaeA' and weaknfiaa SStl S*-'^''*' i»n>itoial&o .iudSf the patient WbMrS e|ty>eara. Iteerea honeaof aUab»iM Whlliv " d.M,. I>oo1orKalliagc»ial»ooradwith.r«ftr2stil- Blnmger.aonnlvar^-' "■ . "'i"'iS" the Caii.,*, '-' gopa Iron' _„ aarid bi> head «"^4,,ay.'Chf;er.irioii;il,%V't'ii,''y''a"laiL ii. f?5i ^J?*?' V* ^J". a^deep aaatad told 'w^ih^ , to anlvawij.knpini. Jhroaghont iba Uoilad Stale V»""a.'"p5''"« h6h»;ja Oreenwii™^" tbosli (be jong^ In ih*aTi^~ dayATCaiT^i ace ihaml,. Id noi milkapd-water :evUenae. Bpldby T. H. WaQST^P^ «rwnwieka.,C«, ijeW Yoil^»y^h"Trld"gS^ - rfho. IIttiTtea', Woman's. Boot PrieniS TAR.' EDGENE iJliPORTE'S CONraNTRAT AU Uo madlBM >elico)a;ia;BBnip^ end pieawiho^SJat Lrana,! from avee^K (dand anuug the papem of nneialnent phv Lvau,r»am;e,aiiTanienl,aaie,aa4 aimple pncanu offerom* tkd'r«n.l<, ^.paUiiUi; aid It^b jEiUcSi taaranuad.thain mr be.a«7bT the-m^aTdeiiu wlih the Bi^MtTfatlSmca^^ li iSS»nS fCBlih or piodacsthe nun mOlag niSSnelwI^n St!fl!3!i'!^'- I Ihr nsecd, tinder lla arcaent qealgtiatipn, .yet, ndberlmlnajlnir-bablio »av»lUoilrai b' ic-wa -old 'Btedid-.and' highly appraVaa .'pFiaA -namaeac propaluon^ MCTaBH CH'ABr.pji B-jfinarB on. 4 iCQT ., wi lt aahtadrabM ''-.' '' aaaxincAVA - ■ ~ni«b'^ eertuy ikat Fhave aii^ixd the tfo pamhaaed-'priallageaer anotlier biniar liaiil Biiiiaaiifllllj 'imi ' tp.eBiahjlth^ror it. a .ijaaiiion In^ Iha . name of .the icajor C|nplcaHaId«ieak,' >mlar Which biBBd it will oontliea ta — *''! fi.'jji n'L' ■ ^' ;..'■.-:'.* J. f''i. '• '. ,'; :_V^a.woa]d.aeia alale, that the oompaiMive oooanmpiloa of-llib iWink^dbS'iia iiiradMo^^ hda«iheaded Ulktir'aBy etkar'tiaitf nowliB y u w i i n, jvitn Afa ^'^nf y. 1 .. I '— g '™?***'^ .-'* ' -.l ""B^^MPOBTAR r .Cri p 'no lBeBra Jr.ehanpatne'WhiaBrl^' VBod&diliaa the gaiinlBil-ialBairra^Srr-"— ' -'^ P^wdeia.MdrialJ.'i^e'rMlS iho^l^tduntaiab^ — .v^ — I. pji.^+fpliorlho paip^ iheyar'ae 'Mndt ior IhL , IcMjtbe B^heallhy aBI1ed'< - fKmdaxai, lew,' Ihouk v'c — aeaoapllah.' itia, I t^Soatil^iBdSiwt^i!^^ ISJKSiagbSf.'^'^'r^r?^^ °Mua^^ralnra of m^ fiUVIueclidnaand one pdel layeariUdieA^n -direcllb]^ a Nav.yefk Ra BtRN^^feiffAt.B P»H vaictkrt- 1 . '''I&>^MilMm^ AASm^Wskal and Soaduii 3 «jaja Pm ia l i j irtgoBga th^.ovedbd^eni,. and.'« .to her aCAr^lipwanbat'raeaBa pnjylded a Credits Scanned from the microfilm collection of Q. David Bowers Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley Post-processing completed as part of Project Arclight ( http://projectarclight.org }. a Digging into Data project sponsored by SSHRC and IMLS Coordination help from the Media History Digital Library ( http: / /mediahistoryprojectorg }